Johann Henrich Buecher
(Bef 1752-Aft 1820)
Henry Keplinger
John Beecher
Elizabeth Keplinger
David Beecher


Family Links

1. Anna Maria Gilbert

David Beecher 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

  • Born: 8 Sep 1793, Straban Twp., Adams, PA 4 9 12
  • Marriage (1): Anna Maria Gilbert in York: Reformed Church, York, PA
  • Died: 13 Apr 1880, Arendtsville, Adams, PA at age 86 9 11 12 13 14
  • Buried: Arendtsville: Fairview Cemetery, Adams, PA 8 9

   Another name for David was David Bücher.10 15

   FamilySearch ID: 27G6-R92.

  Noted events in his life were:

1. Photo: See his photo at

2. Census in 1800 in Straban Twp., Adams, PA. 16 The 1800 U.S. Census in Straban Township, Adams County, recorded John Beecher with this household:
Males (born)
Under 10 (1791-1800) = 3 (sons Peter, David, George)
26-44 (1756-1774) = 1 (father John)
Females (born)
Under 10 (1791-1800) = 1 (daughter Elizabeth)
10-15 (1785-1790) = 2 (daughters Catherine and Sarah Rebecca)
26-44 (1756-1774) = 1 (wife Elizabeth).

3. Census in 1810 in Straban Twp., Adams, PA. 17 The 1810 U.S. Census in Straban Township, Adams County, recorded John Beaker with this household:
Males (born)
10-15 (1795-1800) = 1 (son George)
16-25 (1785-1794) = 1 (son David or Peter)
26-44 (1766-1784) = 1 (son John)
45 & over (<=1765) = 1 (father John)
Females (born)
Under 10 (1801-1810) = 1 (daughter Sarah Rebecca)
45 & over (<=1765) = 1 (wife Elizabeth).

4. Census in 1820 in Straban Twp., Adams, PA. 18 John Beecher and sons Jacob, George, and David are listed as neighbors in the 1820 U.S. Census in Straban Township.

John Beecher's household had:
Males (born)
45 & over (<=1775) = 1 (father John)
Females (born)
16-25 (1795-1804) = 1 (daughter Sarah Rebecca)
45 & over (<=1775) = 1 (wife Elizabeth)

Jacob Beecher's household had:
Males (born)
Under 10 (1811-1820) = 2 (sons)
26-44 (1776-1794) = 1 (father Jacob)
Females (born)
Under 10 (1811-1820) = 1 (daughter)
26-44 (1776-1794) = 1 (wife)

George Beecher's household had:
Males (born)
16-25 (1795-1804) = 1 (father George)
Females (born)
10-15 (1805-1810) = 1 (daughter Elisabeth)
26-44 (1776-1794) = 1 (wife Anna)

David Beecher's household had:
Males (born)
Under 10 (1811-1820) = 1 (son Samuel)
16-18 (1802-1804) = 1 (?)
26-44 (1776-1794) = 1 (father David)
Under 10 (1811-1820) =
10-15 (1805-1810) = 2 (daughters Elizabeth & Ann Margaret)
16-25 (1795-1804) = 1 (wife Anna Maria).

5. Newspaper: Adams Sentinel, 26 Nov 1823, Gettysburg, Adams, PA. 19 WILL BE RENTED, BY PUBLIC VENDUE, on MONDAY the 8th of DECEMBER next, THE PLANTATION & MILL of JOHN SPITLER, deceased, situated in MOUNTJOY township, ADAMS county, about 3 miles from LITTLES-TOWN. The terms will be made known on the day of sale by DAVID BEECHER, ADM'R. Nov. 18, 1823.

