Daniel Beeker
Mary Frances Stewart
Leroy Chase Slocum Sr.
Flora Virginia Beeker
Guy Roy Slocum


Family Links

1. Valdine Naldina Magdalene Moger

2. Aramentie Ofe

Guy Roy Slocum 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

  • Born: 24 Sep 1888, Meade, Meade, KS 4
  • Marriage (1): Valdine Naldina Magdalene Moger on 8 Dec 1915 in Lewistown, Fergus, MT 1
  • Marriage (2): Aramentie Ofe
  • Died: 14 Dec 1933, Valentine, Cherry, NE at age 45 2 4
  • Buried: O'Neill, Holt, NE 4

   FamilySearch ID: K8F3-VCX.

  Noted events in his life were:

1. Census in 1900 in West Lafayette, Tippecanoe, IN. 8 The 1900 census recorded owning a home at 643 Wood Street in West Lafayette: Leroy C. Slocum, bank teller, 52, born Feb 1848, living with wife Flora V., 43, Jul 1857; Grace, 21, Jan 1879; Edith M., 17, M 1883; Blanch, 15, Jun 1885; Paul, 14, Nov 1886; Guy, 12, Sep 1888; Nellie, 9, M 1891. Everyone was born in Indiana except Paul, Guy and Nellie in Kansas. Leroy's father was born in Rhode Island and mother in Massachusetts. Flora's father was born in North Carolina and mother in Kentucky. The census column records Leroy and Flora were married 22 years ago and she had birthed 9 children, 6 alive in 1900.

2. Census in 1910 in West Lafayette, Tippecanoe, IN. 9 The 1910 census recorded owning a home at 443 Wood Street: Leroy C. Slocum, cashier at national bank, 62, living with wife Flora V., 52; son Paul B., mechanical engineer at railroad shops, 24; daughter Mary E., 27; daughter Blanche, secretary for dean of Purdue agriculatural school, 24, and son Guy R., 22. Everyone and their parents were born in Indiana except as follows: Leroy's father Rhode Island and mother Massachusetts; Flora's father North Carolina and mother Kentucky; Paul and Guy were born in Kansas. The census columns record Leroy and Flora were married 32 years ago and she had birthed 9 children, 6 alive in 1910.

3. Residence: on 8 Dec 1915 in Lewistown, Fergus, MT. 1

4. Newspaper: Anaconda Standard: Lewistown: The marriage of Deputy Sheriff Guy R. Slocum and Miss Valdine Moger, two popular young people, is announced. The marriage ceremony was performed by Judge Ayers., 12 Dec 1915, Anaconda, Deer Lodge, MT. 6

5. Occupation: Deputy Sherriff on 5 Oct 1916 in Lewistown, Fergus, MT. 5

6. Newspaper: Fergus County Democrat: Slocum Stops Jail Break, 2 Nov 1916, Lewistown, Fergus, MT. 10 ---
The sharp eye of Deputy Sheriff Guy Slocum undoubtedly frustrated an attempt at a jail break at the county bastile, to be undertaken in a few days. Some time ago one Mike Murphy, an I. W. W., and the reputed leader of the organization in this section, was arrested at Grass Range on a charge of attempted robbery. Yesterday morning three men, E. A. Simpson, J. Kelly and Parnell Donovan visited the sheriff's office and asked to see Murphy. Mr. Slocum accommodated them and on getting to the cell, Murphy asked to be let out into the corridor. This was refused as unnecessary and Murphy then asked the men to come to the end of his cell, where they talked. While this was going on Murphy slipped a note to Donovan. He was quick and clever about it, but neither quick nor clever enough to prevent the officer from seeing it and in an instant he was upon Donovan and took the note away from him. It read:
Plan a Jail Break.
"Red -- We are going to try and get out of here. I wish you or Jimmy would get about four hack saws. You could pass them in through the second window next the Milwaukee track through a hole in the screen, say 9:45 p. m. I will be there. Tie them on a piece of stick, so they will clear the radiator inside. Or you could put them in Prince Albert tobacco cans. Tie them with a string; cut the tobacco, so they would fit in nicely, like it never was touched. They never examine anything that comes in. There is a fellow going out on the first name of Collins. A medium sized man, about 45 years old, with red mustache. Wears a heavy dark mackinaw. Look for him at the saloon. He will be on the lookout for you. He can give you all tlie dope. It will be best to gel the saws out of town, say Moccasin, or you may get them at the roundhouse, if you get next to some boomer machinist. I seen a lawyer. He told me last Friday that he could get me out with a jail sentence of 30 days. I offered him $100. I haven't seen him since. You can go and see him and see what he is going to do or what he wants. I would not go out of here if there was any show of getting off witli a jail sentence, as the getaway isn't going to be easy. If he can't do anything, find out about the trains out of here. Get folders of G. N. and Milwaukee and get some chuck for us. There will be four of us, but I think I'll go alone. We will go the night you put the saws in or the next, if you put them through the window. Diamond Bryar is a good brand of saw."

