Dr. Edward Davis Beher 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
FamilySearch ID: MC8S-HFC. Noted events in his life were: 1. He has conflicting birth information of His obituary states he was born 22 July 1836., 22 Jul 1836 and Cincinnati, Hamilton, OH. 6 2. Census in 1840 in Rushville, Rush, IN. 9 The 1840 U.S. Census in Rushville, Rush County, Indiana listed Samuel Beker with this household: 3. Census on 15 Sep 1850 in , Rush, IN. The 1850 census on Sep. 15th recorded Samuel Beher, farmer, 54, living with wife Eliza, 44; Edward D. 13; Orin, 11; Marcus, 9; Ann. E., 3, and John, 6 months old. Samuel was born in Virginia, Eliza in Massachusetts, Edward in Ohio, and the others in Indiana. Samuel's estate was valued at $10,000. 4. Census on 30 Sep 1850 in Delhi, Hamilton, OH. 10 The 1850 census on Sep. 30th recorded Edward Beher, 15, living in the household of his grandmother, Elizabeth Davis, 70; and her daugher Abigal, 41. Also in the home is David Ellis, farmer, 18. Everyone was born in Massachusetts except Edward in Ohio. Elizabeth's estate is valued at $10,000. 5. Occupation: physician in Jun 1863 in Rushville, Rush, IN. 11 Civil War Draft Registration list: 6. Newspaper: Hancock Democrat: Dr. Beher treats brother-in-law Jacob J. Hauck, 4 Jan 1883, Greenfield, Hancock, IN. 12 Dr. Beher, of Rushville, was in the city on Monday last, having been summoned here by the serious sickness of his brother-in-law, Jacob J. Hauck. He is a very pleasant and agreeable gentleman. 7. Newspaper: Rushville Republican: Dr. E. D. Beher is again confined to his house and has had two or three very bad days this week., 28 Feb 1889, Rushville, Rush, IN. 13 8. Newspaper: Rushville Republican: Dr. E. D. Beher's condition is serious, and does not improve., 7 Mar 1889, Rushville, Rush, IN. 14 9. Newspaper: Rushville Republican: Now that natural gas is the future fuel in Rushville, Dr. E. D. Beher is tearing down the low sheds back of his residence, and otherwise improviing his property., 26 Sep 1889, Rushville, Rush, IN. 15 10. Newspaper: Rushville Republican, 10 Apr 1890, Rushville, Rush, IN. 16 FOR TRADE. 11. Newspaper: Rushville Republican: Real Estate Transfers: E. D. Beher and wife to F. B. Johnson, part lot 15 in Rushville, $900., 24 Jul 1890, Rushville, Rush, IN. 17 12. Newspaper: Rushville Republican: Dr. Beher has presented the reading room with 12 volumes of standard works, all as good as new; for which he has the sincere thanks of those interested in this room., 13 Nov 1890, Rushville, Rush, IN. 18 13. Newspaper: Rushville Republican: Beher-King Fire, 19 Mar 1891, Rushville, Rush, IN. 19 A 1 o'clock Tuesday afternoon, fire was discovered in the Beher-King Block, which looked very threatening for a time. Dense volumes of smoke poured from the roof from front to rear, and the firemen had considerable difficulty in locating and getting at the fire. It was found to have started in the second floor back room, over Batterton's drug store, occupied as a sleeping-room by Copeland, the barber, and probably caught from the flue, spreading under the tin roof. The furniture in the room was destroyed, and part of the building badly damaged. Batterton Bros.' stock sustained extensive damage, nearly half their store room being drenched by water from above. Ed. Tyner, tailor, and the Big Four barbers, on the second floor, both got their property out of the building with trifling loss. Lee. S. Harris, in the next building north, was damaged by water, which got into his carpet, curtains and millinery goods in large quantities. The Knights of Pythias lodge room in the third story, suffered badly from water. All these parties, as well as Elisha King, owner of the building, are insured, probably enough to cover their losses. 