Johann Engel Buecher
(1722-1778) |
Johann Engel Buecher 3
Other names for Johann were Emanuel Becher, Engel Becher,11 Johan Engel Becher,11 Johan Engel Becher,12 Emanuel Beecher,9 Engel Beicher,13 Emanuel Bicher, Imanuel Boger, Engel Bucher,14 Engelbracht Bucher,15 Engle Bucher, Englehard Bucher, Johan Engel Bucher,16 Johann Engel Bucher, Johan Engel Bücher,12 17 Johann Engel Bücher,3 5 6 10 18 Emanuel Buecher, Engel Buecher, Englebert Buecher 19 and Johann Engelbert Buecher.5 7 FamilySearch ID: L8BC-M4C. Noted events in his life were: 1. Book: For a free copy of a 300+ page e-book about this family contact searchtrees@gmail.com. 2. Relatives To Research: Y-DNA testing proves he is related to other ancestors in 1700's Pennsylvania. For current info please read http://www.SearchTrees.com/beecher and contact searchtrees@gmail.com (Jonathan Scott Beacher). 3. Fact: Various records record his given name as Engle; however, the correct spelling would be Engel, which in German means "angel." Other records have him as Englebrecht, which is "bright angel." 4. Occupation: shoemaker. A tax list as well as Engel Bucher's list of possessions filed after he died indicate he was a shoemaker by profession. 5. Fact: GODPARENTS: Johann Engelbert Christ; Caspar Flucht; Maria "Catharin", wife of Johann Henrich Hanfels., Dec 1722, Burbach, Siegen-Wittgenstein, Nordrhein-Westfalen, DEU. 17 6. Unproven: He may be the Johan Engel Becher baptized in 1731 in Prussia. 11 7. He immigrated on the Ship Neptune, James Wier, captain, from Rotterdam, last by Cowes, Isle of Wright, England on 23 Sep 1751 to Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA. 3 16 20 Among the passengers on the Neptune in 1751 was a Joh. Engel Bucher as well as Johan Henrich Bucher, as recorded in Rupp's Thirty Thousand Immigrants. In the version of the list published by Strassberger in Pennsylvania German Pioneers the spellings are Johann Engel Bücher and Johann Henrich Bücher. 8. Tax List: The 1756 Tas Assessment list for Brecknock Township shows Engel Beher with 20 acres., 1756, Brecknock Twp., Lancaster, PA. 21 9. He appeared as a sponsor at a baptism on 14 Oct 1759 at East Cocalico Twp.: Muddy Creek Reformed Church, Lancaster, PA. It is possible that Jacob Frey married Engel's daughter? Also, a Jacob Frey arrived with Engel on the ship Neptune in 1751. 22 23 10. Residence: From "History of Lancaster County": In 1761, William Adams laid out Adamstown. First holders of lots were Bicher, Eichholtz, Fansler, Negle, Kearn, Richards, Brendle, Steffs, Flickinger, Schlough, Reager and others. In 1761 in Adamstown, Lancaster, PA. 24 11. Residence: on 21 Jan 1766 in Brecknock Twp., Lancaster, PA. 25 His daughter's marriage record states "Bucher, Elisabeth, daughter of Engel, of Brecknock". They were married at the Muddy Creek Church in Cocalico Township. 12. Tax List: Cocalico Tax Return, 1769, Cocalico Twp., Lancaster, PA. 26 Bicher Engle shoemaker - 0 0 0 J 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 13. Tax List: 1770, , Lancaster, PA. 27 The list shows: 14. He appeared as a sponsor at a baptism on 20 Aug 1771 at , Lancaster, PA. 28 29 15. Tax List: 1772, Cocalico Twp., Lancaster, PA. 30 Three relatives are listed in the 1772 tax list for Cocalico Township: 16. Fact: On July 4, 1776, the Second Continental Congress unanimously adopted the Declaration of Independence, announcing the separation of the Thirteen Colonies from Great Britain., 4 Jul 1776, Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA. 17. Record in the Probate Court Miscellaneous Books in 1778 in Cocalico Twp., Lancaster, PA. 31 ELIZABETH