Johannes Buecher
Elisabeth Catharina Hommel
Johann Henrich Buecher
(Bef 1752-Aft 1820)
Peter Beecher
(Abt 1775-1826)


Family Links

Peter Beecher

  • Born: Abt 1775, , , Pennylvania, USA
  • Died: 5 Apr 1826, Gettysburg, Adams, PA about age 51

   Other names for Peter were Peter Beeher,1 Peter Bücher 2 and Peter Buecher.1

   FamilySearch ID: LDMX-YHV.

  Noted events in his life were:

1. Alt. Name: Original surname Bücher with umlaut above u pronounced as Beecher which became the surname used by descendants,,.

2. Census in 1790 in Germany Twp., Adams, PA. 3 Henry Becher was recorded with this family:
Free White Persons - Males - 16 and over: 3
Free White Persons - Males - Under 16: 2
Free White Persons - Females: 2
Henry Sr. and his sons John and Samuel are each indexed in the 1790 census as follows on images on image 252 Henry Becher; on image 248 his son John Beher; on image 249 his son Samuel Beeher. Sons Frederick, William and Peter are not found so they were living with Henry Sr.
These 1790 census record pages don't identify the township, but we know it is Germany Township because on the same pages are the Klein/Kline/Little family that founded Littlestown as well as families related to the Beechers: Winterode/Winrode, Sell, etc.

3. Fact: Peter is mentioned in his father Henry's 1795 in a manner that indicates that he was handicapped in some fashion and needed special care., 1795, Germany Twp., Adams, PA.

4. Census in 1800 in Germany Twp., Adams, PA. 4 Several related families appear on the same Census page in 1800 in Germany Township. (The Beechers were recorded as Beahers.)

William Beaher has this household:
Males (born)
16-25 (1775-1784) = 1 (his brother Peter)
26-44 (1756-1774) = 1 William
Females (born)
45 & over (<=1755) = 1 (his mother Catherine)

Samuel Beaher is listed with this household:
Males (born)
Under 10 (1791-1800) = 1 son (Henry)
26-44 (1756-1774) = 1 father (Samuel)
Females (born)
Under 10 (1791-1800) = 3 daughters (Mary, Elizabeth, Salome)
26-44 (1756-1774) = 1 wife (Barbara)

On the same census page are several allied family surnames that marry the Buecher/Beecher families:

Barbara Wintrode married Samuel Buecher, and Catherine Wintrode married his brother Frederick Beher. On this page we find their father, "Jacob Winterode Capt." and the households of a younger Jacob Winterode, Adam Winterode, and Barbara Winterode.

5. Newspaper: Gettysburg Compiler: "Died. On Monday the 27th ult. Mr. Peter Beeher, of this borough, aged about 51 years.", 5 Apr 1826, Gettysburg, Adams, PA. 5 Perhaps this is Peter Beecher, son of Henry mentioned in his will? If so, he died 27 Mar 1826 in Gettysburg, and was born about 1775.


1 Adams County, Pennsylvania Courthouse, Book A:376, Henry's will written 23 Feb. 1795, filed under Becher.

2 Records of Mary Lou Mariner (Frederick, MD).

3 1790 United States Census, Pennsylvania, York County, Berwick/Cumberland Townships, Series: M637 Roll: 9 Page: 470.

4 1800 United States Census, Pennsylvania, Adams County, Germany Township, Series: M32 Roll: 35 Page: 515.

5 Gettysburg Compiler (Gettysburg, Adams, Pennsylvania.), 5 Apr 1826, page 3.

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