Casper Bucher 3 4 5 6
- Born: 28 Sep 1733, Neunkirch, Schaffhausen, , CHE 6 7 8
- Marriage (1): Catherine Wannemacher on 14 Oct 1760 in Upper Hanover Twp.: New Goshenhoppen Reformed Church, Montgomery, PA 1 2 3
- Died: 11 Jun 1799, Lower Paxton Twp., Dauphin, PA at age 65 7 8
- Buried: Linglestown.: Wenrich Church Cemetery, Dauphin, PA 7
Other names for Casper were Caspar Bucher 1 2 7 9 10 and Johan Caspar Bucher.
FamilySearch ID: MZQN-9XP.
General Notes:
Researchers take note: While many noted professional genealogists include this Casper Bucher as a son of Johan Dietrich (Dieter) Bucher, none has presented firm evidence to our satisfaction. Others assume this Casper is the one who immigrated in 1750 on the St. Andrew. If so, then his 1733 birth date which is known from his tombstone eliminates him as a son of Dieter who immigrated in 1732 on the Dragon. Further research is needed to determine Casper's true relationship to Dieter, if any. We are searching for early church records in Pennsylvania to establish Casper was born in or near Montgomery County as Dieter's son, which no researcher has uncovered, OR birth records in Switzerland to establish Casper was born there, in which case he may or may not be related to Dieter. The fact that he is a member of Falkner Swamp Reformed Church at the same time as Dieter's family certainly suggests there is some relationship. Also, we note that when Dieter's land is distributed to his descendents there is no mention of son Casper, although this could be because he had moved to Dauphin County. On the other hand, his movement to Dauphin makes us wonder if he is not related to Rev. John Conrad Bucher, especially considering both are supposedly from Neunkirch, Schaffhausen, Switzerland. Check here for updates as our research continues and we discover the answers.
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Burial Notes:
He is buried in location E23.
Noted events in his life were:
1. Tax List: 1762, Colebrook Twp., Berks, PA. 11 Casper Bucher is listed as being married on the tax lists for Colebrook Township in 1762, 1763, 1764, 1765, 1766, 1767, and 1768. On the 1762 list he is a tenant to his father in law, Bernard Wannemacher.
2. Tax List: 1767, Colebrook Twp., Berks, PA. 12 Casper Bucher is taxed for 130 acres, 4 horses, 4 cattle, 6 sheep. 5 shillings.
3. Tax List: 1784, Colebrook Twp., Berks, PA. 13 Casper Bucher is taxed for 146 acres, 4 horses, 4 cattle, 6 sheep. 11 shillings.
4. He has conflicting death information of 11 Jun 1789 and Harrisburg, Dauphin, PA. 6 Henry Egle printed "Tombstone Inscriptions in Grave-yard of Mount Zion Evangelical Lutheran and Reformed Church".
Bucher, Casper, b. 1733; d. June 11, 1789. Bucher, Catherine, b. Feb 16 1742; d. Jan 31, 1821. Fritchey, Godfrey, b. 1756; d.1821. Fritchey, Dorothy wf. of G., b. Nov 1, 1770; d. Dec 23, 1853.
5. Moved: Abt 1792, Lower Paxton Twp., Dauphin, PA. 14 About 1792 or 1793, the Buchers and the Wiestlings (Samuel married Casper Bucher's daughter) moved from Montgomery County to farms along Blue Mountain, Dauphin County, east of Harrisburg, near the small village of Paxtang. The Weistling farm was located on the road leading from the Susquehanna River to Linglestown, about two miles from the river and five miles from Harrisburg.
