Nicholas Bucher Sr.
(1670-Aft 1765)
Katharina Etter
(Abt 1670-)
Nicholas Bucher Jr.
Nicholas Bucher III
(Abt 1731-Aft 1805)


Family Links

1. Moria Kehr

Nicholas Bucher III 1

  • Born: Abt 1731, , York, PA
  • Marriage (1): Moria Kehr on 10 Apr 1753
  • Died: Aft 3 Apr 1805, Manheim Twp., York, PA

   Other names for Nicholas were George Nicholas Bucher 2 and Nicholas Bucher.

   FamilySearch ID: KHQ8-LSS.

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  Noted events in his life were:

1. Property on 4 Jan 1750 in Manheim, Lancaster, PA. 2 George Nicholas Bucher is mentioned as a neighbor in Deed A245 in Lancaster County. In the deed, Michael and wife Maudeline (Magdalena) Sharer, John Long, Isaac Bare and wife Barbara, Abraham Bare and wife Frena, release to Michael Myer 137 acres in Manheim township. The land borders properties of John Long, George Nicholas Bucher, Isaac Bare.

2. Obtained in a warrant for 200 acres on 27 Jan 1757 in Heidelberg Twp., York, PA. Nicholas the elder obtained this land in 1757 and it was later deeded to his son, Nicholas.

3. Tax List: 1779, Manheim Twp., York, PA. 3 The Nicolas Bucher family appeared on tax lists from 1779 to 1783 in the Pennsylvania Archives volume on the following pages:

1779 Bucher, Nicholas, Jun'r, 1 Cattle, Tax 12.0.0. (p. 20)
1779 Bucher, Nicholas, 150 Acres, 2 Horses, 5 Cattle, Tax 90.0 (p. 21)
1780 Bucher, Christian, 1 Horse, 1 Cattle, Tax 38.5.0 (p. 210)
1780 Bucher, Nicholas, 150 Acres, 2 Horses, 5 Cattle, Tax 38.15.8 (p. 211)
1783 Bucher, Nicholas, Jun'r, 50 Acres, 4 Inhabitants (p. 786)
1783 Bucher, Nicholas, 200 Acres, 12 Inhab., 0 Servants, 0 Negroes (p. 787)
1783 Bucher, Nich's, 200 Acres, 12 Inhabitants (p. 793).

4. Tax List: 1795, Manheim Twp., York, PA. On the Manheim Twp. York County Tax list for 1795, the following names appear:

Adam Bucher
Michael Bucher
Nicholas Bucher
Christian Hershey.

5. Property on 22 Mar 1805 in Manheim Twp., York, PA. 4 The elder Nicholas (born 1707) deeds land to his two sons Michael and Nicholas as follows:

