George Washington Beeker
Mary Elizabeth Sharp
John Smith Giles
Carolyn Isabelle "Belle" Burton
Charles Lloyd Beeker Sr.
Mary Lula Giles
Charles Lloyd Beeker Jr.


Family Links

1. Altheda Catherine Brauch

Charles Lloyd Beeker Jr. 2 3 4 5 6 7

  • Born: 1 Jan 1906, Tyro, Davidson, NC 5 6 8 9
  • Marriage (1): Altheda Catherine Brauch on 24 Aug 1938 in Shenandoah Heights, Schuylkill County, PA 1 2
  • Died: 8 Jul 1973, Easton, Northampton, PA at age 67 6 7 8 9
  • Buried: 11 Jul 1973, Easton, Northampton, PA 6 9

   FamilySearch ID: LL7S-3PL.

  Noted events in his life were:

1. Census in 1910 in Tyro, Davidson, NC. 10 The 1910 census recorded Charles L. Becker [sic, as indexed, but handwriting is Beeker], farmer, 42, living with wife Lula, 43; Elmo L., farm laborer, 20; Willie J., farm laborer, 18; George G., farm laborer, 16; Mary B., 13; Pauline, 11; Ann E., 9; Glenn, 6; Charley L, 4; and Bessie L., 10 months. Charles and Lula were married for 21 years and she had birthed 9 children all alive in 1910.

2. Census in 1920 in Tyro, Davidson, NC. 11 The 1920 census recorded three Beeker households as neighbors: Charlie L. Beeker, 52, living with wife Marry, 50; daughters Belle, 28; Pauline, 20; Annie, 19; Gilma, 16; son C. Loyd, 18; daughters Lucile, 11; Elizabeth, 8; and son John, 7.
Listed above is "father" George W. Beeker, farmer, widowed, 79.
Above George is his daughter, Amanda Beeker, listed as Monda as follows:
Joe S. Powell [sic, as indexed, but handwriting is Parnell not Powell], farmer, 58, was living with wife Monda, 49; son Hope, 17; son Sidney, 14, daughter Mary, 8.
Everyone and their parents were born in North Carolina.

3. Census in 1930 in Tyro, Davidson, NC. 12 The 1930 census recorded owning a $6000 home: Charles L. Becker [sic, as indexed, but handwriting is Beeker], farmer, 62, living with wife Mary L., 60; son Charlie L., 23; daughters Bessie L., 21; Carrie G., 18; son John W., 17; and Charle's father, George W., 89. Everyone and their parents were born in North Carolina.

4. Newspaper: Mount Carmel Item: Beeker-Vrauch Wedding, 24 Aug 1938, Mount Carmel, Northumberland, PA. 13 LOCAL MAN, SHENANDOAH GIRL MARRIED Mr. Lloyd Beeker, of 28 south Hickory street, this city, and Miss Altheda Vrauch, of Shenandoah, were married by the Rev. J. T. Wagner this morning at 9:00 o'clock in the Lutheran church, Shenandoah. The bridegroom, who came to this city several years ago from Lexington, N. C, is boiler room operator at the Kulpmont steam electric station of the Pennsylvania Power and Light Company. The bride is a daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Otto Vrauch and a graduate of Shenandoah High School with the Class of 1931. Miss Vrauch this morning wore a white lace dress with tulle veil, and carried a bouquet of gardenias. - Attending her was her sister, Evelyn, who wore a pink dress, accessories of a corresponding hue, and carried a bouquet of lilies of the valley and baby breath. Archie Dixon, of this city, was best man. The reception was held at Hotel Ferguson. After a honeymoon tour of the southern states, Mr. and Mrs. Beeker will reside at 242 west Olive street, this city.

