Jacob Bicher Jr.
Maria Michael
Bernard Eisenhuth
Catherine Saylor
Jacob Beacher
(1812-Aft 1880)
Angeline Eisenhuth
Hiram Beecher


Family Links

1. Henrietta Jacobs

Hiram Beecher 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

  • Born: 22 Feb 1842, , Schuylkill, PA 6 9 10
  • Christened: 28 Sep 1853, Pottsville: Trinity Lutheran Church, Schuylkill, PA 6
  • Marriage (1): Henrietta Jacobs in 1867 in , , Pennylvania, USA 1
  • Died: 26 Feb 1923, Visalia, Tulare, CA at age 81 7 8 9 10 11 12
  • Buried: 28 Feb 1923, Fresno, Fresno, CA 8 9 12

   Other names for Hiram were Hyle Beacher,13 Hiram Becher 14 and Hirman Beecher.15

   FamilySearch ID: K8NM-NGJ.

  Noted events in his life were:

1. Census in 1850 in Pottsville, Schuylkill, PA. 16 In 1850 living in the South Ward of Pottsville is Jacob Bieger. Obviously the census taker was confused by his German pronounciation of his surname! Jacob Bieger, tailer, age 36, is living with wife Angeline, 35; William, 12; Jacob, 11; Hiram, 8; Benjamin, 6; George, 3; and Nathan, 8 months old when the census was recorded on 29 Aug 1850. Everyone was born in Pennsylvania.

2. Census in 1860 in New Castle Twp., Schuylkill, PA. 17 In 1860 living in the New Castle Township is Jacob Bucher, day laborer, age 48, living with wife Angeline, 45; William, day laborer, 21; Jacob, day laborer, 19; Hiram, day laborer, 17; B. Franklin, day laborer, 15; George, 12; and Nathan, 9; and Ann M., 7. Everyone was born in Pennsylvania. The post office is Broad Mountain.

3. Census in 1870 in Shenandoah, Schuylkill, PA. 18 Angelina Becker [sic], 55, is listed as the head of the household. Living with her: William, 31; Heiram [sic], 28; Benjamin, 26; George, 24; Nathan, 20; and Mary, 18. The men are all employed as miners. Everyone was born in Pennsylvania. The post office is Shenandosh.
[Note: the family shows up twice in the 1870 census in both Shenandoah and Broad Mountain in New Castle Township. Some members are in both locations, so the family either had two homes operating, or, moved in 1870 and happened to be counted in each location.].

4. Fact: Hiram and George Beacher were ordered to testify in a investigation of election fraud in a U.S. Congress race, 7 Mar 1877, Shenandoah, Schuylkill, PA. 19 The United States of America
The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
Schuylkill County ss
To Hiram Beacher, George Beacher [and a list of others]
You are hereby required and commanded that laying aside all business and excuses whatsoever, vou be and appear before me, the subscriber, a notary public iu and for said county of Schuylkill, or some other person duly qualified, at the public house of H. Neuman in the borough of Shenandoah in said county on Wednesday the 7th day of March AD 1877 at 9 o clock in the forenoon of said day in order to be then and there examined respecting the contested election for a member of the House of Representatives of the United States of America for the thirteenth Congressional district of Pennsylvania between James B Reilly, returned to the Forty-fifth Congress, and James L. Nutting, contestant, on behalf of said incumbent; and you are hereby required to bring with you and produce before me, to be given in evidence, your State and county tax receipts for the years 1874, 1875, and 1876 and your naturalization paper by virtue of which you claimed citizenship and the right to vote at the general election last November; and this you are in no case to omit, under the penalty of twenty dollars, and of punishment by fine, and imprisonment, according to the act of Congress in such case made and provided.
Witness the said notary public who has hereunto set his hand and official seal this 23d day of February, AD 1877
A Notary Public of Pennsylvania residing at Pottsville, Schuylkill County
Shenandoah, March 1, 1877.

5. Census in 1880 in Shenandoah, Schuylkill, PA. 14 Hiram Becher, coal miner, 38, was married to wife Henrietta, 31. Living with them: Lilly May, 12; Sarah Jane, 10; Edith, 7; and Willie, 5. Everyone and their parents were born in Pennsylvania.

