Samuel D. Beher
Eliza Ann Davis
Rev. James Havens
Anna Higgenbottom
Dr. Edward Davis Beher
Mahala Wilkens Havens
Edward H. "Buster" Beher


Family Links

1. Josephine "Josie" Lillian Smith

Edward H. "Buster" Beher 2 3

  • Born: 29 May 1869, Rushville, Rush, IN 3 4
  • Marriage (1): Josephine "Josie" Lillian Smith on 24 May 1895 in Rushville, Rush, IN 1
  • Died: 15 Jan 1916, Richmond, Wayne, IN at age 46 3 4 5
  • Buried: 18 Jan 1916, Muncie: Beech Grove Cemetery, Delaware, IN 3

   FamilySearch ID: L29F-ZZ9.

  Noted events in his life were:

1. Newspaper: Rushville Republican: Real Estate Transfers, 6 Mar 1896, Rushville, Rush, IN. 6 Edward H. Beher and wife to Edward D. Beher, part of lot 159 in pugh, Laughlin & Cross's addition to Rushville, $879. Edward D. Beher and wife to Edward H. Beher, part of lot 159 in Pugh, Laughlin & Cross' addition to Rushville, $1800.

2. Newspaper: Rushville Republican: Rushville Volunteers, 24 Jun 1898, Rushville, Rush, IN. 7 ---
Boys are Now Camping at the Fair Grounds
Yesterday afternoon a large number of members of the volunteer company fell into line and marched out to the fair grounds, where they will remain until called out. The boys are using the shed on the ground for sleeping quarters. They have plenty of good water, good shade, and a good place to drill and practice guard mount.
John F. Joyce was at Indianapolis yeserday, and called at the Governor's office and learned that companies having had a preliminary medical examination will be ordered to Indianapolis by the first of the week, where a final examination will be held and the boys mustered in.
The following are the name of the Rushville Volunteer Company, together with their post office addresses and age:
Edward Beher, 28, Rushville.

3. Newspaper: Rushville Republcan: Foot Amputated, 30 Jan 1900, Rushville, Rush, IN. 8 Dr. E. D. Beher and wife received a dispatch from their son, Edward Beher Jr., last Saturday stating that he had his foot mashed by the cars at Chicago, that day. The accident happened at 63d street, where it is supposed he had gone from Muncie with a car-load of horses. He was taken to St. Luke's hospital, where his foot was amputated above the ankle. Dr. Beher received word from the Chaplain of the hospital, yesterday, stating that his son was doing well.

4. Newspaper: Rushville Republican: Estate Lawsuit, 1 Feb 1901, Rushville, Rush, IN. 9 Mrs. Mahala Beher, Mrs. F. B. Johnson and husband, and George H. Havens, administrator, have filed a suit in court against Edward H. Beher, to partition the estate of the late Dr. E. D. Beher. He owned the lot on which the home is situated on Second street, and lots 5 to 10 in the new addition, beside real estate in Hancock county.

5. Newspaper: Rushville Republican: Sued for Divorce, 31 Mar 1903, Rushville, Rush, IN. 1 ---
Sued for Divorce
The Muncie Star of the 25th says that Mrs. Josephine Beher filed suit for divorce from Edward Beher, alleging cruel treatment. She also asks for an injunction to prevent her husband from doing her harm. The were married in this city in 1895.

6. Residence: on 19 Jun 1907 in Muncie, Delaware, IN. 2

7. Census in 1910 in Muncie, Delaware, IN. 10 The 1910 census recorded renting at 113 1st Street: Edward Beher, cab driver, 46, living with wife Josephine, 36. They had been married 15 years and she had birthed no children by 1910. They and their parents were born in Indiana except Edward's father in Pennsylvania.

