Benjamin Beecher 1 2 3 4
- Born: 12 Nov 1770, Cocalico Twp., Lancaster, PA 3 4 5 6 7 8
- Marriage (1): Elizabeth
- Died: 12 Apr 1842, Honey Brook Twp., Chester, PA at age 71 3 5 8
- Buried: Honey Brook: Honey Brook Presbyterian Cemetery, Chester, PA 3 4 8
Other names for Benjamin were Benjamin Becard,9 Benjamin Becher,10 Benjamin Becherd,6 Benjamin Beechart,11 12 Benajmin Bicher,13 Benjamin Bricker 7 and Benjamin Bücher.13 14
FamilySearch ID: 9JMK-LN6.
Noted events in his life were:
1. Census in 1800 in Caernarvon Twp., Lancaster, PA. 7 On the same 1800 census page in Caernarvon Township is listed Benjamin Bricker and Philip Becher.
In 1800 Benjamin Bricker's household had: Males (born) Under 10 (1791-1800) = 1 son (John) 10-15 (1785-1790) = 1 son (?) 26-44 (1756-1774) = 1 father (Benjamin) Females (born) Under 10 (1791-1800) = 2 daughters (Catharine, Anna Maria) 16-25 (1775-1784) = 1 daughter (Mary) 26-44 (1756-1774) = 1 mother (Elizabeth)
Benjamin Bricker is living as a neighbor to the Neuswanger [Neiswender] and Segner families, surnames who marry two children of John Beecher who married Mary Ann Albrecht. On the following census page we find John's listing as John Bicher, identified specifically in Churchtown within Caernarvon township. Benjamin would be just outside Churchtown in the township.
In 1800 is listed Philip Becher with: Males (born) 10-15 (1785-1790) = 1 son 16-25 (1775-1784) = 1 son 45 & over (<=1755) = Philip Females (born) Under 10 (1791-1800) = 1 daughter 16-25 (1775-1784) = 1 daughter 26-44 (1756-1774) = 1 wife.
2. Newspaper: Lancaster Intelligencer: ad for sale of Benjamin Bicker property, 11 Dec 1804, Lancaster, Lancaster, PA. 15 ----- For public Sale, On Monday, the 24th Instant, THE PROPERTY OF THE SUBSCRIBER, In Salisbury township, Lancaster county, a valuable Tract of limestone Land, containing about 160 acres; about 30 acres thereof Woodland, and 12 acres excellent watered Meadow; and Apple orchard; a good stone Dwellinghouse, and Smokehouse, a log Barn, and a Springhouse, with a never-failing Spring in it. Also a Tenant-house. The Land is in a good state of cultivation, and chiefly under chestnut Fence. And Person wishing to view the Premises, may apply to Benjamin Bicker, living thereon; or to the Subscriber, JOHN DAVIS.
3. Lancaster Co. Deed Book Vol 4. 1-581. On 1 Apr 1807 in Salisbury Twp., Lancaster, PA. 10 16 Philip Swigart & Wife to Benjamin Becher
This Indenture made the first day of April in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and seven Between Philip Swigart of the Township of Salisbury County of Lancaster and State on Pennsylvania farmer and Benjamin Becher of the aforesaid Township County & State farmer. Witnesseth that the said Philip Swigart and Susanna his Wife for and in Consideration of the sum of Twenty two hundred pounds lawful money of the aforesaid State to him in hand well and truly paid by the said Benjamin Becher at or before the sealing and delivering here of the receipt and payment whereof the said Philip Swigart doth herby acknowledge and thereof accept and forever discharge the said Benjamin Bicher his heirs Executors and Administrators by these presents hat granted, bargained, sold, released, and confirmed and by these presents doth grant, bargain, sell, release and confirm unto the said Benjamin Becher and to his heirs and assigns a certain Messuage Plantation and Tract of Land thereunto belonging situate in Salisbury Township Lancaster County and State of Pennsylvania.