6. Residence: in 1881 in Shenandoah, Schuylkill, PA. 20 Beacher, Benjamin F., miner, h. W. Centre n Main
Beacher, George W., miner, h al r Oak n West
Beacher, Hiram, miner, h Oak bel West
Beacher, Jacob, h Oak bel West
Beacher, John J., miner, h. 323 W Coal
Beacher, Nathan, miner, h Oak bel West
Beacher, William, miner, h Oak bel West
Dirk, Priscilla, widow Jonathan, h 31 N Jardin
Jacobs, William, laborer, h Line c Main.

7. Residence: on 31 Aug 1894 in Mahanoy City, Schuylkill, PA. 21

8. Census in 1900 in Mount Carmel Twp., Northumberland, PA. 1 Hiram Beecher (age 57, born Jul 1843) is listed in the 1900 Census as a household head living on the west side of Oak Street in Mount Carmel Township, Northumberland County, Pennsylvania. His wife is listed as Etta (51, born Sep 1848). Living with them is son Wilhelm J. (24, born May, 1876). Both father and son are employed as coal miners. Henrietta is listed as having given birth to 4 children, all of whom were living in 1900. Living in the same building as a boarder is Sadie Beecher, his daughter, born Feb 1874 and single, occupation servant, in the household of Lewis Hilbert and his wife, Edith (Hiram's daughter.).

9. Newspaper: Mount Carmel Daily News: "Mesdames Wm. Blue and Hiram Beecher and Misses Ruth Hilbert and Sallie Beecher attended teh funeral of a relative in Shenandoah today., 26 Apr 1905, Mount Carmel, Northumberland, PA. 22

10. Newspaper: Mount Carmel Daily News: "Sure Sign of Spring: William Blue, of 16 east Avenue, and Hiram Beecher, of 1 south Chestnut street, took a walk up the Ashland road this morning where they came across and killed a copperhead snake about three feet in length.", 13 Apr 1906, Mount Carmel, Northumberland, PA. 23

11. Newspaper: The Daily News: Visitor Dies of Typhoid Fever, 22 Oct 1907, Mount Carmel, Northumberland, PA. 24 Arthur Lindemtuh, of Mahanoy City, 17 years old, son of Elias Lindemuth, of that place, died at the home of Hiram Beecher on east Seventh street at about two o'clock this morning, after an illness lasting since the 29th of last month.
The young man came to town on the evening of Labor Day after attending the funeral of a 19-year old sister on that day. The sister died of typhoid fever, and the young many, worn out by constant watching came here to rest. He took sick with typhoid and rallied after a few weeks, but a relapse came a few days ago and the young man's life ebbed away at 2 o'clock this morning.
The young man's body was taken to the home of his father in Mahanoy City this afternoon. The funeral will be from the home there on Thursday afternoon.

12. Newspaper: Mount Carmel Item: Miner's Eyes Blown Out, 3 Jun 1908, Mount Carmel, Northumberland, PA. 25 Miner's Eyes Blown Out

A Terrible Accident in the Reliance Mines This Morning

Hiram Beecher sustained the loss of both eyes and will likely die, and his son-in-law, Wilson Blew, was severely injured and may lose one eye, due to the premature explosion of a charge.
They were at work robbing pillars on the Skidmore vein, in the Reliance colliery mines, at nine o'clock this morning, when the accident occurred.

The men had prepared a shot of four sticks of dynamite, with a 20 inch powder cartridge, which also contained one stick of dynamite. Mr. Beecher was tamping this with his drill when the charge exploded.

Beecher was thrown a distance of over ten feet. Blew was knocked away, but although badly injured he managed to crawl a distance of about 100 feet to summon help.

When Beecher was reached, it was found the he was desperately injured. He and Blew were conveyed in the colliery ambulance to their home, at No. 304 east Seventh street, where Dr. R. W. Montelius dressed their injuries.

Afterward they were sent to the State Hospital at Fountain Springs, where the elder man lingers in a dying condition.

Mr. Beecher is 66 years of age, and Mr. Blew is 38. Both are very well known men, and the sympathy of the community is extended to them.

