Elam Bomberger Bucher 1 2 3
FamilySearch ID: MY8C-JDC. |
1 Hess, John. H., A genealogy of the Hess family; from the first emigrant to this country down to the present time as far as could be ascertained (1896. Express Print, Lititz, PA. 248p.), Page 56.
The Gospel Herald (The Mennonite Church USA Archives, Scottdale, PA.
Online at http://www.mcusa-archives.org/MennObits/), Volume LV, Number 36 - September 11, 1962 pages 814, 815.
3 Harmon, Dr. Shirley A., Cemetery Records of Lancaster County, Pennsylvania (Closson Press, 257 Delilah St Apollo PA, 15613-1933. (724) 337-4482.), Volume IV, page 3.
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