Frederick Beher
(1764-1811) |
Frederick Beher 1 2 3
Other names for Frederick were Frederick Becher,5 Frederick Beecher,6 Frederick Beeher,5 Friederich Beiger,7 Fredrick Bucher, Friederich Bucher,8 Frederick Bücher,8 Friederich Bücher, Frederick Buecher 4 9 and Fredrick Buecher. FamilySearch ID: LZDK-6XX. Noted events in his life were: 1. Issue: Frederick and Catherine had 1 or 2 sons and 7 daughters. Frederick may have a second unknown son since the 1810 census shows a son born after 1800 (although it's possible this was a grandson of one of Frederick's older daughters who moved back into her father's home.) 2. Fact: It is proven with Y-DNA tests that Frederick Beher / Beecher of Rennick's Run creek, Botetourt, Virginia is the son of Henry Beher / Beecher / Buecher who died in Littlestown, PA in 1795, and also that Frederick is the father of Samuel D. Beher (1796-1863) who died in Rushville, Indiana. Contact searchtrees@gmail.com to learn more or see https://searchtrees.com/beher-family-history. 3. Alt. Name: Original surname Bücher with umlaut above u (same in German as Buecher)., in 1764,. Original surname Bücher with umlaut above u (same in German as Buecher). Most descendants in this branch use Beher but in other branches Beecher is predominant. See https://searchtrees.com/beher-family-history/. 4. He appeared as a sponsor at a baptism on 5 Nov 1785 at Littlestown: Christ Reformed Church, Adams, PA. 10 5. Tax List: Frederick Beehr, tax 3 pence 9 shillings, 1787, Germany Twp., York, PA. 11 6. In 1788 in Littlestown: Christ Reformed Church, Adams, PA. Frederick appears in the records of Christ Church for the baptisms of his children. 7. Tax List: 1789, Germany Twp., York, PA. 12 Beecher, Henry, 75 acres, 1 horse, 1 cow, 1 house, 2 lots.valuation 64,0,0, tax 0 9 0 8. Property in 1797 in Germany Twp., York, PA. 5 13 Frederick Beeher or Becher & wf:Catharine of the state of Virginia, she being one of the dau. & legatees of Jacob Winterode, deceased of Germany Twp., deeded their share of land to Samuel Beecher.... 9. Residence: Deed transfer in 1797 stated Frederick was living in Virginia. In 1797 in , , VA. 10. Probate on 24 Jan 1800 in Germany Twp., Adams, PA. 14 To all People to whom these presents shall or may come I Samuel Beeher & Barbara my wife send Greeting, Whereas Jacob Winterode the elder late of Germany township int he County of York Pennsylvania died intestate owner & seized of a tract of Land in the County aforesaid, adjoining lands of Christian Reck, Jacob Rider, Henry Weishler, Jacob Hostetter, Jacob Sherman & James McIhenry, Containing one-hundred and seventy acres, more or less, leaving a widow and eight children to represent him And Whereas the said Samuel Beeher Intermarried one of the daughters of the said Decedant, to wit the aforesaid Barbara And Whereas a certain Frederick Beeker intermarried one other of the said Deceandts Daughters named Catherine, who on the ninth day of December in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and ninety seven by their release under their hands and seals did grant bargain sell release and confirm unto the said Samuel Beeker his heirs and assigns,all their right title interest, claim and demand of in an to & out of, the aforesaid lands and premises of which the said Jacob Winterode died siezed of, to be holden of him the said Samuel Beeker his heirs and assigns for ever, as in and by the said release will more fully appear Now Know Ye that I the said Samuel Beeher and Barbara my wife for the consideration sum of one hundred and ninety pounds in gold or silver money of Pennsylvania to me the said Samuel Beeker in hand paid by Jacob Rider before the insealing hereof, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, and the said Jacob Rider his heirs and assigns forever discharged, I the said Samuel Beeher and Barbara my wife, Have Granted, Bargained, Sold, Released and Confirmed and by these presents DO Grant Bargain Sell Release and Confirm unto the said Jacob Rider his heirs and assigns, all and singular the right estate title claim and demand of us, and each of us, of in or to, or out of, the land and premises aforesaid, of which the said Jacob Winerode Decd. seized of, as well the right and title of us, which we hold in our own Right, as the right and title conveyed to us by the Release of Frederick Beeher and Catharine his wife, to be holden of him the said Jacob Rider his heirs and assigns forever so as neither I the said Samuel Beeher and Barbara my wife nor our heirs nor any person or persons claiming by from or under us, o them or any of them shall or may by any ways or means challenge claim or