Beginning at the Black Oack Tree the corner of Isaac Haines land and thence extending by the same South thirty two degrees East two hundred and twenty eight perches to a post near a Hickory Tree thence by William Boyds Land north thirty four degrees East one hundred and fifty seven perches to a post thence by Henry Thompson now Abills Land North twenty five degrees West one hundred and sixty perches to a post thence by William Cooks now Thomas Pallons Land West south West one hundred and ten perches to a Spanish Oak Tree and South West fifty six perches to the place of Beginning Containing one hundred and Eighty Acres with the usual allowance of six acres for Roads and highways [which said Tract of Land Samuel Boyd Eldest son and heir at Law of Robert Boyd did by Indenture bearing date the fifteenth day of April in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred & sixty did grant and confirm the said to Alice Boyd his mother in fee and the said Alice Boyd by her Indenture bearing date the fourteenth day of February in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and seventy did grant and conform the said tract of Land to William Boyd his heirs and assigns and the said William Boyd by his Indenture bearing date the tenth day of June in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred did grant and confirm the said Tract of Land to Philip Swigart his heirs and assigns forever.
Together with all and singular ways woods water watercourses rights libertys privileges hereditaments and appurtenances whatsoever thereon and thereunto belonging or any wise appertaining and the reversions and remainder thereof.
To have and to hold the said Messuage Plantation and Tract of Land hereditaments hereby granted with the appurtenances unto the said Benjamin Becher his heirs and assigns to the only use and proper behoof of the said Benjamin Bicher his heirs and assigns forever under and subject to the yearly quit rents of one half penny (if any there be) and the said Philip Swigart and all and every other person or persons whatsoever Lawfully claiming or to Claim by from or under him them or any of them or by from and under the said Philip Swigart his heirs or any of them shall warrant an forever defend by these presents.
In Witness whereof the said parties to these presents have set their hands and seals the day and year first above written.
Philip Swigart (SEAL) Her Susan + Swigart (SEAL) Mark
Signed Sealed and delivered in the presence of us William Boyd William A. Boyd
Received on the day of the date hereof from the above named Benjamin Becher the sum of Twenty two hundred Pounds being in full of the Consideration of Money as Witness my hand this first day of April 1807.
Philip Swigart Wm Boyd
Lancaster County SS. Before me one of the Justices of the peace in and for the said County came the above named Philip Swigart and Susannah his wife and acknowledged the above written Indenture to be their Act and Deed and desired that It may be recorded according to Law.
Witness my hand and Seal this first day of April 1807 William Boyd (SEAL) Recorded the 18th day of January Anno Domini 1809
Researchers Note: "Messuage" is an archaic word meaning "house with its land and outbuildings."
4. Census in 1810 in Salisbury Twp., Lancaster, PA. 6 Note: There are no families with his or similar surname in the 1800 census in Salisbury Twp. but in 1790 Frederick Beacor was listed and likely is related [see him at ]
In 1810 in Salisbury Township is listed the household of Benjm Becherd with: Males (born) 10-15 (1795-1800) = 1 son (John) 16-25 (1785-1794) = 1 son (?) 26-44 (1766-1784) = 1 father (Benjamin) Females (born) Under 10 (1801-1810) = 1 daughter (Margaret) 10-15 (1795-1800) = 2 daughters (Mary or Anna Maria or Catharine or Elizabeth) 26-44 (1766-1784) = 1 mother (Elizabeth).
5. Lancaster Co. Deed Book Vol. 4-8 P. 299 On 18 Aug 1812 in Salisbury Twp., Lancaster, PA. 2 Abraham Dierdorf To Benjamin Beecher
This Indenture, Made the eighteenth day of August in the Year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and twelve, BETWEEN Abraham Dierdorf of Honey Brook Township, in the County of Chester and Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Farmer and Nancy his wife of the one part, and Benjamin Beecher of Salisbury Township in the County of Lancaster & commonwealth aforesaid, Yeoman, of the other part,
WITNESSETH that the said Abraham Dierdorf and Nancy his wife for and in Consideration of thirty dollars current lawful money of the United States to them in hand well and truly paid by the said Benjamin Beecher at and before the Ensealing and Delivery hereof, the Receipt whereof they do hereby acknowledge and thereof acquit and forever discharge the said Benjamin Beecher and to his Heirs and Assigns,
A certain Lot or Parcel of Land in the town of Cambridge marked in the general plan of said Town & Out Lots Number One hundred and ten, lying and being in the Township of Salisbury aforesaid, Bounded and described as follows, Viz:
