John Peter Herr Sr.
Susannah Weiss
Rev. William Herr


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Rev. William Herr 1 2

  • Born: 9 Mar 1806, Hagerstown, Washington, MD 1 2 3
  • Christened: 6 Apr 1806, Hagerstown: Reformed Congregation, Washington, MD 3
  • Died: 28 Mar 1897, Dayton, Montgomery, OH at age 91 1 2
  • Buried: Dayton: Woodland Cemetery and Arboretum, Montgomery, OH 2

   Another name for William was Wilhelm Herr.3

   FamilySearch ID: MWXL-TK6.

  Noted events in his life were:

1. Arrival: 1818, in Lancaster, Fairfield, OH. 4

2. Newspaper: Herald of Freedom: Legal Notice of Herr Estate Dispute, on 17 Oct 1849, in Hagerstown, Washington, MD. 5 5 Legal Notice published on 17 Oct 1849 in the newspaper Herald of Freedom, Hagerstown, MD:

No. 1080

George M. Irwin, Mary Irwin, his wife
Samuel Herr and wife,
William Herr and wife,
Daniel Herr and wife,
Conrad Herr and wife,
Elizabeth Beecher,
John Herr and wife.

In Washington County Court, sitting as a Court of Equity.

The object of the suit is to procure a decree for a sale of certain real estate, lots and houses, of which John P. Herr died seized and possessed.

The Bill states that said John P. Herr in the year 1844, departed this life in Franklin County, in the State of Pennsylvania, intestate, seized and possessed of certain lots and houses, (described in the bill and accompanying exhibit,) situate in Hagerstown, in Washington County, in the State of Maryland, leaving the said Complainants and Defendants as his heirs at law; that the said Samuel Herr and Susan Herr, his wife; William Herr, whose wife's Christian name is unknown, reside in the State of Ohio, or elsewhere beyond the jurisdiction of the Court; Daniel Herr, whose wife's Christian name is unknown, Conrad Herr and Catharine Herr, his wife; Elizabeth Beecher, widow, formerly Elizabeth Herr, resides in the State of Pennsylvania; Peter Herr, who departed this life, intestate, and unmarried, in Pennsylvania, in the year 1848; and John Herr and Sarah Herr his wife, reside in Williamsport, in Washington County, in the State of Maryland. That the Complainants and Defendants are seized as tenants in common in fee of said real estate, and this it would be for the interest and advantage of the Complainants and Defendants that said real estate should be sold and the proceeds divided according to the respective interest of the said parties. The bill further charges that John Herr has been the recipient of the rents of said real estate since the decease of said John P. Herr, and calls upon him for an account thereof to be taken under the direction of Washington County Court, as a Court of Equity.

It is thereupon adjudged and ordered that the Complainants, by causing a copy of this order to be inserted in some newspaper published at Hagerstown, once a week for one month before the 17th day of November next, give notice to the said absent Defendants of the object and substance of this bill; and warn them to appear in this Court in person or by solicitor, on or before the 18th day of February 1850, to answer the premises, and shew cause if any they have why a decree ought not to pass as prayed -- otherwise said bill will be taken pro confesso against said Defendants.

True copy -- Test:
Isaac Nesbitt, Cl'k.
October 17, 1849.

3. Obituary: Dayton Evening News: obituary of Rev. William Herr D. D. On 29 Mar 1897 in Dayton, Montgomery, OH. 4 AT A RIPE OLD AGE

After Many Years' Service As a Minister of the Gospel, Rev. Wm. Herr is Called to a Higher Home

Rev. William Herr, D.D., probably the oldest minister of the Methodist Episcopal church in Ohio, died at 10:45 o'clock Sunday morning at his residence on North Ludlow street, this city, after a long and useful career as a minister of the gospel.

He was born on the 9th of March, 1806, at Hagerstown, Md., and came to Ohio with his parents in 1818, locating at Lancaster. He was converted, or, as he always expressed it, "was born again" while attending the Athens University at Athens, O., and thereafter became a minister of the gospel. He first preached at Marietta, O., and later occupied the pulpit of various churches in West Virginia as pastor.