6. David Bücher and wife Maria were baptism sponsors for Maria Elisabeth daughter of Michael Saltxgiver and Elisabeth on 28 Nov 1824 in Gettysburg: St. James Evangelical Lutheran Church, Adams, PA. 20

7. Newspaper: Advertisement, 24 May 1826, Gettysburg, Adams, PA. 21 The Subscribers will carry on, at the Fulling Mill of DAVID BEECHER, situate on CONOWAGO CREEK, in FRANKLIN TOWNSHIP, ADAMS COUNTY, the CARDING, SPINNING, WEAVING, DYEING, FULLING & DRESSING OF CLOTH or either of them. Woolen Cloth, Blankets, Flannells, Cassinetts and Linseys, will be manfactured in a neat and durable manner. Indigo blue will be dyed, if requested.
For the convenience of those at a distance, Wool for Carding or Manufacturing, and Cloth for Fulling, will be received at the following places, viz. Thos. McKnight's store, in Franklin townshp ; John Gilbert's tavern, in Menallen; Messrs. Wurt's tavern, on the road from Hunters-town to Chambersburg; Jacob Grass' tavern, in Hunters-town; John Beecher's, in Straban; Wm. E Camp's store, and Bernhart Gilbert's Tavern, in Gettysburg. -- Wool to be carded into rolls, will be returned in one week -- and cloth when finished.

8. Newspaper: Adams Sentinel: Conowago Woolen Factory, David Beecher, 30 Aug 1826, Gettysburg, Adams, PA. 22 Conowago Woolen Factory
The Subscribers will carry on, at the Fulling Mill of David Beecher, siuate on Conowage creek, in Franklin township, Adams county, the Carding, Spinning, Weaving, Dyeing, Fulling & Dressing of Cloth, or either of them. Woolen Cloth, Blankets, Flannells, Cassinetts and Linseys, will be manufactured in a neat and durable manner. Indigo blue will be dyed, if requested.

For the convenience of those at a distance, Wool for Carding or Manufacturing, and Cloth for Fulling, will be received at the following places, viz. Thos. McKnight's store, in Franklin township; John Gilbert's tavern, in Menallen; Messrs. Wurt's tavern, on the road from Hunters-town to Chambersburg; Jacob Grass' tavern, in Hunters-Town; John Beecher's, in Straban; Wm. E. Camp's store, and Bernhart Gilbert's Tavern, in Gettysburg. --- Wool to be carded into rolls, will be returned in one week --- and cloth when finished.
Robert Morrison
David Beecher
May 9. 5m.

9. Newspaper: Death notice in the Republican Compiler newspaper, 21 Nov 1827, Gettysburg, Adams, PA. 23 "On 8th, Elizabeth Beecher, d/David Beecher, Franklin, 15."

10. Census in 1830 in Franklin Twp., Adams, PA. 24 The 1830 census listed David Beecher with this household:
Free White Persons - Males - Under 5: 1
Free White Persons - Males - 5 thru 9: 1
Free White Persons - Males - 15 thru 19: 2
Free White Persons - Males - 20 thru 29: 2
Free White Persons - Males - 30 thru 39: 1
Free White Persons - Males - 50 thru 59: 1
Free White Persons - Females - Under 5: 2
Free White Persons - Females - 5 thru 9: 1
Free White Persons - Females - 15 thru 19: 1
Free White Persons - Females - 30 thru 39: 1
Free White Persons - Under 20: 8
Free White Persons - 20 thru 49: 4
Total Free White Persons: 1.

11. Newspaper: Death notice in the Republican Compiler newspaper, 14 Jun 1831, Gettysburg, Adams, PA. 25 "On 12th , Bernhart, s/David Beecher, Franklin, 7" [note: the date was changed to the 5th in Jun 21 issue.].

