1. Elizabeth Agnes Tracy
FamilySearch ID: LRT6-CBR.
Noted events in his life were:
1. John appeared in the household of William M. Beeker in a census in 1870 in Bolivar Township, Benton, IN. 8 8 The 1870 census recorded William Beeker, farmer, 39, living with wife Elizabeth, 38; Joseph, 13; Laura Ines, 12; Laurenna, 10; Margaret, 8; and John H., 3. Also in the home is farm laborer Thomas Taylor, 18. Everyone was born in Indiana. William's real estate was valued at $10,000 and personal estate $1000. The post office was Pond Grove.
2. He appeared in the household of William M. Beeker in a census in 1880 in Bolivar Township, Benton, IN. 9 9 The 1880 census recorded William Beeker, farmer, 54, living with wife Sena E., 46; daughter Sena, 20; Maggie, 18; and son John H. 13. Also in the home is Guss Temfelin, 6; and laborer Henry McDonald, 23. Everyone was born in Indiana except Henry in Canada. William's parents were born in North Carolina, and Sena's in Pennsylvania.
3. Newspaper: Indianapolis News: John H. Beeker Arrested, 11 Mar 1887, Indianapolis, Marion, IN. 10 ---
John H. Beeker, of Lafayette, Arrested on Complaint of George W. Baber.
On Thursday of last week, as alleged by the complainants, John H. Beeker, formerly of Otterbein, Benton county, this state, brought a carload of stock to Ezra Nay & Co., live stock and commission men at the stock yards. He had previously had dealings with the firm, and was indebted on advances nearly $700. The load received Thursday called for $664, and Beeker represented that he needed this amount to move hogs which he then had in pen at Otterbein, and if the firm would consent to let him have it, he would hold those hogs subject to order. These negotiations were had with George W. Baber a member of the firm, and Beeker was ordered to load the stock on Friday of last week, in order that il might be received here in time for the Saturday market. He failed to carry out these instructions. Afterward, however, he sent a telegram that the hogs would be shipped for the Monday market, and he again disappointed the firm. Then another and peremptory telegram was sent him, and on the following day Beeker answered that he would ship the hogs as soon as they came in, thereby practically acknowledging that they were not on hand, as he had stated to the firm. Yesterday, an old gentleman, representing himself as the father of the young man, told Mr. Baker that his son had been imprudent at cards, and that he had lost all the money which he obtained from the firm save $80, but if the latter were willing he himself would assume the obligation, and he would pay In $100 on account on next Monday. This was not acceptable, and last night the services of the police authorities were invoked, and a telegram was sent to Lafayette, where the accused is living with his father, to place him under arrest. Upon receipt of a telegram that he was in custody, Sergeant Wheafley was detailed to proceed to Lafayette and bring the man here for trial, but this morning Wheatley telegraphed that the attorneys for defendant refused to let him come without a warrant, and were threatening his release under habeas corpus proceedings. For this reason Mr. Baber thereupon caused a warrant to issue, sworn to by himself, and he left for Lafayette on the noon train, taking the same with him. It is expected that the accused will be brought back here to-day. He is a young man, a member of a prominent family in the northern part of the state, and he has been dealing with the complaining firm only about a month.
4. Newspaper: Indianapolis Journal: Waived Examination, 13 Mar 1887, Indianapolis, Marion, IN. 11 ---
John Beeker, the Benton county man charged with having embezzled $700, waived examination before Mayor Denny yesterday morning, and was sent to the grand jury. He gave bond for his appearance, and returned to his home in the evening with his father and Colonel DeHart, of Lafayette. He still maintains that he will be able to prove himself innocent of the charge.
5. Fact: It appears that John began using alias names when doing business, per the following artilces in newspapers., 22 Dec 1898, Streator, La Salle, IL.
6. Newspaper: The Times: Beeker Bribes City Council Regarding Bridge Contract, 22 Dec 1898, Streator, La Salle, IL. 12 ---
The Bridge Case the Talk of the Community.
Tells Where and When He Was Paid for His Vote.