demand any right title or estate of in or to, or out of the land and premises aforesaid or any part thereof with the appurtenances, but of and from all suits actions claims or demands, we and each and every of us shall be forever barred by these presents In Testimony where we have hereunto set our hands and seals the twenty fourth day of January in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred. 11. Tax List: Federick Beher, taxed for 204 acres deeded to him by P. Minnick., 1806, , Botetourt, VA. See discussion: 12. An inventory settling Frederick's father Henry Beeher's estate was filed at the same time his will was filed. On 28 Jan 1807 in , Adams, PA. 15 Debts owed to Henry: 13. Census in 1810 in , Botetourt, VA. 16 The 1810 U.S. Census in Botetourt County, Virginia listed Frederick Beaker [computer indexed as Fredk Beakes as handwritten r looks like s] with this household: 14. Tax List: Frederick Beher appears on the 1811 Tax List in Botetourt County with 1 male over 16 and 2 horses, tax 24 cts., 1811, , Botetourt, VA. 17 15. No will is on file for Frederick Beher in Botetourt or Rockbridge counties but there is an Estate Settlement for Frederick Beeher filed by wife Catharine on 5 Feb 1815 in Rennicks Run, Botetourt, VA. 18 Following his death in 1811 his estate settlement was administered by his widow Catharine and not settled until 5 Feb 1815. We've attached an image of her accounting statement viewable in the Memories section of his record at FamilySearch: https://www.familysearch.org/tree/person/memories/LZDK-6XX Frederick married Catherine Wintrode, daughter of Johann Jacob Winteroth Sr. and Anna Maria Barbara Mayer. (Catherine Wintrode was born about 1768 in , Frederick, MD and died after 1830 in , , VA.) |
1 The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, International Genealogical Index (R) (Copyright (c) 1980, 2002, data as of November 17, 2005).
2 Christ Reformed Church, Littlestown, Adams, Pennsylvania.
3 Find A Grave, https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/261893927.
4 Adams County Church Records of the 18th Century (Family Line Publications, Westminister, MD 21157. No year.), Page 79.
5 York County Courthouse, Pennsylvania, Deed Book 2M-333.
6 FamilySearch.org, Virginia Marriages, 1785-1940, https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:XRV2-JH7 father Frederick Beeher in marriage of John Fulwiler and Catharine Beeher, 13 Dec 1808; citing Botetourt Co., Virginia, reference 2:3VVQZRC; FHL microfilm 30,734.
7 Adams County Church Records of the 18th Century (Family Line Publications, Westminister, MD 21157. No year.), Page 77.
8 Records of Mary Lou Mariner (Frederick, MD).
9 William J. Hinke, Church Record of The Conewago Or Christ Church Congregation Near Littlestown Adams County Pennsylvania 1747-1871 (Online https://dcms.lds.org/delivery/DeliveryManagerServlet?dps_pid=IE2130818&from=fhd in FamilySearch.org Books), Page 24.
10 William J. Hinke, Church Record of The Conewago Or Christ Church Congregation Near Littlestown Adams County Pennsylvania 1747-1871 (Online https://dcms.lds.org/delivery/DeliveryManagerServlet?dps_pid=IE2130818&from=fhd in FamilySearch.org Books), Page 20.
Adams County Historical Society (Gettysburg, Adams County, Pennsylvania.
PO Box 4325, Gettysburg, PA 17325
http://www.emmitsburg.net/achs/), Beecher File, sheet with tax records.
Pennsylvania, Tax and Exoneration, 1768-1801 (Ancestry.com. Pennsylvania, Tax and Exoneration, 1768-1801 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Ancestry.com Operations, Inc., 2011.
Original data:
Tax & Exoneration Lists, 1762–1794. Series No. 4.61; Records of the Office of the Comptroller General, RG-4. Pennsylvania Historical & Museum Commission, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania.), PA > York > Germany Township, Beecher Henry, Beecher Frederick, Beecher John.
13 Records of Sharon Nickol Swope (http://worldconnect.rootsweb.com/cgi-bin/igm.cgi?db=nickol).
14 "Adams County Courthouse, Gettysburg, PA," https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/3:1:3Q9M-CS7S-MSKS-G?i=20&cat=195411 Deed Book 1, page 7.
15 Adams County, Pennsylvania Courthouse, Will Book A:376.
16 1810 United States Census, https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:XH23-BF5 Fredk Beakes, Botetourt, Virginia, United States; citing p. 605.
17 "Virginia: Personal Property Tax Lists, 1783-1851," Botetourt County, Personal Property Tax Lists, 1811-1822, Film 7849092, Frederick Beher.
18 Botetourt County, Virginia Court, Will Book C Page 50. Estate settlement of Frederick Beeher.
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