6. He signed a will on 13 Dec 1798 in , Dauphin, PA. 15 Last Will and Testament for Caspir Bucher dee Reg. In Book B pa 36 7 Oct. 1800 No. 3 Jacob Bucher reviewed In the Name of God Amen I Caspar Bucher of the Township of Paxton in the County of Dauphin and State of Pennsylvania Yoeman being Sick and weak on body but of Sound mind memory and understanding ~ Blessed be God for the same, but considering the uncertainty of this Transitory Life, do make and publish this my last will and Testament in manner and form following to wit Principally and first of all I commend my immortal Soul into the hands of God, who gave it, and my body to the Earth to be buried in a decent and Christian like manner, at the discretion of my Executors herein after named ~ and as to such worldly estate wherewith it hath Pleased God to bless me in this life, I give and dispose of the same in the following manner to wit It is my will that my Executors as soon as they conveniently can after my decease to dispose of by Public Sale all my household goods and furniture, =tunes, cattle and moveable effects whatsoever (Expect a choice of a horse Creature Cow a Choice Bed and Spinning wheel, all of which are excepted and ~ reserved for my Loving wife Catharine, Also a Horse Creature and Cow for each of my Sons John Bucher and Jacob Bucher,) and to pay all my Just debts and funeral charges first, out of the money of my Personal Estate and the sale of One Hundred Acres of that tract of Land whereon my Son George Bucher lives, which shall be disposed of, at the same time, and ~ manner of the sale of my personal property, The other One Hundred ~ Acres of the aforesaid tract of Land being the most improved part thereof I give and bequeath unto my aforesaid Eldest Son George Bucher together with all and singular the Improvements thereon To Hold to him the said George Bucher his heirs and Assigns forever, in full and his share to any part of my Estate forever, And further it is my will that my second oldest Son John Bucher shall have my present dwelling Plantation, the small part of included Land laying adjoining included Situate and lying in the Township of Paxton aforesaid, Adjoining Lands of John Gillnert? And others, To Have and to Hold the aforesaid Plantation of Tract of Land To him the said John Bucher, his Heirs and Assigns, Together with all of Singular the Improvements thereon forever (Except the Stone Spring House, and a choice of a garden, which I give and devise unto my beloved wife Catharine during her Natural Life Together with a sufficiency of Fire wood cut and delivered to the door, and her Garden sufficiently mannered with during and planted to her satisfaction by my son John Bucher His Heirs and Assigns) for and in consideration of the Sum of Eighteen Hundred Pounds, Gold or Silver current money in Pennsylvania, To be paid in the manner following to wit Four Hundred Pounds to be paid on the first day of May in the year of our Lord One Thousand Eight Hundred and Two, and possession to be given at the same time, and Eighty Pounds at the first Day's of May after annually until Fourteen Hundred Pounds without any interest be paid, for the use of my Heirs and Legalities herein mentioned, Four Hundred Pounds, using the remainder of the Eighteen Hundred Pounds aforesaid, Shall be and remain Charged, on my present Plantation, and the Interest thereof shall annually and regularly be paid by my Son John Bucher his Heirs, Executors, Administrators and Assigns and also Fifteen Pounds of Hickled Flax, To my beloved wife Catharine first payment of the Interest to be made on the First day of May, in the year one Thousand Eight Hundred and Three, and in default of any of the beforesaid payments to be recovered by dis ?? ss (or otherwise) as unto ??? = =ally recovered in this Commonwealth during her natural life, and after this decease of my beloved wife Catharine, The aforesaid Four Hundred Pounds to be paid to my Heirs aforesaid, in this manner she my beloved wife Catharine may have directed this same to be paid in her Lifetime , ? , I will and direct that the whole of the money arising out of this sale of my Real and Personal Estates (and my ready Cash, Bonds Notes and Book debts if any there are at the time of my decease) be added together into one intime um Four Hundred Pounds as aforesaid to be deducted of the whole for the support of comfortable lively hood of my beloved wife Catharine during her natural