An Attempt Was Made to Bribe Alderman Jennings.
Other Important Testimony Given by Different Witnesses.
The cross examination of Ald. Dawson, rigidly conducted by Haywood, of Terre Haute, failed to shake the alderman's story of bribe-taking, as briefly outlined yesterday.
The story told by Dawson is substantially that he was satisfied that everything told him by the Lafayette Bridge company people was not as represented, and he refused to give them the desired promise of his vote. He had been offered $300 for his vote and refused to give it.
One day he was approached by the agent, J. H. Beeker and urged to go to Chicago and inspect some bridges the company had built there. He was to be accompanied by J. E. Howland, of Streator, then in the employ of a bridge company. He consented to this, and went with Howland to that city. On the return trip, and when the train reached Richards station, Dawson saw Agent Beeker come into the car. Beeker sat down in the seat with the witness and then and there paid him $500 in cash, in return for which sum Dawson said he had agreed to go direct to the council meeting, which body was then in session, and vote for the Lafayette Bridge company's plans. He did this, but somehow it leaked out that he had accepted a bribe.
He was charged with it, but denied it. The matter preyed heavily upon his mind and he finally went to the office of Reeves & Boys and confessed the fact, of having accepted the money, and the circumstances under which it was offered and accepted, as above referred to.
On cross examination Dawson became somewhat confused on minor details, but the main point the payment and acceptance of the bribe, was steadfastly adhered to. The next witness was J. E. Howland, the man Dawson testified to as having accompanied him to Chicago. This witness corroborated the first part of the alderman's testimony, relative to the Chicago trip, Beeker's entrance of the car at Richards Station and sitting down beside the alderman.
He then testified that he heard the conversation, as he sat directly across the aisle from them; saw Dawson's hesitancy about promising to vote for the company's plans; saw Beeker count out $500 and give it to Dawson; saw Dawson take it, and the latter atterward admitted to the witness that he had been paid $500 for his vote.
The cross examination of Mr. Howland was likewise severe. His life from early boyhood down to the present time was gone over, but, like Dawson, when the main point was touched upon he could not be moved an iota.
This morning Mr. Church, of Chicago, a bridge expert, was the first witness. He had examined the bridge after its construction. His testimony showed that the bridge was not constructed according to the plans and specifications, which he described from the drawings.
This forenoon Alderman M. B. Jennings, of the Second ward, went on the stand and gave his testimony. In substance, it was to the effect that J. H. Beeker, agent of the Lafayette Bridge company offered him $200 to vote to award the bridge contract to the Lafayette company, but the alderman refused to accept the bribe. Later the offer was increased to $500, but Jennings refused to accept the amount. Then the agent inquired if $1000 would be any inducement for the alderman to vote as the agent requested, and Jennings replied that it would not.
Some time after this General Manager Williams, of the Lafayette company, called on Mr. Jennings, and said he understood the alderman's conscience was troubled about accepting money for his vote, but that could easily be fixed. The company always needed someone to look after persons who were injured during the erection of these bridges, and offered Mr. Jennings $500 to take this job, provided, of course, the alderman also voted to give the Lafayette company the contract to build the bridge. The proposition was also declined.
On the cross-examination nothing was brought out to shake the alderman's testimony.
Mr. Church, the expert mentioned above, stated that in his opinion the changes made from the original plans and specifications greatly weakened the structure.
Another bridge expert was on the stand when court adjourned for the noon hour.
What He Said About Receiving Money For His Vote for the Bridge.
Below is given the testimony of John C. Dawson, alderman from the Third ward, as copied from the official records especially for the Free Press. The examination was conducted by Walter Reeves:
Q. What is your name? A. John C. Dawson.
Q Where is your home? A. Streator.
Q. How long has Streator been your home? A. About 29 years, I think, about that.
Q Do you hold any official position in the city of Streator? A. Yes sir.
Q What is it? A. Alderman of the Third ward.
