Frederick Jeremiah Hepner
Dorothy A. Hulsizer
Shirley M. Hepner


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1. Ralph Edward Bucher

Shirley M. Hepner 1 3

  • Born: 9 Jan 1930, , , Pennylvania, USA
  • Marriage (1): Ralph Edward Bucher on 17 Apr 1948 in Sunbury, Northumberland, PA 1 2
  • Died: 25 Mar 2020, Danville, Montour, PA at age 90

  Noted events in her life were:

1. Newspaper: The Daily Item, 20 Apr 1948, Sunbury, Northumberland, PA. 2 Shirley Hepner Wed To Ralph E. Bucher
Miss Shirley Hepner, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frederick J. Hepner of 604 North Fifth street, became the bride of Ralph E. Bucher, son of Mr. and Mrs. Claude E. Bucher, 239 Penn street, in an informal double ring ceremony performed at the home of the bridegroom Saturday evening at seven o'clock. Rev. C. W. Buffington, pastor of First Reformed Church, solemnized the marriage vows. The bride, given in marriage by her father, wore a powder blue suit, navy blue accessories, and a corsage of white rosebuds. The bridegroom was attired in a navy blue suit of conventional cut.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Aurand, brother-in-law and sister of the bridegroom, were in attendance on the couple, and relatives and friends comprised the group of who witnessed the ceremony and remained for the reception held at the Bucher home after the wedding. A wedding dinner was held on Sunday at the home of the bride's parents, with ten guests present. The couple will reside at the Hepner home and continue in their respective employment.
Mr. Bucher, a Navy veteran of World War II, is a clerk in the Weis Pure Food Company Store on Walnut street. Mrs. Bucher is engaged as soda fountain clerk in the No. 1 Rea and Derick Store.

Shirley married Ralph Edward Bucher, son of Claude Edward Bucher and Hazel Faye Silverwood, on 17 Apr 1948 in Sunbury, Northumberland, PA.1 2 (Ralph Edward Bucher was born on 4 May 1928 in Sunbury, Northumberland, PA,1 died on 12 Dec 2009 in Sunbury, Northumberland, PA 1 and was buried on 17 Dec 2009 in Stonington: Northumberland Memorial Park, Northumberland, PA 1.)


1 The Daily Item (Sunbury, PA), 14 Dec 2009 page A6 obituary of Ralph Edward Bucher.

2 The Daily Item (Sunbury, PA), 20 Apr 1948 page 12 Shirley Hepner Wed To Ralph E. Bucher.

3 The Daily Item (Sunbury, PA), 29 Nov 2015 page B5 obituary of Ronie E. Bucher.

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