Nicholas Bucher III
(Abt 1731-Aft 1805)
Moria Kehr
(Abt 1731-)
Christian Bear
Elizabeth Danner
Nicholas Bucher IV
Anna Baer
Christian Bucher


Family Links

1. Sarah Danner

Christian Bucher 2 3

  • Born: 24 Oct 1779, Manheim Twp., York, PA 1 2 3
  • Marriage (1): Sarah Danner on 10 Nov 1801 in Hanover, York, PA 1
  • Died: 27 Jun 1862, Franklin Twp., Adams, PA at age 82
  • Buried: Highland Twp.: Pfoutz Meeting House Cemetery, Adams, PA

   FamilySearch ID: L7GZ-1YB.

  Noted events in his life were:

1. Bible: Notations by Christian Bucher in his family bible. I Christian Bucher, was born on the 24th day of October 1779 in the sign of the ram.
On the 10th day November 1801 I was married to Saloam Danner, legitimate daughter of Henry Danner.
Saloam Danner was born on the 11th day of February in the sign of the fish.
On the 4th day of September 1802 our first son was born in the sign of the bowman, his name shall be Henry.
On the 11th day of January 1804 our second son was born in the sign of the goat, he died on the 10th day of March 1804.
On the 17th day of March 1805 our first daughter was born in the sign of the goat, her name shall be Elizabeth.
On the 29th day of June 1807 our third son was born in the sign of the ram, his name shall be John.
On the 6th day of December 1809 our second daughter was born in the sign of the ram, her name shall be Annie.
On the 9th day of March 1812 our fourth son was born in the sign of the waterman, his name shall be David.
On the 30th day of April 1814 our third daughter was born in the sign of the virgin, her name shall be Mary.
On the 21st day of July Mary died.
On the 3rd day of February 1816 our fifth son was born in the sign of the ox. His name shall be Nicholas.
He died on the 24th day of November 1855.
On the 5th day of March 1818 our sixth son was born in the sign of the waterman, he died on the 15th day of March.
On the 29th day of March 1819 our fourth daughter was born in the sign of the bowman, her name shall be Madalene.
On the 12th day of June 1821 our fifth daughter was born in the sign of the scorpion, her name shall be Saloam.
On the 15th day of July 1823 our seventh son was born in the sign of the scorpion. He died on the 4th day of 1824. His name was Christian.
On the 30th day of September 1850 Saloam died.

[Transcribed from the original German by Prof. Nochtenagel. Transcribed by Caroline Pence].