life) and be divided into Seven Equal Shares ~ One Equal Seventh part of the beforesaid sum I give and bequeath un =to my Daughter Elizabeth intermarried with Jacob Engel, and to her Heirs and Assigns forever, One Equal Seventh part I give to my Daughter Catharine intermarried with Henry Goetz, and to her Heirs and Assigns forever, One Equal Seventh part I give and bequeath unto my Daughter Ann Maria intermarried with Sam Wiestling and to her Heirs and Assigns forever, One Equal Seventh part I give and bequeath unto my Daughter Dorethea intermarried with Godfrey Fritchey, and to her Heirs and Assigns forever, One Equal Seventh part I give and bequeath unto my Son John Bucher and to his Heirs and Assigns forever, One Equal Seventh part I give and bequeath unto my Daughter Magdalena inter =married with Henry Shiley, and to her heirs and Assigns forever, and One Equal Seventh part I give and bequeath unto my youngest Son Jacob Bucher, and to his Heirs and Assigns forever; And further it is my will that the first payment of my Plantation of Four Hundred Pounds be equally divided unto Seven Shares, and be paid to my Children as beforesaid and that the first =installment (of Eighty Pounds each Except the last which will be Eighty Four Pounds), to be paid to my Eldest Daughter Elizabeth, and her Heirs as aforesaid, and the second of the installments to my second Eldest Daughter Catharine and her Heirs which will become due, on the first of May following which will be in the year of our Lord One Thousand Eight Hundred and Four and so or in rotation until each of my said Children hath received Eighty Pounds, and then my Eldest Daughter to receive of the Eighth installment (which will become due on the first day of May in this year 1810) a sum of Sixty Two Pounds, Seventeen Shillings, Some pence ?? thru fartherings being the seventh part of the undivided Four Hundred and ? Pounds, the remaining of the Eighth in= Statement being Seventeen Pounds Two Shillings and ? ? farthering to be paid to my Second Eldest Daughter Catharine, and on the first day of May following when the ninth installment becomes due to receive a further sum of Forty Five Pounds Fourteen Shillings, and Three pence half penny, which will amount to an equal Seventh part of the Four Hundred and Forty Pounds, each of my aforesaid other Children to receive a like Sum (of the other installments) of Sixty Two Pounds Seventeen Shillings, and one penny three fartherings, so that each receive an Equal Seventh part of my Estate as aforesaid, (Except the Four Hundred Pounds- aforesaid which are reserved for the maintenance and disposal of my beloved wife Catharine) And I do hereby nominate constitute and appoint my said beloved wife Catharine, and my friend ~ Jacob Bucher of the Borough of Harrisburg to be the Executors of this my Last Will and Testament Hereby revoking all other wills, Legalities and bequeaths, by my heretofore made, and declaring this and no other to be my last Will and Testament In Testimony whereof, I have hereunto Sit my Hand of Seal the Thirteenth Day of December In the year of our Lord One Thousand Seven Hundred and Ninety Eight- Signed Sealed Published and declared by this said Caspar Bucher as his last Will and Testament in Caspar Bucher the presence of us, who in his presence and at his request have subscribed as Witnesses Sworn and the words "my" ? "Except the Last which "will be Eighty Four Pounds" John Eisenhower being in before signed Sworn ? ? ? Dauphin County Robert Harris Registrar.
7. He signed a will on 13 Dec 1798 in Lower Paxton Twp., Dauphin, PA. 4 An abstract of the will: Bucher, Caspar - Paxtang - Dec 13 1798 / Oct 7 1800 Mentions: wife Catharine, son George, son John, daughter Elizabeth wife of Jacob Engle, daughter Catharine wife of Henry Goetz, daughter Anna Maria wife of Samuel Weistling, daughter Dorothea wife of Godfrey Fritchey, daughter Magdalena wife of Henry Shiley, youngest son Jacob. Executors: wife Catharine and friend Jacob Bucher of Harrisburg Borough. Will Book B, Vol. 1, p. 36.
8. Newspaper: Oracle of Dauphin and Harrisburg Advertiser, 14 Aug 1799, Harrisburg, Dauphin, PA. 16 On Thursday, the 15th of August next, will be told by Public Vendue, at the late dwelling house of Casper Bucher, in Lower Paxton township, deceased, the following articles, viz. Horses, cows, hogs... Credit will be given by Catharine Bucher, adm'x and Christian Walborn, adm'r July 31, 1799.
