John G. Bicher
Sarah Elizabeth Sands
George Ridenour Sr.
Mary Starrett
Peter J. Beecher
Elizabeth A. Ridenour
George Albert Beecher


Family Links

1. Sadie E. Pickering

George Albert Beecher 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

  • Born: 25 Jan 1855, Mifflin Twp., Franklin, OH 3 4 5
  • Marriage (1): Sadie E. Pickering on 1 Aug 1887 in Arkansas City, Cowley, KS 1 2
  • Died: 28 Jan 1940, Arkansas City, Cowley, KS at age 85 5 8
  • Buried: 30 Jan 1940, Arkansas City: Hope Cemetery, Cowley, KS 5 8

   Another name for George was Albert Beecher.10

   FamilySearch ID: LDQC-728.

  Noted events in his life were:

1. Census in 1860 in Mifflin Twp., Franklin, OH. 11 Peter Bigher, farm laborer, 35, was living with wife Elizabeth, 30; Albert, 5; Sarah, 3; Sylvester, 1; Jno, farm laborer, 16; and Mary, 18, domestic. Peter was born in Pennsylvania, everyone else in Ohio. His real estate is worth $400.

2. Census in 1870 in Bourbon, Marshall, IN. 4 Peter Beeker [index in census as Beeker but the handwriting looks like Beecher], farmer, 37, was living with wife Elisabeth, 44; George A., 15; Sarah, 13; James F., 8; and Emma A. 6. Also with them is Wm Rillenour, 35, physician. Peter was born in Pennsylvania, James and Emma in Indiana, and everyone else in Ohio. Peter's farm is worth $2,000 and personal estate $350.

3. Census in 1880 in Arkansas City, Cowley, KS. 3 Peter Beecher, carpenter, 49, was living with wife Elizabeth, 55; son George A., carpenter, 25; Frank J., laborer, 19; Emma A., 16. Also with them: niece Serena M. Bell, 5; and brothers-in-law William S. Ridenour, physician, 46, and James Ridenour, jeweler merchant, 39. Peter and his parents were born in Pennsylvania. Frank, Emma, and Serena were born in Indiana. Everyone else was born in Ohio. Elizabeth, William and James Ridenour's father was from Maryland, their mother from Pennsylvania.

4. Newspaper: Arkansas City Traveler, 22 Sep 1880, Arkansas City, Cowley, KS. 12 The new building just opened by J. L. Huey, as a bank, is one of the best fitted and most tastefully finished buildings in town. The same was under contract, by Messrs. Beecher & Son, who did the work entirely themselves, and the result is one that reflects great credit upon these gentlemen as No. 1 workmen.

5. Newspaper: Arkansas City Traveler, 25 May 1881, Arkansas City, Cowley, KS. 13 The new fence around the schoolhouse grounds, under the skillful manipulation of Beecher & Son, to whom the contract was awarded, is rapidly making a show. It is all of pine, and when completed it will add greatly to the appearance of our school property, and be one more added to the list of our city's public improvements.

6. Newspaper: Arkansas City Traveler, 29 Jun 1881, Arkansas City, Cowley, KS. 14 Al Beecher is in Salt City, with a number of hands, constructing vats for the new salt works.
R. C. Haywood's 30 x 60 storeroom, at the depot, put up by Beecher & Son, was completed last Friday.
J. L. Lycan, and L. B. Laughlin, gentlemen from Illinois, are in town, and have been figuring with a view to the erection of a stone mill, 36 x 46 feet. The wood work has been figured on by our townsmen, Beecher & Son, and we trust the enterprise will be decided on.

7. Newspaper: Arkansas City Traveler, 9 Nov 1881, Arkansas City, Cowley, KS. 15 A. A. Newman has had the inside of his store windows fitted with sash, which will materially assist in showing off the goods, as well as protect them from injury by dust, etc. Beecher & Son did the job.