7. Newspaper: Great Falls Tribune: Guy Slocum Goes Into Ranching, 31 Aug 1919, Great Falls, Cascade, MT. 11 Deputies of Fergus County Court Will Go Into Ranching
Special to The Daily Tribune.
Lewistown, Aug. 30. -- Herbert L. Linn and Guy R. Slocum, head deputies in the ofice of the clerk of the district court, retired from those positions tonight and will farm the Willard ranch of 1,000 acres, owned by the Ayres Ranch company. Clerk of the Court J. L. Martin has appointed his brother, Alvin Martin, as chief deputy, and Fred Griffith, a well known law clerk, to fill the other position. The retirement of Messrs. Linn and Slocum is regretted by the members of the bar, as both are very competent and obliging men, having held the positions a long time.

8. Census in 1920 in Everett, Snohomish, WA. 12 The 1920 census recorded at 1831 Wetmore Avenue: Guy R. Slocum, laborer in lumber mill, 31, living with wife Valdine M., 28; and son Leroy, 3 years 3 months. Also in the home is sister-in-law Adeline I. Grenell, 35, and niece Arvelyn V. Grenell. Guy and his parents were born in Kansas. Valdine and Adeline were born in South Dakota, their father in Norway and mother in Iowa. Leroy was born in Montana, his father in Kansas and mother in South Dakota. Arvelyn and her mother were born in South Dakota, her father in Michigan.

9. Newspaper: Anaconda Standard: Lewistown: Guy Slocum former deputy clerk of the district court, yesterday filed his declaration of candidacy for the democratic nomination for county treasurer., 16 Jul 1920, Anaconda, Deer Lodge, MT. 13

10. Residence: on 21 Aug 1920 in Lewistown, Fergus, MT. 14

11. Newspaper: Billing Weekly Gazette: Arrest Alleged Gamblers, 20 Oct 1921, Billings, Yellowstone, MT. 15 ARREST ALLEGED GAMBLERS.
LEWISTOWN, Oct. 14. -- Sheriff Billy Wood, County Attorney E. J. Baker and Undersheriff Guy L. Slocum raided an alleged gambling room late last night and arrested eight men on charges of gambling.
Those arrested were registered this morning as follows: R. J. Regan, Nick George, H. P. Johnson, John Curry, T. Jones, O. L. Kane, John Dye and Jame Tebo.

12. Newspaper: Butte Miner, 2 Jul 1922, Butte, Silver Bow, MT. 16 Guy R. Slocum, undersheriff here during the incumency of Sheriff Woods, has resigned that position in order to become associated with Engineer Jim McGowan, former engineer for Gordan Campbell and now an operator in Kevin. Mr. Slocum will leave at once for the Kevin field. He was formerly deputy clerk for the district court here and originally was with the Milwaukee's engineering staff.

13. Newspaper: Great Falls Tribune: Slocum Directs Forest Fire Force, 22 Sep 1922, Lewistown, Fergus, MT. 17 Forest Fire Quelled After Night Battle; Good Timber Ruined
Special to The Tribune.
Lewistown, Sept. 21. -- A force of more than 100 men worked all Wednesday night, under direction of Under Sheriff Guy Slocum, fighting the forest and grass fire on the South Moccasin mountain, and Thursday morning further danger was past, the men having saved all the ranch houses and several grain fields.
The fire swent about 1.500 acres of heavily timbered land, some of the timber being of large size and valuable. The current report is that the fire originated through the carelessness of picnickers who failed to extinguish their fire, which spread to the dry grass and then to the timber.
Aside from the fire fighters, at least 200 people went out from Lewistown Wednesday night in autos to see the blaze, some getting right up to the fire, while others viewed it from the roads.

