Henry Beeker Sr.
Barbara Garner
(Abt 1767-1840)
Philip Beeker
(Bet 1801/1810-Abt 1848)
Elizabeth Beula Shoultz
George Washington Beeker


Family Links

1. Mary Elizabeth Sharp

George Washington Beeker 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

  • Born: 19 Oct 1840, , Davidson, NC 6 9 10 13
  • Marriage (1): Mary Elizabeth Sharp on 24 Jan 1867 in , Davie, NC 1
  • Died: 14 Feb 1934, Tyro, Davidson, NC at age 93 6 9 10 13
  • Buried: 15 Feb 1934, Tyro: Sandy Creek Cemetery, Davidson, NC 9 10 13

   FamilySearch ID: KP4V-79Z.

  Noted events in his life were:

1. Court: Philip's 4 minor sons were appointed to 4 guardian households via apprentice bonds issued by the Davie County court. George was bonded to Thomas J. Deadmon until age 21. On 26 Feb 1849 in , Davie, NC. 14 Children following the death of their parents, or when parents could no longer provide for them, were bonded by the county court to serve as apprentices for the new families that would care for them. The following Beekers were given apprentice bonds in Davie County, North Carolina:

26 February 1849. Philip Beeker bound to John C. Foard until the age of 2l years.
To learn: Farming, Teach him to read and write and cipher to the rule of three.
Given at freedom: Twenty-five dollars in cash and a freedom suit, in all other respects to comply with the Act of Assembly.
Signed: A. G. Carter (Chairman of Court), John C. Foard
Witness: H. R. Austin

26 February 1849. George Beeker bound to Thomas J. Deadmon until the age of 2l years.
To learn: Farming, to learn to read and write and cipher to the rule of three.
Given at freedom: A horse, saddle and bridle worth sixty dollars, a freedom suit, and in other respects comply with the Act of Assembly.
Signed: A. G. Carter (Chairman of Court), Thos J. Deadmon
Witness: H. R. Austin

26 February 1849. Henry J. Beeker bound to C. W. Bessant until the age of 2l years.
To learn: Shoe and Boot making, learn to read and write and cipher to the rule of three inclusive.
Given at freedom: A freedom suit, a set of shoe makers tools worth ten dollars and in all other matters comply with the Act of Assembly.
Signed: A. G. Carter (Chairman of Court), C. W. Bessent
Witness: H. R. Austin

26 February 1849. Solomon Beeker bound to George Deadmon until the age of 2l years.
To learn: Tanning, learn to read and write and cipher to the single rule of three inclusive.
Given at freedom: A freedom suit, a horse, saddle, and bridle worth $50 and in all other respects comply with the Act of Assembly.
Signed: A. G. Carter (Chairman of Court), George Dedmon
Witness: H. R. Austin.

2. Census in 1850 in , Davie, NC. 15 The 1850 census recorded George Becker [sic, poor handwriting], 10, living in the household of Thomas J. Deadmond, farmer, 39; and his wife Caroline, 32. Also in the home is America Haden, 10; and Catharine B. Davis, 24. Thomas was born in Davie County, and the others in Davidson County. Nearby (2 census pages following) is Solomon Beaker, 6, living in the household of George Deadmond, farmer, 36; and also Philip Beaker, laborer, 20, living in the household of Cicero Ford, farmer, 29, and his wife Sarah, 27. Solomon and Philip were born in Davie County.

3. Probate: After father Philip's death his 7 children petitioned the court to sell his land, in 1853, in , Davidson, NC. 3 3 State of North Carolina
Davidson County

In Equity
To Fall Term 1853

To The Hon. The Judges of the court of Equity of Davidson county.

This petition of John C. Beeker, Philip S. Beeker of full age, and Henry J. Beeker, Barbara M. Beeker, George W. Beeker, Solomon Beeker & Mary M. Beeker infants who sues by their next friend & brother John C. Beeker.