14. Newspaper: Rushville Republican: The Beher-King Block Fire, 26 Mar 1891, Rushville, Rush, IN. 20 The insurance adjusters descended upon Rushville very promptly after the above fire, and after looking at things, settled with the various parties in interest at the following figures: Batterton Bros., $150, F. B. Johnson & Co., $80, Kinghts of Pythias, $393, Mrs. Mason, $85, Lee S. Harris, $185, E. D. Beher, $457, and Elisha King, $568. Total $1917. 15. Newspaper: Rushville Republican: Real Estate Transfers: E. D. Beher and wife to L. Link, part lot 159 in Pugh, Laughlin & Cross' addition to Rushville., 16 Apr 1891, Rushville, Rush, IN. 21 16. Newspaper: Rushville Republican: Dr. E. D. Beher, who has three adjoining lots of the east side of the City Park, will build a neat cottage on them. The work will begin at once., 13 Dec 1892, Rushville, Rush, IN. 22 17. Newspaper: Rushville Republican: Dr. E. D. Beher has contracted for a five-room cottage on his lots in the new addition., 20 Jan 1893, Rushville, Rush, IN. 23 18. Newspaper: Rushville Republican: Real Estate Transfers: Samuel O'Brien to Edward D. Beher, lot 8 in the new addition, $100., 9 May 1893, Rushville, Rush, IN. 24 19. Newspaper: Rushville Republican: Against an Electric Light Wire., 18 Jul 1893, Rushville, Rush, IN. 25 A loose electric light wire on the lamp on Ruth street, in front of Dr. E. D. Beher's house, struck the delivery horse belonging ot W. T. Brann & Son last Saturday night. The wire struck the horse behind the ear and shocked him, throwing the animal to the ground with the wire underneath it. Will Cockran cut the wire with a hatchet and freed the horse from its perilous position. No further damage was done than that the horse was considerably skinned up. 20. Newspaper: Rushville Republican: Liford Stiers is now a resident of Rushville, having moved into Dr. Beher's new house., 1 Sep 1893, Rushville, Rush, IN. 26 21. Newspaper: Rushville Republican: Rushville in 1870. The copies of the Jacksonian and Times taken from the tin ball on the old Presbyterian church steeple show the business firms of the town in June, 1870 were: <snip> Drugs -- E.D. Beher and Tyner & Puntenney., 10 Oct 1893, Rushville, Rush, IN. 27 22. Newspaper: Rushville Republican: Dr. E. D. Beher is going to build another cottage in the new addition., 28 Aug 1894, Rushville, Rush, IN. 28 23. Newspaper: Hancock Democrat: Mr. Oren, Dr. Beher and wife and W. N. Magee, of Rushville, brother and brother-in-laws fo the late Mrs. Jacob Hauck, attended her funeral here on Saturday last., 10 Oct 1895, Greenfield, Hancock, IN. 29 24. Newspaper: Rushville Republican: Ad: Dr. E. D. Beher give Special attention to Office Practice, Fitting Trusses, Supporters, Braces, Spectacles, and all Surgical Appliciances at Drug Store. Dr. Beher will visit any part of the city at convenient hours., 31 Dec 1895, Rushville, Rush, IN. 30 25. Newspaper: Rushville Republican: Real Estate Transfers, 6 Mar 1896, Rushville, Rush, IN. 31 Edward H. Beher and wife to Edward D. Beher, part of lot 159 in pugh, Laughlin & Cross's addition to Rushville, $879. Edward D. Beher and wife to Edward H. Beher, part of lot 159 in Pugh, Laughlin & Cross' addition to Rushville, $1800. 