Q. When did your term of alderman begin? A. I believe it is in May 1887.
Q. Do you mean 1887 or 1897? A. 1897, I would say.
Q. That would be a year ago last May? A. A year ago last May; yes. sir.
Q. And you have been an alderman ever since that time? A. Yes. sir.
Q. Were you an alderman during the period of the negotiations between the Lafayette Bridge Company and the city of Streator for this contract for the erection of the bridge in controversy? A. I was.
Q. Do you know James H. Beeker? A. Yes sir; I met him two or three times, a few times.
Q. Do you recognize this man as the man? (indicating). A. Yes, sir.
Q. Do you remember where you were on September 13, 1897? A. Yes, sir.
Q. Where were you during that day? A. In Chicago.
Q. What time did you return home, if you returned home that day? A. Eight o'clock that evening.
Q. By way of what railroad? A. The B. & Q.
Q. When did you go up to Chicago? A. On the morning train. Leaves there at seven o'clock,I believe.
Q. On the same date? A. Yes sir.
Q. Did you see James H. Beeker, this gentleman who we have just mentioned, during that day or evening? A. Yes, sir.
Q. Where did you see him? A. On the train that evening.
Q. Whereabouts on the line or the way was it that you saw him? A. Some place between Richards and Streator; I could not exactly tell the spot.
Q. Richards, is that the station north of Streator? A. Yes, sir.
Q. Do you know about how far it is from Streator station to Richards station? A. Yes. sir. Q. How far? A. Four miles.
Q. State to the jury whether or not James H. Beeker on that evening of September 13, on the railroad train, between the station of Richards and the station of Streator, paid you any sum of money? (Objected to; overruled.) A. Yes. sir.
Q.How much did he pay you? A. Five hundred dollars.
Q. What was that sum of money paid to you for? (Objected to; overruled ) A. For to vote for the contract for the bridge, to vote for the proposition on it.
Q. State to the jury whether or not in consideration of the payment of that sum you did. in your official capacity, vote to give to the Lafayette Bridge company the contract to build this bridge in question? (Objected to; overruled) A. I did.
Q. You may state whether or not after receiving that sum of money you did vote to grant to the plaintiff this contract in question? (Objected to; overruled.) The court -- I think he has answered the question.
Q. I believe he did answer it. When was the meeting of the city council of Streator held at which you cast your vote to give the Lafayette Bridge Company this contract? (Objected to: overruled.) A. On the evening of the 13th of September, 1897.
Q. Was that on the same day or same evening on which you received this money? A. Yes, sir. (Objected to; overruled;)
Q. Did anybody go with you on that day to Chicago? (Objected to; overruled). A. Yes, sir.
Q. Who was it? A. James Howland.
Q. Did he return with you on the same day to Streator? (Objected to; overruled) A. He did.
Q. In what car of the train were you when this money was paid you by Beeker? (Objected to; overruled). A I could not just remember; I believe it was the smoking car.
Q. Who was present in that car at that time, if anybody, so far as you recollect, at that time? A. Walter Wignail and Ed Graves
Q. You have said Ed Graves. Let me ask you whether it was Ed Graves or Louis Graves? A. Ed Graves, the surveyor; that is who I think it was: I took it to be anyway.
Q. Anybody else in the car? A. Not that I remember.
Q. How about Mr. Howland, who went with you to Chicago? A. Yes. sir; he was there.
Great efforts were made by Attorney Haywood, for the bridge company, to break down Dawson's testimony, but he only succeeded in clinching the facts and developing the further fact that Dawson had previously refused to accept $300.
James E. Howland, of Streator, agent for the Bellefountain Bridge company, was next put on the stand, and his testimony was almost as sensational as that of Dawson. He testified to accompanying Dawson to Chicago to show him some bridges; saw Beeker pay Dawson some money, which he understood to be $500. He went to Chicago for Beeker and received $67.
Mr. Howland was not a willing witness, and when asked why he received so much for his services finally said it was because there was to be a bridge "letting", at Tiskilwa that day, and finally admitted that this was about the percentage he would have received if he had been present to bid. He refused to admit that there had been any "agreement" of this character -- any pool -- at Streator, though there were such "understandings once in a while." They were what were called "percentages," "add-ons,'' "concessions," etc. , where the successful bidder gives the unsuccessful bidders stipulated sums.
