Hans Philipp Neuhart
Anna Barbara Schneider
(Abt 1659-)
Hans Jacob Stoehr
Anna Elizabetha Minicus
Hans Stephan Neuhart
Anna Catharina Stoehr
Johann Michael Neuhard


Family Links

1. Maria Barbara Jacky

Johann Michael Neuhard 3 4 5

  • Born: 9 Feb 1713, Rumbach, , Rheinland-Pfalz, DEU 3 5 6 7 8
  • Christened: 19 Feb 1713, Rumbach: Evangelisch Lutheran Church, , Rheinland-Pfalz, DEU 2
  • Marriage (1): Maria Barbara Jacky on 24 Nov 1733 in Lemberg, , Rheinland-Pfalz, DEU 1 2
  • Died: 10 Mar 1793, Whitehall Twp., Lehigh, PA at age 80 3 5 9
  • Buried: North Whitehall Twp.: Egypt Reformed Church Cemetery, Lehigh, PA 5 10

   Other names for Johann were Michael Neuhard, Johann Michael Neuhart,11 Johannes Michael Newhard 2 and Michael Newhard.10

   FamilySearch ID: LW5B-PTS.

  General Notes:

Many sources publish conflicting information about who Michael's parents are. Two reliable sources differ on who Michael's mother is.

At http://home.t-online.de/home/gabriele-herold/emig-n.htm
Catharina Margaretha Kern is listed as his mother married to Johann Stephan Neuhard.

Anna Catharina Stöhr is recorded as his mother married to Hans Stephan Neuhart at

This second source has extensive research on many residents living in Rumbach by a person living there. Since Michael was born here, and the information was garnered from church registers edited by Dennis Kastens, we feel more confident that his mother was Stohr.

Another perplexing problem: various sources report that three brothers immigrated together: Michael, Georg, and Frederick. But other sources that are derived from church registers in Rumbach indicate they are cousins, not brothers. This tree is presently using the findings at http://www.kindelberger.de/genealogy/WC01/WC01_073.HTM but futher confirmation of facts is needed.

  Noted events in his life were:

1. Religion: in North Whitehall Twp.: Egypt Reformed Church, Lehigh, PA 9 From the church register notes:
17. Michael Newhard was a brother of Frederick Newhard. He was born Feb. 9, 1713 and died Mar. 10, 1793. His wife, Barbara Newhard, was born April 1, 1716 and died Sept. 12, 1792.

2. He has conflicting birth information of 19 Feb 1713 and Rumbach, , Rheinland-Pfalz, DEU. The Egypt Church register indicates the date is February 9th.

3. He immigrated on 26 Sep 1737 to Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA. 5 9 12 13 450 Palatines were on the ship Saint Andrew Galley, John Stedman, Master, from Rotterdam, last from Cowes, England. They arrived in Philadelphia on September 26, 1737. Among them were these families who knew each other in Rumbach and intermarried in their homeland and/or in Pennsylvania, where they lived together and attended the Egypt Reformed Church:

Johan Conrad Jost
Georg Kern
Georg Kocher
Johannes Kohler
Georg Neihart
Georg Fried. Neihart
Michael Neihart
Christopher Schaub
Johan Georg Schneider
Johannes Stohr
Phillip Stohr
Abraham Wagner.

4. Census in 1790 in Whitehall Twp., Lehigh, PA. 14 He appears in the 1790 Census as Nyhart, Michel having:
Males (born)
16 and older (<=1774) = 1 Michael
Females = 1 wife

5. Book: Anniversary History of Lehigh County, 1914. 5 10
George Frederick, Michael and George Neuhard, of this family, emigrated to America in the ship St. Andrew, sailing from Rotterdam, and arrived at Philadelphia on Sept. 26, 1737 when they took the oath of allegiance to the King of England before Judges James Logan, Clement Plumsted, Ralph Asheton, and William Alien. In the following year they settled in what was then the frontier of Bucks County.

Michael Newhard, the second of the three brothers who came to America, was born in Zweibruecken, Feb. 9, 1713, and died March 10, 1793.

He secured by warrant of June 11, 1738, a tract of 83 acres along the Lehigh River, near what is now Laury's, North Whitehall Township, and added to this so that in 1768 he owned 200 acres, 70 acres of which were cultivated.

He was naturalized April 10, 1759, and was a member of the Egypt Reformed Church, where he and his wife were buried and their ancient tombstones of brown-stone can still be seen.

His wife, Barbara, was born April 1, 1716, and died Sept. 12, 1792. At the time of his death it was recorded that he was the father of fifteen children, and had 124 grandchildren, and 71 great-grandchildren.

Note: While this history book portrays three Neuhard brothers the church registry information from Rumbach, Germany suggests George Frederick was actually a cousin of Michael and George Neuhard. Also Michael's place of birth is known to be more exactly Rumbach, whereas the history book reports Zweibruecken.

