Henry Beeker Sr.
Barbara Garner
(Abt 1767-1840)
Jacob Young Sr.
Magdaleen Molly Burkhart
John Beeker
Christina Young
Daniel Beeker


Family Links

1. Mary Frances Stewart

Daniel Beeker 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

  • Born: 5 Jul 1817, , Washington, IN 2 3 12
  • Marriage (1): Mary Frances Stewart on 9 Nov 1843 in Tippecanoe Township, Tippecanoe, IN 1
  • Died: 2 Jun 1909, Otterbein, Benton, IN at age 91 3 12 13
  • Buried: Battle Ground: Pretty Prairie Cemetery, Tippecanoe, IN 3

   FamilySearch ID: LHXW-4Z3.

  Noted events in his life were:

1. Census in 1820 in , Washington, IN. 14 The 1820 census recorded John Beker [sic] with this household:
Free White Persons - Males - Under 10: 2
Free White Persons - Males - 26 thru 44: 1
Free White Persons - Females - Under 10: 3
Free White Persons - Females - 26 thru 44: 1
Number of Persons - Engaged in Agriculture: 1
Free White Persons - Under 16: 5
Free White Persons - Over 25: 2
Total Free White Persons: 7.

2. Census in 1830 in , Tippecanoe, IN. 15 The 1830 census recorded John Beeker, living next door to John Pruitt who married Beeker's daughter Barbara, with this household:
Home in 1830 (City, County, State): Tippecanoe, Indiana
Free White Persons - Males - Under 5: 2
Free White Persons - Males - 10 thru 14: 1
Free White Persons - Males - 15 thru 19: 1
Free White Persons - Males - 40 thru 49: 1
Free White Persons - Females - 5 thru 9: 1
Free White Persons - Females - 15 thru 19: 2
Free White Persons - Females - 40 thru 49: 1
Free White Persons - Under 20: 7
Free White Persons - 20 thru 49: 2
Total Free White Persons: 9
Total - All Persons (Free White, Slaves, Free Colored): 9.

3. Census in 1840 in , Tippecanoe, IN. 16 The 1840 census recorded two Beeker households living near John Pruitt who married John Beeker's daughter Barbara.
The census lists John Becker [sic, indexed as Becker but handwriting is Beeker] with a household as follows:
Home in 1840 (City, County, State): Tippecanoe , Indiana
Free White Persons - Males - 5 thru 9: 1
Free White Persons - Males - 10 thru 14: 1
Free White Persons - Males - 20 thru 29: 1
Free White Persons - Males - 50 thru 59: 1
Free White Persons - Females - Under 5: 1
Free White Persons - Females - 5 thru 9: 1
Free White Persons - Females - 10 thru 14: 1
Free White Persons - Females - 15 thru 19: 1
Free White Persons - Females - 40 thru 49: 1
Persons Employed in Mining: 3
Free White Persons - Under 20: 6
Free White Persons - 20 thru 49: 2
Total Free White Persons: 9
Next door is son Leonard Beckers [sic, handwriting is Beeker] with this household:
Name:Leonard Beckers
Home in 1840 (City, County, State): Tippecanoe, Indiana
Free White Persons - Males - 20 thru 29: 1
Free White Persons - Females - 20 thru 29: 1
Persons Employed in Mining: 1
Free White Persons - 20 thru 49: 2
Total Free White Persons: 2.

4. Census in 1850 in Tippecanoe Township, Tippecanoe, IN. 17 The 1850 census recorded Daniel Banker [sic], farmer, 31, living with wife Mary F., 22; John, 6; Mary, 4; and Samuel A., 5 months old when the census was recorded 22 Aug 1850. Everyone was born in Indiana except Mary in Kentucky. Daniel's real estate was valued at $3000.

5. Census in 1860 in Tippecanoe Township, Tippecanoe, IN. 18 The 1860 census recorded the households of two Beeker brothers living as neighbors.

