Johannes Buecher
Elisabeth Catharina Hommel
Johann Engel Buecher
Elizabeth Catharina
Henry Bicher
(Abt 1762-1809)


Family Links

1. Susanna Catharina Kern

Henry Bicher 4

  • Born: Abt 1762, Cocalico Twp., Lancaster, PA 4 5
  • Marriage (1): Susanna Catharina Kern on 21 Apr 1783 in Cocalico Twp., Lancaster, PA 1 2 3
  • Died: 23 Dec 1809, Brecknock Twp., Lancaster, PA about age 47 4
  • Buried: East Cocalico Twp.: Muddy Creek Church Cemetery, Lancaster, PA 4

   Other names for Henry were Henry Beecher,6 Henry Beeker,5 Heinrich Bucher,7 8 Henry Bücher and Henry Buecher.

   FamilySearch ID: 93C5-2D9.

  Noted events in his life were:

1. Oath: 6 May 1778, , Lancaster, PA. 9 A Henery Bucher took the Oath of Allegiance to the State of Pennsylvania before Tim Green.

2. Military on 1 Nov 1778 in Brecknock Twp., Lancaster, PA: Revolutionary War. 10 Muster Roll of the Fourth Company in the Fourth Batalion commanded by Col. Henry Merkly of Brecknock Township.

Henry Beecher is listed in the same company as Peter Kern (Henry marries a Kern) and other men he is later living as neighbors with in the census. In his company:

Peter Good
Joseph Solenberger
Michael Stephen
Samuel Good
Peter Beam
Peter Mosser
Mathias Mosser
Daniel roth
Mathias Coltin
Frederick Hoabt
John Mosser
Phillip Stober
Jacob Rother
Peter Kern
Philip Greber
Peter Fry
Henry Haller
Henry Beecher
Jacob Frye
Pater Haller
Mathias Fernsler
Mathia Frye
Peter Good
Abraham Martin
Nicholas Fankhouser
Samuel Martin
Abraham Good
John Leasher
Christian Harting
Michael Messner

Affirmed before me this first Day of November 1788. Henry Hambright, major.

3. Tax List: 1781, Brecknock Twp., Lancaster, PA. 11 Biger, Henry, is listed in 1781 on the tax list as a freeman (or single male.).

4. Henry were married on 21 Apr 1783 in Cocalico Twp., Lancaster, PA. 1 The Rev. John Waldschmidt recorded the marriage on 21 Apr 1783 of Heinrich Bucher, son of the deceased Engelhard Bucher, to Catharina, daughter of Christofel Kern.

5. Census in 1790 in Brecknock Twp., Lancaster, PA. 12 The 1790 Census for Brecknock Township shows a Henry Becher and the next line shows the Kern household. Since Henry Bücher married Catherine Kern seven years earlier, we can assume these are the 1790 Census records of the two families living as neighbors. The record shows the households as:

Henry Becher:
Males (born)
16 and older (<=1774) = 1 Henry
Under 16 (1775-1790) = 1 son
Females = 1 wife

Christn Kern:
Males (born)
16 and older (<=1774) = 1 Christn
Females = 3 (wife and 2 daughters).

6. In 1797 in , Lancaster, PA. 7 The baptism of Henry and Susan Bucher's child Elias appears in the Register of Marriages and Baptisms kept by Rev. Traugott Frederick Illing.

7. Census in 1800 in Brecknock Twp., Lancaster, PA. 5 The 1800 census records Henry Beeker (the census taker's handwriting isn't certain) living in Brecknock Township with a household consisting of:
Males (born)
Under 10 (1791-1800) = 1 son John
10-15 (1785-1790) = 1 son Elias
26-44 (1756-1774) = 1 father Henry
Females (born)
26-44 (1756-1774) = 1 wife Susanna
Listed nearby are surnames that marry into our Buecher families: Frey/Fry, Kern/Kearn, Good. Listed next to Henry are Peter Fanckhauser Sr. and Jr., Joseph Bechtel, John Lesher and George Wright.