Indenture: Nicholas Bucher the elder to Michael Bucher, 1805

This Indenture Made the twenty-second day of March, Anno Domini One
thousand eight hundred and five, Between Nicholas Bucher the elder of
Manheim Township in the County of York and State of Pennsylvania Yoeman
and widower of the one part And Michael Bucher (son of said Nicholas) of
the same place yoeman and of the other part, Witnesseth that the said
Nicholas Bucher the elder, (and Widower), for and in Consideration of
the sum of Five hundred and twenty five Pounds in real Specie lawful
money of Pennsylvania to him the said Nicholas Bucher the elder well and
truly in hand paid by the said Michael Bucher at or before the eusealing
and Delivery of these presents, the Receipt whereof is hereby
acknowledged, and thereof and of every part and parcel thereof do acquit
and discharge forever the said Michael Bucher his heirs and assigns by
these presents, Have granted, bargained, sold, aliened, released,
enpoffed and confirmed, and by these presents Do grant, bargain, sell,
alien, release, enpoff and confirm unto the said Michael Bucher unto his
Heirs and assigns forever all that the following described Tract or
parcel of land Situate part in Manheim Township aforesaid and part in
Berwick Township York County aforesaid and is bounded by land courses
and distances so as follows to wit, Beginning at a Black Oak, marked for
a Corner and thence by the division line and by the other part laid off
and now also conveyed to Nicholas Bucher the younger North forty degrees
West seventy eight perches to stones for a corner, and further by the
same North forty three degrees and a quarter East fifty four perches to
stones for a corner, and further by the same North forty one degrees and
a half west one hundred and twenty four perches to stones for a corner
is one of the outside lines and thence along said lines south eighty six
degrees and a half west eleven perches to a black Oak one of the outside
corners and thence by lands of Michael Karle south four degrees east one
hundred and four perches to a black Oak marked for a corner, and further
by the same south sixty six degrees and a quarter west eighty four
perches and a half to stones for a corner and further south fourteen
degrees east seventy five perches to stones for a corner and further by
the same south twenty four degrees and a half west fifty two perches and
six tenths of a perch to stones for a corner and thence by lands of
George Morningstar South Seventy one degrees and one quarter east thirty
one perches and one tenth of a perch to stones thence North forty
degrees and three quarters East thirty nine perches to stones and thence
by lands of Adam Hooper deceased, North eighty nine degrees and a half
east one hundred and nine perches and two tenths of a perch to stones
for a corner, and thence by lands of Peter Klunk North twenty one
degrees East fifty perches to the place of beginning, containing one
hundred and forty nine acres and fifty five perches of land and the
usual allowance of six acres per cent for roads and highways ea. It
being a part of a larger tract of land saith to contain two hundred and
seventy two acres and a half and the usual allowance for roads and
highways ea, which had been granted and to Nicholas Bucher the grand
father, in pursuance of his warrant from the Land Office of Pennsylvania
bearing date the twenty Seventh day of January which was in the year of
our Lord one thousand seven hundred and fifty seven, And Whereas the
said Nicholas Bucher (the grandfather), and that time called the elder,
by his Deed poll from under his hand and seal, bearing date the twenty
eight day of October which was in the Year of our Lord One thousand
Seven hundred and sixty five did grant and convey all the said whole
tract of land with the appurtenances thereunto belonging to the above
named Nicholas Bucher (now the elder, that time called the younger)
party hereto, to hold to him his heirs and assigns forever, as in and by
said Deed Poll Reference being had may more fully and at large appear,
and also under and subject to the payment of a proportionable part of
the residue of the purchase money and interest now due and hereafter to
come due and payable on the same to the commonwealth of Pennsylvania or
to the Lord or Lords of the fee thereof, together with all and singular
the houses, out houses, edifices and buildings thereon erected and
built, profits, commodities, advantages, Emoluments Hereditaments and
appurtenances whatsoever to the said described tract or parcel of land
belonging or in any wise appertaining and the reversions, remainders,
rents, issues and profits thereof also all the estate, Right, title,
interest, use, possession, property, claims and demand whatsoever of him
the said Nicholas Bucher the elder in law or equity, or otherwise
howsoever, of into, or out of the said described tract or parcel of land
or any part thereof, together also with true copies of all Deeds
evidences and writings touching and concerning the hereby granted
premises or any part or parcel thereof to be had and taken at the costs
and charges of the said Michael Bucher his heirs and assigns To Have and
to Hold the said One hundred and forty nine acres and fifty five perches
of land and the usual allowance for roads and highways ea. as the same
is above described and the premises hereby granted mentioned or intended
so to be with the appurtenances unto the aforesaid Michael Bucher unto
his Heirs and Assigns to the only proper use benefit and behoof of the
said Michael Bucher his heirs and assigns forever, Under and subject to
the Mausiow of the said Nicholas Bucher the elder on the said lands
during the time of the natural life of the said Nicholas Bucher the
elder, and also under and subject to the payment as follows that of the
above named Michael Bucher his heirs Executors or administrators and
every of them do and shall in all things well and truly observe,
perform, fulfil, accomplish, pay and keep all and singular the
covenants, grants, articles, clauses provisoes, payments, conditions and
agreements and things of maintenance whatsoever which on the part and
behalf of the said Michael Bucher be or ought to be observed, performed,
fulfilled, accomplished, paid and kept compromised and mentioned in as
certain articles of agreement made between the said parties in writing
and bearing even date with this indenture, and the said Nicholas Bucher
the holder, for himself & his heirs doth covenant promise and grant to
and with the said Michael Bucher and his heirs and assigns by these
presents that the said Nicholas Bucher the elder and his Heirs the said
described tract or parcel of land hereby bargained and sold with the
appurtenances unto the said Michael Bucher unto his heirs and assigns
against him the said Nicholas Bucher the elder and his Heirs and against
all and every person or persons whomsoever lawfully claiming the same or
any part thereof by from or under him or them or any or either of them
shall and will warrant and forever defend by these presents, In witness
whereof the said parties to these presents have hereunto set their hands
and seals, dated the day and year first above written.

