Silas Haynes
Margaret Rose
James M. Haynes
(1846-Bef 1910)
Ailsa Josephine McGhee
James Owen Haynes


Family Links

1. Leona Ellen Foster

James Owen Haynes 1 2

  • Born: 16 Oct 1874, , Tippecanoe, IN 1
  • Marriage (1): Leona Ellen Foster in 1890 in , Tippecanoe, IN
  • Died: 16 Jan 1906, Waitsburg, Walla Walla, WA at age 31 1 2 3
  • Buried: Waitsburg, Walla Walla, WA 1

   FamilySearch ID: K8V9-47M.

  Noted events in his life were:

1. Residence: on 27 Apr 1903 in Hood River, Hood River, Oregon, USA. 2

2. Arrival: 1905, in Waitsburg, Walla Walla, WA. 2

3. Obituary: The Evening Statesman: Agent Haynes Takes Own Life on 16 Jan 1906 in Walla Walla, Walla Walla, WA. 2 From The Evening Statesman, Walla Walla, Washington, 16 Jan 1906, Page 1
Waitsburg Man Shoots Himself in the Head.
Despondency Brought About by Financial Troubles Said to Be Cause for the Deed.
Special to The Evening Statesman:
WAITSBURG, Jan. 16.\emdash In a fit of despondency, brought about through his inability to meet certain obligations that were falling due and great grief over the loss of his baby several months ago, J. O. Haynes, agent of the Oregon Railroad & Navigation company at this place, committed suicide this afternoon at 1 o'clock by shooting himself in the head. He died a few minutes after firing the fatal shot.
Just before 1 o'clock Haynes walked out of his office in the depot and went into the tool house near by. In a moment Mrs. Haynes, who was in their rooms at the depot, was startled by a pistol shot in the tool house. She hastened to the place and was horrified to find her husband lying on the floor with the blood oozing out a wound in the right temple. Clutched in his right hand was a 30-caliber revolver. She called for assistance and several persons who were at the depot answered her call. They picked up the unconscious man and carried him into the depot, where he expired immediately after.
The act of self-destruction was a great shock to the people of Waitsburg, as the deceased was well thought of and highly respected.
Financial Troubles.
From close friends of Haynes it is learned that the agent had become involved in financial straights and recently had been compelled to borrow considerable money. Being unable to make promised payments had caused Haynes considerable concern during the past few months. In addition to this there had been a great amount of illness in his family. Mrs. Haynes was under the care of a physician for several months, and recently their little child, after a lingering illness, died. Since that time Haynes had been a changed man.
He leaves a wife and two children. He had been agent at Waitsburg for about a year, coming here from Hood River. He was a member of the Knights of Pythias, Ancient Order of Workmen and the Degree of Honor.
Well Liked by Company.
In speaking of the death of Mr. Haynes, General Agent Burns said this afternoon that the deceased had been in the employ of the O. R. & N. for several years, having been agent at Fairfield and Hood River. He was a splendid railroad man and had filled his positions of trust with strict fidelity. It is said that his accounts as agent at Waitsburg were all correct and the company officials looked upon him as one of its most trusted employes. His brother, C. S. Haynes, is ticket clerk in the local office of the O. R. & N.

4. Obituary: Statesman Journal: Suicide of J. O. Haynes on 18 Jan 1906 in Salem, Marion, OR. 3 SHERWOOD MAN SUICIDES.
SHERWOOD, Or., Jan. 17. -- A telegram from Waitsburg, Wash., yesterday afternoon to Mrs. Haynes, a boarding house keeper here, brought the startling intelligence that her son, J. O. Haynes, station agent and telegraph operator for the O. R. & N. for the past two years at that station, had committed suicide by shooting himself. No cause is known here by his relatives for the desperate act.
Haynes was married and leaves a wife and two small children, three brothers, two sisters and a widowed mother. He was well known here, having learned telegraphy in the railroad office, under the supervision of the local agent, prior to his leaving home.

5. Obituary: The Spokesman-Review: Suicide of J. O. Haynes on 26 Jan 1906 in Spokane, Spokane, WA. 4 WAITSBURG, Wash., Jan. 22 -- Will Dickson, late agent for the O. R. & N. at North Powder, Ore., has been appointed to the place made vacant by the suicide of J. O. Haynes on Thursday of last week. Additional particulars regarding the cause of young Haynes' rash act reveals the fact that he was short in his accounts with the Pacific Express company to the amount of $200. The auditor came to check him up on that day, and when the balance was struck showing $200 due the company, before unlocking the safe Haynes said: "I am all in, I have used the money and I can not replace it." Before the astonished official had time to recover from the shock and surprise occasioned by the confession, the agent had slipped out, and the next instant a shot rang out from the adjoining building where his lifeless body was found with a bullet through his temple. It is difficult for his friends to account for the shortage notwithstanding his misfortunes in having sickness, for he came to Waitsburg but lIttle more than a year ago having $800 cash of his own to start on.
WAITSBURG, Wash., Jan. 23.-- W. J. Haynes of Big Timber, Mont., a brother of the late J. O. Haynes, came up from Walla Walla today. He had been to see the Haynes boys, who are both in the Walla Walla hospital with typhoid fever.

James married Leona Ellen Foster, daughter of Thomas Bower Foster and Mary Ellen Beeker, in 1890 in , Tippecanoe, IN. (Leona Ellen Foster was born on 3 Jan 1876 in Fredonia, Wilson, KS,5 died on 25 Oct 1943 in Coquille, Coos, Oregon, USA 5 6 and was buried on 30 Oct 1943 in Coquille, Coos, Oregon, USA 5 6.)


1 Find A Grave,

2 "The Evening Statesman (Walla Walla, WA)," 16 Jan 1906, page 1. Agent Haynes Takes His Own Life.

3 "Statesman Journal (Salem, Oregon)," 18 Jan 1906, page 1. James Owen Haynes Suicide.

4 The Spokesman-Review (Spokane, Washington) (Spokane, Spokane, Washington.), 26 Jan 1906, page 5, Suicide of J. O. Haynes.

5 Find A Grave,

6 "The World (Coos Bay, OR)," 28 Oct 1943, page 3. Obituary of Mrs. Leona Ellen Foley.

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