John Weiser Bucher 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
- Born: 15 Sep 1835, Sunbury, Northumberland, PA 4 5 6 7 10
- Marriage (1): Esther A. Beard on 15 Dec 1858 in Sunbury Twp.: Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church, Northumberland, PA 1 2 3 4
- Marriage (2): Mary Jane Clement on 4 Mar 1868 in Sunbury, Northumberland, PA 2 4
- Marriage (3): Mary Faust on 13 Feb 1872 in Sunbury, Northumberland, PA 2 4
- Died: 6 Apr 1921, Kingman, Mohave, AZ at age 85 4 8 10 11 12
- Buried: Sunbury: Lower Cemetery, Northumberland, PA 8 11
FamilySearch ID: KZWR-R8V.
Death Notes:
He died of pneumonia.
Burial Notes:
His Arizona death certificate notes his body was removed to Sunbury, PA on April 9, 1921.
Noted events in his life were:
1. He was employed in Sunbury, Northumberland, PA. 4 John Weiser Bucher lived in Sunbury and worked for his father-in-law, Ira. T. Clement, as bookkeeper.
2. Census in 1860 in Sunbury, Northumberland, PA. 13 The 1860 Census shows Francis Bucher, 53, tanner, living with Mary A., 47; Emily A., 21; Edward M., 19, apprentice to druggist; Richard F., 17, apprentice to tanner; and William H., 11. Living next door is Francis' son John W. Bucher, age 24, tanner, and with him is Esther A., 24; and Francis E., 9 months on June 18, 1860 when the census was recorded. The post office is Sunbury. Everyone was born in Pennsylvania. Living next door is Elizabeth Weiser, 73, the widow of George Weiser who began the tannery Francis now operated, who was Francis' older sister. She is living with her daughter Margaret M.
3. Census in 1880 in Sunbury, Northumberland, PA. 6 John W. Bucher, 45, clerk in planing mill, is living with wife Mary F., 40; son Francis E., 21, at school; John B., 19, at school; William H., 6; Sarah H., 2; and George F., 4 months. Also with them is Mary's father, Samuel Faust, 61, hat merchant; and Ella Shafer, 18, servant. Everyone and their parents were born in Pennsylvania.
4. Residence: Arch Street near Fourth St. On 1 Jan 1888 in Sunbury, Northumberland, PA. 14
5. Book: History of Northumberland County, 1891. 15 JOHN WEISER BUCHER.- The Bucher family date their advent into Northumberland county back to the Indian occupation, and the name figures with more or less prominence in all the succeeding generations. Henry Bucher, grandfather of John W., reared a large family of children, and his youngest son, Francis, a tanner by occupation, married Mary Ann Mawser, December 8, 1831, reared six sons and two daughters, and died, March 19, 1875. Of his eight children, the subject of this sketch is the oldest of four sons and one daughter now living. He was born in Sunbury, September 15, 1835, received an academic education, learned the tanning business under his father, and at the age of about twenty years became clerk and deputy of the register and recorder, a position he filled about six years. He was next appointed deputy prothonotary and held that office one year. In February, 1864, he enlisted in Company C, Forty-seventh Pennsylvania Volunteers, at Harrisburg, and served one year as a private under General Hancock in the Nineteenth army corps. He was mustered out at Charleston, South Carolina, returned to Sunbury, and for two or three succeeding years was engaged in the tanning business. His next employment was with Ira T. Clement as book-keeper of that gentleman's manufacturing establishment, a position he was continued in for several years. He has been secretary of the Sunbury Steam Ferry and Tow Boat Company and associate manager or superintendent of the various manufacturing industries of Mr. Clement, in whose employ he was for the fourth of a century. Mr. Bucher has been chief burgess and treasurer of Sunbury and four of five terms borough councilman. In July 1890, he was elected secretary and treasurer of the Sunbury Trust & Safe Deposit Company, a new bank now being started up on the corner of Fourth and market streets. He is prominent in Masonry, Odd Fellowship, Knights of Pythias, Improved Order of Red Men, and the Reformed church. He was first married in Sunbury, December 15, 1858, to Hester A., daughter of the late James Beard, at one time prothonotary of the county and afterward a lawyer. She died December 26,1862, leaving three children: Francis Edward, a lawyer in Philadelphia: John Beard, a merchant of Sunbury, and Mary Margaret, who was born, September 13, 1862, and died, February 14, 1877. His second wife, to whom he was married, March 4, 1868, was Mary Jane, daughter of Ira T. Clement, who died in December following, leaving one child, Laura C. February 13, 1872, Mr. Bucher married Mary Faust, by whom he has had five children: Samuel Faust, deceased; William Henry; Sarah Helen; George Franklin, and Mary Ann Masser. deceased.