Asked point blank if there was such an arrangement at Streator he said, "I don't know." He admitted, however, when pressed, that his company claimed to have been in with the Lafayette Bridge company on the Streator contract, and that he had received a letter from his company asking him to look after their percentage, which they claimed was $250.
The testimony of these two witnesses was a revelation. Bribery and corruption had been established by Dawson, and corroborated bv Howland. The method of letting bridge contracts had been disclosed, and it was shown that of the $24,800 Streator was paying for a bridge large sums had been spent for bribery and divided with other bridge companies, so that at best the real cost of the bridge must be much less than the sum charged.
After these disclosures there was a very pronounced sentiment favorable to the city. Those who had regarded this now somewhat "celebrated" case as a local quarrel viewed it from another aspect. It seemed to be the opinion that the case is already won for the city. There will be more sensations.
7. Newspaper: Chicago Tribune: John Hull Beeker Indicted For Bribery, 13 Jan 1899, Chicago, Cook, IL. 13 ---
Grand Jury at Ottawa Returns a True Bill Against John H. Beeker of Peoria.
Ottawa, Ill., Jan. 12 -- The grand jury this afternoon found a true bill against John H. Beeker of Peoria, agent for the Lafayette Bridge company, holding him to the Criminal Court for the alleged bribery of Alderman Dawson to vote for the bridge at Steator, which resulted in the late boodle trial.
The witnesses against Beeker are Dawson and J. E. Howland, the latter having already sworn that he saw the money paid.
8. Newspaper: The Streator Free Press, 11 Jan 1901, Streator, La Salle, IL. 14 J. H. Beeker of Cincinnati, Ohio, the agent of the Lafayette Bridge Co. who is alleged to have bribed ex-Alderman John Dawson to vote to award the contract to the corporation which Beeker represented, was a guest at the Plumb House last night. He went to Chicago this morning to give testimony in the famous bridge case.
The bridge case is in full blast in the United States circuit court. the most important feature of the case yesterday was the testimony of Ex-Alderman John Dawson, now of Deer Park, who detailed the story of his being bribed by Mr. Beeker, the agent of the Lafayette Bridge company, on the night the vote was taken awarding the contract to the Lafayette company. It is expected the case will last the greater part of this week.
9. Newspaper: Chicago Tribune: Alleged Swindler Is Caught, 13 Sep 1901, Chicago, Cook, IL. 15 ---
Former Bridge Salesman, Said to Have Secured Large Sums on Bogus Checks, Under Arrest.
Kankakee, Ill.,. Sept. 12.---Special.---John Hull Beeker, whose alleged swindling operations in a dozen cities of Illinois, Indiana, and Michigan have netted him over $15,000 in the last year, is in the county jail.
He was brought here late last night from Dwight, where he was arrested yesterday afternoon on a warrant sworn out by William Young, a highway commissioner of Essex Township, this county.
Beeker, it is charged, induced Young to cash a draft for $265 on a bridge company, which, so far as can be learned, does not exist.
Beeker is wanted, it is said, In Chicago, St. Louis, Streator, Ottawa, Thawville, Ill., Des Moines, Ia., Lafayette, Elkhart, Rossville, Evansville, Ind.,and in several Michigan cities.
Until a year ago Becker was in the employ of a Lafayette, Ind., bridge company and Is said to have been aided in his operations by his extensive acquaintanceship among highway commissioners and bridge committees. He is said to have secured $250 from the clerk of the Morrison Hotel, Chicago, on a bogus check.
10. Newspaper: The Times: Big Swindler Arrested, 13 Sep 1901, Streator, La Salle, IL. 16 ---
J. H. Beeker Charged with Forging a Check for $350.
William Young, a Highway Commissioner of Kankakee County, the Latest Victim --- Beeker Secures $265 from Young, and Is Arrested at Gardner While Trying to Pass Another Forged Check.