8. Book: History of the State of Kansas: Biographical Sketches: George A. Beecher, 1883. 16
GEORGE A. BEECHER, of the firm of Beecher & Son, contractors and builders, was born in Ohio in 1855, son of Peter and Elizabeth Beecher, natives of Ohio. At the age of seven years, he went with his parents to Indiana, where they remained ten years. In 1871, he removed with them to Iowa, where he learned the trade of his father, which is that of a carpenter, and for eight years in Iowa worked with his father. In 1879, they moved to Arkansas City, Kan., and established their business at this place, locating on East Central avenue. Business has increased about thirty-three per cent since its establishment. Peter Beecher, father of the above, and member of the firm, was married in 1854, to Miss Elizabeth Ridenour. They have five children, three of whom survive - George A., James F. and Emma A. Mr. and Mrs. Beecher are members of the Congregational Church.

9. Newspaper: Arkansas City Traveler, 12 Dec 1883, Arkansas City, Cowley, KS. 17 Messrs. Beecher & Son have the contract for the erection of Mrs. Morse's new residence in the southeast part of town.

Mr. J. P. Johnson inttends to commence the erection of a residence building in our city shortly. Messrs. Beecher & Son we understand are figuring on the contract.

10. Newspaper: Arkansas City Traveler, 23 Feb 1884, Arkansas City, Cowley, KS. 18 Mr. Al. Beecher's new carpenter shop is completed.

11. Newspaper: Arkansas City Republican, 1 Mar 1884, Arkansas City, Cowley, KS. 19 Robert Baird has purchased the Beecher carpenter shop on North Central Avenue. He guarantees his work. Read his advertisement.

12. Newspaper: Arkansas City Traveler, 23 Jul 1884, Arkansas City, Cowley, KS. 20 Messrs. Beecher & Co., who recently put up an establishment just south of the foundry, are now busily engaged in scroll sawing, turning, ripping, bracket, and baluster and every description of wood work, etc., for the execution of which in first-class style they have put in approved machinery. Parties needing this kind of work should call on Beecher & Co.

13. Newspaper: Arkansas City Traveler, 5 Nov 1884, Arkansas City, Cowley, KS. 21 Fire.
Our city was thrown into considerable excitement last Saturday afternoon about 4 o'clock by the cry of a fire simultaneous with which dense clouds of smoke were seen rolling over the northwest part of town. We immediately started for the fire and found the carpenter shop of Messrs. Mitts & Jones entirely wrapped in flames. It was utterly impossible to control the fire and all efforts were made toward saving the adjacent building, Mr. Mitt's residence, which was luckily of stone, and stood directly south of the shop; and as a freeze was blowing stiff from the north, it was feared for some time that it would go. It was, however, saved, but had the wind been from the south, the frame dwelling of A. Hopp and the shop of Beecher & Co. would have been consumed. Total loss about $350, uninsured.

14. Kansas State census in 1885 in Arkansas City, Cowley, KS. 22 Peter Beecher, gardner, 53, was living with Elizabeth, 58; G. A. 29 carpenter; R. F., 22, stone man; Daughter, 20, miliner; S. M. Bill, 10, and W. S. Ridenaur, 50, vineyardist. Peter was born in Pennsylvania, Elizabeth and W.S. in Ohio. [The column to indicate where they were living before Kansas is blank.].

15. Newspaper: Arkansas City Traveler, 7 Oct 1885, Arkansas City, Cowley, KS. 23 S. F. Steinberger moved into his elegant and commodious new store last week, in the Frick Bros. building. The counters and prescription stand are the work of Beecher & So., of this city; they are tastefully designed, well made, and the former with their handsome and well filled show cases, present a really fine appearance. Steinberger is a man of taste and irrepressible energy, and his liberal outlay in show bottles, toilet articles, and fancy goods generally has enabled him to furnish and stock as handsome a drug store as can be found in Southern Kansas. The elaborate and ornate gold lettering in his window is the work of Thomas E. Braggins, and reflects credit on his skill as an artist.

