Nicholas Bucher Jr.
Nicholas Bucher III
(Abt 1731-Aft 1805)
Moria Kehr
(Abt 1731-)
John Bucher


Family Links

John Bucher

  • Born: 12 May 1756, Neunkirch, Schaffhausen, , CHE

   FamilySearch ID: L6SM-1W1.

  Noted events in his life were:

1. Tax List: 1783, , York, PA. 1 John Bucher appears on the list of single men, with no acreage and no inhabitants other than himself. Nicholas Bucher appears on the taxable list with 200 acres and 12 inhabitants.

2. John served in the military in 1785 in , York, PA. 2 Nicolous Bucher, Michal Bucher, John Bucher, and Henry Bucher served in Revolutionary War from York County and appear on the Muster Rolls of Capt. Adam Hupert's Second Company, York County Militia for Spring of 1785.

3. Census in 1790 in Huntington and Menall Twps., York, PA. 3 The listing shows the household of John Bucher with:
Males (born)
16 and older (<=1774) = 1 John
Under 16 (1775-1790) = 1 son
Females = 2 (wife and daughter).


1 Egle, William Henry, editor, Pennsylvania Archives: Third Series (Harrisburg, Pennsylvania State printer, 1894-99. Description v. pl., maps. 22 cm.), Vol. XXI, Page 793.

2 Montgomery, Thomas Lynch, editor, Pennsylvania Archives: Sixth Series (Harrisburg, Pennsylvania State printer, 1906-1907.), Vol. III, page 1468.

3 1790 United States Census, Pennsylvania, York County, Huntington & Menall Townships, Series: M637 Roll: 9 Page: 418.

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