BEGINNING at a post, thence by North Alley South eight five degrees West four perches to a post, thence by lot number One hundred & nine South four degrees and a quarter East ten perches, then by Lot number One hundred and seven North eighty five degrees East four perches, thence by lot Number One hundred and eleven North four degrees and a quarter West ten perches to the place of Beginning, Containing One quarter of an Acre, be the same more or less, (It being part of a tract of thirty nine Acres and one hundred forty three perches of Land and Premises which Thomas Peirce and Margaret his wife by Deed dated the twenty ninth day of March Anno Domini, One thousand eight hundred and two, did grant and confirm unto the above named Abraham Dierdorf and to his Heirs and Assigns forever, as in and by the said Deed which is recorded in the Recorder's Office for Chester County in Book B. 3d. Vol. 50 Page 93 &c., may more fully appear,
TOGETHER with all and singular the Improvements Woods Ways Waters Rights Liberties Privileges Hereditaments and Appurtenances whatsoever thereunto belonging or in anywise appertaining, and the reversions remainders rents issues and profits thereof, and also all the estate right title interest use Possession property claim and demand whatsoever, as well at law as in equity or otherwise howsoever of them the said Abraham Dierdorf and Nancy his wife of in to or out of the Same,
TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the said described Lot or Parcel of Land, Hereditaments and Premises hereby granted or mentioned or intended so to be, with the Appurtenances unto the said Benjamin Beecher his Heirs and Assigns, To the only proper Use Benefit and Behoof of the said Benjamin Beecher his Heirs and Assigns forever,
And the said Abraham Dierdorf for himself his Heirs Executors and Administrators doth covenant promise grant and agree to and with the said Benjamin Beecher his Heirs and Assigns by those Presents, the he the said Abraham Dierdorf and his Heirs, the said described Lot of parcel of Land, Hereditaments and Premises hereby granted or mentioned or intended so to be, with the Appurtenances unto the said Benjamin Beecher his Heirs and Assigns, against him the said Abraham Dierdorf and Nancy his wife and their Heirs and against all and every other person and persons whomsoever lawfully claiming or to claim by from or under him, her, them, or any of either of them shall and will Warrant and forever defend by these Presents.
IN WITNESS whereof, the said Abraham Dierdorf and Nancy his wife have hereunto interchangeably set their Hands and Seals, Dated the day and Year first above written.
Sealed and Delivered in the presence of John Zell George Jenkins
Abraham Dierdorf (SEAL) Nancy Dierdorf (SEAL)
RECEIVED the day of the date of the above Indenture of and from the above named Benjamin Beecher the Sum of thirty Dollars, being in full of the Consideration money above mentioned, received PER
Witness present at signing Christian Groff
Abraham Dierdorf (signature)
Lancaster County SS: On the Eighteenth day of August Anno Domini One thousand Eight hundred and Twelve, Before me the Subscriber one of the Justices of the Peach in and for said County, came the above named Abraham Dierdorf and Nancy his wife, and the said Abraham Dierdorf did then and there acknowledge that he had signed an sealed and as and for his Act and Deed delivered the above Indenture in due form of law and desired the same as such might be recorded, And the said Nancy Dierdorf being by me separate and apart from her said Husband examined and the Contents of the said Indenture being by me fully made Known unto her, and upon such examination made as aforesaid, the said Nancy did declare and say that she did voluntarily and of her own free will and accord seal and as her Act and Deed deliver the said Indenture without and coercion or compulsion of her said Husband.
IN TESTIMONY whereof I have hereunto set my Hand and Seal the day and Year aforesaid.
John Zell (SEAL)
Exd. RECORDED the 25\\\\super th\\\\nosupersub of November A. D. 1814 P. William Bausman Recr.
6. In Deed Book 10 Page 577 Benjamin Beecher sold to Christian Yoder for 1200 pounds 30 acres including a water saw mill on 3 Sep 1813 in Salisbury Twp., Lancaster, PA. 17 Benjamin Beecher of the Township of Salisbury in the County of Lancaster and Elizabeth his wife sold to Christian Yoder of the same place for 1200 pounds lawful money of the State of Pennsylvania a messuage tenement and water saw mill and water works and tract or parcel of land wherein the same is erected in Salisbury Township bordering lands of Isaac Haines, Pequea Creek, heirs of William Boyd Esq., other land of Benjamin Beecher, Margaret Fellor, being 30 acres and part of the larger tract on 185 acres which Phillip Swigart and Julianna his wife on 1 Apr 1807 entered in the Recording of Deeds in Lancaster Book 1 page 581 granted until Benjamin Beecher. (Deed also includes water rights for Benjamin, Christian and others.) Recorded 11 Apr 1814.