Johann married Maria Barbara Jacky, daughter of Peter Jaggi Jr and Anna Margaretha Mettler, on 24 Nov 1733 in Lemberg, , Rheinland-Pfalz, DEU.1 2 (Maria Barbara Jacky was born on 1 Apr 1716 in Lemberg, , Rheinland-Pfalz, DEU,9 15 16 died on 12 Sep 1792 in Whitehall Twp., Lehigh, PA 9 16 and was buried in North Whitehall Twp.: Egypt Reformed Church Cemetery, Lehigh, PA.)


1 Kastens, Dennis A., Neuhart Chronicle, Volume 4 (R & R Printing, Cahokia, IL, copyright 1988 by Dennis A. Kastens
Dennis A. Kastens, 5101 Kings Park Drive, St. Louis, MO 63129 USA
(314) 892-0888), page 109.

2 MacDonald, Jack, The Stoehr-Stair Family (http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~jacmac/stoehr-stair.htm

3 Egypt Reformed Church Cemetery (http://www.interment.net/data/us/pa/lehigh/egypt_church/egypt.htm).

4 Mike97@enter.net, Kern's Family Genealogy Database, Mike (http://www.enter.net/~stenlake/names.html).

5 Kastens, Dennis A.; Phillips, Ethel C., Rumbach Families 1775-1850 (234 pages (c) 2002 Dennis A. Kastens
(c) Juli 2003 Andrea Kindelberger
Dennis A. Kastens, 5101 Kings Park Drive, St. Louis, MO 63129 USA
(314) 892-0888).

6 Pennsylvania Archives, Volume 6, Egypt Reformed Church Records 1734-1807 (http://files.usgwarchives.net/pa/lehigh/church/egyp0001.txt
"Baptismal Record of the congregation on the Lehigh, in which are recorded the names of the children baptized, the names of their parents, and also the names of the sponsors. Commenced March 22, 1739."
J. Henricus Goetschius, M. Helvetico Tigurinus.), notes #17 from internet.

7 Kastens, Dennis A., Neuhart Chronicle, Volume 4 (R & R Printing, Cahokia, IL, copyright 1988 by Dennis A. Kastens
Dennis A. Kastens, 5101 Kings Park Drive, St. Louis, MO 63129 USA
(314) 892-0888), page 126.

8 Knarr, Larry; Herold, Gabriele; Braun, Bernhard, Emigrants to America from Piramasens and Surroundings (http://www.genealogie-in-pirmasens.de/geneengl.html
2003), http://home.t-online.de/home/gabriele-herold/emig-n.htm.

9 Pennsylvania Archives, Volume 6, Egypt Reformed Church Records 1734-1807 (http://files.usgwarchives.net/pa/lehigh/church/egyp0001.txt
"Baptismal Record of the congregation on the Lehigh, in which are recorded the names of the children baptized, the names of their parents, and also the names of the sponsors. Commenced March 22, 1739."
J. Henricus Goetschius, M. Helvetico Tigurinus.).

10 Roberts, Charles Rhodes, History Of Lehigh County, Pennsylvania, Volume III (Allentown, Pa., Lehigh Valley Pub. Co., 1914.
3 volumes, illustrated, maps.
Prepared by a committee appointed by the Lehigh County Historical Society; chapters contributed by various writers.).

11 Kastens, Dennis A.; Phillips, Ethel C., Rumbach Families 1775-1850 (234 pages (c) 2002 Dennis A. Kastens
(c) Juli 2003 Andrea Kindelberger
Dennis A. Kastens, 5101 Kings Park Drive, St. Louis, MO 63129 USA
(314) 892-0888), http://www.kindelberger.de/genealogy/WC02/WC02_422.HTM.

12 Rupp, Daniel, A Collection of Upwards of Thirty Thousand Names of German, Swiss, Dutch, French and Other Immigrants in Pennsylvania From 1727 - 1776 (I. G. Kohler, Philadelphia, 1876), Page 108.

13 Ralph Beaver Strassburger, Edited by William John Hinke, Pennsylvania German Pioneers, A Publication of the Original Lists of Arrivals In the Port of Philadelphia
Pennsylvania German pioneers : a publication of the original lists of arrivals in the port of Philadelphia from 1727 to 1808
(View online at https://www.familysearch.org/search/catalog/2049299), Pages 178-183.

14 1790 United States Census, Pennsylvania, Lehigh County, Whitehall Township.

15 Newhard, David (davnew@ptd.net).

16 Knarr, Larry; Herold, Gabriele; Braun, Bernhard, Emigrants to America from Piramasens and Surroundings (http://www.genealogie-in-pirmasens.de/geneengl.html
2003), http://home.t-online.de/home/gabriele-herold/emig-j.htm.

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