26. Newspaper: Rushville Republican: A. L. Davis, of Cincinnati, is visiting Dr. E. D. And Oren Beher. Mr. Davis is a printer, and was formerly a proof-reader on the Cincinnati Times-Star., 28 Aug 1896, Rushville, Rush, IN. 32 27. Newspaper: Rushville Republican: Ad: A Change of Business, 24 Nov 1896, Rushville, Rush, IN. 33 A Change of Business. Dr. E. D Beher is now placing his Drug Stock in Fred. Johnsons Drug Store, all to be sold to Druggists and Physicians at wholesale. I will keep office at my residence and at Johnson's drug store, and prescribe free for everybody till the entire stock is closed out. I will continue manufacturing all my Family Medicines for tbe trade and supply all the Druggists of Rushville with them. My drug furniture, show cases, shelf-ware, iron safe and medical books for sale cheap. Dwellings, business houses and rooms, vacant city lots in this city, Irvington and Greenfield, Ind., lands in Iowa, Kansas and Texas, all for rent, sale or trade. 28. Newspaper: Rushville Republican: Real Estate Transfers: Judge W. A. Cullen has bought the south half of the Beher-King block, on Main street, from Dr. E. D. Beher, paying $6000 for it., 1 Dec 1896, Rushville, Rush, IN. 34 29. Newspaper: Rushville Republican: Ad: A Closing Out Sale, 11 Dec 1896, Rushville, Rush, IN. 35 --- 30. Newspaper: Rushville Republican: Real Estate Transfers: Edward D. Beher, et. Al., to Frank G. Hackleman, part of lots 16 and 17 in the original plat of Rushville, $6250., 12 Jan 1897, Rushville, Rush, IN. 36 31. Newspaper: Rushville Republican: Dr. E. D. Beher was the first physician in Rush county to take out license with the Clerk's office, under the new law. Dr. Will C. Smith was a close second., 16 Jul 1897, Rushville, Rush, IN. 24 37 32. Newspaper: Rushville Republican, 17 Aug 1897, Rushville, Rush, IN. 24 38 Dr. E.D. Beher, the Main street druggist, yesterday closed his thrity-second consecutive year in that business in Rushville. He probably has the longest unbroken business record of any establishment in the city, and seems equal to an indefinite number of years to come. 33. Newspaper: Rushville Republican, 29 Apr 1898, Rushville, Rush, IN. 24 39 Greenfield Republican: Dr. E. D. Beher of Rushville is in the city today. He is having a couple of new houses built here and will probably build another on a vacant lot he has on Broadway. The doctor evidently believes in the future prosperity of Greenfield. 34. Newspaper: Rushville Republican: Ad for Beher's Drug Store, 17 Jan 1899, Rushville, Rush, IN. 40 The east wind in this winter robe 35. Newspaper: Rushville Republcan: Real Estate Transfers: Zachariah Parrish and wife to Edward D. Beher, lot 4 in the new additoin to Rushville, $125., 14 Apr 1899, Rushville, Rush, IN. 41 36. Newspaper: Rushville Republcan: Dr. E. D. Beher, who has been confined to his home with a nervous trouble, is improving this morning., 5 Jun 1900, Rushville, Rush, IN. 42 37. Newspaper: Rushville Republcan: Dr. E. D. Beher, who is suffering from dropsy, has been confined to the house for several days. His condition is serious., 24 Jul 1900, Rushville, Rush, IN. 43 38. Newspaper: Rushville Republcan: Dr. E. D. Beher has been sitting up for a day or two, and this morning was able to walk as far as this office. The doctor's friends are glad to see him out again., 17 Aug 1900, Rushville, Rush, IN. 44 39. Cause of Death: nephritis caused heart failure, 14 Sep 1900, Rushville, Rush, IN. 3 40. Obituary: Rushville Republican: Obituary of Dr. Edward Davis Beher on 14 Sep 1900 in Rushville, Rush, IN. 6 Dr. E. D. Beher Dead. 41. Occupation: druggist on 14 Sep 1900 in Rushville, Rush, IN. 3 42. Obituary: Elkhart Review: Pioneer Druggist Dies Suddenly on 19 Sep 1900 in Elkhart, Elkhart, IN. 5 Pioneer Druggist Dies Suddenly. 