12. Newspaper: The Sentinel, 20 Sep 1831, Gettysburg, Adams, PA. 26 At an Orphan's Court
Held at Gettysburg, for county of Adams, on the twenty second day of August, A.D. one thousand eight hundred and thirty-one - before Judge Reed, Esquire, and his Associates. Judges, &c. assigned. &c.
Due proof having been made of the service of the Rule granted at the last Orphan's Court on all the Heirs and Legal Representatives of
Desceased, to be and appear at this Court to accept or refuse to take the Real Estate of said deceased at the valuation made thereof; and being severally called, and making no answer:
On motion -
The Court Grant A Rule,
On all the Heirs and Legal Representatives of said deceased, to wit: Barny Gilbert, who has released his interest in said Estate, Susanna, intermarried with Bernhart Gilbert, whose share is sold to T. Stevens. Molly, intermarried with Michael Crowl. Elizabeth, intermarried with Michael Saltzgiver, who died before the said Jacob, leaving issue: Henry, Daniel, Margaret, Michael, Eliza and Sophia Saltzgiver (all minors); Sally, intermarried with Daniel Herr, John Gilbert, (eldest son) Jacob Gilbert, George Gilbert, Samuel Gilbert, Sophia, intermarried with Jacob Harman (Col.), and Mary, intermarried with David Beecher (merchant) - to be and appear at the next Orphan's Court, to be held at Gettysburg, on the twenty seventh day of September next, to show cause why the Real Estate of said deceased, (which is not accepted at the valuation made thereof,) should not be sold, agreeably to the Interstate laws of this Commonwealth.
By the Court.
John B. Clark, Clerk.
Aug. 30.

13. Newspaper: Gettysburg Compiler: Orphans' Court Notice, 1 May 1832, Gettysburg, Adams, PA. 27 At an Orphans' Court,
Held at Gettysburg, for the county of Adams, on the 23d day of April, in the year of our Lord one-thousand eight hundred and thirty-two, before John Reed, Esq. and his associates, Judges, &c. Assigned, &c.
The Petition of David Beecher, son-in-law of Jacob Gilbert, deceased, was read to the Court, setting forth that the said Jacob lately died intestate, having in his life time made advancements to several of his heirs -- and praying the Court to grant a Rule on the heirs of said intestate, to appear at the next Orphans' Court, to shew cause why Auditors should not be appointed to ascertain and adjust the advancements made to the respective heirs of said Jacob, &c.
The Court Grant A Rule,
On all the heirs of said intestate, viz: -- Margaret Gilbert, widow; Barnard Gilbert; Susanna, intermarried with Bernhart Gilbert; Molly, intermarried with Jacob Arendt; Catharine, intermarried with Michael Crowl; Elizabeth, intermarried with Michael Saltzgiver, (who died before the said Jacob, leaving issue Henry, Daniel, Margaret, Michael, Eliza, and Sophia Saltgiver, all minors;) Sally, intermarried with Daniel Herr; John Gilbert, Jacob Gilbert, George Gilbert, Samuel Gilbert, Sophia, intermarried with Jacob Herman; Mary, intermarried with David Beecher -- to be and appear at the next Orphans' Court, to be held at Gettysburg, for the county of Adams, on Tuesday the 29th day of May next, to shew cause why the prayer of the said petitioner should not be granted.
By the court,
John B. Clark, Clerk.
April 30.

14. Newspaper: Gettysburg Times: Ad: Woolen Factory For Rent, 10 Oct 1838, Gettysburg, Adams, PA. ----
The subscriber offers for rent, on pleasing terms, his NEW WOOLEN FACTORY, situate on Big Conowago creek in Franklin township, Adams county, Pa., seven miles north of Gettysbuerg, in an excellent settlement for such business. The building is lately erected, with new and elegant machinery in perfect order, and is the best in this section of the country. The factory will be rented separately, or in connection with 150 acres ofland, on which are four dwelling houses. The terms will be made known on application to the subscriber, living near the premises.

15. Census in 1840 in Franklin Twp., Adams, PA. 28 The 1840 census recorded David Biecher [indexed in census as Bieches] with the following household:
Free White Persons - Males - 5 thru 9: 1
Free White Persons - Males - 15 thru 19: 1
Free White Persons - Males - 40 thru 49: 1
Free White Persons - Females - 5 thru 9: 1
Free White Persons - Females - 10 thru 14: 1
Free White Persons - Females - 15 thru 19: 1
Free White Persons - Females - 40 thru 49: 1
Free White Persons - Under 20: 5
Free White Persons - 20 thru 49: 2
Total Free White Persons: 7
Total All Persons - Free White, Free Colored, Slaves: 7.