Leonard Beeker, farmer, 46, was living with daughter Dulcina, 19; son Norcemus, 18; son Manford, 16; and daughter Orlena, 12. Leonard's real estate was valued at $3450 and personal estate $724. Everyone was born in Indiania.

Daniel Beeker, 42, was with wife Mary F., 32; children Mary E., 13; Samuel A., 11; Susannah A., 9; Charles W., 6; Flora V., 3; and Daniel's mother, Christina Beeker, widow, 69, born in North Carolina; and a farm hand, Erin Julian, 21, born in Ohio. Everyone else was born in Indiana except Mary F. in Kentucky. Daniel's farm was vlaued at $10060 and personal estate $3041. The post office was Battle Ground.

6. Fact: 1870, Tippecanoe Township, Tippecanoe, IN. A page-by-page review of the 1870 census in Tippecanoe Township reveals Daniel's household isn't listed. Since in 1860 and 1880 he lived next to brother Leonard, but Daniel isn't listed on Leonard's census pages in 1870, we presume the cenus taker missed recording Daniel's home altogether.

7. Census in 1880 in Tippecanoe Township, Tippecanoe, IN. 19 The 1880 census records 4 Beeker households as neighbors.

Hannah Beeker, 41, was living with daughter Eldira, 20; son John, 18; daughter Lilla J., 13; and two orphans: Theadora Emily, 8; and Charles Baily, 14. Also in the home is Charles Beeker, farmer, 24. Hannah was born in Ohio and her parents in Pennsylvania. Her children were born in Pennsylvania, their father in Ohio.
Next door is Narcemos Beeker, farmer, 38, with wife Mary J., 43; Frank E., 13; George L., 10; Harry W., 7; Charles C., 5; and Clide R., 1. Everyone was born in Indiana, and Narcemos and Mary's parents in Onio.
Next door is Manford Beeker, farmer, 37, with wife Magdaline, 35; Lavira, 11; John L., 10; May 8; Dermeranda, 6; and 18-year-old Charles E. Deardoff, farm laborer. Everyone was born in Indiana, and Manford and Magdaline's parents in Onio.
Next door is Daniel Beeker, farmer, 62, with wife Mary F., 57; Charles W., farmer, 26; daughter Ferona, 19; Jennie, 17; and Rosetta, 12;
Daniel and his children were born in Indiana and his parents in North Carolina. Mary F. and her parents were born in Kentucky.

8. Book: Biographical record and portrait album of Tippecanoe County, Indiana: Biography of Daniel Beeker, 1888. 2
DANIEL BEEKER, a prominent and enterprising agriculturist of Tippecanoe Township, is a native of Indiana, born in Washington County, July 5, 1817, a son of John and Christina (Young) Beeker. His father was born in North Carolina in 1786 where he was reared and married. In 1812, he came to Indiana, locating in Washington County, where he resided many years, and in 1828, he came to Tippecanoe County. On coming to this county, he settled on section 12, Tippecanoe Township, where he preempted 160 acres of Government land. He was a typical pioneer, being a man of great energy and strength. Beginning life with small financial resources, by his industry and good management, he became one of the most prosperous and wealthy of the pioneers, added largely to his first purchase of land until he owned 1,100 acres of County's best soil, consisting of both prairie and timber land. In politics, he was a Democrat, and in religion, a member of the Brethren church. He died in 1841. His widow survived him a number of years, dying in 1856. They reared nine children to maturity - Barbara, widow of John Pruit, now residing in Kansas; Susannah, widow of Jacob Brown, living in Fountain County, Indiana; Leonard died in Tippecanoe Township, in 1885; Daniel, the subject of this sketch; Mary, wife of William Brown, of Fountain County; Samuel died in Tippecanoe Township, in 1875; Anna is the wife of David Brown of Benton County, Indiana, and Christina is the wife of William Laird, also living in Benton County. Daniel Beeker, whose name heads this sketch, was eleven years old when brought by his parents to this county, where he has made his home since 1828. He was reared on his father's frontier farm, and in his youth, received such education as the pioneer schools of those days afforded. He assisted his father in clearing up the land on which he now resides, the farm now consisting of 340 acres of well-improved land, and his present fine two-story residence erected in 1870 is one of the best to be found in Tippecanoe Township. Mr. Beeker was united in marriage to Miss Mary Frances Stewart. Seven of the ten children born to them are yet living -- Mary Ellen, wife of Thomas Foster of Grand View, Dakota; Alice, wife of Sumner Baker, of Benton County, Indiana; Charley of Tippecanoe County; Flora, wife of L. C. Slocum of Mead County, Kansas; Frona; Jenna, wife of J. J. Nagle Jr. of Montmorenci, Indiana; and Etta, at home with her parents. Three children are deceased. John was a member of Company G, Twentieth Indiana Regiment, serving his country almost three years, and was killed at the siege of Petersburg within a few days of the close of the war. Another son, Samuel Allen, died at the age of twenty-six years, and George Lew Wallace was accidentally killed at the age of seven years. Mr., Beeker has long been one of the representative men of the county where no family is more widely known or more universally respected than his. The farm and home of Mr. Beeker is among the most beautiful in the county. In politics, he was in early life a Whig, but has been Republican since the organization of that party. He has for many years been an active and consistent member of the Methodist Episcopal church, and has filled the offices of trustee, steward and treasurer of his church.