13. Newspaper: Republican and Herald: Mt. Carmel Men's Sight In Danger, 4 Jun 1908, Pottsville, Schuylkill, PA. 26 Hiram Beacher, aged 66, and Wilson Blue, aged 38 years, his son-in-law, met with a fearful accident in the Skidmore vein of the REliance colliery, at Mt. Carmel.
The men were preparing to fire a shot. Four sticks of synamite were put in a hole, a paper cartridge 20 inches in length was then inserted and a fifth stick of dynamite placed on top.
Mr. Beacher was engaged in tamping this charge when the explosion occured. Both men were hurled a distance of 20 feet and when picked up were in a pitiful state.
The elder man had both eyes blown out, the other suffered the loss of one eye, and both were otherwise terribly injured.
They were removed to the Miners hospital where they now lie hovering between life and death. The homes of both men are in Mt. Carmel.
A report received from the hospital this afternoon said that an effort will be made to save the eyesight of both men, which will be more cheering news to their friends.
Hiram Beache ris a brother to Benjamin F. Beacher Sr., of town.

14. Newspaper: The Daily News: Hiram Beecher In Serious Condition, 4 Jun 1908, Mount Carmel, Northumberland, PA. 27 A telephone inquiry to the Miners' hospital at Fountain Springs this afternoon elicited the information that the condition of Hiram Beecher, who was injured in a premature explosion at the Reliance colliery yesterday, is very serious and he may not recover.
Both eyes are badly lacerated from flying pieces of coal and power burns and the sight of both will be lost should the patient recover.
William Blue, who was working with Beecher, is less seriously injured, although it is feared he may lose the sight of one eye.

15. Newspaper: Mount Carmel Item: Beecher Will Lose Both Eyes, 5 Jun 1908, Mount Carmel, Northumberland, PA. 28 Hiram Beecher, the well known miner who was so terribly injured in the Reliance mines by a premature blast, will lose the sight of both eyes. This opinion was expressed by the Fountain Springs authorities when Mr. Beecher was taken there, and the examination made today shows no improvement. However, it is not likley that he will lose his life. His son-in-law, Wilson Blew, who was injured by the same explosion, is recovering nicely, and will retain the sight of his eye.

16. Occupation: miner and was mentioned in a report on mine accidents. On 5 Jun 1908 in Chillisquaque, Northumberland, PA, United States. 5 June 1908 Beecher, Hiram- English, Miner, 64, M, Reliance Mine, Eyesight destroyed. He was pushing a cartridge of powder into a hole with an iron drill, when it exploded.

17. Newspaper: Republican and Herald: May Save His Sight, 9 Jun 1908, Pottsville, Schuylkill, PA. 29 Hiram Beacher, of Mt. Carmel, who was severely burned by an explosion of gas, at the Reliance colliery, at Mt. Carmel, last week is reported in a more favorable condition. It is thought now that the sight of Mr. Beacher's eyes is not totally destroyed. His son-in-law, Wilson Blue, is also getting along nicely.

18. Newspaper: Waynesburg Republican: Shamokin, Pa., June 4. - Hiram Beecher and his son-in-law,' Wilson Blue, mineworkers, were fatally "Injured by an explosion of dynamite in the Reliance colliery. The eyes of both men were blown out., 11 Jun 1908, Waynesburg, Greene, PA. 30

19. Newspaper: Daily News: "Mr. Beecher Home. Jacob Bicher, the miner who had his eyes blown out several weeks ago, was brought home from the hospital last evening on account of the death of his wife. After the funeral, Mr. Beecher will return to the hospital.", 31 Jul 1908, Mount Carmel, Northumberland, PA. 31

20. Newspaper: Mount Carmel Item: Ad: FOR SALE CHEAP -- A corner lot and property. Apply at 304 east Seventh street. H. Beecher, 28 Feb 1910, Mount Carmel, Northumberland, PA. 32

21. Newspaper: Daily News: "For Sale Household furnishings, in good condition, apply to Hiram Beecher, 304 E. Seventh St.", 5 Apr 1910, Mount Carmel, Northumberland, PA. 33

22. Newspaper: Mount Carmel Item: "A party of twelve consisting of Harry Blue, William Beecher, wife and family and H. Beecher left this morning on the Reading for Tulare, Cal. The party will go into the homestead territory and stake up a tract of land they will farm.", 14 Apr 1910, Mount Carmel Twp., Northumberland, PA. 34

23. Census on 4 May 1910 in Tulare, Tulare, CA. 35 Renting at 373 King St: William J. Beecher, 33, was married for 9 years to wife Emma, 26. She had given birth to 7 children, 6 alive in 1910. Living with them: Edith, 8; Anne, 7; Willie, 6; Arthur, 5; May, 3; John, 2; and William's father, Hiram, 68, widowed. Everyone and their parents were born in Pennsylvania. No one had an occupation.