Hereby petitioning
Show unto your honor your petitions aforesaid that in the year 1838 Henry Beeker made a deed of conveyance in fee simple of the lands below described to the "bodily heirs of Philip Beeker" decd, that your peititioning John C. Beeker, Philip S. Beeker who are of full age, and Henry J. Beeker, Barbara M. Beeker, George W. Beeker, Solomon Beeker & Mary M. Beeker who are infants, are the only children & bodily heirs of said Philip Beeker decd and are tenants in the said land lying in the county aforesaid on the waters of Lick Creek adjoining the lands of Philip Snider, Wesley Snider, James Williams & Marshall Nance containing two hundred acres more or less.
Your petitioners would further show to your honor that, on account of the great inequality of the value of the various parts of said land, the same could not with any sort of equality justice be divided among your petitioners, and that the land is becoming from year to year of less value and the improvements getting out of repair so that it cannot be sorted out to any advantages to your petitioners, and that a sale of the same would essentially immaterally promote the interests of all the parties concerned and especially said infant petitioners.
Lo the end therefore that your petitioners may be relieved in the premises, may it prove your Honor to grant an order & decree of sale of said lands upon such terms and conditions as to your Honor may seem just and proper and all such further orders as the nature of the case may require
And as induly bound will ever pray.

D. A. Starbuck
Sol for Petitioners.

4. Probate: in 1854, in , Davidson, NC. 3 3 John C. Beeker Ex Parte

In Equity
Spring Term 1854

To the Honorable the Judge of the Court of Equity in and forsaid County.

In obedience to a decree of this Court of Equity made at the Fall Term 1853 -- after due advertisement I proceeded to sell the lands mentioned in the petition, at public sale on a credit of twelve months, on the the premises, when William Cox became the purchasor, at the sum of five hundred and seventy five dollars and fifty centers - which I report to be a fair price; all of which is respectfully submitted - at office April 4th 1854.

James A. Long, C M C.

5. Census in 1860 in Liberty District, Davie, NC. 16 The 1860 census recorded Geo. Beeker, laborer, 20, living in the household of T. J. Deadman, farmer, 49; Caroline, 42; C. A. Haden, domestic, 19, female; C. B. Davis, domestic, 31, female; Louis Clark, 11, male; and J. A. Davis, laborer, 45, male. Everyone was born in North Carolina. George could not read or write. The post office was Jerusalem. Deadman's land was valued at $5000, a large farm. On the same census page is Mary Beeker, 14, domestic, living in the household of W. A. Deadman, 30, and his wife Ann, 26, with their children.

6. Military in 1864 in , , NC: Civil War: Private, Co. D., Mallett's Battalion, North Carolina Camp Guards (Camp Holmes). 6

7. Census in 1870 in Tyro, Davidson, NC. 17 The 1870 census recorded in Tyro Township: George Becker [indexed wrong due to poor handwriting], farmer, 28, living with wife Mary E., 27; Charles L., 2; and Mary E., 6 months when the census was recorded on 17 Aug 1870. Everyone was born in North Carolina. The post office was Lexington. George had no real estate value and his personal estate was worth $150.

8. Census in 1880 in Tyro, Davidson, NC. 18 The 1880 census recorded George Beeker [indexed incorrectly as George Buker due to poor handwriting], farmer, 39, lviing with wife Elizabeth, 37; Charles L, 12; Mary E., 10; Amanda B., 3; and Nancy, 6. Everyone and their parents were born in North Carolina.

9. Newspaper: The Dispatch: "Tyro Topics: Mr. G. W. Beeker thinks that the weather will be cold and rough through March.", 27 Feb 1889, Lexington, Davidson, NC. 19

10. Newspaper: The Dispatch: "Mr. G. W. Beeker says he has observed that fruit blooming in the old of the moon is not as esily killed as that blooming in the new of the moon. It would be interesting to know the reason for it.", 10 Apr 1889, Lexington, Davidson, NC. 20

11. Newspaper: The Dispatch: "Tyro Topics: Mr. G. W. Beeker has purchased the home place of John Sharp estate, where he is now residing.", 10 Apr 1889, Lexington, Davidson, NC. 20

12. Newspaper: The Dispatch: "Tyro News. A little colored boy of about three years old living on the lands of G. W. Beeker, accidentally fell in the spring last Saturday and was drowned.", 22 Sep 1897, Lexington, Davidson, NC. 21

13. Census in 1900 in Tyro, Davidson, NC. 22 The 1900 census recorded Chas. Beeker, farmer, 33, born Oct 1867, living with wife Mary L., farm laborer, 31, Sept 1869; sons Elmo L., 11, Aug 1889; Willie J., 9, Sept 1891; George G., 7 Mar 1893; and daughters Mary B., 4, Aug 1896; and Emma P., 1, Aug 1899. Chas and Mary were married for 12 years and she had birthed 5 children by 1900 all alive that year. Next door is George W. Beeker, farmer, 59, born Oct 1840, married for 33 years to his wife, Mary E., 58, May 1842. She had birthed 5 children and 4 were alive in 1900. Everyone and their parents were born in North Carolina except Mary L.'s father in Virginia.