John Hull Beeker, an all-round swindler and former representative for a bridge company, was arrested af Gardner yesterday by Sheriff Glass and was taken before Justice Washington and bound over to the grand jury under $5,000 bonds. He is now in the county jail, says the Kankakee Gazette.
Beeker is charged with swindling William Young, a commissioner of highways at Essex. Beeker came to Mr. Young on Thursday of last week and claimed that he was representing tile Missouri Iron and Bridge company of St. Louis. He told Mr. Young, who by the way, knew him well, that he was hard up for money and showed Mr. Young a telegram from St. Louis which read as follows:
"St. Louis, Mo. --- Will you honor the draft of J. H. Beeker for $350 by his request? MISSOURI IRON & BRIDGE CO."
Mr. Young, knowing the fellow as bridge and iron man, at once took him to the bank, but the bank was short and could not conveniently spare the amount that day. Mr. Young paid Beeker out of his own pocket $265, without a suspicion that the draft was not good. The next day, Beeker had disappeared and Mr. Young was alarmed. He telegraphed to St. Louis and learned that no such company was located there, but received information that it was located in Fort Worth, Texas. Mr. Young telegraphed to that place but no such company was to be found. Mr. Young was then told that it was in Leavenworth, Kansas, and he telegraphed to that city with unsatisfactory results.
Mr. Young then realized that he had been swindled. He at once drove to Gardner in hopes that he might warn the business men there. When he arrived in Gardner to his surprise he found his man with another telegram trying to obtain money as in Essex. He immediately had Beeker arrested just as he was telling his little story to Mr. Harry May, the butcher. Young sent for Sheriff Glass who arrived yesterday afternoon and returned with his prisoner last night.
Last week Mr. Glass went to Chicago and found that Beeker formerly lived at 669 North Clark street and had moved to the Morrison hotel. While there he obtained $250 by giving the clerk a mortgage on his household goods. For some reason he paid the clerk. He then removed to the Wyoming and the Saratoga hotels.
11. Newspaper: The Times: Beeker In Court, 31 Oct 1901, Streator, La Salle, IL. 17 ---
His Bondsmen in the Bribery Discharged this Morning.
Ottawa, Oct. 31. Sheriff Glass of Kankakee arrived in Ottawa last evening, having in custody J. H. Beeker, under sentence from Kankakee county to the penitentiary at Joliet under the indeterminate act, for obtaining the sum of $265 by a confidence game from a township officer over there. Beeker's presence was brought about by means of a writ of habeas corpus, directed to the sheriff of Kankakee county. Beeker spent last night as the guest of Sheriff Coulson -- a prisoner in the county jail. This morning he appeared in court as a prisoner of Sheriff Glass.
When the court called the matter up Sheriff Glass approached the bench, was introduced to Judge Trimble, the presiding officer, to whom he handed the documents brought with him, consisting of the court's order sentencing Beeker upon a plea of guilty and the mittimus to the penitentiary. The court read these over, while, State's Attorney Cullen, for the people of La Salle county, and Lester H. Strawn, for the bondsmen, held a short conference.
Mr. Cullen contended that the mere fact of Beeker being in court was not a surrender of his person, the object sought by the four bondsmen, who desired to be released from their ability.
Mr. Strawn's contention was that Beeker is already in the custody of the People of the State of Illinois therefore the terms of the bond have been complied with. He held that his presence in this court in custody of a people's officer, even though from another county, cancels bond.
The court at first expressed some doubt as to what course to pursue, but he finally held with Mr. Strawn that the prisoner being here, the terms of the indictment have been complied with, and he entered an order releasing the bondsmen from further liability. Before announcing this decision State's Attorney Cullen stated that he thought the prisoner should be ordered to remain here until discharged by due process of law, on the charge of bribery under which he is indicted.