7. Newspaper: Lancaster Intelligencer and Weekly Advertiser: Ad describing land next to Benjamin Beecher, 5 Dec 1818, Lancaster, Lancaster, PA. Will be offered at Public Sale on Saturday, 26th instant, ON the Premises, a good Tract of Land, containing 30 Acres, more or less, situate in Salisbury township, Lancaster county; adjoining lands of Isaac Haines, Benjamin Beecher, and others, about one mile and a half north of the Compass Tavern, on the old Lancaster Road; whereon are, 2 squarred-log Houses, a Saw and Plastermill, on a good stream of water, called Sowrun, a log Barn, a well of excelent water at the door; about 15 acres of cleared land, 6 of which are good meadow, the residue in a good state of cultivation; and the reaming part is well set with timber; the whole in tolerable repair. A good title will be given, and possession on the 1st day of April next. Conditions made known on the day of sale, by CHRISTIAN YODER
[Researcher's note: this would place Benjamin Beecher's property somewhere close to the intersection of Plank Road and Engletown Road.].
8. Census in 1820 in Salisbury Twp., Lancaster, PA. 9 The 1820 U.S. Census in Salisbury Township, Lancaster County, listed Benjamin Becard with: Males (born) 10-15 (1805-1810) = 1 son (?) 16-25 (1795-1804) = 1 son (John) 45 & over (<=1775) = 1 father (Benjamin) Females (born) 10-15 (1805-1810) = 1 daughter (Anna Maria) 16-25 (1795-1804) = 2 daughters (Elizabeth, Margaret) 45 & over (<=1775) = 1 wife (Elizabeth) His census neighbor is Christian Yoder who is mentioned in Benjamin's 1822 deed as being a neighbor.
9. Deed Book 21 page 328 on 12 Mar 1821 in Salisbury Twp., Lancaster, PA. 18 On 12 Mar 1821 Benjamin Beecher of Salisbury Township, Lancaster County and State of Pennsylvania, yeoman, and Elizabeth his wife, sold for $8924 to Samuel Hatfield of West Caln Township, Chester County, Miller, 223 and ¾ acres being a messuage plantation or tract of land in Salisbury Township bordering James Patton, Isaac Haines, Christian Youter, Joseph Boyd, William Irwin, Peter Ubel. It is the same tract which Philip Swigart and Susanah his wife on 1 Apr 1807 per Deed Book 1 page 581 granted to Benjamin Beecher.
10. Lancaster Co. Deed book Vol. 4 22-359 On 11 Apr 1822 in Salisbury Twp., Lancaster, PA. 12 Samuel Hatfield to Benjamin Beechart
This Indenture made the eleventh day of April in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and twenty two. Between Samuel Hatfield of West Caln township in the county of Chester, yeoman, and Catharina his wife, of the one part, and Benjamin Beechart of Salisbury Township, in the county of Lancaster, of the other part. Witnesseth, that the said Samuel Hatfield and Catharina his wife, for and in consideration of the sum of Two thousand, four hundred and twenty four dollars, lawful money, to them well and truly in hand paid, but the said Benjamin Beechart at and before the ensealing and delivery hereof (the receipt and payment whereof, they do hereby acknowledge and thereof do acquit and forever discharge the said Benjamin Beechart his heirs, executors and administrators, by these presents) have and each of them hath granted, bargained, sold, aliened, released and confirmed and by these presents do and each of them doth grant bargain sell alien, release and confirm unto the said Benjamin Beechart and to his heirs and assigns, All that Messuage Plantation or Tract of Land, situate, lying and being in said township of Salisbury and county of Lancaster, bounded and described as follows viz.