6. Book: History of Northumberland County, 1891. 16 Page 793 in this book is a full-page portrait of John Weiser Bucher.
7. Book: History of Northumberland County, 1891. 17 Tanneries were for many years the most important local industrial feature. Jacob Yoner's, which first appears in the assessment of 1788, was doubtless the earliest established; it was situated on the west side of Second street immediately north of the Shamokin Valley railroad. After pursuing his calling at this place for more than twenty-five years, Mr. Yoner moved to Selinsgrove, Pennsylvania, in 1818, and sold the property to Isaac Zeigler. He continued the business until within a short time before his death, July 25, 1840; Conrad J. Fry and Francis Bucher then operated the plant several years, and it was subsequently destroyed by fire.
The second tannery established was that of Christian Gettig; it was situated on the south side of Chestnut street at the present site of James C. Packer's residence and the Reformed parsonage, and first appears in the assessment of 1793. The first proprietor died in 1797; in his will he mentions the bark-mill and also a quantity of leather in various stages of preparation, and devises his establishment to his son, Christian Gettig, Jr., who continued operations until his death in 1802; several years later the property was purchased by Dr. Solomon Markley, by whom the building was adapted to other purposes.
The Robins tannery, which was also established in the last century, occupied the southeast corner of Market and Fifth streets. It first appears in the assessment of 1796, credited to Zachariah Robins; several years later he was succeeded by Thomas Robins and John Spear, who dissolved partnership in 1803. Thomas Robins was individual owner in 1805, and Zachariah Robins in 1811; from that time the establishment was operated by Thomas, John, and Gilbert Robins, and possibly by Gideon Markle also, until finally abandoned. William Dewart, Jr., is credited with a "large tanyard" in the assessment of 1802; it occupied the southeast corner of Chestnut and Third streets, and was one of the principal establishments of this nature for many years.
At some time between 1808 and 1811 it was purchased by George Weiser, subsequently associate judge of Northumberland county, who continued the business nearly half a century. The establishment was then operated under lease by Francis Bucher, and by Bucher Brothers (J. Weiser and E. Masser Bucher) until its destruction by fire in 1866. Frederick Haas established a tannery on the north side of Market street at the second lot east of Fourth at some time between 1820 and 1823, as evidenced by its first appearance on the assessment books at the latter date. It was then operated for some years by Charles Gobin and subsequently by Henry Haas. Bucher Brothers (J. Weiser and E. Masser Bucher) built a tannery at the southeast corner of Center alley and Linden street in 1866. This partnership was dissolved in 1868, after which the business was continued by E. Masser Bucher individually until 1871. This was the last tanning establishment at Sunbury, and the only one that was equipped with modern appliances.
8. Census in 1900 in Sunbury, Northumberland, PA. 7 At 1048 Front Street was John W. Bucher, bookkeeper, 64, born Sep 1835, married for 41 years, but his wife is not listed. Living with him is Sarah H., 22, May 1878, single; and a widow. Sarah F. Hoffman, "s-in-law", 49, born Apr 1851, who had given birth to one child no longer living. Everyone and their parents were born in Pennsylvania.