16. Newspaper: 27 Aug 1849, Gettysburg, Adams, PA. 29 ASSIGNEES' SALE
The Subscriber, Assignee of WILLIAM TROSTLE, will expose to Public Sale at the residence of said Trostle, in Menallen township,
On Saturday the 22nd of September next,
at one o'clock P. M., the following Personal Property, to wit:
Corn & Oats by the bushel.
ALSO - At the same time and place,
on which he resides situate in Menallen township, Adams county, adjoining lands of David Beecher, D. Gitt, and Abraham Fisher, containing about
90 Acres, more or less.
The improvements are a Two-story
Log Dwelling House,
a log barn, well shedd around; Wagon-shed and Corn-crib; a good spring of never-failing water; a good thriving Orchard of Apple, Peach and Cherry.
situate in said township, adjoining lot of David Beecher, &c, containing 14 ACRES.
The above property will be sold separate or together, to suit purchasers.
The terms will be made known on the day of sale.

[Note: Trostle is the father-in-law of Jesse Beecher, son of Peter Beecher, a relative of the David Beecher mentioned in the ad. David Beecher's son-in-law is John Hoover, the Assignee.].

17. Newspaper: Gettysburg Compiler "Marion Rangers. You will meet for parade at the store of David Beecher, Beechersville, on Saturday, 24 November instant, 10 o'clock, A.M. Precisely at which time there will also be a Court of Appeal held. By order Aaron Wisler O.S.", 5 Nov 1849, Gettysburg, Adams, PA. 30

18. Census in 1850 in Butler Twp., Adams, PA. 4 David Beecher, merchant, 56, was living with wife Mary, 53. Also with them was Archibald Wilson, clerk, 63; and Mary Weigle, 19. His real estate was worth $20,000 making him wealthy by comparison to others. Everyone was born in Pennsylvania.

His next neighbor is John Hoover, tanner, 37, living with Sophia, David Beecher's daughter, 28, and their children: Amelia, 9; daughter Georgeanna, 6; son Lisle, 4; and Mary, 1. Also in their home is Sarah Rufsell, 20, and Samuel Blythe, 7.

The next neighbor is David Beecher's son Samuel Beecher, laborer, 29; wife Matilda, 25; Calvin, 5; David, 3; Charles, 1 month old when the census was recorded on 13 Aug 1850. Also living with them: David Geyer, manufacturer, 23; and Sara Lower, 16. Samuel has no real estate value suggesting he is living on his father's land. Everyone in all families were born in Pennsylvania.

19. Newspaper: Gettysburg Compiler: "Washington Independent Guards. You will parade at the house of David Beecher, in Beechersville", 1 Sep 1851, Gettysburg, Adams, PA. 31 Attention! Washington Independent Guards. You will parade at the house of David Beecher, in Beechersville, on Saturday, the 6th of September next, at 10 o'clock, precisely, in Summer uniform, with arms and accoutrements in complete order; each member to be provided with six rounds of blank cartridges. By order. George D. Eyster, O.S.

20. Census in 1860 in Butler Twp., Adams, PA. 5 David Beecher, 66, was living with wife Mary, 63. David's real estate was worth $5,000 and personal estate $4,500. Both were born in Pennsylvania.

Listed just above them on the census page is the household of Samuel Beecher, 40, paper maker, living with wife Sarah A. M., 35; Mary E., 16; George C., 14; David H., 11; Charles F., 11; Clara J., 8; Samuel B., 5; Sarah A., 1. Also in the home is Mathias Waller, 23, occupation "hireling", and Amanda Bunnell, 18, help. Samuel's real estate was worth $4,000 and personal estate $400. Everyone was born in Pennsylvania.

Also on the page is David's daughter, Lucy A., living with husband Henry Weigle and their children.