In the early '30's he went to Michigan, where he preached for several years in several localities. It was in 1840 that he became a member of the Ohio conference and located at Columbus. He was transferred to the Cincinnati conference in 1847 and became pastor of the Fourth-street chapel. At the termination of his pastorate there he came to Dayton for two years and again being returned to that city. He later went to Xenia, Springfield, Urbana, Lancaster and other Ohio cities.

He became general agent of the American Bible society in 1860, a position he held until 1875, a period of fifteen years. It was during this period and at the time of the war that he enlisted as chaplain of the famous 93d Ohio. However, he was not accepted on account of his age. His semi-centenary sermon was delivered at Urbana, O., 1878.

In 1876 he settled in Dayton and since resided in the residence where he died on North Ludlow street. It was at that time that he ceased his active work as a minister, though he was for sometime chaplain of the Widows' Home. He has been a supernumerary minister of the M.E. church for the last sixteen years.

Rev. Dr. Herr was married in 1830 to Miss Sarah Whitney of Marietta. She died in July, 1843, leaving two sons and two daughters, all of whom survive him. They are Sarah R. Herr, living at home; John J. Herr of San Francisco, Mrs. D. W. Engle of this city and Mr. B. Whitney Herr of Louisville, Ky. He married a second wife, Eliza P. Swain, daughter of Judge Swain, in this city in 1845. She survives him also. They had no children by this marriage.

The deceased was the last of a family of twelve children. The youngest child, he outlived all the children, who with two exceptions lived to a ripe old age. Death was due to old age. He had been gradually sinking for the last sixteen months.

The funeral, which will be private, will take place from the late residence on North Ludlow street on Wednesday morning at 10 o'clock.

4. Obituary: Western Christian Advocate: obituary of Rev. William Herr on 14 Apr 1897 in Cincinnati, Hamilton, OH. 1 William Herr, D. D.
The Rev William Herr, D. D., was born in Hagerstown, Maryland, March 9, 1800, and died In Dayton, Ohio, Sunday, March 28, 1897. In 1819, he with his father's family came to Ohio, and located at Lancaster. Four years afterward, he entered the Ohio University at Athens, and on August 2, 1827, became as he often said "a new creature in Christ Jesus." Subsequently he was called to preach and in September, 1828, he became a member of the Ohio Conference, his first appointment being Marietta Circuit. He was ordained elder in 1832. His appointments were Marietta Circuit; Gallipolis Circuit; Agent for Augusta College, Detroit; Columbus O.; Cincinnati, Dayton, Springfield, Chillicothe, Xenia, Urbana, Dayton District.; District Superintendent American Bible Society. He was twice married -- to Sarah Whitney, in 1830; and Eliza P. Swain in 1845. Dr. Herr attended the session of the Cincinnati Conference at Troy, 1895, but was unable to be present In 1896. He was a man of imposing presence, fine form and features, an eagle-eye -- a gentleman of courtly manner, a Christian of simple hearted faith, and unswerving loyalty to Christ. His "Semi-centennial Sermon" preached at Piqua, 1878, Is now more than ever, valuable as the life story of one of the Methodist preachers who pioneered the great Methodist movement In the great Central West. His name will be long honored in Ohio and his memory cherished by the brotherhood of the Cincinnati Conference.


1 Western Christian Advocate (C. Holliday and J.F. Wright, Cincinnati, Ohio.), 1897, volume 64, page 19. Online

2 Billion Graves (,

3 Hagerstown Reformed Church, Hagerstown, Washington County, Maryland, FHL US/CAN Film 14145 Item 1 Church records of Zion United Church of Christ, 1766-1807 [Hagerstown, Maryland].

4 Dayton Evening News (Dayton, Montgomery, Ohio), 29 Mar 1897, obituary of William Herr.

5 Herald of Freedom, Hagerstown, Maryland, 17 Oct 1849. Page 3, Column 3.

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