9. Probate on 21 Jan 1801 in Harrisburg, Dauphin, PA. 17 In Orphan's Court records on 21 Jan 1801 page 176: Catharine Bucher and Christian Wlburn administrators of Casper Bucher of Lower Paxton township produce an account; balance of £91.14.8.
10. Book: in Henry Egle's "Notes and Queries," 3rd Series, Volume 1 on page 542., 1895. 18 On a recent visit to Old Wenrick church, east of Linglestown, we noticed the grave of Casper Bucher as also of those connected to him. As he was the head of a family, more or less prominent both in the male and female line, we give the record as we find it:
Casper Bucher, of Paxtang, was born in the year 1733, and died June 11, 1799. His wife, Catharine, born February 16, 1742, died on the 31st of January, 1821. Their children were as follows: i. John Casper, was a minister of the Gospel, and the ancestor of Judge Bucher, of Lewisburg, PA. ii. Elizabeth, m. Jacob Engel. iii. Catharine, m. Henry Goetz. iv. Anna Maria, m. Dr. Samuel Christopher Wiestling, the ancestor of the family here. v. Dorothea, b. Nov. 1, 1770; d. Dec 23, 1853; m. Godfrey Fritchey, b. 1756; d. 1821. They had a large family of children, several of whom became quite prominent in the church. The remains of these worthies lie in the graveyard of Wenrick church. This family settled very early in this county, and are of different origin to that noted in the last number of Notes and Queries. vi. Magdalena, m. Henry Shiley. vii. Jacob If any of our readers can furnish additional information as to the descendants of either of the foregoing families they will confer a favor. .
11. Book: Pennsylvania Genealogies, Mainly Scotch Irish And German, 1896. 19 Dr. Wiestling m.. May 10, 1785, ANNA MARIA BUCHER, b. September 7, 1765, in Montgomery county, Pa. ; d. May 10, 1836. in Harrisburg, Pa.: daughter of Casper and Catharine Bucher of Paxtang.*
They had issue :
2. i. John-Snltimon, b. September 18, 1787; m. Salome Youse.
3. ii. Annn-Maria, b. June 29, 1789; m. Abraham Gross.
* CASPER BUCHER, of Paxtang, Dauphin county, Pa.; d. September. 1800, leaving a wife Catharine, and children as follows : 1. Rev. John-Casper. 2. Elizabeth ; in. Jacob Engle. 3. Catherine; m. Henry Goetz. 4. Anna-Maria ; m. Dr. Samuel C. Wiestling. 5. Dorothea ; m. Godfrey Fritchey. 6. Magdalena; m. Henry Shiley. 7 Jacob. The executors of his estate were his wife, and Jacob Bucher, Esq.
12. Book: The Abott-Adlum-Green Families, 1957. 20 CASPER BUCHER, the immigrant ancestor of Judge Joseph Casper Bucher (079) came to America on the ship Andrew, via Rotterdam, landing at Philadelphia, August 18, 1750. The ship list of the Andrew includes a Conrad Bucher also. (Pennsylvania Pioneers, Vol. II, p. 501.) Records in possession of the descendants of the John Godfrey Fritchey family state that Caspar Bucher was born in Neukirch Canton in 1733. John Godfrey Fritchey married Dorothea Bucher, a daughter of Caspar Bucher.
After coming to America, Casper Bucher established a home in the vicinity of Old Goshenhoppen German Reformed Church, Montgomery County (Philadelphia), Pa., where other members of the Swiss Buchers had previously settled (see in bc. cit.). He married Catherine Wannamacher on the 14th of October in the year 1760. The Wannamacher family resided in the community referred to in this paragraph; several names appear in the Falkner Swamp Church Records. The marriage was solemnized in the Goshenhoppen Church by Rev. George Michael Weiss.