9. Census in 1900 in Prairie Township, White, IN. 20 The 1900 census recorded Daniel Beeker, 83, born July 1816, widowed, as father-in-law living in the household with his daughter, Luella J. Nagle, 35, May 1865, and her husband, farmer John J. Nagle, 36, Jan 1864, and their children: Ida L., 19, Sep 1881; and John C., 11 months born Jul 1899. John and Luella were married for 14 years and she had birthed 2 children by 1900. Everone and their parents were born in Indiana except Daniel was erroneously listed as born in Kentucky, and his parents birthplace is blank.

10. Book: Past and Present of Tippecanoe County, Indiana, 1909. 21
In the township of Tippecanoe have been built four Methodist churches. Perhaps the first was in the northwest part of the township and called Salem, but now its successor is called Cairo. Old Salem was built in 1836 and used until 185 1. The location of the present church of Cairo is west one-fourth of a mile of Salem, and stands a beautiful country church surrounded by a strong community of people, religious and aggressive in the work of the church as well as in all that pertains to their secular interests.

There was a church built west of Battle Ground, two miles, called the Geneseo Methodist church. In connection with it was a parsonage. This church was built about 1846. For many years it stood a haven for rest and worship, but, in the better adjustment of conditions, it was abandoned and the church at Battle Ground absorbed the membership in a large part.

The Pretty Prairie church was built in 1858, and stands yet with vigor, after its golden jubilee, with a church improved, beautified and inviting. In this church entered the religious energies of the old families of Beekers, Barnes, Maxons and Gays. This was a strong community and has not suc cumbed to the devastations of time.

In 1860, or about that time, the Methodist people of the village of Battle Ground were organized and a church was built. A new church has been erected to take the place of the old one, and a strong society is promoting the interests of the church in every department.

Daniel married Mary Frances Stewart, daughter of John Allen Stewart and Susan Ball Chilton, on 9 Nov 1843 in Tippecanoe Township, Tippecanoe, IN.1 (Mary Frances Stewart was born on 15 Aug 1827 in , Henry, KY,22 died on 24 Mar 1893 in , Tippecanoe, IN 12 22 and was buried in Battle Ground: Pretty Prairie Cemetery, Tippecanoe, IN 22.)


1 Indiana State Library (315 West Ohio Street, Indianapolis, IN 46202.), https://www.statelib.lib.in.us/INMarriages1850/marriages_display.asp?ID=18931 Daniel Beeker and Mary Frances Stewart, 9 Nov 1843 Tippecanoe, IN.