Beginning at a post, in a line of Isaac Haines' land, thence by the same, south thirty six degrees & three quarters east twenty nine perches, and three tenths to a stone, on the north bank of South Run, thence by land of Christian Yodder, north forty one degrees & three quarters, east fifty nine perches & five tenth to a stone and by the same, north fifty degrees, east sixty six perches to a stone, and by the same, south fifty degrees, east twenty three perches & three tenth to a stone; in a line of Jo. Boyd's land, thence by the same, north thrity six degrees & three quarters, east forty eight perches to a stone near a white oak sapling, thence by lands of Willm Irvins & Peter Ubils, north thirty degrees, west one hundred & five perches to a stone thence all the other courses by lands of Leonard Ellmaker viz. south sixty five degrees & one half, west forty eight perches & seven tenths to a black oak and north seventy four degrees & one half, west forty one perches to a stone and south forty two degrees & three quarters, west ninety four perches to a post in the road and by the same, south forty eight degrees, east thirty perches to a post and north forty three degrees, east six perches to a stone and south fifty one degrees, east seventy eight perches & eight tenth to a stone, and south fifty three degrees & one quarter, west fifty seven perches & eight tenth, to the place of Beginning, containing One hundred and twenty three acres and three quarters of Land, neat measure, be the same more or less. It being a part of a larger tract of two hundred & twenty three acres & three quarters of land, which the said Benjamin Beechart and Elizabeth his wife, by their Indenture bearing date twelfth day of March Anno Domini, one thousand eight hundred & twenty one for the consideration therein mentioned, did grant and confirm unto the said Samuel Hatfield, and to his heirs and assigns forever, as in and by said Indenture, recorded in the Office for recording of deeds in and for the county of Lancaster, in Book No. 21 page 328 in relation being thereunto had, may more fully and at large appear.
Together with all and singular the houses, outhouses, edifices and buildings thereon erected and being, and all ways, waters, water courses, woods, trees, fences, gardens, orchards, rights, liberties, privileges, advantages, hereditaments and appurtenances whatsoever, thereunto belonging or in anywise appertaining, and the reversions and remainders, rents if such and profits thereof; and also all the estate, right, title, interest, use, trust, property, possession, claim and demand, whatsoever, of them the said Samuel Hatfield & Catharine his wife in law or equity, or otherwise howsoever, of, in, to, or out of the same (Except and subject to one half the water of the Spring for, for the use of the other part of the tract, as the same is now conveyed in pipes).
To have and to hold the said Messuage Plantation or Tract of one hundred and twenty three acres & three quarters of land, hereditaments and premises hereby granted and released (or mentioned or intended so to be) with the appurtenances, unto the said Benjamin Beechart his heirs and assigns, to the only proper use, benefit and behoof of the said Benjamin Beechart his heirs and assigns forever. (Except and subject as above)
And the said Samuel Hatfield for himself, his heirs, executors and administrators doth covenant, promise, grant and agree, to and with the said Benjamin Beechart his heirs and assigns by these presents, that the said Samuel Hatfield and his heirs, the said Messuage Tract or piece of land above particularly described, hereditaments and premises hereby granted and released (or mentioned or intended so to be) with the appurtenance unto the said Benjamin Beechart his heirs and assigns, against them the said Samuel Hatfield & Catharina his wife and their heirs, and against all and every other person or persons whomseoever, lawfully claiming or to claim by, from or under him, them or any or either of them, shall and will warrant and forever defend, by these presents.
In Witness whereof, the said parties to these presents have hereunto interchangeably set their hands and seals, dated the day and year first above written.
Sealed and Delivered in the presence of James W. Brown Jn. Nyce
Samuel Hatfield (SEAL) Her Catharina Hatfield (SEAL0 Mark
Received on the day of the date of the above Indenture, of and from the above named Benjm Beechart the sum of two thousand four hundred and twenty four dollars, lawful money; in full, for the consideration money above mentioned. Samuel Hatfield (SEAL)
Witness present at signing Jn. Nyce. Chester county SS: Be it remembered, that on the Eleventh day of April in the year of our Lord, one thousand eight hundred an twenty two, before me the subscriber, one of the Justices of the peace in and for said county, personally came the above named Samuel Hatfield & Catharina his wife and acknowledged the above Indenture to be their act and deed, and desired that the same may be recorded, as such, according to law. She the said Catharina being of full age, by me examined, separate and apart from her husband, the contents fully made known, she did declare, that she voluntarily consented thereto, without and coercion or compulsion of her said husband. In Testimony whereof, I have hereunto set my hand & seal, the day above written. James W. Brown (SEAL) Recorded April 13\\\\super th\\\\nosupersub A.D. 1822 John Reitzel Recr.
Researchers Note: "Messuage" is an archaic word meaning "house with its land and outbuildings."