14. Newspaper: The Dispatch: "Mr. G. W. Beeker of Tyro was here last Friday. The Dispatch is glad to know Mr. Beeker is recovering from a terrible carbuncle which has incapacitated him from work and confined him to his room for several months.", 28 Feb 1906, Lexington, Davidson, NC. 23

15. He signed a will Will of G. W. And M. E. Beeker on 29 Sep 1908 in , Davidson, NC. 24 North Carolina
Davidson County
We, G. W. Beeker and M. E. Beeker his wife being of sound mind and memory, but considering the uncertainty of our lives, do make this our last will and testament, in manner and form as follows, that is to say: Our will is that all our just debts be paid as soon after our deceases as convenient by our executor, hereinafter named, and that this our will be not probated until the death of us both and should M. E. Beeker be the longest lived she is to have the user of all our real and personal property for and during her natural life, and immediately after the death of us both, or by the one who survives the other, our will is that our property be disposed of as follows: All the personal property of which we shall die seized and possessed, we bequeath to our four children, C. L. Beeker, Bessie Biles, Amanda Parnell and Bertie Fritts, share and share alike. To make our children all equal we desire that C. B. Beeker pay Bessie Giles the sum of two hundred and fifty dollars and the same is to be a charge in the land which we have this day deeded him, and after the payment of the same same, said deed is to be delivered ot him, the desire that Amanda Parnell pay Bertie Fritts two hundred and fifty dollars and the same is to be a share in the land which we have this day deeded her, and upon the payment of the same said deed is to be delivered her. C. L. Beeker is to have his grand-father's photograph, Bessie Biles is to have her father's bureau and Amanda Parnell is to have our safe. Lastly we appoint our son C. B. Beeker executor of this our last will and testament. In witness whereof we set our hands and affix our seals this May 25, 1908.
G. W. Beeker (seal)
M. E. Beeker (seal)
Codicil: If any one of our children above mentioned try to break the foregoing will, our will is that he have nothing and what is willed to him or her be equally divided among the rest.
G. W. Beeker
M. E. Beeker
S. B. Owen
Fred C. Sink.

16. Census in 1910 in Tyro, Davidson, NC. 25 The 1910 census recorded Sidney L. Parnell, farmer, 49, living with wife Ammanda [sic], 38; daughter Lizzie, 21; son George A., 16; daughters Bessie L., 13; Hope C., 7; son Boyd V., 4; and father-in-law George W. Becker [sic, as indexed, but handwriting is Beeker[, 69. Sidney and Ammanda were married for 21 years and she had birthed 7 children, 5 alive in 1910. Everyone and their parents were born in North Carolina.

17. Newspaper: The Dispatch: Our good friend, Mr. G. W. Beeker, of Tyro township, was in Lexington Saturday and renewed his subscription to The Dispatch. Mr. Beeker is one of the first subscribers to this paper and has been taking it ever since. He is now 74 years old., 24 Feb 1915, Lexington, Davidson, NC. 26

18. Newspaper: The Dispatch: "There is to be a birthday dinner at the home of Mr. G. W. Beeker's on Oct. 19. Every body is invited to come and bring a well filled basket and enjoy the day.", 15 Oct 1915, Lexington, Davidson, NC. 27

19. Census in 1920 in Tyro, Davidson, NC. 28 The 1920 census recorded three Beeker households as neighbors. Joe S. Powell [sic, as indexed, but handwriting is Parnell not Powell], farmer, 58, was living with wife Monda [sic, Amanda nee Beeker], 49; son Hope, 17; son Sidney, 14, daughter Mary, 8.
Next door is "father" George W. Beeker, farmer, widowed, 79.
Below George is his son, Charlie L. Beeker, 52, living with wife Marry, 50; daughters Belle, 28; Pauline, 20; Annie, 19; Gilma, 16; son C. Loyd, 18; daughters Lucile, 11; Elizabeth, 8; and son John, 7.
Everyone and their parents were born in North Carolina.

20. Census in 1930 in Tyro, Davidson, NC. 29 The 1930 census recorded owning a $6000 home: Charles L. Becker [sic, as indexed, but handwriting is Beeker], farmer, 62, living with wife Mary L., 60; son Charlie L., 23; daughters Bessie L., 21; Carrie E., 18; son John W., 17; and Charle's father, George W., 89. Everyone and their parents were born in North Carolina.