14. Newspaper: Billings Gazette: Moves To Billings, 30 Mar 1923, Billings, Yellowstone, MT. 18 MOVES TO BILLINGS.
Guy R. Slocum and family have been staying at the Grand hotel for several days while making preparations for a permanent location here. They will live on Wyoming avenue. Mr. Slocum will be associated with one of the real estate firms of Billings. He was formerly a resident of Lewistown.

15. Newspaper: Beatrice Daily Sun: In Quarrel Over Woman, 10 May 1929, Beatrice, Gage, NE. 19 ---
Fremont Salesman Is Badly Wounded At O'Neill
O'Neill, Nebr., May 10. -- After seriously wounding Jack Brennan, 35, Fremont oil salesman, at a hotel here last night, G. R. Slocum, of Winner, S. D., walked from the hotel, shot hlmself over the heart and then drove his car to Emmet Nebr., fifteen miles away, where he was captured.
Brennan is in a hospital at Stuart. The bullet from Slocum's pistol struck him in the upper jaw, followed the jaw bone and came out the back of his neck. His condition, although not critical is serious, hospital attendants said. Slocum is confined at the Golden hotel here under arrest. The self inflicted bullet was deflected by a rib and the wound is not considered serious. Slocum suffered severe powder burns.
The shooting accurred in the lobby of the Golden hotel, following an exchange of words between the two men. When it appeared that the two men were about to come to blows, the hotel clerk started to remonstrate with them and suddenly Slocum drew a pistol and fired. Rushing to his car outside, Slocum sent a bullet into the left side of his body and then drove to Emmet where he was captured by a state prohibition officer.
The quarrel between the two men, police said, was over Slocum's divorced wife, who lives in Norfolk.

16. Newspaper: Lincoln Journal Star: Guy R. Slocum, Norfolk, Fires Shot and Turns Pistol on Self, 10 May 1929, Lincoln, Lancaster, NE. 20 MAN SERIOUSLY HURT IN O'NEILL GUN FRAY
Guy R. Slocum, Norfolk, Fires Shot and Turns Pistol on Self -- Captured at Emmett.
Guy R. Slocum, Norfolk insurance man, shot and seriously injured S. J. Brennan of Fremont at 12:30 a. m. Friday and after shooting and slightly wounding himself and fleeing in an automobile, was captured by state officers at Emmett, Neb. The scrape, which took place in an O'Neill hotel, was said to be the result of martial differences. Each man, state officers stated, accused the other of trying to break up his home.
The first bullet fired by Slocum with a 32-calibre automatic revolver, entered the fleshy part of the Fremont oil salesman's jaw, coming out the back of his neck. Slocum rushed out of the hotel, firing at himself as he went out the door. The ball, however, glanced off his rib, leaving a flesh wound.
The Norfolk man got to his car and drove away. State Deputies Strawn, Weygint and Reed and Constable Meister of Norfolk were in the hotel and heard the shooting, and after dressing hurriedly, started out in different directions in pursuit.
Slocum was overtaken near Emmett, Neb., where, with the aid of the night marshall, state deputies cornered and captured him before he was able to use his gun.
Brennan is in an O'Neill hospital, reported to be a serious condition. Slocum was returned to O'Neill and held in the hotel In the absence of county authorities.

17. Newspaper: Lincoln Journal Star: Slocum To Be Heard, 15 May 1929, Lincoln, Lancaster, NE. 21 ---
O'NEILL, Neb. -- Charged with shooting with intent to kill Jack Brennan, Fremont salesman, Guy R. Slocum, insurance man of Winner, S. D., was expected to be given a preliminary hearing probably this week as soon as he recovers from self-inflicted wounds. County Attorney J. B. Cronin filed the charge after an investigation of the shooting last week. Following an argument, Slocum shot Brennan and as he was leaving the hotel he shot himself. He declared, however, he did not attempt to commit suicide but the pistol dicharged accidentally. Both men are recovering.