11. Lancaster Co. Deed Book Vol. 4, 24 Pg. 144. On 29 Aug 1822 in Salisbury Twp., Lancaster, PA. 11 Jacob Kurtz et. al. to Benj. Beechart
To all People to whom the presents shall come Jacob Kurtz Junr. of the township of Salisbury in the county Lancaster state of Pennsylvania yeoman John Myer Junr. Of the same place yeoman send Greeting whereas Benjamin Beechart of Salisbury Township aforesaid and Leonard Ellmaker of the same place are respectfully ? of and in two contiquous tracts pieces or parcels of Land with the appurtenances in the township of Salisbury
And whereas the said Benjamin Beechart & Elizabeth his wife by their Indenture bearing date herewith have granted bargained sold released & confirmed unto the said Leonard Allmaker his heirs & assigns ? the one equal half of the water of a spring (covered by a spring house within the land of the said Benjamin Beechart for the use and accommodation of the Messuage ? for the said Leonard Allmaker as in & by the said Indenture may men at large appear
And whereas the said Jacob Kurtz & John Myers on the 18th day of April last past obtained Judgment in the common pleas of Lancaster County against said Benjamin Beechart for the sum of two thousand four hundred & twenty-four dollars with lawful interest for the same and the said Judgement yet remaining unsatisfied .
Now know ye that the said Jaocb Kurtz & John Myers have for and in consideration of the sum of one dollar lawful money of Pennsylvania to them in hand paid by the said Benjamin Beechart at and before the ensealing and delivery hereof the receipt whereof they do herby acknowledge an thereof acquit and forever discharge the said Benjamin Beechart his heirs executors administrators and assigns by these presents
Have and each of them hath released and forever quit claim and by these presents do and each of them doth remise release and forever quit claim unto the said Benjamin Beechart and to his heirs and assigns all the said one equal half of the water of the said spring, to be led and conveyed from the heads thereof in pipes & other priveleges agreeable to the Indenture of the said Benjamin Beechart & Elizabeth his wife to the said Leonard Allmaker bearing date given herewith and all the right title interest property claim and demand whatsoever of them the said Jacob Kuntz & John Myers in Law or equity or otherwise howsoever assign to or out of the one equal half of the water of said spring to be led and conveyed as aforesaid.
To Have and to hold the premises hereby remised released as mention or intended so to be with the appurtenances unto the said Benjm Bruchart his heirs and assigns for ever so that neither the said Jaocb Kurtz and John Myers nor their heirs nor any other person or person or persons whatsoever lawfully claiming to claim by from or under them or any of them shall or may, at any time or time hereafter, have claim challenge or demand any state right title or interest of in to or out of the said one equal half of the water of said spring to be led & conveyed, as aforesaid, hereby remised and released or mentioned or intended so to be with the appurtenances but thereof, and therefrom, shall & will be utterly excluded and forever debared by these presents.
In witness whereof the said parties have hereunto set their hands & seals this twenty ninth day of August in the year of our Lord, one thousand eight hundred & twenty two.
Sealed and delivered in the presence of John Robinson Isaac W. Sparks
John Myers (SEAL) Jacob Kurtz (SEAL)
Received on the day of the date of the above release of and from the above named Benjm Beechart the sum of one dollar in full for the consideration above named. John Myers (SEAL) Jacob Kurtz (SEAL) Witness preset at signing John Robinson Isaac W. Sparks
Lancaster county SS: Before me the subscriber one of the Justices of the peace in and for said county personally appeared the above named Jacob Kurtz & John Myers and acknowledge the above Release to be their act and Deed and desired that the same may be recorded as such according to Law. In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand & seal this 29th day of August Anno Domini one thousand eight hundred & twenty two, 1822. John Robinson (SEAL) Recorded Sept 9th1822 John Reitzel Recr.
12. Newspaper: Lancaster Intelligencer, 2 Sep 1823, Lancaster, Lancaster, PA. 19 COCALICO TOWNSHIP. At a meeting of the Democratic Republicans of Cocalico township, in the county of Lancaster, convened agreeable to public notice, at the house of Col. Adam Diller, Innkeeper, in the village of Reamstown, in said township, on Saturday, the 23d day of August, 1823. HENRY HIBSHMAN, Esq. was called to the chair, and Dr. Frederick Ziegler, and Mr. David Bauman, appointed secretaries. The object of the meeting being stated, the following gentlemen were appointed a committee of vigilance of said township: .