24. Residence: Hiram Beacher, Republican, Visalia, Coal Miner, is listed in the voter registration for Willow Precinct in 1916 in Visalia, Tulare, CA. 36

25. Census in 1920 in Visalia, Tulare, CA. 37 Hiram Beecher, age 76, widowed, is living in his daughter's household in the 1920 Census in Visalia Township, Tulare County, CA. The daughter, Edith, age 46, is married to Lewis Hilbert, 48. Living with them is son Lewis, 16; John S. 14; Elsia, 12; Nellie, 9; James, 8; Marg, 2 months. James and Marg were born in California, and everyone else in Pennsylvania.

26. LifeSketch:,. Hiram Beecher's birth was recorded in his parent's bible as 22 Feb 1842 in Bellefonte, Centre County, PA. He was the son of John Jacob Bicher and Angeline Eisenhuth. His father's original Bicher surname, pronounced like Beacher, was changed to that spelling and is first noted on 28 Sep 1853 when Hiram and his brothers and sister were christened on the same day at Trinity Lutheran Church in Pottsville, PA under surname Beacher. However, in later life, for reasons unknown, Hiram used surname Beecher, unlike his father and siblings who were all buried as Beachers.

In 1867 Hiram married Henrietta Jacobs, the daughter of William James Jacobs and Mary A. Hough, and the sister of Sarah Jane Jacobs who married his brother Benjamin Franklin Beacher.

Hiram worked for many years as a coal miner, residing last in Mount Carmel, PA. On 3 Jun 1908, while preparing dynamite in a mine, it accidentally exploded and it was thought Hiram would die, but he survived, although he lost the sight of both eyes. The following month, his wife Henrietta died, They had three children: Lillian Mayflower Beecher, Edith Beecher, and William Jacob Beecher Sr.

In April, 1910, an article in the Mount Carmel News announced that Hiram, his sons, daughters and sons-in-law, were moving to California, where they appear the following month in the 1910 Tulare census. Hiram's niece, Sarah Jane, the daughter of his brother Benjamin Franklin, lived with Hiram since 1880 and also went with them to California and is often mistaken by family researchers as Hiram's daughter.

Hiram died on 26 Feb 1923 in Visalia, and a copy of his death certificate, filed incorrectly as Herman Beecher, states he died from diabetes while suffering from a foot infected with gangrene, and he was buried 28 Feb 1923 in "Fresno."

Hiram's many descendants are found throughout northern California, Oregon, and Washington.

--by Jonathan Scott Beacher, Hiram's great nephew.

27. Death Certificate: Tulare County death certificate filed as Herman [sic] Beecher, 26 Feb 1923, Visalia, Tulare, CA. 12 Place of Death: dist. 5401, Visalia, Tulare County
Local Registered Number: 25
Herman Beecher
Male, white, widowed
Date of birth: 20 Feb 1842
Age 81yrs 5mos
Occupation: miner
Birthplace: Penn.
Name of father: John Beecher
Birthplace of father: Penn.
Maiden name of mother: Mary Izenborough
Birthplace of mother: Penn.
Length of residence in California: 15 years
Informant: L. J. Hilbert, Visalia
Date of Death: 26 Feb 1923
I hereby certify that I attended deceased from 20 Jul 1922 to 26 Feb 1923 that I last say him alive on 21 of Feb 1923 and that death occured on the date stated above at 11 a. m.
The cause of death was as follows: diabetus millitis
contributary infected foot with gangreen
[signed] C. M. White, Feb 27 1923, Visalia, Calif.
Place of burial: Fresno
Date of burial: 2-28-1923
Undertaker: Haldey & Locey, Visalia

28. Obituary: Visalia Daily Times: obituary of Hiram Beecher on 27 Feb 1923 in Visalia, Tulare, CA. 9 -----
Hiram Beecher, aged resident of Visalia, passed away in the home of his daughter, Mrs. L. J. Hilbert on North Court extension, at 3 oclock yesterday afternoon.
The deceased was born in Centreville, Pennsylvania [RESEARCH NOTE: the town is now named Lemont in Centre County] on February 22, 1842, becoming 81 years old four days before his death. He was engaged in mining in the East, but following an accident in the mines about 15 years ago, he came to Visalia to make his home with his daughter, his health being impaired since that time.