9. Book: Genealogical & Biographical Annals of Northumberland County, 1911. 2 John Weiser Bucher received an academic education, and learned the trade of tanner with his father. When about twenty years old he became clerk and deputy to the register and recorder, filling that position about six years, after which he was appointed deputy prothonotary, serving as such one year; he also served one term as deputy treasurer of the county. He served one year in the Civil war, and upon his return to Sunbury resumed the tanning business, at which he was engaged for two or three years. He then entered the employ of Ira T. Clement, in whose employ be continued for a quarter of a century, beginning as bookkeeper in his manufacturing establishment and after several years in that position becoming secretary of the Sunbury Steam Ferry and Tow Boat Company and associate manager or superintendent of the various manufacturing industries of Mr. Clement. In July, 1890, he was elected secretary and treasurer of the Sunbury Trust & Safe Deposit Company, then a new banking concern, just established in its quarters at Fourth and Market streets. Though not as active in business as formerly, Mr. Bucher retained many of his local interests as long as he remained in Sunbury. On Feb. 19, 1911, he and his daughter Sarah left Sunbury for Kingman, Ariz., to make their home with his son William Henry. Mr. Bucher took a prominent part in administering the public affairs of the borough, having served many years as town clerk and in the council, and in 1868 as chief burgess; he was also elected treasurer of the borough, in every position justifying the confidence his fellow citizens have shown in his ability and integrity. He cast his first vote for Buchanan, but has since been a Republican in politics. In February, 1865, Mr. Bucher enlisted in Company C, 47th P. V. I., at Harrisburg, and served one year in the 19th Army Corps, as a private under General Hancock. He was mustered cut at Charleston, S. C. He is a prominent member of Lieut. William A. Brunner Post, No. 335, G.A.R., of Sunbury, and served as quartermaster of that organization continuously from 1895. The history of the members of that post which he compiled, containing a biography with detailed war record of 246 comrades, cost him much time and labor, occupying him for over two years, and is a valuable and interesting work; he has also compiled a complete roster of the post. Mr. Bucher is quite an authority on matters of local history having long devoted much of his leisure to intelligent study, and his fine library of over fifteen hundred volumes contains many valuable works, which he thoroughly appreciates and enjoys. In his more active years he was prominent in various fraternal bodies, and he was the oldest Mason in Sunbury (member of Lodge No. 22, F. & A.M.) and the oldest Odd Fellow in that borough (member of Lodge No. 203). He formerly held membership in the Knights of Pythias, I.O.R.M., P.O.S. of A. and American Mechanics. He was long identified with the First Reformed Church of Sunbury, which he served many years as organist. In 1891 Mr. Bucher erected the beautiful home at No. 1048 River Road which he occupied until his removal from the borough. On Dec. 15, 1858, Mr. Bucher was married in Sunbury to Hester A. Beard, daughter of James Beard (deceased), at one time prothonotary of Northumberland county and afterward a lawyer. She died Dec. 26, 1862, leaving three children: Francis Edward, who graduated from Franklin and Marshall College, Lancaster, Pa., and is now a prominent lawyer in Philadelphia; John Beard, a merchant of Sunbury; and Mary Margaret, born Sept. 13, 1862, who died Feb. 14, 1877. On March 4, 1868, Mr. Bucher married (second) Mary Jane Clement daughter of Ira T. Clement and she died in December of the same year, leaving a daughter, Laura Irene, born Dec. 19, 1868, who died Nov. 2, 1892. On Feb. 13, 1872, Mr. Bucher married (third) Mary Faust, and to their union were born five children: Samuel Faust, who is deceased; William Henry, a graduate of Bucknell University, Lewisburg, Pa., and of the Medico-Chirurgical College, Philadelphia, who was a surgeon in the United States navy from 1897 and because of physical disability stationed at Kingman, Ariz., since 1908 (he is now retired); Sarah Helen, unmarried; George Franklin; and Mary Ann Masser, deceased.
