John Randolph Pruitt
Barbara Beeker
John Dukes
Frances McClintick
Randolph F. Pruitt
Frances Emmaline Dukes
Eva Mae Pruitt


Family Links

1. William E. Presnell
2. Rols S. Garver

Eva Mae Pruitt 1 2 3

  • Born: 21 Nov 1877, Solomon Rapids, Mitchell, KS 2
  • Marriage (1): William E. Presnell on 15 Aug 1901 1
  • Marriage (2): Rols S. Garver about 1919
  • Died: 8 Feb 1932, Portis, Osborne, KS at age 54 2
  • Buried: Harlan, Smith, KS 2

   FamilySearch ID: G7WZ-6HY.

  Noted events in her life were:

1. Census in 1880 in Solomon Rapids, Mitchell, KS. 4 The 1880 census recorded Randolph Ruet [sic, as indexed in census due to poor handwriting of Pruet as spelled by census taker], farmer, 33, living with wife Emma, 27; daughter Della C. [although handwriting may be Lella], 6; Eva May, 2; and Edith M., 4 months old. Randolph was born in Indiana and his parents in Ohio. Emma was born in Iowa, her father in North Carolina and mother in Virginia. Their children were born in Kansas. Neghbors are Emma's mother, Francis Dukes, 69, born in Virginia as was her mother, her father in Maryland; and Francis' brother Joseph McClintock, 67, born in Virginia, and his family.

2. Kansas State Census census in 1885 in Solomon Rapids, Mitchell, KS. 5 The 1885 Kansas State Census recorded household 107 in Solomon Rapids: R. Pruitt, 38, living with Emily, 31; Lilly A., 10; Eva M., 8; Edith M., 5; Ina P., 1; and Barbara Pruitt, 75. R. and Barbara were born in Indiana and came to Kansas from Illinois. Emily was born in Iowa and came from there. The children were born in Kansas.

3. Kansas State Census census in 1895 in Glen Elder, Mitchell, KS. 6 The 1895 Kansas State Census recorded R. Pruitt, 47; living with wife Emma, 42; Lilly 21; Eva M., 17; Edith, 14; Ina, 11; John, 7; and Grace, 4 months when the census was recorded 1 Mar 1895. Everyone was born in Kansas except father R. in Indiana and Emma in Iowa.

4. Newspaper: Glen Elder Sentinel: Misses Eva and Ina Pruitt of Cawker City are visitng friends in this city this week., 17 Apr 1897, Glen Elder, Mitchell, KS. 7

5. Census in 1900 in Garfield Township, Smith, KS. 8 The 1900 census recorded Ra?Alhh Preuitt (as indexed in census due to poor handwriting), silversmith, 54, born Jun 1846, living with wife Ema, 48, Feb 1852; daughter Eva M., 22, Nov 1877; Ina, 18, Jul 1884; John R., 12, 1888; Grace M., 4, Nov 1895; and granddaughter G. Kirkendall, 1, Jul 1898. The parents were married for 27 years and Emma had birthed 7 children, 6 alive in 1900. Randolph and his father were born in Indiana and his mother in Kentucky. Emma was born in Iowa, her father in North Carolina and mother in West Virginia. Their children were born in Kansas, father in Indiana and mother in Iowa. Kirkendall was born in Kansas, her father in Missouri and mother in Kansas.

6. Newspaper: Glen Elder Sentinel:, 18 Feb 1904, Glen Elder, Mitchell, KS. 9 Mrs. Eva Presnel returned Monday morning to her home in Portis after a weeks visit with her parents, the Randy Pruitt family north of town. She was accompanied home by her sister, Mrs. Lily Church, who will visit her for some time before returning to her home in Garden City.