5. Newspaper: Republican and Herald: North Carolina Resident Marries Altheda Brauch, 24 Aug 1938, Pottsville, Schuylkill, PA. 2 A lovely wedding was solemnized at 9 o'clock this morning in St. John's Lutheran Church when Rev. Francis R. Edwards united in marriage Miss Altheda Brauch, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Otto Brauch, of Shenandoah, and Lloyd Beeker, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Beeker, of Lexington, N. C. Miss Edith Link presided at the organ. Miss Evelyn Brauch, of Wilkes-Barre, a sister of the bride, was the maid of honor. Archie Dixon, Mt. Carmel, an intimate friend of the bridegroom, was best man. The bride was charming in a white chiffon gown, fashioned on bouffant lines with a low neckline, shirred bodice and short puff sleeves. Her veil of French illusion wag arranged on a braided satin coronet. She carried a colonial bouquet of gardenias and lilies-of-the-valley. The maid of honor was equally lovely in a gown of pink and blue mousseline de soie, a tiara of blue flowers and pink tulle, and carried a bouquet of pink tea roses and blue baby breath. The men wore morning attire. Following the ceremony, a wedding breakfast was served the bridal party and immediate relatives at the Hotel Ferguson, after which the newlyweds left for a three-week honeymoon trip to Florida and the Gulf of Mexico. Upon their return, they will reside in a newly furnished apartment in Mt. Carmel. Mrs. Beeker was graduated from the local high school and, until recently, was employed by the J. J Newberry Company. Her husband was graduated from the Lexington, N. C. High School, and at present is associated with the P. P. & L. Co. in Mt. Carmel. Both are well known here and have the best wishes of countless friends in this vicinity for many years of happy married life.

6. Newspaper: Mount Carmel Item: Baby Boy Born to Mr. And Mrs. Lloyd Beeker, 10 Mar 1945, Mount Carmel, Northumberland, PA. 14 A baby boy was born to Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Beeker, of 242 West Olive street, this city, in the Ashland State Hospital. The mother, the former Altheda Brouch, of Shenandoah, and the new arrival, were reported doing fine. "Pop" Beeker, who is going around with that can't-get-it-off smile, came here about six years ago from the South to become an employe of the Pennsylvania Power andLight Company in this district. The new baby is the couple's first child. Congratulations.

7. Census in 1950 in Mount Carmel, Northumberland, PA. 15 The 1950 census recorded living at 241 N. Poplar St: Lloyd C. Beeker, operator at Pennsylvania Power & Light Co., 44, living with wife Altheda C., 38, and son Terry Beeker, 5. Lloyd was born in North Carolina, and the others in Pennsylvania.

8. Residence: in 1953 in Mount Carmel, Northumberland, PA. 7

9. Residence: Route 3, Lexington, Davidson, NC on 18 Jan 1960 in Easton, Northampton, PA. 3

10. Residence: on 13 Dec 1962 in Easton, Northampton, PA. 4

11. Newspaper: Evening Herald: C. Lloyd Beeker Retires, 31 Aug 1967, Shenandoah, Schuylkill, PA. 16 42 Years Service
C. Lloyd Beeker
C. Lloyd Beeker of Easton retires today as a station repair man at Pennsylvania Power Light Co.'s Martins Creek Plant after 42 years of service. Mr. Beeker started his career with PP&L in 1925 as a handy man and moved up through numerous positions to stoker operator at the former Kulpmont plant in 1941. In 1944, he became utility man first class, advanced the following year to boiler room operator and became assistant plant control operator at the Martins Creek station in 1954, being transferred to his present position two years later. He attended school in Lexington, N.C., his birthplace, and has taken courses in mechanical engineering. He is a member of the Democratic Club of Wilson Borough. Mr. Beeker is married to the former Altheda Brauch of Shenandoah. They have a son Terry, who is a second lieutenant in the Army. The Beekers live at 2648 Hermitage avenue.