21. David Beecher filed claim and later his estate was paid $666.50 by PA for horses, cattle, sheep, crops and food stolen by Rebel soldiers during the Jul 1863 Battle of Gettysburg. On 21 Oct 1868 in , Adams, PA. 32

22. Census in 1870 in Butler Twp., Adams, PA. 33 The 1870 Census recorded David Beecher, age 76, retired manufacturer. He is living with wife Mary, 73; Catherine Saltzgiver,40, who is David's daughter; 13-year old Henry Shank, Catherine's son by her first husband; and Charles Saltzgiver, 7, Catherine's son by her second husband. David's real estate is valued at $4,800 and his possessions at $1,000. Everyone was born in Pennsylvania. The post office is Arendtsville.

23. Newspaper: Gettysburg Times: Peter Saltzgiver, administrator of Daniel G. Saltzgiver, has sold the house and lot of the deceased, in Beechersville, to David Beecher, for $550., 2 Nov 1870, Gettysburg, Adams, PA. 34

24. He signed a will on 27 Mar 1880 in , Adams, PA. Research note: David Beecher named his daughter, Catherine, as his executor when he wrote his will 27 March 1880, but Henry Weigle is listed as Executor in the county's Will Book Index.

Here is David's will:

No all men by these presents, that I David Beecher, of Butler Township, Adams County and state of Pennsylvania being an ill health but of sound and disposing mind and memory, do make and publish this my last will and testament, hereby revoking all former Wills by me at any time here to before made. And as to my worldly estate, and all the property real and personal of which I shall die seized and possessed or to which I shall be entitled at the time of decease, I devise, bequeath and dispose thereof the following to wit:

First, my will is that my funeral expenses shall by my Executrix hereinafter named, be paid out of my estate as soon after my decease as shall by her be found convenient.

Item. I devise and bequeath to my son Samuel Beecher the sum of one dollar.

I give and bequeath to my daughter Sophia married to John Hoover the sum of one dollar.

I give and bequeath to my daughter Lucy Ann married to Henry Keigle the sum of one dollar.

I give and bequeath to my daughter Catharine formerly married to Issac Shank now deceased all my personal property of all description that I may be possessed of at the time of my death after paying funeral expenses and my daughter Catharine is to have all my real estate to use it, to pay all my just debts as she sees fit and if there is any thing left after paying all my just debts, appropriate the balance to her own use, but I direct that my daughter Catherine shall not sell my real estate unless the creditors so direct. My wife is to make home with my daughter Catherine who is to provide and keep her during her natural life.

And lastly I do nominate and appoint my daughter Catherine Executrix of this my last will and testament. In witness whereof I have set my hand seal this 29th day of March A.D. 1880.

David Beecher

Signed sealed published and declared by the said David Beecher as and for his last will and testament in the presence of us who at his request and in his presence and in the presence of each other have subscribed our names as witnesses thereto.
S. P. Marb
J. A. Plank.

25. Cause of Death: Died of a fever, 13 Apr 1880, Arendtsville, Adams, PA.

26. #5634 on 7 Jun 1880 in Gettysburg, Adams, PA. 35

27. Court: A legal notice in the Republican Courier identifies the Gilbert/Saltzgiver relationships and names Michael Saltzgiver's children born of his wife Elizabeth Gilbert, and also names David Beecher husband of Mary Gilbert. On 19 Jul 1881 in Gettysburg, Adams, PA. 6 At an Orphan's Court, Held at Gettysburg, for the county of Adams, on the thirty-first day of May, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and thirty-one - before Daniel Sheffer and Wm. M'Clean, Esquires, Judges, &c. assigned;
On motion ---
The Court Grant a Rule
On all the heirs and legal representatives of
Deceased to wit; Barny Gilbert, who has released his interest in said Estate, Susanna, intermarried with Bernhart Gilbert, whose share is sold to Thaddeus Stevens, Sally, intermarried with Jacob Arendt, Catharine, intermarried with Michael Crowl, Elizabeth, intermarried with Michael Saltzgiver, who died before the said Jacob, leaving issue, Henry, Daniel, Margaret, Michael, Eliza, and Sophia Saltzgiver (all minors;) Sally, intermarried with Daniel Herr, John Gilbert (eldest son,) George Gilbert, Samuel Gilbert, Sophia, intermarried with Jacob Harman (Col.,) Mary, intermarried with David Beecher (merchant) - to be and appear at the next Orphan's Court, to be held at Gettysburg, for the county of Adams, on the 22d day of August next, to accept or refuse to take the Real Estate of said deceased, at the valuation made thereof, agreeably to the Intestate Laws of this Commonwealth.
By the Court,
July 18, tc.