18. Newspaper: The Lincoln Star: BRENNAN DENIES MET MRS. SLOCUM BEFORE DIVORCE, 22 May 1929, Lincoln, Lancaster, NE. ---
FREMONT, Neb., May 22 \emdash Recovering here from the serious wounds received when he was recently shot by Guy Slocum of Winner, S. D., at O'Neill. Jack Brennan, Fremont salesman today denied that the fight with Slocum had resulted from Brennan's breaking up Slocum's home.
Brennan declared that he met Mrs. Slocum for the first time last fall after she had been divorced from her husband for a year.

19. Census in 1930 in Long Pine, Brown, NE. 22 The 1930 census recorded renting a home for $35/month: Guy R. Slocum, traveling insurance salesman, 41, living with wife Minta F., 36, and a lodger, Beverly Williamson, 19. Guy and his parents were born in Indiana. Minta was born in Nebraska, her father in Iowa and mother in Germany. The census columns record Guy's first marriage occurred at age 24 and Minta's at age 22.

20. Newspaper: Lincoln Journal Star: G. R. Slocum Charged With Child Desertion, 12 Feb 1932, Lincoln, Lancaster, NE. 23 G. R. Slocum, in custody at O'Neill, charged in Sioux Falls, S. D. with desertion of two sons, fiiteen and eleven years, respectively, has asked Governor Bryan for a hearing before action is taken on a requisition issued by the governor of South Dakota. A hearing will be held in Lincoln at 1 o'clock Feb. 17. J. A. Donohoe of O'Neill and Donald Gallagher of Lincoln will appear in defense of Slocum. The complaint is filed by Valdine Slocum. It alleges child desertion at Sioux Falls July 1, 1931. Attorneys for Slocum said the couple have been divorced and judgment for alimony is involved, that Slocum lost track of his former wife when she moved to Nebraska and alleges that he is not a fugitive from South Dakota and that he has not been in that state for six years.

21. Newspaper: Lincoln Journal Star -- Governor Bryan Refuses To Extradite Slocum, 18 Feb 1932, Lincoln, Lancaster, NE. 24 ---
Long Pine Insurance Loan Agent Held Not to Be a Fugitive
Governor Bryan at the conclusion of a hearing Wednesday afternoon, announced he had decided to deny the application of the governor of South Dakota for exlradition of G. R. Slocum on a charge of deserting two minor children at Sioux Falls, S. D.
Mr. Slocum, formerly a resident of Ainsworth, now living at Long Pine, is supervising agent for a Des Moines insurance company in charge of $1,800,000 invested in Nebraska farms and real estate. He was at the hearing with his present wife whom he married two years ago and faced his former wife, Mrs. Valdine Slocum of Sioux Falls, who is the complainant. Both husband and former wife gave testimony.
The application for extradition was denied by Governor Bryan on the ground he could not find that the accused was a fugitive from justice. He said the accused and his present wlfe are both citizens of Nebraska and he could not find that the man had fled from South Dakota.

22. Residence: on 14 Dec 1933 in Long Pine, Brown, NE. 2

23. Obituary: Journal and Courier: obituary of Guy Slocum on 15 Dec 1933 in Lafayette, Tippecanoe, IN. 2 Guy Slocum Is Killed in West
Guy R. Slocum, 43, son of Mr. and Mrs. Leroy C. Slocum of Wood and Sheets street, died Thursday in a hospital at Valenday, Neb.,
from injuries received in an automobile accident several days before. He was living at Long Pine, Neb., and had been employed as receiver for the Royal Union Life Insurance company. He was formerly a well known West Side resident and had many friends here. He attended the West Side schools and entered Purdue in 1907 after completing his junior year at Oakwood high school as the West Side high school was formerly known. In high school he was a football player and was popular. For one year he attended Lafayette high school. He was a member of the 1911 class at Purdue but did not graduate. He went west about 1909 and lived for many years in Montana where he was formerly a deputy sheriff. He married a Montana girl and the widow and two children survive. He also leaves his aged parents, one brother, Paul B. Slocum, of Decatur, Ill., Purdue 1909; and three sisters Mrs. Bert Smith, Chicago; Mrs. Howard Gholson, Clarksville, Tenn.; and Mr. Werner Snyder, Orono, Me.