10. Residence: on 19 Feb 1911 in Kingman, Mohave, AZ. 2
11. Residence: on 18 Apr 1919 in Kingman, Mohave, AZ. 9
12. Obituary: Mohave County Miner and Our Mineral Wealth on 8 Apr 1921 in Kingman, Mohave, AZ. 12 JOHN W. BUCHER PASSES INTO THE GREAT BEYOND John W. Bucher, aged 85 years six months, died at the home of his daughter, Mrs. S. D. Stewart, in Kingman, last Wednesday. Death was due to an attack of pleurisy which developed into pneumonia. Mr. Bucher was born in Sunbury, Pennsylvania, Sept 15, 1835, and lived in that place until his 75th birthday, when he removed to Arizona. He was a veteran of the civil war, having enlisted in the 47th Penn. Vol. infantry, and served throughout the war, having marched with Sherman to the sea. He was an honored member of both the Odd Fellows and Masonic lodges, having been an active member of the former order 60 years and of the latter organization 50 years. Five years ago his home lodge presented him with a veteran's jewel, the presentation ceremony occasioning a special session of Kingman lodge of Odd Fellows. During his residence in Kingman Mr. Bucher endeared himself to a wide circle of friends and acquaintances by his uniformly courteous manner and loveable disposition. He was a great booster of Arizona, believing it to have the most wonderful future of any of the states of the west or southwest. He leaves three children, Dr. W. M., Frances Edward, John Beard, and Mrs. S. D. Stewart. Mrs. Stewart and Dr. Bucher are well known here and were with their aged parent during his last illness. Funeral services will be held at the M. E. Church tomorrow afternoon at 3 o'clock under the auspices of the local lodge of Masons. The remains will be taken to the old home in Pennsylvania for interment. The death of this gentle, kindly old gentleman has been a shock to the community and the condolences of the people go out to the sorrowing relatives during their bereavement.
13. Newspaper: The Daily Item, 16 Apr 1921, Sunbury, Northumberland, PA. 18 DR. W. H. BUCHER HERE FOR FATHER'S FUNERAL Dr. Will H. Bucher, brother of John B. Bucher of 912 South Front street, and a Sunbury native, has gone to Philadelphia, after having come to of his father, John Bucher, this place, Thursday for the funeral. Dr. Bucher is a widely traveled man, having visited practically every country in the world, and not many months ago returned from Siberia, where he was in the Red Cross service. He has been spending much of his time in Kingman, Arizona, and is delighted with the climate and surroundings of that state.
John married Esther A. Beard, daughter of James Beard and Susan M. Gehrig, on 15 Dec 1858 in Sunbury Twp.: Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church, Northumberland, PA.1 2 3 4 (Esther A. Beard was born in 1835,4 19 died on 26 Dec 1862 in Sunbury, Northumberland, PA 2 4 19 20 21 and was buried in Sunbury: Lower Cemetery, Northumberland, PA 19.)
John next married Mary Jane Clement, daughter of Ira Thorne Clement and Sarah Martz, on 4 Mar 1868 in Sunbury, Northumberland, PA.2 4 (Mary Jane Clement was born on 30 Jun 1843 in , , Pennylvania, USA,22 23 24 died on 27 Dec 1868 in Sunbury, Northumberland, PA 2 4 23 24 and was buried in Sunbury: Lower Cemetery, Northumberland, PA 23.)
John next married Mary Faust, daughter of Samuel Faust and Margaretta Miller, on 13 Feb 1872 in Sunbury, Northumberland, PA.2 4 (Mary Faust was born on 17 Dec 1842 in Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA,4 6 25 26 died on 12 Jul 1917 in Mahoning Township, Montour, PA 4 25 26 and was buried in Sunbury: Lower Cemetery, Northumberland, PA 25.)