16. Newspaper: Arkansas City Republican, 6 Nov 1886, Arkansas City, Cowley, KS. 24 G. C. Beecher has entered into partnership with Jas. Ridenour in the 5th Avenue Jewelry Store. The REPUBLICAN congratulates the new firm.

17. Newspaper: Arkansas City Traveler article, 17 Nov 1886, Arkansas City, Cowley, KS. The long talked of opening of Ridenour & Beecher's jewelry store will take place tomorrow. This enterprising firm have one of the nicest business rooms in the city, and with the improvement that is going on around them, it will not be many months before they will be in the heart of traffic. They have certainly laid themselves out to do a leading jewelry business. Their counters are elegantly carved and finished, and the show cases and other appointments in modern and most approved style. Their cases are resplendent with the most intrinsic stock of watches and jewelry ever brought to this city. Solid gold cases in every design, for gentlemen and ladies ' wear, three dozen watch chains, solid and massive, and ladies ' chains in every style. Rings, plate, and filligree, are with every choice stone known to the capidary broaches and other jeweled adornment, we have not space to enumerate. In the line of plated ware the finest artist work is displayed, and the liberal provision made of these choice goods seems almost reckless. They are from the factory of Reed & Barton, Taunton, Massachusetts, and all warranted quadruple plated. The cases show a store of spoons till you can ' t rest; napkin rings, sugar shells, silver rings, and other articles we cannot stay to enumerate. On the shelves enclosed in cabinets are tea sets in the most elaborate designs, and contrivances for culinary preparations which the skilled designer has idealized into the domain of art.
This elegant store with its rich and tasteful contents, is another evidence of the advance made by our community in ease and opulence, and credit is due this enterprising firm for their liberality in procuring such a stock, and the taste and skill they have shown in their selection.

18. Newspaper: Arkansas City Traveler advertisement, 15 Dec 1886, Arkansas City, Cowley, KS. Gold and silver watches in every variety at Ridenour & Beechers, Fifth Avenue Jewelry Store.

19. Newspaper: Arkansas City Daily Traveler - Married Sadie Pickering and Geo. Beecher, 2 Aug 1887, Arkansas City, Cowley, KS. 2 Married. Last evening, at the residence of the bride's parents, Miss Sadie Pickering and Geo. A. Beecher, by Rev. W. H. Cline. The ceremony was performed at 8 o'clock in the presence of a number of invited guests. After the festivities the newly married couple repaired to their home in the Second ward, which Mr. Beecher had fitted up as a place of residence.
She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Pickering, and the groom one of the enterprising proprietors of the West Fifth Avenue jewelry store. The Republican-Traveler congratulations to the new couple.

20. Newspaper: Evening Dispatch: Some burglars tackled the back door of Ridenour & Beecher's jewelry store last night. They picked the lock successfully, but alas! Jim had prepared for him by putting a lock on the inside., 2 Aug 1887, Arkansas City, Cowley, KS. 25

21. 1895 Kansas State Census census in 1895 in Arkansas City, Cowley, KS. 26 Peter Beecher, 63, was with Elizabeth, 69; Emma, 31; and S. May Bell, 20. Peter was born in Pennsylvania, Elizabeth in Ohio, and the others in Indiana. Everyone's occupation was farmer and all came to Kansas from Iowa.

Next door is G. A. Beecher, 40; Sadie P., 33; Carl A., 5; and Maggie, 2. G.A. was born in Ohio, Sadie in Illinois, and the children in Kansas. G.A. was a carpenter who came from Iowa. Sadie came to Kansas from New Mexico.

The post office Arkansas City. The township is Bolton.

22. Census in 1900 in Bolton Twp., Cowley, KS. 1 George Beecher, farmer, 45, born Jan 1855, was married for 13 years to wife Sadie, 38, Sept 1863. She has birthed two children, both alive in 1900: Carl A., 10, Oct 1889; and Maggie, 8, Apr 1892. George and his mother was born in Ohio, his father in Pennsylvania. Sadie was born in Illinois, her father in Ohio and mother in Indiana. The children were born in Kansas.