Interment In Fresno

He is survived by three children, Mrs. M. L. Lindermuth, of Fresno; W. J. Beecher, of Monterey, and Mrs. L. J Hilbert, of Visalia; 15 grandchildren and five great-grandchildren.
Funeral services will be conducted from the Hadley & Locey Funeral parlors at 8:30 o'clock tomorrow morning. Rev. E. Rufus Connelly, pastor of the Church of God, assisted by Rev. Lowe, will officiate. The body will then be taken to Fresno for interment in the family plot.

29. Obituary: Visalia Times-Delta: obituary of Hiram Beecher on 27 Feb 1923 in Visalia, Tulare, CA. 8 -----
Hiram Beecher for the past 15 years a resident of Visalia, died at 3 o'clock yesterday afternoon at the home of his daughter, Mrs. L. J. Hilbert, 1400 North Court Extension. Mr. Beecher was 81 years of age and a native of Pennsylvania, where he was formerly engaged in mining.
The funeral services will be conducted from the Haldey & Locey parlors at 8:30 a. m. Wednesday, Rev. Rufus Connelly officiating. The body will be taken to Fresno for burial in the family lot in the Fresno cemetery.

30. Book: History of the Beacher Family, 1970. 13
The following narrative was typewritten in 1970 by Hazel Horrox Miller, niece of Hiram Beecher: "Sarah Jane or Sallie Beacher [daughter of Benjamin F. Beacher Sr.] never married and lived with B.F. Beacher Sr.'s brother Hiram or Hyle Beacher most of her life in Mt. Carmel. Hyle or Hiram was married and in the 1930's Hyle and his 4 children - Lillian, Sadie, William and Edith, their husbands & children and Ma's sister Sallie all went to Fresno, Cal. They wrote to Ma [Emma Margaret Beacher, daughter of B.F. Sr.] for awhile but nothing has been heard from them in late years."

[Correction by Jonathan Beacher: From birth and census data we know Hiram went to California in 1910, not in the 1930's as Hazel states.].

Hiram married Henrietta Jacobs, daughter of William James Jacobs Sr. and Mary Ann Hough, in 1867 in , , Pennylvania, USA.1 (Henrietta Jacobs was born on 20 Sep 1847 in Pottsville, Schuylkill, PA,1 14 15 38 39 died on 30 Jul 1908 in Mount Carmel, Northumberland, PA 39 40 and was buried on 1 Aug 1908 in Shenandoah, Schuylkill, PA 39.)


1 1900 United States Census, Pennsylvania, Northumberland County, Roll 1449 Book 2, Page 98.

2 1910 United States Census, Pennsylvania, Northumberland County, Milton Ward 2, Series: T624 Roll: 1383 Page: 251.

3 Beacher, Bruce Franklin, Beau-Chere, The Beacher Family Newsletter, 1 Mar 1979.

4 California Vital Records, California Death Index record for Lillian Mayflower Lindenmuth.

5 California Vital Records, California Death Index record for Sarah Jane McConnell.

6 Pennsylvania Church and Town Records, 1708-1985 (http://www.Ancestry.com. Original from Historical Society of Pennsylvania, Historic Pennsylvania Church and Town Records.), Image 36.

7 Ancestry.com, California, Death Index, 1905-1939 (State of California. California Death Index, 1905-1939. Sacramento, CA, USA: State of California Department of Health Services, Center for Health Statistics.), 1905-1929, Surnames A-E, printed page 707, online image 180, Beecher Hiram.

8 Visalia Times Delta (Visalia, CA), 27 Feb 1923, page 2. Obituary of Hiram Beecher.

9 Visalia Daily Times (Visalia, CA), 27 Feb 1923, page 6. Obituary of Hiram Beecher.

10 Find A Grave, https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/257593798.

11 California Vital Records, California Death Index, 1905-1929. His File is 10149.

12 (California Death Certificate), Death Certificate in Tulare County for Herman [sic] Beecher, d. 26 Feb 1923.

13 Miller, Hazel Horrox and Horn, Ruth Beacher, History of the Beacher Family (1970, typewritten pages, self published.).

14 1880 United States Census, FHL Film 1255192; National Archives Film T9-1192; Page 501A.

15 Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Dept. of Health, Pennsylvania Birth Certificate (http://www.dsf.health.state.pa.us/health/cwp/view.asp?a=168&Q=229939
Pennsylvania Division of Vital Records
101 South Mercer Street
PO Box 1528
New Castle, PA 16101
(724) 656-3100), Delayed birth certificate of William Jacob Beecher Sr. (1876-1951) applied for on 17 Aug 1942.

