Leroy Adam Gerberich
Annabel Mary Snyder
James Andrew Beicher
Mabel A. Deck
John Adam Gerberich Sr.
Sarah Ann Beicher
Linda S. Gerberich


Family Links

1. John J. Basel Jr.

Linda S. Gerberich 2

  • Born: 22 May 1953, Lebanon, Lebanon, PA 3
  • Marriage (1): John J. Basel Jr. on 10 Oct 1975 in Lebanon, Lebanon, PA 1

  Noted events in her life were:

1. Newspaper: Lebanon Daily News: Gerberich - Basel Wedding, 11 Oct 1975, Lebanon, Lebanon, PA. 1 Church Of God Wedding Scene
The Church of God was the setting yesterday at 7 p.m. for the double ring candlelight ceremony that united in marriage Linda Sue Gerberich and John Basel.
Their parents are Mr. and Mrs. John A. Gerberich, Lebanon RD 2, and Mrs. Pearl Bruno, 125 N. Center St., Cleona, and the late John Basel.
The Rev. Marion H. Starr officiated. Marlene Kleinfelter was the organist and Debra Weiss the soloist.
A reception was held at the home of the bride's grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Gerberich, Lebanon RD 2, for the immediate family.
The couple is residing at 351 N. Eighth St. A graduate of Lebanon Catholic High School, the bride is employed by Schwalm's Restaurant in Annville. The groom, who attended Lebanon High School, served two years in the U.S. Navy. He is an employee of the Bethlehem Steel Corp.
Given in marriage by her father, the bride wore a blue and white gown with small floral print. A shoulder length veil of double illusion was trimmed with white flowers and beads. She carried a bouquet of white carnations, blue star flowers and ferns.
Mrs. Linda Carano, matron of honor, wore a floor length gown of mint green polyester and light green picture hat. Her bouquet was of green tinted carnations and green star flowers. Sharon Brightbill, bridesmaid, had a similar gown and bouquet in blue. Kathy Chobanoff, flower girl, wore a mint green gown and had a cluster of green tinted carnations in her hair. Her basket contained green tinted carnations and star flowers.
The following brothers of the bride were the groom's attendants: Richard Gerberich, best man; John Jr., usher; and William, ring bearer.

2. Residence: on 21 Jan 2008 in Lebanon, Lebanon, PA. 2

Linda married John J. Basel Jr. on 10 Oct 1975 in Lebanon, Lebanon, PA.1 (John J. Basel Jr. was born on 23 May 1952 in , , Pennylvania, USA 4.)


1 Lebanon Daily News (Lebanon, PA), 11 Oct 1975, page 15. Gerberich - Basel Wedding.

2 Lebanon Daily News (Lebanon, PA), 22 Jan 2008, obituary of John A. Gerberich.

3 FamilySearch.org, United States, Public Records, 1970-2009, https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:KRHF-X4V Linda S. Basel, Lebanon, Pennsylvania.

4 FamilySearch.org, United States, Public Records, 1970-2009, https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:KRHF-X4B John Basel, Lebanon, Pennsylvania.

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