Living next door is George's father, Peter Beecher, farmer, widowed, 68, born Oct 1831 in Pennsylvania where his parents were born. He is with his daughter, Emma A., 36, born Feb 1864 in Indiana. Her mother was from Ohio.

23. Census in 1910 in Valverde Township, Sumner, KS. 27 The 1910 census recorded George A. Beecher, house carpenter, 55, living with wife Sadie P., 48; Carl A., farmer, 20; and Maggie, 17. George and Sadie were married for 22 years and had birthed 2 children by 1910. George and his mother were born in Ohio, and his father in Pennsylvania. Sadie as born in Illinois, her father in Ohio, and mother in Indiana. Carl and Maggie were born in Kansas, their father in Ohio and mother in Illinois.

24. Newspaper: Arkansas City Daily News: The George A. Beecher family are preparing to move from the six hundred block on North Second to the eight hundred block on North Fourth street., 2 Oct 1912, Arkansas City, Cowley, KS. 28

25. Newspaper: Arkansas City Daily Traveler: "Al Beecher has been awarded the contract to erect a modern 6 room bungalow for T. S. Howard, on his farm 1 1-2 miles east of the Summit street road on the state line. This country home will be up-to-date in every particular., 29 Nov 1912, Arkansas City, Cowley, KS. 29

26. Newspaper: Arkansas City Daily News, 30 Oct 1913, Arkansas City, Cowley, KS. 30 C. M. Mclntire, former owner of the building and grocery business now occupied by Pickering & Beecher, in the 400 block on North Second street, sold the building and lot to B. E. Davis last week, who in turn sold the same building and ground to Pickering & Beecher, who have operated the store for the past few months, and will continue in business there.

27. Census in 1920 in Arkansas City, Cowley, KS. 31 Living at 509 N Fifth in a home he owned was Geo A. Beecher, occupation "builder, house", 64, widowed. He was living with his sister Emma, 55, single; father Peter, 88, widowed; and two lodgers. George was born in Ohio, Emma in Indiana, and Peter in Pennsylvania.

28. Census in 1930 in Arkansas City, Cowley, KS. 32 The 1930 census recorded owning a $5000 home at 509 Fifth St.: George A. Beecher, contractor, 75; his daughter Maggie, 37, single; and George's sister, Emma A. Beecher, 66, single. George and his mother were born in Ohio and his father in Pennsylvania. Maggied was born in Kansas, her father in Ohio and mother in Illinois. Emma was born in Indiana, her father in Pennsylvania and mother in Ohio.

29. Obituary: Arkansas City Daily Traveler: obituary of George Albert Beecher on 29 Jan 1940 in Arkansas City, Cowley, KS. 8 Al Beecher Dies; Old A. C. Resident
Building Contractor in City for 60 Years Succumbs To Illness; Funeral Tuesday
George Albert (Al) Beecher, 85, for over sixty years a resident of Arkansas City , died at 12:35 a. m. Sunday at his home, 214 North Fourth street. He had been ill for some time. Mr. Beecher, a building contractor, had been employed at his profession in Arkansas City for many years and had built several business blocks and a number of houses here.
Mr. Beecher, a native of Ohio, was a member of the First Methodist church. Surviving is a daughter, Miss Maggie Beecher, who is the only member of the family living now. Mrs. Beecher died here many years ago.
Funeral services will be held at 2 p. m. Tuesday in the Oldroyd chapel, the Rev. F. E. Rohl will officiate and the Rev. Charles E. Henry will assist. Interment will be in Hope cemetery where Mrs. Beecher is buried.

George married Sadie E. Pickering, daughter of Joseph C. Pickering and Margaret Sparks, on 1 Aug 1887 in Arkansas City, Cowley, KS.1 2 (Sadie E. Pickering was born on 16 Sep 1861 in , , IL,1 33 died on 12 Feb 1919 in Arkansas City, Cowley, KS 33 34 and was buried on 14 Feb 1919 in Arkansas City: Hope Cemetery, Cowley, KS 33 34.)