Guy married Valdine Naldina Magdalene Moger, daughter of Ole Iversen Moger and Marie Engebretsdatter Broby, on 8 Dec 1915 in Lewistown, Fergus, MT.1 (Valdine Naldina Magdalene Moger was born on 16 Nov 1891 in Rutland, Lake, SD,25 died on 25 Dec 1976 in Sioux Falls, Minnehaha, SD 25 and was buried in Sioux Falls, Minnehaha, SD 25.)

Guy next married Aramentie Ofe. (Aramentie Ofe was born on 7 Dec 1892 in , , NE,26 died on 26 Sep 1958 in O'Neill, Holt, NE 26 and was buried in O'Neill, Holt, NE 26.)


1 FamilySearch.org, Montana, County Marriages, 1865-1950, https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:F3Q8-3BB Guy Roy Slocum and Valdine M. Moger, 08 Dec 1915; citing Marriage, Lewistown, Fergus County, Montana, various county courthouses, Montana; FHL microfilm 1,941,107.

2 "Journal and Courier (Lafayette, IN)," 15 Dec 1933, page 3. Obituary of Guy Slocum.

3 FamilySearch.org, Nebraska, Marriages, 1855-1995, https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:Q2ZL-1K4L Guy Slocum in entry for Grant Elmer Ortmayer and Edith Mae Slocum, 27 Apr 1943; citing Marriage, Hartington, Cedar, Nebraska, United States, Nebraska State Historical Society, Lincoln;.

4 Find A Grave, https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/102304210.

5 Ancestry.com, "Montana, Birth Records, 1897-1919," #78 740 registration no 319 Le Roy Slocum, b. 5 Oct 1916, Lewistown, Fergus County, Montana father G R Slocum mother Valdine Moger.

6 "The Anaconda Standard (Anaconda, MT)," 12 Dec 1915, page 14. Slocum-Moger Marriage.

7 Ancestry.com, U.S., Social Security Applications and Claims Index, 1936-2007 (Original data: Social Security Applications and Claims, 1936-2007.), SSN 504481069, Leroy Daniel Slocum, b. 5 Oct 1916 d. 5 oct 1988, father Guy R. Slocum mother Valdine M Moger.

8 1900 United States Census, https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:M99H-CH1 Leroy C Slocum, Wabash Township West Lafayette town, Tippecanoe, Indiana, United States; citing enumeration district (ED) 114, sheet 3B, family 51.

9 1910 United States Census, https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:MK5Y-5JM Guy R Slocum in household of Leroy C Slocum, Wabash, Tippecanoe, Indiana, United States; citing enumeration district (ED) ED 189, sheet 7A, family 166.

10 "Fergus County Democrat (Lewistown, MT)," 2 Nov 1916, page 2.

11 "Great Falls Tribune (Great Falls, MT)," 31 Aug 1919, page 4.

12 1920 United States Census, https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:MHJC-HVM Guy R Slocum, Everett, Snohomish, Washington, United States; citing ED 160, sheet 4A, line 29, family 87.

13 "The Anaconda Standard (Anaconda, MT)," 16 Jul 1920, page 2.

14 "Journal and Courier (Lafayette, IN)," 21 Aug 1920, page 6.

15 "The Billings Gazette (Billings MT)," 20 Oct 1921, page 8.

16 "The Butte Miner (Butte, MT)," 2 Jul 1922, page 14.

17 "Great Falls Tribune (Great Falls, MT)," 22 Sep 1922, page 4.

18 "The Billings Gazette (Billings MT)," 30 Mar 1923, page 7.

19 "Beatrice Daily Sun (Beatrice, NE)," 10 May 1929, page 8.

20 "Lincoln Journal Star (Lincoln, NE)," 10 May 1929, page 1.

21 "Lincoln Journal Star (Lincoln, NE)," 15 May 1929, page 9.

22 1930 United States Census, https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:XQV5-YWG Guy R Slocum, Long Pine, Brown, Nebraska, United States; citing enumeration district (ED) ED 11, sheet 10A, line 32, family 246.

23 "Lincoln Journal Star (Lincoln, NE)," 12 Feb 1932, page 11.

24 "Lincoln Journal Star (Lincoln, NE)," 18 Feb 1932, page 8.

25 Find A Grave, https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/66995626.

26 Find A Grave, https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/102304170.

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