8. Tax List: Henry Bicher in the Pennsylvania Septennial Census, 1800, Brecknock Twp., Lancaster, PA. 13

9. Court: Orphan's Court on 27 Mar 1804 in Brecknock Twp., Lancaster, PA. 14 On the petition of Peter Frey who intermarried with Margaret Kern one of the daughters of Christopher Kern late of Brecknock Township deceased setting forth, that the said Christopher Kern died intestate about 2 months since leaving a widow, named Margaret, and three daughters to wit, Margaret married to petitioner, Dorothy married to George Stoever, Catherine married to John Formwald and two grandchildren sons of Susanna who was married to Henry Bichard but is now deceased, that the said Christopher Kern was seized and possessed and at the time of his death of about 180 acres of warranted land situate in Brecknock township adjoining lands of Christopher Stoppoach, George Stephens & others, that the Petitioner is desirous that his right in said Estate should be ascertained __ and praying the Court to award an Inquest to view the said premises and ascertain whether the same can be divided among the widow and all the children of the said deceased without prejudice and spoiling of the whole, and if they find the same cannot be so divided, that they then will truly inquire and ascertain whether the said premises will conveniently accommodate more than one of the children of the said deceased without prejudice to the spoiling of the whole, and if they find the same will conveniently accommodate more than one of the children of the deceased, that they then will truly divide the said premises accordingly by metes and bounds, and will truly appraise each purpart, but if they find that the said premises will not conveniently accommodate more than one of the said children without prejudice to the spoiling of the whole, that they then will trule value and appraise the whole premises and make report of their proceedings to the next Orphan's Court.
It is ordered by the Court that the Sheriff of this County do forthwith summon an Inquest to view the said premises and ascertain whether the same can be divided among the widow and all the children of the late deceased without prejudice and the spoiling of the whole, and if they find the same cannot be divided that they then will truly inquire and ascertain whether the said premises will conveniently accommodate more than one of the children of the said deceased without prejudice to a spoiling of the whole, and if they find the same will conveniently accommodate more than one of the children of the said deceased that they will then truly divide the same premises accordingly by metes and bounds and will truly appraise each purport, but if the find that the said premises will not conveniently accommodate more than one of the said children without prejudice to the spoiling of the whole, that they then will truly value and appraise the whole premises and make report of their processing to the next Orphan's Court to be held on the fourth Monday in July next.

10. Court: Orphan's Court appointment for sons John and Elias Beecher on 27 Mar 1804 in Brecknock Twp., Lancaster, PA. In the Lancaster Orphan's Court Record volume for 1803-1805 on page 120 for the 27 Mar 1804 court session are two records:
John Beecher a minor son of Henry Beecher and grand son of Christopher Kern late of Brecknock township deceased by his late wife Susanna Beecher, a daughter of the said Christopher Kern deceased being above the age of fourteen years, comes into court and chooses his father Henry Beecher of the same township, Guardian over his Estate during his minority -- The Court approve of and appoint the said Henry Beecher his Guardian accordingly.

The Court appoint Henry Beecher of Brecknock township Guardian over the estate of Elias Beecher a minor son of the said Henry Beecher, and grand son of Christopher Kern late of the same township deceased by his late wife Susanna Beecher, a daughter of the said Christopher Kern deceased during his minority -- he being under the age of fourteen years.
Research notes: This indicates that the children's mother, Susanna nee Kern, was deceased earlier and the two children were living with their grandfather Chrisopher Kern, but when he died the children's father Henry Beecher (aka Bicher) was appointed as the guardian of their estates, indicating they had received an inheritance from Christopher that they could not access until they reached the age of maturity.

11. Court: Orphan's Court on 23 Jul 1804 in Brecknock Twp., Lancaster, PA. 15 Session of Lancaster Orphan's Court: July 23 1804
Miscellaneous Book 1803-1805 Page 162