28. Book: David founded Beechersville as told in the History of Adams County, 1886. 36
BEECHERSVILLE. The hamlet is situated on the west line of the township, about one mile southeast of Arendtsville, and three miles west by south of Biglerville. The settlement was founded, in 1825, by David Beecher, on lands warranted, in 1788, by Jacob Gilbert. This year he build a tannery, and in 1832 erected the woolen-mills on a site occupied for forty years before by the old carding and fulling-mill. The Conowago Woolen Factory, owned by David Beecher and Robert Morrison, was an important industry as early as 1828. He also built a paper- mill in 1837, one-quarter mile down the creek. R. G. McCreary converted this into a box board factory, the Conowago Paper Company enlarged it, and manufactured straw printing paper until its destruction by fire in 1875. In 1873 newspaper paper was manufactured by Ingram & Cook, of Beechersville, who leased the R. G. McCreary mills.

29. Magazine: The Pennsylvania-German Vol. 10: Documentation of Gilbert-Fox-Beecher graves, 1909, Lititz, Lancaster, PA. 12 In 1909, N.A. Gobrecht Altoona, Pa., a descendant of Jacob Gilbert and son-in-law David Beecher, visited his Gilbert, Fox, and Beecher ancestors' graves in Arendtsville, and documented the cemetery in Volume 10 of the Pennsylvania-German magazine entitled "Paper VI, Tombstone Inscriptions of Persons Born Prior to 1800 and Past 16 years at Death at Arendtsville, Adams County, Pa."

Part I in Old Reformed and Lutheran Graveyard

1. Beecher, Elizabeth; n. Keplinger; wf. John Beecher; d. Aug 14, 1845. Aged 90 y.
2. Beecher, John; d. Nov 14, 1838. Aged 90 y. 2 m. "A soldier of the Revolution."
(list continues)
10. Fox, Christian: d. Feb 17, 1795. Aged 81 y.
11. Fox, Magdalena: d. Dec 9, 1802. Aged 76 y.
12. Fox, John Jacob: d. Nov. 2., 1828. Aged 58 y. 4 m. 2 d.
(list continues)
15. Gilbert, Jacob; d. Feb 9, 1831. Aged 74 y. 7 m. 11 d.

Part III Bodies exhumed from the old graveyard and reinterred in "Fairview Cemetery" at Arendtsville, Pa.
(partial list shown here)
4. Beecher, David; d. April 13, 1880. Aged 86 y. 7 m. 5 d.
5. Beecher, Anna Mary Gilbert; d. July 30, 1887. Aged 90 y. 3 m. 4 d.

Gobrecht stated: "This graveyard was started by the pioneer settlers in the year 1780. There are over 1200 graves, over which there are no stones or markers, many of these having been broken off or pulled out by vandal hands to be piled up, with few exceptions in the corner of the old graveyard. The names of many of the dead are still preserved in the living descendants. We are informed that no parish record antedating 1870 is extant. ."

30. Newspaper: Gettysburg Times: History of Adams County: Beechersville, 21 Jan 1932, Gettysburg, Adams, PA. (Reprinted from the "History of Cumberland and Adams County" by Warren, Beers & Co., Chicago, 1886).