1 1900 United States Census, Kansas, Cowley County, Bolton Township, Series: T623 Roll: 476 Page: 82.

2 Arkansas City Traveler (Arkansas City, KS), 2 Aug 1887, page 5. Marriage of Sadie Pickering and George A. Beecher.

3 1880 United States Census, Kansas, Cowley County, Arkansas City, Family History Library Film 1254377, NA Film Number T9-0377, Page 482C.

4 1870 United States Census, Indiana, Marshall County, Bourbon Township, Series: M593 Roll: 342 Page: 24.

5 Find A Grave,

6 Arkansas City Traveler (Arkansas City, KS), 21 Feb 1917, page 5. Death of Carl Beecher.

7 Peter Darcuss Ridenour (1831-1909), Genealogy of the Ridenour family (Published 1908. Online in Books at, Page 29.

8 Arkansas City Daily Traveler (Arkansas City, KS), 29 Jan 1940, page 1. Obituary of George Albert Beecher.

9 Arkansas City Daily Traveler (Arkansas City, KS), 27 Feb 1953, page 1. Obituary of Miss Maggie Beecher.

10 1860 United States Census, Ohio, Franklin County, Mifflin Township, Series: M653 Roll: 962 Page: 85.

11 1860 United States Census, Peter Bigher Ohio, Franklin County, Mifflin Township, Series: M653 Roll: 962 Page: 85.

12 Arkansas City Traveler (Arkansas City, KS), 22 Sep 1880.

13 Arkansas City Traveler (Arkansas City, KS), May 25, 1881.

14 Arkansas City Traveler (Arkansas City, KS), 29 Jun 1881.

15 Arkansas City Traveler (Arkansas City, KS), 9 Nov 1881.

16 Cutler, William G., History of the State of Kansas (A. T. Andreas, Chicago, IL. 1883), Cowley County, Part 9, Arkansas City.

17 Arkansas City Traveler (Arkansas City, KS), 12 Dec 1883.

18 Arkansas City Traveler (Arkansas City, KS), 23 Feb 1884.

19 Arkansas City Republican (Arkansas City, KS), March 1, 1884.

20 Arkansas City Traveler (Arkansas City, KS), July 23, 1884.

21 Arkansas City Traveler (Arkansas City, KS), 5 Nov 1884.

22, Kansas State Census (Kansas State Census Collection, 1855-1925.), Kansas, Cowley County, Creswell Township, Roll KS1885_28 Line 9 Family 100 Page H7.

23 Arkansas City Traveler (Arkansas City, KS), 7 Oct 1885.

24 Arkansas City Republican (Arkansas City, KS), 6 Nov 1886.

25 The Evening Dispatch (Arkansas City, KS), 2 Aug 1887, page 3.

26, Kansas State Census (Kansas State Census Collection, 1855-1925.), Kansas, Cowley County, Bolton Township, Roll: v115_29 Page 25.

27 1910 United States Census, Year: 1910; Census Place: Valverde, Sumner, Kansas; Roll: T624_458; Page: 1A; Enumeration District: 0159; FHL microfilm: 1374471.

28 Arkansas City Daily News (Arkansas City, KS), 2 Oct 1912, page 6.

29 Arkansas City Traveler (Arkansas City, KS), 29 Nov 1912, page 3.

30 Arkansas City Daily News (Arkansas City, KS), 30 Oct 1913, page 5.

31 1920 United States Census, Kansas, Cowley County, Arkansas City Ward 4, Series: T625 Roll: 527 Page: 264.

32 1930 United States Census, Year: 1930; Census Place: Arkansas, Cowley, Kansas; Roll: 697; Page: 19B; Enumeration District: 0007; Image: 1009.0; FHL microfilm: 2340432.

33 Find A Grave,

34, California Death Index, 1940-1997 (Department of Public Health Services, Sacramento.), William H Bundy, 01 Mar 1975.

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