Catherine Wannamacher was born February 16, 1742. There is a tradition that the place of her birth was Rotterdam, Holland. She died January 31, 1821. Her husband, who was born in 1733, died on the 11th of June 1799 (1800?). Casper Bucher's Will was executed December 30, 1798; it was probated October 7, 1800. His wife outlived him by approximately twenty-one years and eight months. They are both buried on Weinrich's Church Yard in the vicinity of Linglestown, near Harrisburg, Pa.
The following children were born to Casper and Catherine Wannamacher Bucher:
Sons John George, b. Aug. 5, 1768 Johannes (Casper), b. Dec. 30, 1775 Jacob, b. July 2, 1781
Daughters Maria Elizabeth, bap. Aug. 9, 1761; confirmed Pentecost, 1777 Anna Margaretha, confirmed at Pentecost, 1777 Anna Catherine, b Apr. 21, 1764 (Anna) Maria, confirmed June 9, 1781 Magdalena Christina, Mar. 16, 1773; buried Jan. 5, 1787 Maria Magdalena, b. Nov. 15, 1778 Maria Dorothea, b. Dec. 1, 1770; confirmed June 4, 1785
Source: Loose Leaf File; record in support of application for membership in the D.A.R., Pennsylvania Hist. Society, 1300 Locust St., Philadelphia, Pa. Also, Falkner Swamp Church Records, Fackenthal Library, Franklin & Marshall College, Lancaster, Pa.
The following additional information relating to the children of Casper and Catherine Bucher, together with the sources, follows:
Anna Catherina Bucher, bap. May 6, 1764. Conrad Wannamacher, b. 1701; aged 70 yrs. 3 mo. 20 da. Source: Goshenhoppen Church Records. Elizabeth, eldest dau. of Casper Bucher; m. Jacob Engel, Aug. 19, 1783. Catherine, second eldest dau. of Casper Bucher, m. Henry Goetz, Apr. 12, 1785. Source: P(2), Vol. VIII, pp. 602 and 603. Casper Bucher's Will. Ann Maria Bucher, m. Samuel Wiestling, May 10, 1785; he d. May 10, 1836. Dorothea Bucher, m. Godfrey Fritchey at Lebanon, Pa., July 24, 1787. Jacob Bucher's descendants lived in the state of New York. Magdalena Bucher, m. Henry Shuley; he lived at Jersey Shore, Pa. Bernard Wannamacher, father of John Philip Wannamacher who was b. Sept. 25, 1754. Sources: Falkner's Swamp Church Records: op. cit. Egle, Pennsylvania Genealogy, 1886, p. 646.
Dr. Samuel Wiestling and John Godfrey Fritchey came from Germany to America; they landed at the Port of Chester (Pa.), October 4, 1783. About 1792 or 1793, the Buchers and the Wiestlings moved from Montgomery County to farms along Blue Mountain, Dauphin County, east of Harrisburg, Pa., near the small village of Paxtang. The Wiestling farm was located on the road leading from the Susquehanna River to Linglestown, about two miles from the river and five miles from Harrisburg. The Fritcheys were married at Lebanon, July 24, 1787; both were buried at Weinricks Church Yard (op. cit.). Source: Fritchey Family Record.
Casper married Catherine Wannemacher, daughter of Hans Bernhard Wannemacher and Maria Barbara Kuch, on 14 Oct 1760 in Upper Hanover Twp.: New Goshenhoppen Reformed Church, Montgomery, PA.1 2 3 (Catherine Wannemacher was born on 16 Feb 1742 in Neunkirch, Schaffhausen, , CHE,6 7 8 died on 31 Jan 1821 in Lower Paxton Twp., Dauphin, PA 6 7 8 and was buried in Linglestown.: Wenrich Church Cemetery, Dauphin, PA 7.)
Marriage Notes:
They were married by Rev. George W. Weiss.