43. Newspaper: Rushville Republcan: George H. Havens has been appointed administrator of the estate of the late D. E. D. Beher, who died without leaving a will., 21 Sep 1900, Rushville, Rush, IN. 45 44. Newspaper: Rushville Republcan: The drug stock and fixtures of the late Dr. E. D. Beher will be sold at administrator's sale on the 26th of this month., 4 Jan 1901, Rushville, Rush, IN. 46 45. Newspaper: Rushville Republcan: Dr. Fred. Hall, of Arlington, bought the drugs and fixtures formerly owned by the late Dr. E. D. Beher, at auction, last Saturday. The bid was $230. Dr. Hall will remove them to Arlington., 29 Jan 1901, Rushville, Rush, IN. 47 46. Newspaper: Rushville Republican: Estate Lawsuit, 1 Feb 1901, Rushville, Rush, IN. 48 Mrs. Mahala Beher, Mrs. F. B. Johnson and husband, and George H. Havens, administrator, have filed a suit in court against Edward H. Beher, to partition the estate of the late Dr. E. D. Beher. He owned the lot on which the home is situated on Second street, and lots 5 to 10 in the new addition, beside real estate in Hancock county. 47. Newspaper: Rushville Republican: Estate of Dr. E. D. Beher, 19 Feb 1901, Rushville, Rush, IN. 49 Rush G. Budd, John M. Stier and George F. Mull, have been appointed commissioners by the court to set off the one-third part of the estate of the late Dr. E. D. Beher to his widow, Mahala Beher. The estate has been partitioned among the heirs, Mahala Beher, Anna Johnson and Edward H. Beher, who receive one-third part each. 48. Newspaper: Rushville Republcan: George H. Havens, commissioner has reported the sale of lots 6 to 10 inclusive, in the new addition to Rushville, formerly owned by Dr. E. D. Beher, deceased, to Harriet Shivell, for $1450 in cash. Court confirmed the sale., 26 Apr 1901, Rushville, Rush, IN. 50 49. Newspaper: Rushville Republcan: George H. Havens, commissioner is the Beher estate, reported the sale of lot 21 in Pierson's second addition to Greenfield, to Lettie M. Harrell, for $375. The sale was confirmed by the court., 21 May 1901, Rushville, Rush, IN. 51 50. Newspaper: Rushville Republcan: George H. Havens, commissioner, in the partition suit of Mahala Beher vs. Edward H. Beher, reported the sale of three lots in Greenfield for $1700. The report and deeds were approved., 6 Sep 1901, Rushville, Rush, IN. 52 51. Newspaper: Rushville Republcan: George H. Havens, commissioner in the Beher estate, has sold lot 106 in Exchange addition to Greenfield, to George Walter Havens, for $25. The court has confirmed the sale., 14 Feb 1902, Rushville, Rush, IN. 53 52. Newspaper: Rushville Republcan: Final Report of Estate of Edward D. Beher, 18 Apr 1902, Rushville, Rush, IN. 54 Smith, Cambern & Smith, Attoneys. Edward married Mahala Wilkens Havens, daughter of Rev. James Havens and Anna Higgenbottom, on 1 Mar 1858 in Rushville, Rush, IN.1 (Mahala Wilkens Havens was born on 12 Jun 1830 in , Rush, IN,4 55 died on 19 Jun 1907 in Rushville, Rush, IN 4 55 and was buried on 21 Jun 1907 in Rushville: East Hill Cemetery, Rush, IN 1 4 55.) |
1 The Daily Republican (Rushville, IN), 19 Jun 1907, page 1. Obituary of Mahala Beher.
2 Find A Grave, https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/50533286.
3 Ancestry.com, "Indiana, U.S., Death Certificates, 1899-2017," Certificate 71 16 Edward Davis Beher, father Samuel Beher, mother Eliza Davis.
4 Ancestry.com, "Indiana, U.S., Death Certificates, 1899-2017," Certificate 14. Mahala Beher. Father James Havins. Mother Anna Higgenbottom. Spouse E. D. Beher. Informant Anna Johnson.
5 The Elkhart Review (Elkhart, IN), 19 Sep 1900, page 1. Pioneer Druggist Dies.
6 Rushville Republican (Rushville, IN), 14 Sep 1900, page 4. Obituary of Dr. Edward Davis Beher.
7 Rushville Republican (Rushville, IN), 2 Apr 1951, page 1. Obituary of Anna Beher Johnson.
8 Ancestry.com, "Indiana, U.S., Death Certificates, 1899-2017," Certificate 13931 Anna E. Johnson, father Edward Beher, mother Mahala Havens.