Sealed and Delivered in the presence of
Henry Danner, Elisabeth X Danner
Received on the day of the date of the above Indenture of the above
named Michael Bucher the sum of five hundred and twenty five pounds
lawful money in full for the consideration money above mentioned,
received by me-----

Witnesses present at signing Henry Danner, Elisabeth X Danner

York County SS On the third day of April Anno Domini one thousand eight
hundred and five Before me, the subscriber one of the Judges of the
Court of Common pleas for said County personally came the above named
Nicholas Bucher the elder the above named grantor and Widower, and
acknowledged the above Indenture to be his act and deed and desired that
the same might be recorded according to law, In witness whereof I have
hereunto set my hand and seal the day and year aforesaid.----

Rudisell Seal

A true copy taken from and compared with the Original at York the 20th
day of April AD 1805
Jno Haney Jos Barnitz Recorder
Adam Smith

Indenture: Nicholas Bucher the elder to Nicholas Bucher the younger, 1805

This Indenture Made the twenty-second day of March, Anno Domini One
thousand eight hundred and five, Between Nicholas Bucher the elder of
Manheim Township in the County of York and State of Pennsylvania Yoeman
of the One part, And Nicholas Bucher the younger, Son of the aforesaid
Nicholas, of the Township County and State aforesaid Yoeman of the other
part, Witnesseth that the said Nicholas Bucher the elder, and Widower,
for and in Consideration of the sum of Five hundred and twenty five
Pounds in real Specie lawful money of Pennsylvania to him the said
Nicholas Bucher the elder well and truly in hand paid by the said
Nicholas Bucher the Younger at or before the eusealing and Delivery of
these presents, the Receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, and thereof
and every part and parcel thereof doth acquit and discharge forever the
said Nicholas Bucher the younger his heirs and assigns by these
presents, Have granted, bargained, sold, aliened, released, enpoffed and
confirmed, and by these presents Do grant, bargain, sell, alien,
release, enpoff and confirm unto the said Nicholas Bucher the younger
unto his Heirs and assigns forever all that the following described
Tract or parcel of land Situate lying and being in said Manheim Township
aforesaid and is bounded by lands courses and distance so as follows to
wit, Beginning at a Black Oak marked for a Corner and thence by lands
of Peter Klunk North thirty four degrees East sixty two perches to
Stones-for a corner Thence North fifty seven degrees East thirty two
perches and a half to a White Oak marked for a corner, and thence by
said Klunks land a part, and part by lands that time Peter Gott, North
eleven degrees East One hundred and Seventy eight perches and a half to
Stones for a corner, also a corner of William Baughers lands, and Thence
by the same South eighty seven degrees and a half west one hundred and
thirty eight perches to a White Oak marked for a corner and thence again
by lands of Peter Klunk, South four degrees East forty three perches to
stones for a corner, and further by the same, South eighty six degrees
and a half West fifty eight perches and three tenths of a perch to
Stones for a corner, (all these before described lines are outside lines
of old and Original Survey), and Thence by the Division line and by the
part of Land now laid off for the use of Michael Bucher South forty one
degrees and a half East One hundred and twenty four perches to Stones
for a Corner and further by the same South forty three degrees and one
quarter West fifty four perches a stone for a corner, And further by the
same South forty degrees East seventy eight perches to the place of
Beginning, containing One hundred and forty eight acres and one hundred
and thirty perches of land and the usual allowance of six acres per cent
for roads and highways Ea. It being a part of a larger tract of land
said to contain two hundred and seventy two acres and a half and the
usual allowance for roads and highways Ea which had been granted and
surveyed unto Nicholas Bucher the grandfather in Purbuance of his
Warrant from the Land Office of Pennsylvania, bearing date the Twenty
Seventh day of January which was in the year of our Lord one thousand
seven hundred and fifty seven, And Whereas the said Nicholas Bucher the
grandfather, and that time called the elder by his Deed poll from under
his hand and seal, bearing date the twenty eight day of October which
was in the Year of our Lord One thousand Seven hundred and sixty five
did grant and convey all the said whole tract of land with the
appurtenances unto the above named Nicholas Bucher (now the elder, that
time called the younger) party hereto, to hold to him his heirs and
assigns forever, as in and by said Deed Poll Reference being had may
more fully and at large appear, Together with all and singular the
houses out houses Edifices and buildings thereon erected and built,
Profits Commodities, advantages Emoluments heredilaments and
appurtenances whatsoever to the said described tract or parcel of land
belonging or in any wise appertaining, and the reversions remainders
rents Issues and Profits thereof, also all the Estate Right title
interest use possessions property claims and demand whatsoever of him
the said Nicholas Bucher the elder in law or equity or otherwise
howsoever of into or out of the said described tract or parcel of land
or any part thereof, together also with true copies of all Deeds
evidences and writings touching and concerning the hereby granted
premises or any part or parcel thereof to be had and taken at the costs
and charges of the said Nicholas Bucher now the younger his heirs and
assigns To Have and to Hold the said One hundred and forty eight acres
and one hundred and thirty perches of land and the usual allowance as
aforesaid, as the same is above described and the premises hereby
granted mentioned or intended so to be with the appurtenances unto the
aforesaid Nicholas Bucher the younger unto his Heirs and Assigns to the
only proper use benefit and behoof of the said Nicholas Bucher the
younger his heirs and assigns forever, Under and subject to the payment
of a proportionable part of the residue of the purchase money and
interest now due and hereafter to come due and payable on the same to
the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania or to the Lord or Lords of the fee
thereof, And the said Nicholas Bucher the elder for himself or his heirs
doth covenant promise and grant to and with the said Nicholas Bucher the
younger and his heirs and assigns by these presents that the said
Nicholas Bucher the elder and his heirs the said described tract or
parcel of land hereby bargained and sold with the appurtenances unto the
said Nicholas Bucher the younger his heirs and assigns, against him the
said Nicholas Bucher the elder and his heirs and against all and every
person or persons whomsoever lawfully claiming the same or any part
thereof by from or under him or them or any or either of them shall and
will Warrant and forever defend by these presents, In Witness whereof
the said parties to these presents have hereunto set their hands and
seals dated the day and year first above written.