During the proceedings Beeker sat an interested spectator, beside him sheriff Glass, the prisoners' shifting eyes closing tightly every time the court or either of the attorneys referred to the sentence within the gloomy walls at Joliet. Beeker was cleanly shaven and neatly dressed. No one looking at him and for a moment would suspect that he was on his way to spend from one year to fourteen years in penal servitude for a mean crime -- beating an acquaintance out of money by means of a false draft, and yet Beeker lived off the proceeds of that sort of cunning for months before he was caught.
He left for Joliet at noon and by this hour is in a suit of gray and as signed to his gloomy task.
12. Newspaper: Times: Beeker Released from State Prison, 31 Oct 1902, Streator, La Salle, IL. 18 ---
Bridge Briber Said to Have Been Released from Penitentiary.
Report has reached Streator that James H. Beeker, the notorious, "alderman fixer," has been released from Joliet penitentiary. Beeker is the man who secured the contract for the famous Streator bridge for the Lafayette Bridge company by bribing certain members of the city council, on whom he afterward "peached" and caused the contract to be annulled and the bridge removed. He was sent up from Kankakee county a little over a year ago for forgery. The report is confirmed by State's Attorney Collen, who says Beeker has been paroled.
13. Newspaper: Indianapolis Journal: Suit Against John H. Beeker, 1 Jul 1903, Indianapolis, Marion, IN. 19 ---
Suit on Two Notes.
Special to the Indianapolis Journal.
LAFAYETTE, Ind., June 30. -- Through Attorneys J. Frank Haniy and W. R. Wood, Lewis H. Jordan has brought suit in attachment and garnishment against John Hult Beeker and the Mutual Life Insurance Company to compel the payment of two notes for $1,000 each that were made payable to the plaintiff in 1895 in satisfaction of a claim held by him against Beeker. As security Beeker gave his interest in two life insurance policies held by his father. One of the policies was for $1,500 and the other for $1,000. The elder Beeker died and proof of his demise was sent to the insurance company. In order to secure payment Jordan attached the drafts which were forwarded to Beeker.
14. Newspaper: Detroit Free Press: John H. Beeker Gets Sixty Days in Jail, 6 Jan 1906, Detroit, Wayne, MI. 20 ---
Beeker Gets Sixty Days
John H. Beeker, arrested on the charge of having attempted to beat Frank McCourt, a Rockwood hotel landlord, out of a board bill, was sentenced yesterday by Justic Thiede to serve sixty days in the county jail.
15. Census in 1910 in Chicago, Cook, IL. 21 The 1910 census recorded at 1658 St. Louis Avenue: L. J. Beeker, commercial trucker for steel and iron, 43, living with wife L., 43; daughter Esther, bookkeeper for electric manufacturer, 21; and son Emmett, office boy at steel works, 16. The parents were married for 22 years. Esther and L.J. were born in Indiana and his parents in Pennsylvania. L. and her mother were born in Kansas and her father in Ireland. Emmett was born in Ohio.
[Note: why the parents are listed with initials and not names is a mystery since the census taker listed full names for all others on this street. Were they trying to hide their identity?].
16. Census in 1930 in Dearborn, Wayne, MI. 22 The 1930 census recorded owning a $10,000 home at 7022 Neckel Street: John J. Beeker, general foreman in automobile factory, 63, living with wife Agnes E., 62; their son Emmet R., 37, and his family: wife: Cornelia A., 29; John E., 9; Mary E., 7; and Richard E., 3. John was born in Indiana, Agnes in Kansas, Emmet and Cornelia in Ohio, John E. and Mary in Michigan, and Richard in Florida. John's parents were from Pennsylvania and Agnes' from Kansas. Cornelia's parents were from Indiana.
17. Cause of Death: chronic myocarditis, contributory nephrosclerosis with terminal uremia, 12 Oct 1938, Dearborn, Wayne, MI. 3
18. Occupation: foreman, Ford Motor. Co. On 12 Oct 1938 in Dearborn, Wayne, MI. 3
19. Residence: 7022 Neckel Ave., Dearborn, MI on 12 Oct 1938 in Dearborn, Wayne, MI. 3
John married Elizabeth Agnes Tracy, daughter of John Tracy and Eliza Hart, on 2 Nov 1886 in Lafayette, Tippecanoe, IN.1 (Elizabeth Agnes Tracy was born on 1 Mar 1871 in Concordia, Cloud, KS, United States 23 and died on 24 Oct 1951 in Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA 23.)