9 1840 United States Census, https://familysearch.org/pal:/MM9.1.1/XHYP-9HK Samuel Beher, Rushville Township, Rush, Indiana, United States; citing p. 179.
10 1850 United States Census, https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:MXQ7-Y9B Edward Beher in household of Elizabeth Davis, Delhi, Hamilton, Ohio, United States; citing family 876.
11 U.S., Civil War Draft Registrations Records, 1863-1865 (www.Ancestry.com), Indiana > 4th > Vol 1 of 3 > Printed Page 15. Online Image 32.
12 The Hancock Democrat (Greenfield, IN), 4 Jan 1883, page 3. About People column.
13 Rushville Republican (Rushville, IN), 28 Feb 1889, page 5.
14 Rushville Republican (Rushville, IN), 7 Mar 1889, page 1.
15 Rushville Republican (Rushville, IN), 26 Sep 1889, page 1.
16 Rushville Republican (Rushville, IN), 10 Apr 1890, page 5.
17 Rushville Republican (Rushville, IN), 24 Jul 1890, page 3.
18 Rushville Republican (Rushville, IN), 13 Nov 1890, page 1.
19 Rushville Republican (Rushville, IN), 19 Mar 1891, page 1.
20 Rushville Republican (Rushville, IN), 26 Mar 1891, page 7.
21 Rushville Republican (Rushville, IN), 16 Apr 1891, page 2.
22 Rushville Republican (Rushville, IN), 13 Dec 1892, page 6.
23 Rushville Republican (Rushville, IN), 20 Jan 1893, page 4.
24 Rushville Republican (Rushville, IN), 9 May 1893, page 2.
25 Rushville Republican (Rushville, IN), 18 Jul 1893, page 4.
26 Rushville Republican (Rushville, IN), 1 Sep 1893, page 4.
27 Rushville Republican (Rushville, IN), 10 Oct 1893, page 4.
28 Rushville Republican (Rushville, IN), 28 Aug 1894, page 4.
29 The Hancock Democrat (Greenfield, IN), 10 Oct 1895, page 1.
30 Rushville Republican (Rushville, IN), 31 Dec 1895, page 4.
31 Rushville Republican (Rushville, IN), 6 Mar 1896, page 4.
32 Rushville Republican (Rushville, IN), 28 Aug 1896, page 4.
33 Rushville Republican (Rushville, IN), 24 Nov 1896, page 4.
34 Rushville Republican (Rushville, IN), 1 Dec 1896, page 4.
35 Rushville Republican (Rushville, IN), 11 Dec 1896, page 4.
36 Rushville Republican (Rushville, IN), 12 Jan 1897, page 2.
37 Rushville Republican (Rushville, IN), 16 Jul 1897, page 4.
38 Rushville Republican (Rushville, IN), 17 Aug 1897, page 2.
39 Rushville Republican (Rushville, IN), 29 Apr 1898, page 4.
40 Rushville Republican (Rushville, IN), 17 Jan 1899, page 4.
41 Rushville Republican (Rushville, IN), 14 Apr 1899, page 4.
42 Rushville Republican (Rushville, IN), 5 Jun 1900, page 4.
43 Rushville Republican (Rushville, IN), 24 Jul 1900, page 4.
44 Rushville Republican (Rushville, IN), 17 Aug 1900, page 4.
45 Rushville Republican (Rushville, IN), 21 Sep 1900, page 4.
46 Rushville Republican (Rushville, IN), 4 Jan 1901, page 4.
47 Rushville Republican (Rushville, IN), 29 Jan 1901, page 4.
48 Rushville Republican (Rushville, IN), 1 Feb 1901, page 4.
49 Rushville Republican (Rushville, IN), 19 fEb 1901, page 4, estate of Dr. Edward Davis Beher.
50 Rushville Republican (Rushville, IN), 26 Apr 1901, page 4.
51 Rushville Republican (Rushville, IN), 21 May 1901, page 4.
52 Rushville Republican (Rushville, IN), 6 Sep 1901, page 4.
53 Rushville Republican (Rushville, IN), 14 Feb 1902, page 4.
54 Rushville Republican (Rushville, IN), 23 Aug 1901, page 4.
55 Find A Grave, https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/50533290.
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