13. Newspaper: Lancaster Intelligencer, 19 Jun 1827, Lancaster, Lancaster, PA. 20 By virtue of a writ of venditioni exponas, to me directed, will be sold by public vendue, on WEDNESDAY, the 18th day of July next, at the public house of John Cain, in Salisbury township, A Tract of Land, containing 30 acres, more or less, with two Log Dwelling Houses, Log Stable, Plaster Mill and Saw Mill thereon erected, situate in Salisbury township, adjoining lands of Isaac Haines, Benjamin Beecher, and others. Sale to commence at one o'clock in the afternoon. Seized and taken in execution as the property of Christian Yoder, and to be sold by William White, Sheriff.
14. Tax List: 1829, Salisbury Twp., Lancaster, PA. 21 Jacob Beecher "labour, no horse, 1 cattle, taxed 0.12" John Beecher "labour (no house), 1 cattle, tax 0.25" Benjamin Beecher "freeholder. 116 acres 3rd rate land, 4 horses, 3 cattle. Assessed value $3090, tax 4.02 p."
15. Census in 1830 in Salisbury Twp., Lancaster, PA. The 1830 U.S. Census in Salisbury Township, Lancaster County, listed Benjamin Beecher [indexed incorrectly as Bucher] with: Males (born) 10-14 (1816-1820) = 1 (grandson E. Moore Beecher) 15-19 (1811-1815) = 1 son (?) 20-29 (1801-1810) = 1 son (John) 30-39 (1791-1800) = 1 father (Benjamin - wrong age category checked) Females (born) 15-19 (1811-1815) = 1 daughter (Anna Maria) 20-29 (1801-1810) = 2 (Ben's daughter & daughter-in-law Keziah) 60-69 (1761-1770) = 1 wife (Elizabeth) His census neighbors are William Irvin and Mary Yoder who are mentioned in his 1838 deed as being neighbors. .
16. Benajamin sold the 123 acre tract he purchased in 1822 to Jacob Mast on 27 Mar 1838 in Salisbury Twp., Lancaster, PA. Benjamin Beechart of Salisbury Township Lancaster County and Elizabeth his wife on 27 Mar 1838 sold to Jacob Mast of the same place Innkeeper for $4500 a messuage and tract of land bordering Isaac Haines, Jacob Mast, William Irvin and the heirs of Peter Ubil, and Jarvis Holt, containing 123 acres and three quarters, it being the same tract that on 11 Apr 1822 Samuel Hatfield and Catherine his wife sold to Benjamin Beechert.
17. Census in 1840 in Honey Brook Twp., Chester, PA. 22 Two Beecher households are listed adjacent on the 1840 census in Honey Brook:
In the household of John Beecher: Males (born) 30-39 (1801-1810) = 1 father John Females (born) 30-39 (1801-1810) = 1 wife
In the household of Benjamin Beecher: Males (born) 40-49 (1791-1800) = 1 50-59 (1781-1790) = 2 Females (born) 40-49 (1791-1800) = 2 60-69 (1771-1780) = 1
Neighbors are: Philip Kurts, Jacob Kurts, Caleb David, Susanah Russel.
18. Probate on 12 Dec 1843 in , Chester, PA. 23 Robert Morton administrator of the estate of Benjamin Beecher deceased submits an account of his administration of said estate whereby it appears there is a balance due said estate of $947.40 1/2. Dec 12th 1843 - Upon the petition Robert Morton aforesaid the court appointed Bernard Way auditor to marshal and average the assets remaining in the hands of the said administrator to and among the creditors of said deceased. Report page 152.
19. Book: Kentucky Pioneer and Court Records, 1929. 5 Family history was passed in the form of stories from Lydia Beecher (born 1805) to her granddaughter Annie Laurie Wilson, along with recollections of direct descendent Dr. A.C. Beecher of Philadelphia, and in 1929 compiled in this book. Their accounts:
Emanuel Beecher was born and married in Germany. The name of his two wives are not known. They were buried in Lancaster County, Pa. Dates of birth, marriage, emigration and death are unknown.
Emanuel and first wife had one son, Henry, and two daughters. By his second wife two daughters (one of whom married a Mr. Loush), and four sons: Jacob Beecher who died at the age of 70, had two children; Peter Beecher, who died at the age of 92, in 1857, had four children; John Beecher (born 1759); Benjamin Beecher died in 1841 at the age of 60 and had four children.
Benjamin married Elizabeth. (Elizabeth was born in 1765 in , , Pennylvania, USA,3 24 25 died on 30 Aug 1847 in Honey Brook Twp., Chester, PA 3 24 25 and was buried in Honey Brook: Honey Brook Presbyterian Cemetery, Chester, PA 3 24 25.)