BRIECHER and Richard Adams Executors of the last Will and Testament of Engle Brecher late of Cocalico township deceased Produced to the Court the Account of their Administration on the Estate of the said deceased duly passed before the Register whereby there appears a Balance in their Hands of £ 255..12..3 which Account the Court on Examination allows and Approves of and directs that the said Balance after deducting £ 1..4..0 the Expences of this Court, the remainder Amounting to £ 254..8..3 be paid and distributed agreeable to the last Will and Testament of the Testator. 18. Record in the Probate Court Miscellaneous Books in 1778 in Cocalico Twp., Lancaster, PA. 31 ELIZABETH BRIECHER and Richard Adams Executors of the last Will and Testament of Engle Brecher late of Cocalico township deceased Produced to the Court the Account of their Administration on the Estate of the said deceased duly passed before the Register whereby there appears a Balance in their Hands of £ 255..12..3 which Account the Court on Examination allows and Approves of and directs that the said Balance after deducting £ 1..4..0 the Expences of this Court, the remainder Amounting to £ 254..8..3 be paid and distributed agreeable to the last Will and Testament of the Testator. 19. Issue: Engel's will indicates he had 10 children., 24 Feb 1778, Cocalico Twp., Lancaster, PA. Unfortunately in his will, Engle mentioned he had 10 children but only named sons Jacob and John. 20. The Lancaster County Historical Society conducted a search for deeds in the historic records of Lancaster County and found no deeds in the name of Engel Bucher. However, Engel's will leaves a house and acreage to his wife so he must have owned property. 21. He signed a will on 24 Feb 1778 in Cocalico Twp., Lancaster, PA. 2 32 33 In the Name of God Amen 22. Will Book C Page 520. On 19 Mar 1778 in Cocalico Twp., Lancaster, PA. 34 35 Engle Bucher Deceased 23. On 11 Apr 1779 in Stouchsburg: Christ Lutheran Church, Berks, PA. 15 The record for Johan Jacob Bucher's marriage to Catherine Heckedorn at Christ Lutheran Church shows on 11 Apr 1779 that Johan Jacob's father was Engelbracht Bucher deceased. 24. Book: History of Lancaster County, 1844. 36 25. Book: Kentucky Pioneer and Court Records, 1929. 9 Johann married Anna Margaretha Mohr, daughter of Johannes Mohr and Unknown, on 16 Jun 1746 in Burbach, Siegen-Wittgenstein, Nordrhein-Westfalen, DEU.1 (Anna Margaretha Mohr was born in Wiederstein, Siegen-Wittgenstein, NW, DEU 17.) Johann next married Elizabeth Catharina.2 |
1 Uwe Porten, Genealogist, "Bücher Family Research Project" (Uwe Porten Professional Research, 5541 Bingen am Rhein, Germany; 2 Oct 2019. Bücher Family Research Project commissioned by Jonathan Scott Beacher, searchtrees@gmail.com, email for a free copy.), Descendents of Johannes Bücher, page 23, page 25.
2 Wright, F. Edward., Abstracts of Lancaster County, Pennsylvania Wills (Westminster, Md. : Willow Bend Books, c1998), Pages 16 and 182.
Ralph Beaver Strassburger, Edited by William John Hinke, Pennsylvania German Pioneers, A Publication of the Original Lists of Arrivals In the Port of Philadelphia
Pennsylvania German pioneers : a publication of the original lists of arrivals in the port of Philadelphia from 1727 to 1808 (View online at https://www.familysearch.org/search/catalog/2049299), Pages 466-467.
4 Egle, William Henry, Commemorative biographical encyclopedia of Dauphin County, Pennsylvania : containing sketches of prominent and representative citizens, and many of the early Scotch-Irish and German settlers (Chambersburg, Pa.: J.M. Runk, 1896, 1223 pgs.).