1 FamilySearch.org, Indiana Marriages, 1780-1992, https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:XFX4-4B5 Jno. H. Beeker Or Becker and Eliza Fracey, 02 Nov 1886; citing reference Item 4 p 138; FHL microfilm 872,060.
2 FamilySearch.org, Michigan Death Certificates, 1921-1952, https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:KFQH-VVM John H Beeker, 12 Oct 1938; citing Dearborn, Wayne, Michigan.
3 Ancestry.com, "Michigan, U.S., Death Records, 1867-1952" (Death Records. Michigan Department of Community Health, Division for Vital Records and Health Statistics, Lansing, Michigan.), Certificate 982 1803. John H. Beeker. Father William Beeker. Mother Elizabeth Zeigler. Spouse Elizabeth Beeker.
4 Ancestry.com, U.S., Social Security Applications and Claims Index, 1936-2007 (Original data: Social Security Applications and Claims, 1936-2007.), SSN 384-01-9939 John Joseph Beeker b. 23 Jan 1867 in Otterbein, IN father William Beeker, mother Elizabeth.
5 FamilySearch.org, Michigan Marriages, 1868-1925, https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:N3YT-9TS Emmet R. Beeker and Cornelia A. Seibel, 18 Oct 1919; citing Detroit, Wayne, Michigan, v 1 p 376 rn 183278.
6 Ancestry.com, U.S., Social Security Applications and Claims Index, 1936-2007 (Original data: Social Security Applications and Claims, 1936-2007.), Esther Gertrude Beeker Gibbons. Father John H. Beeker. Mother Elizabeth A. Tracy.
7 FamilySearch.org, "Illinois, Chicago, Catholic Church Records, 1833-1925," https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:QVMN-YN4W Wm J Gibbons and Ester Beeker, Marriage 17 Jun 1911; citing Catholic Church parishes, Chicago Diocese, Chicago; FHL microfilm 1,578,084.
8 1870 United States Census, https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:MXX6-N6L William Becker Bolivar Township, Benton, IN page 9, household 49.
9 1880 United States Census, https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:MHMD-YVM William Beeker, Bolivar, Benton, Indiana, United States; citing enumeration district ED 7, sheet 367C.
10 "Indianapolis News (Indianapolis, IN)," 11 Mar 1887, page 1. John H. Beeker Arrested.
11 The Indianapolis Journal (Indianapolis, IN), 13 Mar 1887, page 4.
12 "The Times (Streator, IL)," 22 Dec 1898, page 3.
13 "Chicago Tribune (Chicago, IL)," 13 Jan 1899, page 10.
14 "The Streator Free Press (Streator, IL)," 11 Jan 1901, page 1.
15 "Chicago Tribune (Chicago, IL)," 13 Sep 1901, page 8.
16 "The Times (Streator, IL)," 13 Sep 1901, Page 4.
17 "The Times (Streator, IL)," 31 Oct 1901, Page 4.
18 "The Times (Streator, IL)," 31 Oct 1902, page 1.
19 The Indianapolis Journal (Indianapolis, IN), 1 Jul 1903, page 2.
20 Detroit Free Press (Detroit, Michigan) (On newspapers.com publisher extra.), 6 Jan 1906, page 10.
21 1910 United States Census, https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:MK8V-X6D L J Beeker, Chicago Ward 34, Cook, Illinois, United States; citing enumeration district (ED) ED 1484, sheet 10A, family 267.
22 1930 United States Census, https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:X7M2-8DS John J Beeker, Dearborn, Wayne, Michigan, United States; citing enumeration district (ED) ED 890, sheet 1B, line 95, family 20.
23 FamilySearch.org, California Death Index, 1940-1997 (Department of Public Health Services, Sacramento.), https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:VP7C-75D Elizabeth A Beeker, 24 Oct 1951.
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