This hamlet is situated on the west line of the township, about one mile southeast of Arendtsville, and three miles west by south of Bilgerville.
The settlement was founded in 1825, by David Beecher, on lands warrented, in 1788, by Jacob Gilbert. This year he built a tannery, and in 1823 erected the woolen-mills on a site occupied for forty years before by the old carding and fulling-mill. The Conowago Woolen factory, owned by David Beecher and Robert Morrison, was an important industry as early as 1828. He also built a paper-mill in 1837, one-quarter mile down the creek. R. G. McCreary converted this into a box board factory, the Conowago Paper company enlarged it, and manufactured straw printing paper until its destruction by fire in 1875. In 1873 news paper was manufacturered by Ingram & Cook, of Beechersville, who leased the R. G. McCreary mills. The Conowago Paper company was organized in May, 1873, with E. W. Stahle, president; R. G. McCreary, secretary; W. A. Duncan, treasurer; O. F. Ingram, superintendent, and Col. Cook, machinist, for the manufacture of straw printing paper.
Down the creek from Beechersville are the Roth mills, established about fifty-eight years ago, on the David McConaughy lands of 1733. About this time Mr. McConaughy built the first grist-mill on this tract.
In 1807 John Mumma erected the present grist-mill. the McConaughy tract was patented to Mose Harland, by the Penns, in 1745. Harland was led there by Indians, who spoke highly of the soil and water-power. It is strange that an industry established by David McConaughy 153 years ago should find a home here still -- stranger is it that a grandson or great-grandson of this useful pioneer should be interested in a grist-mill some six miles south, at Gettysburg, today.

David married Anna Maria Gilbert, daughter of Jacob Gilbert and Anna Margaretha Fox, in York: Reformed Church, York, PA. (Anna Maria Gilbert was born on 25 Apr 1797 in Arendtsville, Adams, PA 4 12 37, christened on 9 Jul 1797 in Arendtsville: Arendtsville Union Church (Zion Lutheran and Trinity Reformed), Adams, PA,38 died on 30 Jul 1887 in Beechersville, Adams, PA 11 12 37 39 and was buried in Arendtsville: Fairview Cemetery, Adams, PA 37.)


1 The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, International Genealogical Index (R) (Copyright (c) 1980, 2002, data as of November 13, 2005).

2 Records of Sharon Nickol Swope (

3 The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, International Genealogical Index (R) (Copyright (c) 1980, 2002, data as of December 2, 2005).

4 1850 United States Census, Pennsylvania, Adams County, Butler Township, Series: Series: M432 Roll: 743 Page: 12.

5 1860 United States Census, Pennsylvania, Adams County, Butler Township, Series: M653 Roll: 1057 Page: 3-4.

6 Republican Compiler (Gettysburg, PA), Gettysburg, Adams County, Pennsylvania, 19 Jul 1881, page 2. Orphan's Court Legal notice headlined Jacob Gilbert defining Gilbert/Saltzgiver/Beecher relationships.

7 Gettysburg Times (Gettysburg, PA), 1988 1 Jun, page 2A. My Early Ancestors 98.

8 Research of Marcia S. Wilson, great grandaughter of Mary Jane Beecher Gibson ( and emails from Macia S. Wilson), Telephone call on 30 Mar 1997 between Lorraine Beecher Fiece and Marcia Sandmeyer Wilson, recorded in notes in the Beecher surname file at Adams County Historical Society library.

9 Find A Grave,

10, Adams County, Pennsylvania, 1785-1874: Lutheran and Reformed Congregations (Original data: Records transcribed from Family History Library microfilm copies of church records for this locality. For more information, see Family History Library Catalog (FHLC) #0020702.), Baptism of Katharina Bücher at

11 Altoona Tribune (Altoona, PA), 4 Aug 1887, page 5. Obituary of Ann Mary Gilbert Beecher.

12 N. A. Gobrecht, "Paper VI, Tombstone Inscriptions of Persons Born Prior to 1800 and Past 16 years at Death at Arendtsville, Adams County, Pa.," The Pennsylvania-German, Volume 10, 1909; Page 98. Online free at Google Books:

13 The Adams Sentinel (Gettysburg, PA), Gettysburg, Adams, Pennsylvania, 19 Aug 1880.

14 The Adams Sentinel (Gettysburg, PA), Gettysburg, Adams, Pennsylvania, 22 April 1880.

15, Pennsylvania and New Jersey, Church and Town Records, 1669-2013, Historical Society of Pennsylvania; Historic Pennsylvania Church and Town Records; Reel: 671. PA > Adams > St. James Evangelical Lutheran. Baptism of Samuel Bücher, father David, mother Maria.

