Gordon Elwood Golden 3 4 5
Other names for Gordon were Percival Winfield Bingaman,4 8 9 Percy Peter Bingaman 6 and Pierce Winfield Bingaman.1 7 10 FamilySearch ID: LJYX-GDB. Noted events in his life were: 1. Census in 1900 in Reading, Berks, PA. 11 The 1900 census recorded at 218 Pear Street: Allen C. Bingiman, 24, day laborer, born Mar 1876, living with wife Clara E., 23, Dec 1877. They had been married 4 years and birth 1 child who was living with them: Percie P., 3, Jun 1897. Also in the home was Clarence B. Glase, rivet maker, 27, born Mar 1873, living with wife Sarah A., 24, Mar 1876. They were married less than a year. Everyone and their parents were born in Pennsylvania. 2. Marriage Fact: On his World War I draft registration he is listed as "single", 5 Jun 1917, Reading, Berks, PA. 7 3. Occupation: Laborer at Gray Iron Foundry Co., Reading, PA on 5 Jun 1917 in Reading, Berks, PA. 7 4. He was described as tall, light blue eyes, dark brown hair, medium build on 5 Jun 1917 in Reading, Berks, PA. 7 5. Residence: 902 Schuylkill Ave, Reading, PA on 5 Jun 1917 in Reading, Berks, PA. 7 6. Newspaper: Reading Times: Marriage Licenses: Pierce W. Bingaman, 637 Gordon street, and Blanche A. Noll, 706 DeHart Court., 8 Jul 1918, Reading, Berks, PA. 12 7. Newspaper: Reading Times: Bingaman-Noll, 11 Jul 1918, Reading, Berks, PA. 13 Pierce W. Bingaman and Blanche A. Noll were married at the home of the groom, 637 Gordon street, by Rev. M. L. Herbein. Mrs. Bingaman resided with her parents at 706 DeHart Court before her marriage. The couple are now living at th home of the groom's parents. 8. Census in 1920 in West Reading, Berks, PA. 8 The 1920 census recorded at 424 Chestnut Street: Percival W. Bingaman, insurance collector, 24, living with wife Blanche A., 24; and son Donald B., 1. Everyone and their parents were born in Pennsylvania. 9. Newspaper: Reading Times: Percy Bingaman charged with defaulting on wife, 19 Dec 1921, Reading, Berks, PA. 14 ----- 10. Occupation: Reading City Directory: Pierce P. Bingaman, salesman, h 637 Gordon St., Reading, PA; Blanche A. Bingaman, topper, h 706 DeHart's Ct., Reading, PA in 1922 in Reading, Berks, PA. 15 11. Occupation: Reading City Directory: Pierce P. Bingaman, salesman, 637 Gordon St., Reading, PA; Blanche A. Bingaman, topper, r 706 DeHart's Ct., Reading, PA in 1926 in Reading, Berks, PA. 16 12. Occupation: 1935 Washington DC City Directory, Golden, Gordon (Frances) sign painter, h323 B se in 1935 in Washington, District of Columbia, DC. 17 13. Census in 1940 in Washington, District of Columbia, DC. 18 The 1940 census recorded renting at 79 E. Capitol St. SE: Gordon E. Golden, sign painter for outdoor advertising, 43, born in Pennsylvania, living with wife Frances E. Golden, restaurant waitress, 34, born in Virginia. In 1935 they lived in the same place. 14. Occupation: Lee Larson & Co., Wukesha, Wisconsin. Employed at 230 Masonic View Ave., Alexandria, VA on 27 Apr 1942 in Alexandria, Alexandria, VA. 5 15. Residence: 220 3rd St. SE, Washington, DC on 27 Apr 1942 in Washington, District of Columbia, DC. 5 16. Census in 1950 in Reading, Berks, PA. The 1950 census recorded at 547 N. 14th Street: Gordon Golden, proprietor for sign display company, 50, living with wife Pauline, 36; son Kenneth Golden born Jun 1949; step son Robert Burkhart, 17; step son David Burkhart, 13; step daughter Barbara Burkhart, 11. Everyone was born in Pennsylvania. 17. Residence: McKnight Gap neighborhood in Reading on 24 Feb 1959 in Reading, Berks, PA. 19 18. Alt. Name: His name on his death certificate is Gordon E. Golden, not Percival Winfield Bingaman. His father is listed as Alvin Bingaman, mother Clara Beechert., on 18 May 1961, in Muhlenberg, Berks, PA. 3 19. Cause of Death: Shot from 410 automatic shot gun model 70 while handling loaded gun while at work in factory on Mt. Laurel Rd. At 3:30 P.M. Event is labeled "accident", 18 May 1961, Muhlenberg, Berks, PA. 3 20. Occupation: salesman on 18 May 1961 in Reading, Berks, PA. 3 21. Residence: Alsace Township: Skyline Drive, R. D. 4, Reading, PA on 18 May 1961 in Alsace Twp., Berks, PA. 3 22. Newspaper: Pottsville Republican: Charge Fraud In Loan Dept. Reading Bank, 29 Jun 1961, Reading, Berks, PA. 20 ----- 23. Newspaper: Pottsville Republican and Herald: Bank Shortage Blamed on Suicide Victim, 30 Jun 1961, Pottsville, Schuylkill, PA. 21 ----- Gordon married Blanche Agnes Noll on 6 Jul 1918 in Reading, Berks, PA.1 (Blanche Agnes Noll was born on 22 Nov 1895 in Stony Creek Mills, Berks, PA,8 22 died on 24 Aug 1982 in Bern Twp., Berks, PA 22 and was buried in Alsace Twp., Berks, PA.) Gordon next married Frances E. (Frances E. was born about 1906 in , , VA.) Gordon next married Pauline Catherine Homan, daughter of Merle Claude Homan Sr. and Mary Louise Bernhart, on 27 Nov 1948.2 The marriage ended in divorce. (Pauline Catherine Homan was born on 29 Dec 1914 in Reading, Berks, PA and died on 11 Nov 1997 in Tucson, Pima, AZ 23 24.) Gordon next married Jeanette Nagle. |
1 Ancestry.com, Berks County, Pennsylvania Marriages, 1885-1929 (Berks County Pennsylvania Register of Wills. Berks County, Pennsylvania Marriage Records 1885-1929. Reading, PA, USA. Berksregofwills.com.), Pierce W. Bingaman, Blanche A. Noll, Vol 51 Page 164.