2. Property on 4 Mar 1823 in Codorus Twp., York, PA. 4 This indenture made the twenty fourth day of March in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and twenty three between Christian Bucher and Solomey his wife and Michael Bucher and Elizabeth his wife, all of Heidelberg Township in the County of York and State of Pennsylvania of the one part and George Ebert of the Borough of Hanover and Henry Bowman of Heidelberg Township both of the County of York and State aforesaid of the other part. Whereas John Sumner and Leah his wife by deed dated the third day of April eighteen hundred and fifteen, for the consideration sum therein mentioned did grant bargain sell and convey unto the said Christian Bucher and Michael Bucher their heirs and assigns for ever as tenants in common two contiguous tracts and parcels of land situate part in Heidelberg and part in Coderus Township in the County of York and State aforesaid, the one thereof containing eighteen acres and one hundred forty five perches meet measure which was lately included into one entire survey and is bounded as follows, Beginning at a chestnut tree marked for a corner thence by John Rudisells land north eighty three degrees west fifty five perches and two tenths to stones, thence across Codorus Creek by lands of David Danner south nineteen degrees west forty nine perches to stones, thence by land of Mathias Myers south seventy degrees east forty nine perches and two tents to a stone, thence south thirty seven degrees west one perch and one tenth to a stone, thence by land sold to Henry Bonnoll? south sixty two degrees and three quarters east, thirty perches and three tents to a stone thence south sixty four degrees and a half east, twenty perches to a young ash thence north twenty nine degrees east thirty three perches and seven tenths to a Spanish oak and thence north thirty six degrees west, sixty three perches and eight tents to the place of the Beginning containing thirty two acres one hundred forty perches meet measure being the same more or less together with a grist mill saw mill and other buildings thereon ??? with all the waters, water rights and privileges thereto belonging as in any wise appertaining. And whereas the said John Summers & Leah his wife by another deed also dated the third day of April eighteen hundred and fifteen for the consideration sum therein mentioned did grant bargain sell and convey unto unto Christian Bucher and Michael Bucher their heirs and assigns forever as tenants in common two certain tracts and parcels of land situate in the Township County and State aforesaid the one thereof is bounded as follows, Beginning at a stone a corner of lands of Michael Miller (the younger) thence by the same south forty four degrees and a half east, forty perches to a stone for a corner now also a corner of a piece laid off from the original tract for the use of said Miller, thence by the same south fifty seven degrees west, twenty one perches and four tents to a stone for a corner thence by the other part of the original land north forty four degrees and a half west forty perches to a stone near a chestnut in the line of the lands of Michael Miller the elder, & thence by the same north fifty seven degrees east twenty one perches and four tenths to the place of beginning containing five acres and eight perches and allowances. Beginning for the other tract at a stone a corner of Mathias Meyers land, thence by the same north thirty seven degrees east sixteen perches and three tenths to a post in the middle of the mill race by the shutter, and nigh by a small white oak saplin & thence on the east side of the mill race and up the race south forty eight degrees east fifteen perches to a stone for a corner thence north eighty seven degrees and three quarters east, seven perches to a stone for a corner, and further on the side of the mill dam south sixty six degrees and three quarters east, four perches to a stone for a corner, thence south forty seven degrees and a half east, nineteen perches and two tenths to a stone in the stream of the run descending into said Summers mill dam it also being a corner of Mathias Myers Lands thence by the same south fifty one degrees and a half west, twenty five perches & two tenths to a wild cherry tree marked for a corner also a corner of said Mathias Myers Lands and further by the same north forty four degrees west thirty seven perches and adjoining Codorus Creek to the place of the Beginning containing five acres and thirty four perches meet measure, together with the waters water courses, rights, privileges and appurtenances what so ever to the said two tracts of land belonging or in anywise appertaining as in and by said two in part recited Indentures the one thereof recorded in the office for recording of deed in and for the County of York in Book ? AA page 160 the other recorded in the same Book page 164 reference being thereto had may more fully appear. Now this indenture witnesses that the said Christian Bucher and Solomey his wife Michael Bucher and Elizabeth his wife for and in consideration of one dollar paid unto them the said Christian Bucher and Michael Bucher by the said George Ebert and Henry Bowman at the ensealing and delivery hereof the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged as well as for other full and sufficient considerations in law have granted, bargained and sold and by these present do grant bargain and sell unto the said George Ebert and Henry Bowman their heirs & assigns in trust as is hereinafter mentioned all that them the above described tracts and parcels of land do as the same is above mentioned containing together forty three acres and twenty two perches meet measure being the same more or less together with the grist mill, saw mill, buildings and appurtenances with all and singular the waters water rights & courses, privileges benefits enjoyments powers and amenities granted conferred vested or secured unto the said Christian Bucher & Michael Bucher their heirs and assigns in and by the said two deeds and any of them above ??? and together also with all other the buildings, improvements, ways, woods, waters, water courses privileges, hereditaments and appurtenances whatsoever to the said Land hereby granted belonging or appertaining. To have and to hold the lands, mills, buildings with the rights, privileges, hereditaments and premises hereby granted or intended so to do with the appurtenances unto the said Henry Ebert and Henry Bowman their heirs and assigns in trust and for the uses intents and purposes following, viz ; that they will as soon as they deem advantageous sell and dispose off in the mode they may think best all all the Lands, mills, waters, water courses and premises aforesaid either in parts or the whole upon such terms as they deem advantageous and with the proceeds arising therefrom after all reasonable costs and charges being first deducted then to pay off and discharge all judgements, liens and incumbrance now on the premises according to Legal priority of rights. And if any surplus then remains with the same to discharge all other debts of said Christian and Michael Bucher of which they the said trustees shall have notice within one year from and after the first day of May next which other debts are to be paid, pro rata, in case of a deficiency from the whole , and if any surplus shall then remain the same is to be returned to the said Christian and Michael Bucher or their legal representatives. In witness whereof the said parties have hereunto set their hands and seals the day and year first within written. Christian Bucher (seal) Solomey [X] Bucher (seal) Michael Bucher (seal) Elizabeth [X] Bucher (seal) Received of George Ebert and Henry Bowman the within named trustees before the ensealing thereof the sum of one dollar in full the pecuniary consideration sum within mentioned to be paid to us for us Christian Bucher, Michael Bucher. Witness present: John Schwartz, John L. Hinkle York County (seal) Before me John L. Hinkle, one of the Judges of the Court of Common Pleas in and for said County personally came Christian Bucher and Solomey his wife and Michael Bucher and Elizabeth his wife and acknowledged the within written Indentures to be their act and deed and as such desired that the same may be recorded according to Law. The said Elizabeth and Solomey being of full age and by me examined separate and from their respective husbands, the full contents of the above deed being by me first made known to them they the said Elizabeth and Solomey upon such separate examination as aforesaid they did declare and say that they did voluntarily and of their own free will and accord seal and as their act and deed deliver the said deed with out any coercion or compulsion of their respective husbands. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal the twenty fourth day of March A.D. 1823. John L. Hinkle.
A true copy taken from & compared with the original at York the 25th day of March A.D. 1823.
J. Barnitz, Recorder.