16 1800 United States Census, Pennsylvania, Adams County, Straban Township, Series: M32 Roll: 35 Page: 497.

17 1810 United States Census, Pennsylvania, Adams County, Straban Township, Series: M252 Roll: 44 Page: 43.

18 1820 United States Census, Pennsylvania, Adams County, Straban Township, Series: M33 Roll: 96 Page: 52.

19 The Adams Sentinel (Gettysburg, PA), Gettysburg, Adams, Pennsylvania, 26 Nov 1823 edition.

20, Pennsylvania and New Jersey, Church and Town Records, 1669-2013, Historical Society of Pennsylvania; Historic Pennsylvania Church and Town Records; Reel: 671. PA > Adams > St. James Evangelical Lutheran. Baptism of Maria Elisabeth Saltzgeber, father Michael Salzgeber, mother Elisabeth.

21 The Adams Sentinel (Gettysburg, PA), Gettysburg, Adams, Pennsylvania, 24 May 1826.

22 The Adams Sentinel (Gettysburg, PA), Gettysburg, Adams, Pennsylvania, 30 Aug 1826, page 1.

23 Gettysburg Republican Compiler (Gettysburg, Adams County, PA.), Nov 21, 1827 edition.

24 1830 United States Census, Year: 1830; Census Place: Franklin, Adams, Pennsylvania; Series: M19; Roll: 143; Page: 78; Family History Library Film: 0020617.

25 Gettysburg Republican Compiler (Gettysburg, Adams County, PA.), Jun 14, 1831 edition.

26 The Adams Sentinel (Gettysburg, PA), Gettysburg, Adams, Pennsylvania, 20 Sep 1831 edition.

27 Gettysburg Compiler (Gettysburg, Adams, Pennsylvania.), 1 May 1832, page 3.

28 1840 United States Census, Year: 1840; Census Place: Franklin, Adams, Pennsylvania; Roll: 435; Page: 67; Image: 138; Family History Library Film: 0020535.

29 The Adams Sentinel (Gettysburg, PA), Gettysburg, Adams, Pennsylvania, 27 Aug 1849 edition.

30 Gettysburg Compiler (Gettysburg, Adams, Pennsylvania.), 5 Nov 1849, page 3.

31 Gettysburg Compiler (Gettysburg, Adams, Pennsylvania.), 1 Sep 1851, page 3.

32, Pennsylvania, U.S., Civil War Border Claims, 1868-1879 (Original data: Record Groups. Records Relating to Civil War Border Claims. Records of the Department of the Auditor General, Record Group 2. Pennsylvania State Archives, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania.), David Beecher's Estate, Joseph Fleck adm., Images 319-326.

33 1870 United States Census, Pennsylvania, Adams County, Butler Township, Series: M593 Roll: 1289 Page: 15.

34 Gettysburg Times (Gettysburg, PA), 2 Nov 1870: Sales. Reprinted 100 years later on 2 Nov 1970, page 4, "Out of the Past."

35 Adams County, Pennsylvania Courthouse.

36 History of Cumberland and Adams Counties, Pennsylvania (Warren, Beers & Co; Chicago, IL; 1886), Chapter XXVIII.

37 Find A Grave,

38 Arendtsville Union Church (Zion Lutheran and Trinity Reformed; Arents Church), Adams County, Pennsylvania.

39 The Adams Sentinel (Gettysburg, PA), Gettysburg, Adams, Pennsylvania, 9 Aug 1887.

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