5 FamilySearch.org, Deutschland Geburten und Taufen 1558-1898, https://familysearch.org/pal:/MM9.1.1/ND5L-K57 Johann Engelberth Buecher, .
6 Uwe Porten, Genealogist, "Bücher Family Research Project" (Uwe Porten Professional Research, 5541 Bingen am Rhein, Germany; 2 Oct 2019. Bücher Family Research Project commissioned by Jonathan Scott Beacher, searchtrees@gmail.com, email for a free copy.), Descendents of Johannes Bücher, page 23.
7 Uwe Porten, Genealogist, "Bücher Family Research Project" (Uwe Porten Professional Research, 5541 Bingen am Rhein, Germany; 2 Oct 2019. Bücher Family Research Project commissioned by Jonathan Scott Beacher, searchtrees@gmail.com, email for a free copy.).
8 Lancaster County Registrar of Wills, Book C-1 Pages 520-521.
9 McAdams, Mrs. Harry Kennett: compiler and publisher. Sections of Beecher Genealogy compiled with aid of direct descendent Dr. A.C. Beecher in Philadelphia, Kentucky Pioneer and Court Records: Abstracts of Early Wills, Deeds and Marriages from Court Houses and records of Old Bibles, Churches, Grave Yards, and Cemeteries. Copied by American War Mothers. (Keystone Printery, Lexington, KY. 1929.), Page 318.
10 Find A Grave, https://www.findagrave.com/cgi-bin/fg.cgi?page=gr&GRid=117281229.
11 FamilySearch.org, Germany, Births and Baptisms, 1558-1898, https://familysearch.org/pal:/MM9.1.1/NVZS-CQ.
12 The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, "FamilySearch," database, FamilySearch (http://new.familysearch.org : accessed 23 Apr 2013), entry for Engel Bucher, person ID L8BC-M4C.
13 Lancaster County Historical Society, Will of Engel Beicher. Administrator account 1778 F001 B.
14 Ancestry.com, Pennsylvania and New Jersey, Church and Town Records, 1669-2013, https://www.ancestry.com/discoveryui-content/view/122374:7830?ssrc=pt&tid=109652091&pid=270075150128 Misc. Records of Rev. Carl Friedrich Wildbahn Susanna Pfannebecker m. 16 Jan 1794 Peter Bucher son of Engel Bucher.
Weiser, Frederick S. (translated and edited by), Records of Pastoral Acts at Christ Lutheran Church, Stouchsburg, Berks County, Pennsylvania. Part II (Birdsboro, PA: The Pennsylvania German Society, 1990
Note: Part II: Baptisms 1820-1835; Marriages 1744-45, 1748-52, 1771-1851; Burials 1748-54, 1771-73, 1811-1851; Confirmations and Communicants, 1743-1789, Other records, 1743-1758).
16 Rupp, Daniel, A Collection of Upwards of Thirty Thousand Names of German, Swiss, Dutch, French and Other Immigrants in Pennsylvania From 1727 - 1776 (I. G. Kohler, Philadelphia, 1876), Page 260.
17 Uwe Porten, Genealogist, "Bücher Family Research Project" (Uwe Porten Professional Research, 5541 Bingen am Rhein, Germany; 2 Oct 2019. Bücher Family Research Project commissioned by Jonathan Scott Beacher, searchtrees@gmail.com, email for a free copy.), Page 25.
18 FamilySearch.org, Pennsylvania, Church Marriages, 1682-1976, https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:Q2WF-1QS6 Hans Peter Beck and Elisabeth Bucher, 21 Jan 1766; citing New Holland, Lancaster, Pennsylvania, United States, various churches and archives, Pennsylvania; FHL microfilm 1,305,845.
19 The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, "FamilySearch," database, FamilySearch (http://new.familysearch.org : accessed 8 May 2013), entry for Engel Bucher, person ID L8BC-M4C.
