Andrew William Lydick


Family Links

1. Elenora O. "Ella" Houston

2. Sarah Frances "Sallie" Ammerman

Andrew William Lydick 3 4 5

  • Born: 11 Jun 1836, , Fayette, KY 5 6
  • Marriage (1): Elenora O. "Ella" Houston on 31 Jan 1859 in , Scott, Kentucky, USA 1
  • Marriage (2): Sarah Frances "Sallie" Ammerman on 9 Dec 1869 in Cynthiana, Harrison, KY 2
  • Died: 1 Sep 1918, Cynthiana, Harrison, KY at age 82 5 6
  • Buried: 3 Sep 1918, Cynthiana: Battle Grove Cemetery, Harrison, KY 5 6

   FamilySearch ID: MY37-C18.

  Noted events in his life were:

1. Occupation: livestock auctioneer on 29 Apr 1868 in Cynthiana, Harrison, KY. News-Democrat: Stock Sales at Cynthiana. - A. W. Lydick, auctioneer, reports to us the following sales at ynthiana yesterday: 4 yearling steers at $36.30; 6 calves $20.70; horses dull; no mules offered.

2. Census in 1880 in Cynthiana, Harrison, KY. 7 The 1880 census recorded living on Oddville Pike: Andrew W. Lydic, keeps livery stable, 33, with wife Sallie, 40; daughter Meddie, 19; son Clifton, telegraph operator, 17; daughter Annie, 15; son william, 9; and daughter Lizzie, 7. Everyone and their parents were born in Kentucky.

3. Obituary: The Cynthiana Democrat on 5 Sep 1918 in Cynthiana, Harrison, KY. 6 DIED.
Andrew W. Lydick died at the home of his son-in-law, H. P. VanDeren, on North Church street, Sept. 1, about two o'clock in the afternoon. Mr. Lydick had been in declining health due to the infirmities of age for about two years, and during the past year was seldom able to leave the house.
He was a man of wonderful energy, and only the weakness of age could keep him from his accustomed haunts and an active interest in life.
He was born in Fayette county, Ky., on June 11, 1836, a son of Jacob and Mary Lydick. In 1869 he was married in this county to Miss Sarah F. Ammerman, who died on Sept. 18, 1917, not quite a year ago.
The surviving children are Mrs. Lena L. Ammerman, of Chicago; Mrs. Meddie Cook, of Bardstown, Ky.; Clifton S. Lydick, of Stroud, Okla.; W. A. Lydick and Mrs. H. P. VanDeren, of Cynthiana. Mrs. Laura Funk, of Georgetown, Ky., is a surviving sister.
Mr. Lydick had been a resident of Cynthiana for fifty years, one of the most widely known and successful auctioneers in Central Kentucky. His business gave him a wide acquaintance, and everywhere he was recognized as an upright, energetic man, genial and kindly, with a ready flow of wit that made him a favorite.
He united with the Christian church in 1845, and for many years was an officer in the church. He was a constant attendant at religious services and so long as his strength held out seldom failed to be found in his accustomed place. His interest in current affairs of life was keen.
In politics he was a Democrat of the old school, a staunch advocate of the principles in which he believed and a contender for purity in politics as well as in business and all the other avenues of life.
The death of this excellent citizen, kind and indulgent husband and father, christian gentleman, will be learned with regret by friends wherever he was known, and for many a year pleasant memories. of "Andy" Lydick will linger with those who knew him best.
The funeral was held at Mr. VanDeren's residence Tuesday afternoon at three o'clock, with services by his pastor, Rev. Jos. D. Armistead. The burial was in Battle Grove cemetery.
The pall bearers were Robt. Ammerman, Merritt Ammerman, Neal Ammerman, J. J. Curle, Louis Conrad, Will Smith.
Mr. Lydick's grandson, Clifton Ammerman, died in Chicago Wednesday morning of last week, as told in this paper, and the funeral was held at Mr. VanDeren's residence on Friday morning.

Andrew married Elenora O. "Ella" Houston on 31 Jan 1859 in , Scott, Kentucky, USA.1 (Elenora O. "Ella" Houston was born in Oct 1837 in , Fayette, KY,8 died on 20 Apr 1868 in Cynthiana, Harrison, KY 8 and was buried in Loradale, Fayette, KY, United States 8.)

Andrew next married Sarah Frances "Sallie" Ammerman on 9 Dec 1869 in Cynthiana, Harrison, KY.2 (Sarah Frances "Sallie" Ammerman was born on 2 Aug 1840 in , Harrison, KY,2 died on 18 Sep 1917 in Cynthiana, Harrison, KY 2 and was buried in Cynthiana: Battle Grove Cemetery, Harrison, KY 2.)


1, Kentucky, County Marriages, 1797-1954, - A. W. Lydick m 31 Jan 1859 Ella Housten in Scott Co. KY.

2 Find A Grave,

3 McAdams, Mrs. Harry Kennett: compiler and publisher. Sections of Beecher Genealogy compiled with aid of direct descendent Dr. A.C. Beecher in Philadelphia, Kentucky Pioneer and Court Records: Abstracts of Early Wills, Deeds and Marriages from Court Houses and records of Old Bibles, Churches, Grave Yards, and Cemeteries. Copied by American War Mothers. (Keystone Printery, Lexington, KY. 1929.), Page 247.

4 "The Log Cabin (Cynthiana, KY)," 5 Apr 1935, page 6. Obituary of Meddie Lydick Cook.

5 Find A Grave,

6 "The Cynthiana Democrat (Cynthiana, KY)," 5 Sep 1918, page 4. Obituary of Andrew Lydick.

7 1880 United States Census,

8 Find A Grave,

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