Pursuant to an Order of this Court of the 27th day of March last past. The Sheriff of this county returns the said order with an Inquisition thereto annexed, taken on the oaths & solemn Affirmations of twelve good & lawful men of the Bailiwic of the same Sheriff, who upon their baths & Affirmations aforesaid respectively do say that they have viewed a certain plantation of land situate in a tract of Brecknock township & County aforesaid adjoining lands of Christopher Stoppach, George Stephens & others, containing about one hundred and eighty acres (being the same tract of land in the annexed order mentioned) with the appurtenances, and do find that the same tract of land with the appurtenances cannot be divided between the widow of all the children of the said Charitopher Kern deceased without injury to the spoiling of the whole, and the Inquest aforesaid on their oaths and affirmations aforesaid do further say that they have viewed, considered and inquired whether the said premises will conveniently accommodate more that one of the children of the said deceased without injurty to or spoiling of the whole, and do find that the said premises will conveniently accommodate more than one of the children of the said deceased without prejudice or spoiling of the whole, to with, two of the children of the said deceased.
And the Jurors aforesaid do partition and divide the aforesaid plantation and tract of land as follows, to wit. \endash All that certain part of the said tract included in and bounded by the following courses, to wit, Beginning at a stone, thence by land of John Oberholtzer South fourteen degrees East ninety four perches to a stone, thence by land of George Stepha South seventy one degrees West one hundred and twelve perches and a half to a chestnut thence by the same and land late of George Heft, North eighteen degrees and three quarters of a degree West two hundred and twelve perches and a half to a stone, thence by land of Christopher Shlopak North seventy one degrees East sixty four perches to a Black Oak, thence by land of Nicholas Shower, South nineteen degrees and a quarter East thirty one perches to a stone, thence by other land of the said Christopher Kern deceased herein after described, South twenty nine degrees and three quarters East forty three perches and three quarters to a stone, thence by the same North eighty five degrees East twenty seven perches and six tenths of a perch to a stone, thence by the same South fifty one degrees and a quarter East thirty seven perches and a half to the place of beginning, containing one hundred and eighteen acres and one hundred and three perches of the usual allowance of six percent for roads which said parcel or part the Jurors aforesaid on their Oaths of Affirmations aforesaid do value or appraise at eight hundred and thirty pounds, ten shillings and one penny in ready money gold or silver coin.
And all the rest and residue of the said plantation bounded and described as follows, to wit, Beginning at a fallen black oak, thence by land of John Oberholtzer South seventy-one degrees West one-hundred eight perches to a stone, then by other land of the late said Christopher Kern deceased above described, North fifty-one degrees and a quarter, West thirty-seven perches and a half to a stone thence by the same South eighty-five degrees West twenty seven perches and six tenths of a perch to a stone, thence by the same north twenty nine degrees and three quarters west forty three perches and three quarters of a perch to a stone, thence by land of Nicholas Shower, Abraham Brendle and Godfried Rieffer respectively, North seventy one degrees and a quarter Esst one hundred and sixty two perches and a half to a stone thence by land of the said Godfried Rieffer, South nineteen degrees and a quarter East eighty perches and three quarters of a perch to the place of the beginning, containing sixty seven acres and ninety perches, and the usual allowance of six percent for roads to which said parcel or part last mentioned they the said Jurors upon their Oath of Affirmations aforesaid do value or appraise at
four hundred and seventy two pounds eighteen shillings and nine pence, ready money in gold or silver coin, which two said several purparts include on the whole of the said plantation in the annexed order mentioned. Which Inquisition was read and confirmed. And on Motion, Peter Frey who intermarried with Margaret Kern, one of the daughters of the said Christopher Kern deceased was cited to appear in Court, and in right of his wife to accept or renounce his right takes part of the said Estate according to the partition in the said Inquisition mentioned, and confirmed by this Court to the said Peter Frey not appearing it is ordered that George Stover who intermarried with Dorothy Kern, the next in succession, also a daughter of the said Chritopher Kern deceased upon paying or security to be paid to the legal representatives of the said Chritopher Kern deceased (the widow having been advanced by the Intestate in his lifetime in lieu of dower) their several respective shares of and in the valuation money of the first part of the tract of land in the said Inquisition mentioned within one year with lawful interest form this day, do hold and enjoy the same to him and his heirs in fee. And that the valuation money of the said first described part of the aforesaid tract of land be paid and distributed as follows, to wit,

To Peter Frey who intermarried with Margaret Kern…….....................................£ 207..12..6½
To George Stoever who intermarried with Dorothy Kern………………….……....£ 207..12..6½
To John Formwald who intermarried with Catharine Kern……………….………..£ 207..12..6½
To the legal representatives of Susanna, who was married to Henry Bicherd….£ 207..12..6½