20 Egle, William Henry, editor, Names of Foreigners Who Took The Oath of Allegiance to the Province and State of Pennsylvania (Pennsylvania Archives, Second Series, Vol 17, Harrisburg, PA 1890), Page 341.
21 Dr. Albert H. Gerberich, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, Tax Lists 1751, 1756, 1757, 1758 (National Genealogical Society, Washington, D.C. 1972), Page 26, Engel Beher.
22 Muddy Creek Reformed Church, East Cocalico Township, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania.
23 Wright, F. Edward., Church records of the 18th century, Lancaster County, Pa. (Westminster, MD Family Line Publications 1994), Volume 1, Page 95.
24 I. Daniel Rupp, History of Lancaster County to which is prefixed a brief sketch of the early history of Pennsylvania (Published by Gilbert Hills, 1844. Lancaster Penn.), page 348.
25 Trinity Lutheran Church, New Holland, Lebanon County, Pennsylvania (Note: Some very early records that appear in this church register were from Muddy Creek Lutheran Church in Brecknock Township, before the congregation moved to New Holland.), Page 237.
26 Lancaster County, Pennsylvania tax records, 1748-1855, Cocalico Township, 1751-1808 https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/3:1:3Q9M-CS7W-MSN2-V?i=91&cat=201844 is image for 1769 for Bicher Engle.
27 Gary T. Hawbaker and Clyde L. Groff, A New Index, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania before the Federal Census: Volume 5, Index to the 1770 Tax Records (1989).
28 Waldschmidt, Rev. John, Baptismal and marriage records, Rev. John Waldschmidt, 1752-1786 (In Pennsylvania Archives, Sixth Series, Vol VI. Also available on Ancestry.com or download PDF at https://familysearch.org/search/catalog/183430).
29 Wright, F. Edward., Church records of the 18th century, Lancaster County, Pa. (Westminster, MD Family Line Publications 1994), Vol. 5, Page 200.
Pennsylvania, Tax and Exoneration, 1768-1801 (Ancestry.com. Pennsylvania, Tax and Exoneration, 1768-1801 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Ancestry.com Operations, Inc., 2011.
Original data:
Tax & Exoneration Lists, 1762–1794. Series No. 4.61; Records of the Office of the Comptroller General, RG-4. Pennsylvania Historical & Museum Commission, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania.), Lancaster, Cocalico, 1772, see iimages 1, 2 and 11 of 113.
31 FamilySearch.org, Pennsylvania, Probate Records, 1683-1994 (Images of court probate book pages online at https://familysearch.org/search/collection/1999196 .), https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/3:1:3Q9M-C9B2-LQQD-X?i=410&cat=244145 Engle Brecher - Elizabeth Briecher in Lancaster County Probate Miscellaneous Book 1776 to 1782 page 94.
32 Eleanore Jane Fulton and Barbara Kendig Mylin, An index to the will books and intestate records of Lancaster county, Pennsylvania, 1729-1850, with an historical sketch and classified bibliography (Lancaster, Pa. : Intelligencer Printing Co., 1936), Page 6.
33 Lancaster County Registrar of Wills, Book C-1 Pages 520-521. Also Book Y Vol. 2 Page 35.
34 FamilySearch.org, Pennsylvania, Probate Records, 1683-1994 (Images of court probate book pages online at https://familysearch.org/search/collection/1999196 .), Will Book C. page 520, online image 269 of 555.See online image at https://familysearch.org/pal:/MM9.3.1/TH-1942-28757-20698-1?cc=1999196&wc=M99F-4KT:n1053568381 .
35 Lancaster County Historical Society, Collections, Object ID: AdAcct 1778 F001 B - Container # 005. Administrators Account for Beicher, Engle, Richard Adams and Elizabeth Beicher, Executors.
36 I. Daniel Rupp, History of Lancaster County to which is prefixed a brief sketch of the early history of Pennsylvania (Published by Gilbert Hills, 1844. Lancaster Penn.), Page 348.
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