Sealed and Delivered in the presence of
Henry Danner, Elisabeth X Danner

Received on the day of the date of the above Indentures of the above
named Nicholas Bucher the Younger the sum of five hundred and twenty
five pounds lawful money in full for the consideration money above
mentioned, received by me________

Witnesses present at signing Henry Danner, Elisabeth X Danner

York County SS On the third day of April Anno Domini one thousand eight
hundred and five Before me subscriber one of the Judges of the Court of
Common pleas for said County personally came the above named Nicholas
Bucher the elder the above named grantor and Widower, and acknowledged
the above Indenture to be his act and deed and desired that the same
might be recorded according to law, In witness whereof I have hereunto
set my hand and seal the day and year above said.____

Jacob Rudisell

A true copy taken from and compared with the Original at York the 20th
day of April AD 1805
Nicholas Bucher Senr Jos Barnitz Recorder
Nicholas Bucher Junr.

Nicholas married Moria Kehr on 10 Apr 1753. (Moria Kehr was born about 1731 1.)


1 Seventh Bucher Reunion Souvenir Magazine and Program, Commemorating the 205th Anniversary of the Bucher Family Settlement in Pennsylvania (1722-1927) (4 Aug 1927. Reservoir Park, Harrisburg, Dauphin County, Pennsylvania.).

2 Mayhill, R. Thomas, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, deed abstracts & Revolutionary War oaths of allegiance; deed books "A" through "M", 1729 through ca. 1770, with adjoining landowners & witnesses. (Knightstown, Ind., Bookmark, 1994, c.1973.), Page 10 Deed A245.

3 Egle, William Henry, editor, Pennsylvania Archives: Third Series (Harrisburg, Pennsylvania State printer, 1894-99. Description v. pl., maps. 22 cm.), Vol. XXI; Provincial Papers: Pages as noted in text.

4 York County Courthouse, Pennsylvania, York County PA Land records Book 2R pages 400, 401, 402, 403, 404.

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