16 1850 United States Census, Pennsylvania, Schuylkill County, Pottsville South Ward, Series: M432 Roll: 827 Page: 388.

17 1860 United States Census, Pennsylvania, Schuylkill County, New Castle Township, Series: M653 Roll: 1178 Page: 349.

18 1870 United States Census, Pennsylvania, Schuylkill County, Shenandoah, Series M593, Roll 1450, Page 597.

19 U. S. Government Printing Office, Congressional Series of United States Public Documents (Washington, D.C. 1877), Page 1182. http://books.google.com/books?id=FFNHAQAAIAAJ&dq=%22wm.%20jacobs%22%20%22schuylkill%20county%22%20shenandoah&pg=PA1182#v=onepage&q=beacher&f=false.

20 W. Harry Boyd, Boyd's Directory of Pottsville, Shenandoah, Ashland and Tamaqua (Pottsville, Penna.), 1881, page 331.

21 FamilySearch.org, Pennsylvania, County Marriages, 1775-1991, https://familysearch.org/pal:/MM9.1.1/KMC5-QQ8 Lewis Jay Hilbert and Edith Beacher, 03 Sep 1894; citing , Schuylkill, Pennsylvania, United States; FHL microfilm 2131180.

22 Mount Carmel Daily News (Mount Carmel, Northumberland, Pennsylvania), 26 Apr 1905, page 4.

23 Mount Carmel Daily News (Mount Carmel, Northumberland, Pennsylvania), 13 Apr 1906, page 1.

24 Mount Carmel Daily News (Mount Carmel, Northumberland, Pennsylvania), 22 Oct 1907, page 1. Visitor Dies of Typhoid Fever.

25 Mount Carmel Item (Mount Carmel, Northumberland, Pennsylvania.), 3 Jun 1908, page 1.

26 Republican and Herald (Pottsville, PA) (www.republicanherald.com), 4 Jun 1908, page 1. Hiram Beacher Injured In Mine Accident.

27 Mount Carmel Daily News (Mount Carmel, Northumberland, Pennsylvania), 4 Jun 1908, page 1.

28 Mount Carmel Item (Mount Carmel, Northumberland, Pennsylvania.), 5 Jun 1908, page 1.

29 Republican and Herald (Pottsville, PA) (www.republicanherald.com), 9 Jun 1908, page 1. May Save His Sight.

30 "The Waynesburg Republican (Waynesburg, PA)," 11 Jun 1908 page 3.

31 Mount Carmel Daily News (Mount Carmel, Northumberland, Pennsylvania), 31 Jul 1908, page 1. Mr. Beecher Home.

32 Mount Carmel Item (Mount Carmel, Northumberland, Pennsylvania.), 28 Feb 1910, page 4.

33 Mount Carmel Daily News (Mount Carmel, Northumberland, Pennsylvania), 5 Apr 1910, page 4.

34 Mount Carmel Item (Mount Carmel, Northumberland, Pennsylvania.), 14 Apr 1910, page 1. To California.

35 1910 United States Census, California, Tulare County, Tulare Ward 2, Series: T624 Roll: 111 Page: 92.

36 Ancestry.com, California, U.S., Voter Registrations, 1900-1968 (Original data: State of California, United States. Great Register of Voters. Sacramento, California: California State Library.), Willow Precinct, online image 173.

37 1920 United States Census, California, Tulare County, Visalia Township, Roll 153 Book 1, Page 181.

38 1850 United States Census, Pennsylvania, Schuylkill County, New Castle Township, Roll: M432_827; Page: 167; Image: 274.

39 Ancestry.com, Pennsylvania, U.S., Death Certificates, 1906-1971 (Original data: Pennsylvania (State). Death certificates. Records of the Pennsylvania Department of Health, Record Group 11. Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania.), Death Certificate 66899. Henrietta Beacher, b. 20 Sep 1847, d. 30 Jul 1908. Parents Wm Jacobs and Mary Huth.

40 Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Dept. of Health, Pennsylvania Death Certificate (Pennsylvania Division of Vital Records, New Castle, PA 16101 (724) 656-3100 http://www.dsf.health.state.pa.us/health/cwp/view.asp?a=168&Q=229939), Pennsylvania Death Certificate 66899.

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