21. Newspaper: Greensboro Daily News: Beeker Family Reunion To Be Held At Tyro October 16, 12 Oct 1932, Greensboro, Guilford, NC. 30 Tyro, Oct. 11 - The Beeker reunion which is an annual affair will be held in honor of George W. Beeker, who will be 92 years old October 19, at the old home place at Tyro Sunday, October 16. Arrangement will be made to have the Lexington high school band on hand to furnish musical addresses. An invitation is extended and there will be several short tributes to all Confederate veterans in the county to be the special guests of Mr. Beeker on this day, while all relatives and friends are invited to come and bring baskets.

22. He has conflicting death information of NC death certificate has 13 Feb not 14 Feb as on tombstone., 13 Feb 1934 and Tyro, Davidson, NC. 13 31

23. Cause of Death: cerebral hemorrhage. Contributory hypertension, arterio sclerosis, senility, 13 Feb 1934, Tyro, Davidson, NC. 13

24. Occupation: farmer on 13 Feb 1934 in Tyro, Davidson, NC. 13

25. Obituary: Charlotte Observer: obituary of George W. Beeker on 15 Feb 1934 in Charlotte, Mecklenburg, NC. 6 George W. Beeker
special to the Charlotte Observer

LEXINGTON, Feb. 14 -- George Washington Beeker, 93, Confederate veteran and one of the men who helped buld the famed Merrimac at Charleston, died today at his home about seven miles west of here.
Surviving are one son, Charles L. Beeker of Tyro community and two daughters, Mrs. Amanda Parnell of Tyro and Mrs. J. Mac Fritts of Lexington.
Funeral services will be held at St. Luke's Lutheran church at 3 o'clock Tuesday. Death of Mr. Beeker reduces the members of veterans in Davidson county to 12.

26. Newspaper: The Dispatch: "The George Washington Beeker family reunion will be Oct. 20 At the old Beeker homeplace. For more information call JoAnn Beeker Craver at 956-1002.", 12 Oct 1991, Lexington, Davidson, NC. 32

George married Mary Elizabeth Sharp, daughter of Richmond Pearson Sharp and Mary Swicegood, on 24 Jan 1867 in , Davie, NC.1 (Mary Elizabeth Sharp was born on 10 May 1842 in , , NC,33 died on 10 Oct 1909 in Tyro, Davidson, NC 33 and was buried in Tyro: Sandy Creek Cemetery, Davidson, NC 33.)


1 FamilySearch.org, North Carolina Marriages, 1759-1979, https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:F8YW-HQX George W. Beeker and Mary E. Sharp, 24 Jan 1867; citing Davie,North Carolina, reference ; FHL microfilm 6,330,287.

2 Ancestry.com, North Carolina, U.S., Death Certificates, 1909-1976 (North Carolina State Board of Health, Bureau of Vital Statistics. North Carolina Death Certificates. Microfilm S.123. Rolls 19-242, 280, 313-682, 1040-1297. North Carolina State Archives, Raleigh, North Carolina.), Certificate 4817. Charlie L. Beeker. Father George W. Beeker. Mother Elizabeth Sharp. Spouse Lula Giles Beeker.

3 Ancestry.com, North Carolina, U.S., Wills and Probate Records, 1665-1998, Estate of Philip Beeker. 1854. Online images 4288-4301.

4 "The Dispatch (Lexington, NC)" (Lexington, Davidson, North Carolina), 15 Jun 1920, page 5. Obituary of Mrs. Bessie Beeker Giles.

5 FamilySearch.org, North Carolina, County Marriages, 1762-1979, https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:XFM5-1ZY Sidney L Parnell and Amanda Beeker 21 Apr 1888; citing Davidson, North Carolina.

6 The Charlotte Observer (Charlotte, NC) (Charlotte, Mecklenburg, North Carolina), 15 Feb 1934, page 7. Obituary of George W. Beeker.

7 FamilySearch.org, North Carolina Deaths, 1931-1994, https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:FP8C-V7X Bertha Beeker Fritts, 27 Feb 1947; citing Lexington, Davidson, North Carolina, v 4A cn 4418, State Department of Archives and History, Raleigh; FHL microfilm 1,909,217.