And it is further ordered that John Forwald who intermarried with Catherine Kern, another daughter of the said Christopher Kern deceased upon paying or securing to be paid to the legal representatives of the said Christopher Kern deceased (the widow having been advanced by the INtestate in his life time in lieu of dower) their several and respective shares of and in the valuation money of the second part of the tract of land in the said Inquisition mentioned without one year with lawful interest from this day do hold and enjoy the same to him and his heirs in fee \endash And that the valuation money of the said second described part of the aforesaid tract of land be paid and distributed as follows, to wit,

To Peter Frey who intermarried with Margaret Kern…….....................................£ 118..4..8¼
To George Stoever who intermarried with Dorothy Kern………………….……....£ 118..4..8¼
To John Formwald who intermarried with Catharine Kern……………….………..£ 118..4..8¼
To the legal representatives of Susanna, who was married to Henry Bicherd….£ 118..4..8¼

And finally it is ordered that the expenses of the Inquisition and confirmation be equally borne by all the parties interested.

George Stoever lent in £1600
Henry Kern lent in £1600
To John Joseph Henry Esq. President \endash Upon Condition that the said George Stoever pay or secure to be paid unto the legal representatives of Christopher Kern, deceased their several and respective shares of and in the valuation money of the first described part of the real Estate of the said deceased within one year with lawful interest from this day, then this recognizance to be void otherwise to be and remain in full force of virtue.

John Formwald lent in £900
Jacob Riegert lent in £900
To John Joseph Henry Esq. President \endash Upon Condition that the said John Formwald pay or secure to be paid unto the legal representatives of Christopher Kern, deceased their several and respective shares of and in the valuation money of the first described part of the real Estate of the said deceased within one year with lawful interest from this day, then this recognizance to be void otherwise to be and remain in full force of virtue.

Research note: in today's dollars, the total amount allocated to each party would be worth about $75,000.

12. Court: Henry's mother-in-law Margaret Kern gave him power of attorney over her affairs in a document in Lancaster Deed Book S-3 Page 570 on 16 Oct 1805 in Brecknock Twp., Lancaster, PA. 16 Lancaster County Deed Book S-3 Page 570
Margaret Kern to Henry Bechert et at
Know all men by these presents that I Margaret Kern Widow and relict of Christoph Kern late of Brecknock Township in the County of Lancaster in Pennsylvania deceased, for diverse considerations and good causes hereunto moving, Have made ordained constituted and appointed and by these presents do make ordain constitute and appoint my trusty Friends Henry Bechert and Peter Fry both of Brecknock Township in the County of Lancaster aforesaid yeomen, my true and lawful attorney or attornies for me, in my name and to my use, to ask, demand, finally settle sue for recover and receive from George Stever of the Township of Brecknock yeoman, or other persons rightfully indebted to me, all such Sum and Sums of Monies or other legal Rights and Credits as are now due, coming and payable to me, either form the said George Stever or other, person or persons whatsoever, and for that purpose, giving and by these presents granting to my aforesaid Attornies jointly or severally my full power and authority to take pursue and follow all such legal ways and courses, for receiving obtaining or recovery of the same, as fully and effectually to all Intents and purposes as I myself might or could od, and upon the Receipt of any Sum or Sums in whole or part, acquittance or other, sufficient discharges for me and in my name to make Sign Seal acknowledge and deliver, as also one or more attorney or attornies under him or them to substitute and appoint and again at his or their pleasure to revoke, and further to do and perform for me and in my name all and singular the thing or things which are or may be necessary touching or concerning the Premises as fully entirely and thoroughly as I the said Margaret Kern in my own proper person ought might or could do about the same Ratifying allowing and confirming whatsoever they the said attornies shall lawfully do or cause to be done in and about the Execution of the Premises under and by virtue of these presents.
In Witness whereof I the said Margaret Kern have hereto put my Hand and Seal dated the Sixteenth day of October Anno Dom: one thousand Eight hundred and five
Margaret Kearn (SEAL)
Witnesses present at Signing
George Readle
Lancaster County: personally came Before me the Subscriber one of the Justices of the peace for the Said county the within named Margaret Kern and acknowledged the within written Instrument of Writing or Power of Attorney as and for her Act and Deed and desired that the same may be taken deemed and entered on Record as such. Witness my Hand and Seal the 16th day of Oct. Anno Dom: one thousand eight hundred and five.
Henry Hambright (SEAL)
Recorded the 13th day for January Anno Domini 1806.