7. Census in 1910 in Logan, Phillips, KS. 10 The 1910 census recorded at 7 West Commercial Street: William E. Presnell, barber, 28, living with wife Eva M., 32; Lyle, H., 7; Denton L., 5; and Lola A., 2. William and Eva were married for 8 years and she had birthed 3 children, all alive in 1910. Everyone was born in Kansas. William's parents and Eva's mother were born in Iowa, and her father in Illinois.

8. Newspaper: Logan Republican: Miss Ina Pruitt and Ruby Rayford came up from Glen Elder the first of the week and are visiting at the Will Presnell home., 18 Apr 1912, Logan, Phillips, KS. 11

9. Newspaper: Osborne Evening News: Mrs. Will Presnell Moves to Colorado, 31 Aug 1914, Osborne, Osborne, KS. 12 Mrs. Will Presnell and children left today, via Smith Center, for Falcon, Colorado, where they will make their home with her father, Mr. Pruit. Mrs. Presnell's sister, Mrs. Ina Dove, of Falcon, who was called here by the death of the late Mr. Will Presnell, went home with them.

10. Arrival: Sep 1914, in Falcon, El Paso, CO. 12

11. Census in 1920 in Garfield Township, Smith, KS. 13 The 1920 census recorded owning a home: Rols S. Garver, 45, living with wife Eva, 42; stepdaughter Lola Presnell, 12; stepson Clair Presnell, 9; and mother Sarah Garber, widowed, 75. Rols, his parents, Sarah, and Eva's father were born in Indiana. Eva, her children, and their parents were born in Kansas. Eva's mother was born in Iowa. Sarah's parents were born in Pennsylvania.

12. Residence: on 19 Jan 1932 in Portis, Osborne, KS. 3

Eva married William E. Presnell on 15 Aug 1901.1 (William E. Presnell was born on 25 Dec 1881 in Lincoln Township, Smith, KS, died on 8 Aug 1914 in Osborne, Osborne, KS 1 14 and was buried on 10 Aug 1914 in Harlan, Smith, KS 14.)

Eva next married Rols S. Garver about 1919. (Rols S. Garver was born on 18 Apr 1872 in , Fountain, IN,15 16 died on 2 Jul 1965 in Osborne, Osborne, KS 15 16 and was buried in Smith Center, Smith, KS 15.)


1 "Portis Independent (Portis, KS)," 13 Aug 1914, page 1. Obituary of Wll Presnell.

2 Find A Grave,

3 "Casper Star-Tribune (Casper, WY)," 19 Jan 1932, page 1. Obituary of Randolph F. Pruitt.

4 1880 United States Census, Randolph Ruet, Solomon Rapids, Mitchell, Kansas, United States; citing enumeration district ED 178, sheet 32A.

5, Kansas State Census (Kansas State Census Collection, 1855-1925.), 1885, Mitchell County, Solomon Rapids. R. Pruitt.

6, Kansas State Census (Kansas State Census Collection, 1855-1925.), 1895, R Pruitt, 1895.

7 "The Glen Elder Sentinel (Glen Elder, KS)," 17 Apr 1897, page 3.

8 1900 United States Census, :Ra?Alhh Preuitt, Garfield Townships, Smith, Kansas, United States; citing enumeration district (ED) 167, sheet 8B, family 155 & family 156.

9 "The Glen Elder Sentinel (Glen Elder, KS)," 18 Feb 1904, page 6.

10 1910 United States Census, William E Presnell, Logan, Phillips, Kansas, United States; citing enumeration district (ED) ED 143, sheet 1A, family 7.

11 "The Logan Republican (Logan, KS)," 18 Apr 1912, page 4.

12 "The Osborne Evening News (Osborne, KS)," 31 Aug 1914, page 1.

13 1920 United States Census, Rols S Garver, Garfield, Smith, Kansas, United States; citing ED 214, sheet 8A, line 4, family 144.

14 Find A Grave,

15 Find A Grave,

16 "The Salina Journal (Salina, KS)," 4 Jul 1965, page 20. Obituary of Rols S. Garver.

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