Johann Henrich Buecher
(Bef 1752-Aft 1820)
Henry Keplinger
John Beecher
Elizabeth Keplinger
Elizabeth Beecher


Family Links

1. Peter Runk

Elizabeth Beecher 1 2 3

  • Born: 6 Sep 1785, Germany Twp., Adams, PA 3 4 5 6
  • Christened: 5 Nov 1785, Littlestown: Christ Reformed Church, Adams, PA 3 4 6
  • Marriage (1): Peter Runk
  • Died: 12 Mar 1864, , York, PA at age 78 5
  • Buried: Glenville: St. Jacob's Church (Stone Church), York, PA 5

   Another name for Elizabeth was Elisabetha Bieger.3 4 6

   FamilySearch ID: LZ2M-8G6.

  Noted events in her life were:

1. Baptism on 5 Nov 1785 in Littlestown: Christ Reformed Church, Adams, PA. Baptism by Rev. John Christoph Gobrecht: Elizabeth b. 6 Sep 1785, parents John & Elizabeth Bieger, sponsor Elizabeth Bieger, single. 6 Note: Elizabeth, the sponsor, listed as "single" is likely the child's aunt Elizabeth (John's sister).

2. Census in 1790 in Germany Twp., York, PA. 7 The 1790 U.S. Census in Germany Township, at the time in York County, recorded John Beher with this household:
Males Under 16 (born 1775-1790) = 1 (son John)
Males 16 and older (born <=1774) = 1 (father John)
Females = 3 (wife Elizabeth, daughters Elizabeth & Anna Mary)
Henry Sr. and his sons John and Samuel are each indexed in the 1790 census as follows on images on image 252 Henry Becher; on image 248 his son John Beher; on image 249 his son Samuel Beeher. Sons William and Peter are not found so they were living with Henry Sr. These 1790 census record pages don't identify the township, but we know it is Germany Township because on the same pages are the Klein/Kline/Little family that founded Littlestown as well as families related to the Beechers: Winterode/Winrode, Sell, etc.

3. John Beecher sold land to son-in-law Peter Runk on 26 Jun 1826 in Codorus Twp., York, PA. Grantor John Beecher, Sr. and wife Elizabeth of Straban Township, Adams County, sold to grantee Peter Runk, for $800 130 acres 100 p. in Codorus Township, the land sold by Peter Klinefelder to Peter Beecher 1817, and then Peter Beecher to John Beecher 1821. Original deed in file 11154.

Elizabeth married Peter Runk. (Peter Runk was born on 17 Mar 1777 in Codorus Twp., York, PA,8 died on 23 Aug 1835 in , York, PA 8 and was buried in Glenville: St. Jacob's Church (Stone Church), York, PA 8.)


1 The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, International Genealogical Index (R) (Copyright (c) 1980, 2002, data as of November 17, 2005), Batch #: C506711, Sheet #: 00, Source Call #: Q974.842 LI V2Y, Printout Call #: 1002430, Dates: 1745 - 1871.

2 Records of Sharon Nickol Swope (

3 Christ Reformed Church, Littlestown, Adams, Pennsylvania.

4 Adams County Church Records of the 18th Century (Family Line Publications, Westminister, MD 21157. No year.), Page 76.

5 Find A Grave,

6 William J. Hinke, Church Record of The Conewago Or Christ Church Congregation Near Littlestown Adams County Pennsylvania 1747-1871 (Online in Books), Page 20.

7 1790 United States Census, Pennsylvania, York County, Berwick/Cumberland Townships, Series: M637 Roll: 9 Page: 462.

8 Find A Grave,

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