8. Cause of Death: Edward died at Eastern Indiana Hospital from general pareses, had condition for 10 months and 17 days, 15 Jan 1916, Richmond, Wayne, IN. 4

9. Obituary: Daily Republican: Ed Beher Dies At Home In Muncie on 15 Jan 1916 in Rushville, Rush, IN. 11
Ed Beher Dies At Home In Muncie
Former Rushville Man, Son of Late Dr. Ed beher, Expires of Paralysis This Morning.
Has One Sister Living Here
Word was received here this morning of the death of Edward Beher, wchi occurred at his home in Muncie. Mr. Beher was born and reared in Rushville and was a son of the late Dr. Ed Beher. He had lived in Muncie for the past fifteen years, but is remembered here by a large number of friends. Mr. Beher has been in ill health for several months, suffering from paralysis, and his death was not unexpected. He was familiary known as "Buster" Beher.
He is survived by the widow and one sister, Mrs. Fred B. Johnson of this city. The funeral services will be conducted Tuesday morning at ten o'clock at the late residence in Muncie and burial will take place there.

10. Occupation: cab driver on 15 Jan 1916 in Richmond, Wayne, IN. 4

11. Obituary: The Star Press: "Buster" H. Beher Is Called To Beyond on 16 Jan 1916 in Muncie, Delaware, IN. 12
"Buster" H. Beher Is Called To Beyond
Well Known Muncie Cab Driver Answers Call in Hospital at Richmond.
Edward h. Beher, a well known Muncie cab driver, passed away in a hospital at Richmond, Ind., yesterday morning at 6 o'clock, after an illness of several months. Mr. Beher had not been in the best of health during the past two years, but his condition was not considered serious until about three months ago and last November he went to a Richmond hospital for treatment. Three weeks ago his condition became critical and resulted in his death yesterday morning.
The body was brought to Muncie yesterday afternoon and taken to the Meeks funeral parlors, where it was prepared for burial, and last evening was removed to the family residence, 430 Kirby avenue. The funeral services will be conducted from the mortualy chapel in Beech Grove Cemetery, Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock, the Rev. W. W. Martin officiating. Interment will be made in Beech Grove cemetery.
Mr. Beher, or "Buster," as he was familarly known throughout the city, was one of Muncie's best known residents. He was employed for years by the Muncie Transfer Company as a cab driver and in this position had formed a large acquaintance, not only in this city but in towns all over the state. "Buster" was a close friend of the tranveling men, many of whom preferred to walk if they could not ride with him. He was courteous, polite and kind hearted at all times and was highly respected by all who knew him.
The deceased was a member of the Loyal Order of Moose, Tomahawk Tribe of Red Men, Modern Woodmen of America, Foresters, American Yoemen, Pocahontas and Sons and Daughters of Liberty.

Edward married Josephine "Josie" Lillian Smith on 24 May 1895 in Rushville, Rush, IN.1 The marriage ended in divorce in 1903. (Josephine "Josie" Lillian Smith was born on 11 Feb 1874 in Rushville, Rush, IN,13 died on 19 May 1970 in Muncie, Delaware, IN 13 and was buried in Muncie: Beech Grove Cemetery, Delaware, IN 13.)


1 Rushville Republican (Rushville, IN), 31 Mar 1903, page 4.

2 The Daily Republican (Rushville, IN), 19 Jun 1907, page 1. Obituary of Mahala Beher.

3 Find A Grave,

4, "Indiana, U.S., Death Certificates, 1899-2017," Certificate 4031 Edward H. Beher, father Edward Beher, mother Mahala Havens, spouse Josephine Beher.

5, Indiana Death Index, 1882-1920, Edward H. Beher, 15 Jan 1916, Wayne Township, Indiana.

6 Rushville Republican (Rushville, IN), 6 Mar 1896, page 4.

7 Rushville Republican (Rushville, IN), 24 Jun 1898, page 3.

8 Rushville Republican (Rushville, IN), 30 Jan 1900, page 4.

9 Rushville Republican (Rushville, IN), 1 Feb 1901, page 4.

10 1910 United States Census, Edward Beher, Muncie Ward 5, Delaware, Indiana, United States; citing enumeration district (ED) ED 34, sheet 15B, family 381.

11 The Daily Republican (Rushville, IN), 15 Jan 1916, page 2. Obituary of Edward Beher.

12 The Star Press (Muncie, IN), 16 Jan 1916, page 13. Obituary of Edward H. Beher.

13 Find A Grave,

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