3. Census in 1840 in Franklin Twp., Adams, PA. 5 In 1840 the Christian Bucher household had:
Males (born)
15-19 (1821-1825) = 1 son
20-29 (1811-1820) = 2 sons
50-59 (1781-1790) = 1 father Christian
Females (born)
50-59 (1781-1790) = 1 wife

Neighbors are Samuel Mummert, Joseph Bear, John Deardorff.

4. Newspaper: Adams Sentinel, 25 Mar 1844, Gettysburg, Adams, PA. 6 In the Matter
OF the intended application of DAVID GOODYEAR, for License to keep a Tavern in Franklin township, Adams county -- it being an Old Stand:
WE, the undersigned, citizens of Franklin township, Adams county, do certify, that we are well acquainted with DAVID GOODYEAR, the above named petitioner, and the site of the Inn or Tavern prayed fro; and the such Inn or Tavern is necessary to accomodate the public and entertain strangers and travellers; and the petitioner is of good repute and honesty and temperance, and is well provided with houseroom and conveniences for the accomodation of strangers and travellers.
Israel Yount,
Christian Bucher,
John Bucher,
Peter Mark,
Jacob Mark,
John Swisher,
Samuel Mummert,
Daniel Kuhn,
George Rambo,
E. D. Newman,
Andrew M Kenrick,
David Newman.
March 25.

5. Census in 1850 in Franklin Twp., Adams, PA. 3 Christian Bucher, farmer, 73, was living with wife Sarah, 65; son John, blacksmith, 43; and his wife Susan Bucher, 35. Also with them is Alex Mumert, blacksmith, 17; and Nicholas Bucher, 36, no occupation. Christian's farm was valued at $2,300. Everyone was born in Pennsylvania.

6. Census in 1860 in Franklin Twp., Adams, PA. 2 In Franklin Township in 1860 the Census lists the household of John Bucher, age 52, master blacksmith. Living with him is his wife, Susan, 47 (or 42, handwriting unclear); Christian, age 80, master blacksmith; Edward Routhaupt, 11; and Joseph Rife, 21, junior blacksmith. Everyone was born in Pennsylvania. The post office listed is Cashtown.

7. Newspaper: Hanover Citizen, 10 Jul 1862, Hanover, York, PA. 7 Bucher, Christian, Franklin Twp, died June 28th, age 83y.

Christian married Sarah Danner, daughter of Heinrich Danner and Elizabeth Kehr, on 10 Nov 1801 in Hanover, York, PA.1 (Sarah Danner was born on 11 Feb 1785 in , York, PA,3 died on 30 Sep 1850 in , Adams, PA and was buried in Highland Twp.: Pfoutz Meeting House Cemetery, Adams, PA.)

  Marriage Notes:

They resided in Maryland.


1 Bible of Christian Bucher.

2 1860 United States Census, Pennsylvania, Adams County, Franklin Township, Roll 1057, Book 1, Page 86.

3 1850 United States Census, Pennsylvania, Adams County, Franklin Township, Series: M432 Roll: 743 Page: 178.

4 York County Courthouse, Pennsylvania, Deed Book Volume 3G, pages 265-267.

5 1840 United States Census, Pennsylvania, Adams County, Franklin Township, Series: M704 Roll: 435 Page: 74.

6 The Adams Sentinel (Gettysburg, PA), Gettysburg, Adams, Pennsylvania, 25 Mar 1844 Edition.

7 Hanover Citizen, Hanover, York County, Pennsylvania, 10 Jul 1862.

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