Bessie A. Jones
(1890-1924) |
Bessie A. Jones 3 4
Another name for Bessie was Bessie A. Jones.1 FamilySearch ID: LVQP-Y55. Noted events in her life were: 1. Newspaper: Indianapolis News: CONNERSVILLE -- Suite for $10,000 damages has been filed against the Light, Heat and Power Company by the widow of Estel Beher, a lineman who received a fatal shock last July, when he tried to trim and electric lamp., 29 Sep 1914, Indianapolis, Marion, IN. 7 2. Residence: on 18 Feb 1917 in Kokomo, Howard, IN. 3. Residence: 426 N. Armstrong St., Kokomo, IN on 5 Jun 1917 in Kokomo, Howard, IN. 8 4. Newspaper: The Call-Leader: Superior Court: Bessie Cochran vs. Fred D. Cochran, divorce; answer to defendant filed; cause submitted to court; evidence heard in part; continued for further evidence., 17 Nov 1919, Elwood, Madison, IN. 2 5. Newspaper: The Call-Leader: Superior Court: Bessie Cochran vs. Fred D. Cochran, divorce; Cause stricken from docket; costs vs. Defendant., 14 Apr 1920, Elwood, Madison, IN. 9 6. Obituary: Call-Leader: obituary of Mrs. Bessie Manford on 8 Aug 1924 in Elwood, Madison, IN. 5 10 --- 7. Obituary: Alexandria Times-Tribune: funeral of Mrs. Manford on 11 Aug 1924 in Alexandria, Alexandria, VA. 6 FUNERAL OF LATE MRS. MANFORD HELD SATURDAY Bessie married Marcus Estel Beher, son of Marcus Warren Beher and Myrtle M. Hannah, on 31 Dec 1911 in Kokomo, Howard, IN.1 (Marcus Estel Beher was born on 14 Dec 1889 in , Grant, IN,11 died on 27 Jul 1914 in Connersville, Fayette, IN 11 12 and was buried on 30 Jul 1914 in Alexandria: Park View Cemetery, Madison, IN 12.) Bessie next married Fred D. Cochran on 18 Feb 1917 in Kokomo, Howard, IN.1 2 The marriage ended in divorce in Apr 1920. (Fred D. Cochran was born on 1 Jan 1893 in Bowling Green, Warren, KY 8.) Bessie next married Oliver Rudolph Manford on 17 Mar 1921 in Indianapolis, Marion, IN.1 (Oliver Rudolph Manford was born on 8 Apr 1891 in Manville, Jefferson, IN,13 died on 1 Oct 1963 in Indianapolis, Marion, IN 13 and was buried in Indianapolis, Marion, IN 13.) |
1 Find A Grave, https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/130088084.
2 The Call-Leader (Elwood, IN), 17 Nov 1919, divorce of Fred Cochran and Bessie Cochran.
3 FamilySearch.org, Indiana Marriages, 1780-1992, https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:QVM1-JZB2 Marcus Keith Beher and Lucille Arnette, 21 Dec 1940; citing Wabash, Indiana.
4 Springfield News-Sun, Springfield, Clark County, Ohio, 11 Jun 2001, page 16. Obituary of Marcus Keith Beher.
5 The Call-Leader (Elwood, IN), 8 Aug 1924, page 1. Obituary of Mrs. O. R. Manford.
6 The Alexandria Times-Tribune (Alexandria, IN), 11 Aug 1924, page 1. Funeral of Mrs. Manford.
7 "Indianapolis News (Indianapolis, IN)," 29 Sep 1914, page 3.
8 United States World War I Draft Registration Cards, 1917-1918, https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:KZKY-473 Fred D Cochran.
9 The Call-Leader (Elwood, IN), 14 Apr 1920, divorce of Fred Cochran and Bessie Cochran.
10 The Call-Leader (Elwood, IN), 8 Aug 1924, page 1. Obituary of Mrs. Bessie Manford.
11 Find A Grave, https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/130087588.
12 Ancestry.com, "Indiana, U.S., Death Certificates, 1899-2017," Marcus Estel Beher, father Marcus W. Beher, mother Myrtle Hannah, spouse Bessie.
13 Find A Grave, https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/67409084.
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