2 Biographical record and portrait album of Tippecanoe County, Indiana (Lewis Publishing Company, Chicago, Illinois. 1888. 826 pages.), Page 678. Biography of Daniel Beeker. Online https://books.google.com/books?id=2dgWAQAAMAAJ&lpg=PA678&ots=1mDjUGQ7Fr&dq=beeker%20indiana%20carolina&pg=PA678#v=onepage&q=beeker%20indiana%20carolina&f=false.

3 Find A Grave, http://www.findagrave.com/cgi-bin/fg.cgi?page=gr&GRid=6977860.

4 Daughters of the American Revolution Lineage Books (Online register at www.dar.org), Lineage Book : NSDAR : Volume 060 : 1906. Page 72, #59213. Lineage of Miss Lena Beeker born in Fairfield, Ind.

5 FamilySearch.org, Indiana Marriages, 1780-1992, https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:XFXH-SW7 Chas. W. Beeker and Anna Weigele, 01 Jun 1893; citing reference item 4 p 198; FHL microfilm 872,060.

6 FamilySearch.org, Indiana Marriages, 1780-1992, https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:XFX4-4TL Jno. J. Nagle and Luella Becker, 24 Oct 1886; citing reference Item 4 p 137; FHL microfilm 872,060.

7 "Journal and Courier (Lafayette, IN)," 5 Jun 1924, page 1, obituary of Charles W. Beeker.

8 Ancestry.com, "Indiana, U.S., Death Certificates, 1899-2017," Mary Ellen Beeker Foster. Father Daniel Beeker. Mother Mary F. Stewart.

9 FamilySearch.org, Indiana Marriages, 1780-1992, https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:XFX4-NP6 Charles S. Gallaher and Rozetta A. Beeher, 03 Apr 1889; citing reference item 4 p 54; FHL microfilm 872,060.

10 "Journal and Courier (Lafayette, IN)," 16 Oct 1920, page 12. Obituary of Etta Beeker Gallaher.

11 "Journal and Courier (Lafayette, IN)," 28 Aug 1930, page 19. Obituary of Susan Alice Beeker Baker.

12 Ancestry.com, U.S., Sons of the American Revolution Membership Applications, 1889-1970 (Original data: Sons of the American Revolution Membership Applications, 1889-1970. Louisville, Kentucky: National Society of the Sons of the American Revolution. Microfilm, 508 rolls.), Ernest B. Heavilon by descent from Jacob Antle.

13 FamilySearch.org, Indiana Death Index, 1882-1920, https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:VZ77-DYX Daniel Beeker, 02 Jun 1909, Otterbein, Indiana.

14 1820 United States Census, https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:XHG4-FRP John Beker, Washington, Indiana, United States; citing p. 223.

15 1830 United States Census, 1830; Census Place: Tippecanoe, Indiana; Series: M19; Roll: 31; Page: 107; Family History Library Film: 0007720.

16 1840 United States Census, https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:XHTL-GTK : 7 September 2017), John Becker, Tippecanoe, Indiana, United States; citing p. 256.

17 1850 United States Census, https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:MHVH-QXF Daniel Baker [sic], Tippecanoe, Tippecanoe, Indiana, United States; citing family 457.

18 1860 United States Census, https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:M4N7-FDK Daniel Beeker, 1860 Tippecanoe, Indiana Household 756 Page 106 Image 390.

19 1880 United States Census, https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:MHSN-HF1 4 Beeker Households in Tippecanoe, Tippecanoe, Indiana, United States; citing enumeration district ED 20, sheet 160A.

20 1900 United States Census, https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:M99G-P9L Daniel Beeker in household of John J Nagle, Prairie Township, Precinct 2 (east half), White, Indiana, United States; citing enumeration district (ED) 135, sheet 6B, family 125.

21 Richard Patten DeHart, Past and Present of Tippecanoe County, Indiana: Vol 1 (Indianapolis, Indiana, B. F. Bowen & Coompany, Publishers. 1909. Online https://play.google.com/books/reader?id=ay4VAAAAYAAJ at Google Books), Vol I, Page 176.

22 Find A Grave, https://www.findagrave.com/cgi-bin/fg.cgi?page=gr&GRid=6977870.

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