8 FamilySearch.org, North Carolina Deaths, 1931-1994, https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:FPJ8-C5B Amanda Barbara Parnell, 18 Jul 1938; citing Tyro Township, Davidson County, North Carolina, cn465, State Department of Archives and History, Raleigh; FHL microfilm 1,943,154.

9 FamilySearch.org, North Carolina Deaths, 1931-1994, https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:FPN1-XLN George Washington Beekere [sic], 13 Feb 1934; citing Tyrro, Davidson, North Carolina, fn 1692 cn 188.

10 Find A Grave, http://www.cemeteryrecordsonline.com/cgi-bin/fg.cgi?page=gr&GRid=18899546.

11 The Heritage of Davidson County 1982 (Lexington, North Carolina : Genealogical Society of Davidson County, c1982, 794 p. ISBN 0894591827), Biography 155, Melvin Beeker.

12 Gregory A. Fritts, The Fritts (Fritz) family heritage: a historical, genealogical, and biographical record of the Fritts (Fritz) and allied families from October 30, 1738 (1979.), Page 65-67, J. Mack and Bertha N. (Beeker) Fritts.

13 Ancestry.com, North Carolina, U.S., Death Certificates, 1909-1976 (North Carolina State Board of Health, Bureau of Vital Statistics. North Carolina Death Certificates. Microfilm S.123. Rolls 19-242, 280, 313-682, 1040-1297. North Carolina State Archives, Raleigh, North Carolina.), # 188 certificate # 2. George W. Beeker. Father Philip Beeker. Mother Beula Schults. Informant C. L. Beeker.

14 Davie County, N.C. Apprentice Bonds (http://www.rootsweb.ancestry.com/~ncdavhgs/apprenticebonds.pdf).

15 1850 United States Census, https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:M4BM-51Y George Becker in household of Thomas J Deadmond, Davie county, Davie, North Carolina, United States; citing family 757.

16 1860 United States Census, https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:MD67-VZ3 Geo Beeker in entry for T J Deadman. Liberty District, Davie, North Carolina.

17 1870 United States Census, https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:MWZR-DXZ George Becker citing p. 13, family 103 & 104.FHL microfilm 552,633.

18 1880 United States Census, https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:MC6L-QDY George Buker, Tyro, Davidson, North Carolina citing enumeration district ED 37, sheet 168A.

19 "The Dispatch (Lexington, NC)" (Lexington, Davidson, North Carolina), 27 Feb 1889, page 3.

20 "The Dispatch (Lexington, NC)" (Lexington, Davidson, North Carolina), 10 Apr 1889, page 3.

21 "The Dispatch (Lexington, NC)" (Lexington, Davidson, North Carolina), 22 Sep 1897, page 1.

22 1900 United States Census, https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:MSYC-561 Chas Beeker, Tyro Township, Davidson, North Carolina, United States; citing enumeration district (ED) 40, sheet 5B, family 99.

23 "The Dispatch (Lexington, NC)" (Lexington, Davidson, North Carolina), 28 Feb 1906, page 4.

24 Ancestry.com, North Carolina, U.S., Wills and Probate Records, 1665-1998, Will of G. W. Beeker and M. E. Beeker 1934.

25 1910 United States Census, https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:MLMY-5SF Sidney L Parnell, Tyro, Davidson, North Carolina citing enumeration district (ED) ED 35, sheet 4B, family 75.

26 "The Dispatch (Lexington, NC)" (Lexington, Davidson, North Carolina), 24 Feb 1915, page 5.

27 "The Dispatch (Lexington, NC)" (Lexington, Davidson, North Carolina), 15 Oct 1915, page 8.

28 1920 United States Census, https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:MZKY-1NG George W Beeker, Tyro, Davidson, North Carolina, United States; citing ED 41, sheet 14A, line 38, family 268.

29 1930 United States Census, https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:X3SV-K7J Charles L Becker, Tyro, Davidson, North Carolina, United States; citing enumeration district (ED) ED 32, sheet 3A, line 24, family 49.

30 Greensboro Daily News (Greensboro, NC), 12 Oct 1932, page 5. Beeker Family Reunion.

31 Ancestry.com, North Carolina, U.S., Death Indexes, 1908-2004 (Original data: North Carolina State Center for Health Statistics), George W. Beeker, age 93, died 13 Feb 1934.

32 "The Dispatch (Lexington, NC)" (Lexington, Davidson, North Carolina), 12 Oct 1991, page 4a.

33 Find A Grave, https://www.findagrave.com/cgi-bin/fg.cgi?page=gr&GRid=18899549.

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