2 Email from Mary Golden Hines, 20 Aug 2019.
3 Ancestry.com, Pennsylvania, U.S., Death Certificates, 1906-1971 (Original data: Pennsylvania (State). Death certificates. Records of the Pennsylvania Department of Health, Record Group 11. Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania.), Death Certificate 42544. Gordon E. Golden born 3 Jun 1896. Father Alvin Bingaman. Mother Clara Beechert. Spouse Jeanette (Nagle) Golden (informant).
4 Email from Mary Golden Hines, 30 Jul 2019.
5 FamilySearch.org, United States World War II Draft Registration Cards, 1942, https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:QKC4-6VVR Gordan Elwood Golden, 27 Apr 1942.
6 Ancestry.com, Pennsylvania and New Jersey, Church and Town Records, 1669-2013, Historical Society of Pennsylvania; Historic Pennsylvania Church and Town Records; Reel: 575. PA > Berks > Hamburg > Trinity Lutheran. Percy Peter Bingaman.
7 United States World War I Draft Registration Cards, 1917-1918, Pierce Winfield Bingaman born 3 Jun 1896. https://familysearch.org/pal:/MM9.3.1/TH-1942-26638-17085-23.
8 1920 United States Census, https://familysearch.org/pal:/MM9.1.1/M6BT-HLG : Percival W Bingaman in household of Howard A Snyder, West Reading, Berks, Pennsylvania, United States; citing sheet 14A, family 307, NARA microfilm publication T625, FHL microfilm 1821538.
9 Reading Eagle (Reading, PA) (Reading, Berks County, Pennsylvania.), 21 Oct 1994, page B-9. Obituary of Russell R. Bingaman.
10 Reading Eagle (Reading, PA) (Reading, Berks County, Pennsylvania.), 15 Aug 2004, page B-8. Obituary of Donald D. Bingaman.
11 1900 United States Census, https://familysearch.org/pal:/MM9.1.1/M3M5-X5L Sarah A Glase in household of Clarence B Glase, Precinct 2 Reading city Ward 6, Berks, Pennsylvania, United States; citing sheet 10A, family 208, NARA microfilm publication T623.
12 Reading Times (Reading, PA) (Reading, Berks, Pernnsylvania.), 8 Jul 1918, page 5.
13 Reading Times (Reading, PA) (Reading, Berks, Pernnsylvania.), 11 Jul 1918, page 7. Bingaman-Noll Marriage.
14 Reading Times (Reading, PA) (Reading, Berks, Pernnsylvania.), 19 Dec 1921, page 6.
15 Ancestry.com, U.S., City Directories, 1822-1995, 1922 Reading, PA City Directory, printed pages 187-188, online image 107. Bingaman.
16 Ancestry.com, U.S., City Directories, 1822-1995, 1926 Reading, PA City Directory, printed page 220, online image 118. Bingaman.
17 Ancestry.com, U.S., City Directories, 1822-1995, 1935 Washington DC City Directory, printed page 324, online image 418. Golden, Gordon.
18 1940 United States Census, https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:K7SJ-RCY Gordon E Golden, Tract 66, District of Columbia, Police Precinct 5, District of Columbia, District of Columbia, United States; citing enumeration district (ED) 1-176, sheet 4A, line 37, family 79.
19 Reading Eagle (Reading, PA) (Reading, Berks County, Pennsylvania.), 25 Feb 1959, page 43. Obituary of Mrs. Harvey Adams.
20 Pottsville Republican (Pottsville, PA), 29 Jun 1961, page 1.
21 Pottsville Republican (Pottsville, PA), 30 Jun 1961, page 5.
22 Reading Times (Reading, PA) (Reading, Berks, Pernnsylvania.), 26 Aug 1982, obituary of Blanche A. Noll.
23 Arizona Daily Star (Tucson, AZ), 13 Nov 1997, page 16. Obituary of Pauline C. Hardy.
24 Reading Eagle (Reading, PA) (Reading, Berks County, Pennsylvania.), 12 Nov 1997, page B-4. Obituary of Pauline C. Hardy.
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