13. Fact: Glenn Morris Bicher has in his possession a Saur Bible printed in 1734 in Germantown, PA with a brass plaque on the cover inscribed: "Henrich Bicher", "Dec. D. 23, 1809." This is how we know the death date for Henry, 23 Dec 1809, Brecknock Twp., Lancaster, PA. Glenn Morris Bicher has in his possession a Saur Bible printed in 1734 in Germantown, PA with a brass plaque on the cover inscribed: "Henrich Bicher", "Dec. D. 23, 1809." This is how we know the death date for Henry.

Henry married Susanna Catharina Kern, daughter of Christofel Kern and Margaret Catharine, on 21 Apr 1783 in Cocalico Twp., Lancaster, PA.1 2 3 (Susanna Catharina Kern was born about 1762 in Brecknock Twp., Lancaster, PA 5 and died before Mar 1804 in Brecknock Twp., Lancaster, PA 6.)

  Marriage Notes:

Rev. John Waldscmidt's marriage record states "Heinrich, of the decd. Engelhard Bucher, and Catharina, daughter of Christofel Kern, Apr. 21, 1783."


1 Waldschmidt, Rev. John, Baptismal and marriage records, Rev. John Waldschmidt, 1752-1786 (In Pennsylvania Archives, Sixth Series, Vol VI. Also available on or download PDF at

2 Montgomery, Thomas Lynch, editor, Pennsylvania Archives: Sixth Series (Harrisburg, Pennsylvania State printer, 1906-1907.), Vol. 6 Page 212.

3, Pennsylvania, County Marriages, 1775-1991, Heinrich Bucher and Catharina Kern, 21 Apr 1783.

4 Find A Grave,

5 1800 United States Census, Pennsylvania, Lancaster County, Brecknock Township, Roll 39 Book 1, Page 270.

6 Lancaster County Orphan's Court, "Family Search Microfilm 23374," Film 23347 Lancaster County PA Orphans Court 1803-1805 image 66 of 738.

7 "Personal Register of Reverend Traugott F. Illing" (

8 Waldschmidt, Rev. John, Baptismal and marriage records, Rev. John Waldschmidt, 1752-1786 (In Pennsylvania Archives, Sixth Series, Vol VI. Also available on or download PDF at, Page 162.

9 Mayhill, R. Thomas, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, deed abstracts & Revolutionary War oaths of allegiance; deed books "A" through "M", 1729 through ca. 1770, with adjoining landowners & witnesses. (Knightstown, Ind., Bookmark, 1994, c.1973.), Page 168.

10 Montgomery, Thomas Lynch, editor, Pennsylvania Archives: Sixth Series (Harrisburg, Pennsylvania State printer, 1906-1907.), Volume III, Lancaster County Fourth Battalion, Page 518.

11 Hawbaker, Gart T., A New Index, Lancaster County Pennsylvania Before the Federal Census (1981. Gary T. Hawbaker, PO Box 207, Hershey, PA 17033), Page 6.

12 1790 United States Census, Pennsylvania, Lancaster County, Brecknock Township, Roll 8 Book 5, Page 133.

13, Pennsylvania, U.S., Septennial Census, 1779-1863 (Septennial Census Returns, 1779–1863. Box 1026, microfilm, 14 rolls. Records of the House of Representatives. Records of the General Assembly, Record Group 7. Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission, Harrisburg, PA.).

14 Lancaster County Orphan's Court, "Family Search Microfilm 23374," Lancaster County PA Orphans Court 1803-1805 image 70 of 738.

15 Lancaster County Courthouse, Lancaster County Orphan's Court, Miscellanous Books 1803-1805, page 161, online image 86 of 738.

16 Lancaster County Courthouse, Lancaster County Deed Book S-3 Page 570.

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