12. Residence: 2648 Hermitage Ave., Easton, PA on 31 Aug 1967 in Easton, Northampton, PA. 16

13. Obituary: The Dispatch: Lloyd Beeker, County Native, Died Sunday on 10 Jul 1973 in Lexington, Davidson, NC. 9 EASTON, Pa. -- Lloyd Beeker, 67, of Easton, died at 2 p.m., Sunday in the Easton Hospital after an illness of eight weeks.
He was born in Davidson County January 1, 1906 to Charlie and Lula Giles Beeker. He was employed with the Power and Light Company in Easton.
Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Altheda Brauch Beeker of the home; one son, terry Beeker of Warminster, Pa.; two brothers, Glenn Beeker of R. 5, Lexington, and Johnny Beeker of Burlington; and three sisters, Mrs. Sidney Snider of R. 5, Lexington, Mrs. Walter Everhart of Welcome, and Mrs. Belle Stegall of Myrtle Beach.
Funeral service will be conducted Wednesday at 11 a.m. at the Lutheran Church in Easton. Burial will be in the cemetery there.
The body is at Strunk Funeral Home.

Charles married Altheda Catherine Brauch, daughter of Otto Peter Brauch and Anna Catherine Pierson, on 24 Aug 1938 in Shenandoah Heights, Schuylkill County, PA.1 2 (Altheda Catherine Brauch was born on 5 Feb 1912 in Freeland, Luzerne, PA,1 7 17 18 died on 31 Aug 1977 in Easton, Northampton, PA 7 17 18 19 and was buried on 3 Sep 1977 in Easton, Northampton, PA 18 19.)


1, Pennsylvania, County Marriages, 1775-1991, Charles Lloyd Beeker and Altheda C Branch, 24 Aug 1938; citing Marriage, Pennsylvania, county courthouses, Pennsylvania; FHL microfilm 2,133,807.

2 Republican and Herald (Pottsville, PA) (, 24 Aug 1938, page 7.

3 The High Point Enterprise (High Point, NC), 20 Jan 1960, page 15. Obituary of George Beeker.

4 The High Point Enterprise (High Point, NC), 14 Dec 1962, page 28. Obituary of Willie Beeker.

5, North Carolina Birth Index, 1800-2000, Charles Lloyd Beeker, 01 Jan 1906 citing vol. 9, p. 424, Davidson, North Carolina, North Carolina State Archives, Raleigh.

6 Find A Grave,

7 "The News-Item (Shamokin, PA)," 1 Sep 1977, page 8. Obituary of Altheda C. Beeker.

8 U.S. Social Security Death Index, C Beeker, Jul 1973.

9 "The Dispatch (Lexington, NC)" (Lexington, Davidson, North Carolina), 10 Jul 1973, page 1. Obituary of Lloyd Beeker.

10 1910 United States Census, Charles L Becker, Tyro, Davidson, North Carolina, United States; citing enumeration district (ED) ED 35, sheet 6B, family 111.

11 1920 United States Census, Charlie L Beeker, Tyro, Davidson, North Carolina, United States; citing ED 41, sheet 14A, line 44, family 271.

12 1930 United States Census, Charles L Becker, Tyro, Davidson, North Carolina, United States; citing enumeration district (ED) ED 32, sheet 3A, line 24, family 49.

13 Mount Carmel Item (Mount Carmel, Northumberland, Pennsylvania.), 24 Aug 1938, page 7. Beeker-Vrauch Wedding.

14 Mount Carmel Item (Mount Carmel, Northumberland, Pennsylvania.), 10 Mar 1945, page 1.

15 "1950 United States Census," Lloyd C. Beeker, Mt. Carmel, PA.

16 The Evening Herald (Shenandoah, PA), 31 Aug 1967, page 16.

17, U.S., Social Security Applications and Claims Index, 1936-2007 (Original data: Social Security Applications and Claims, 1936-2007.), Altheda Catherine Brauch Beeker, SSN 18-105-3125, father Otto P. Brauch, mother Anna Pierson.

18 Find A Grave,

19 "The Dispatch (Lexington, NC)" (Lexington, Davidson, North Carolina), 2 Sep 1977, page 6. Obituary of Mrs. Altheda Brauch Beeker.

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