Cyrus Morton Beecher 2 3 4 5 6 7
Other names for Cyrus were Mort Beecher 9 and Syrus M. Beecher.10 FamilySearch ID: LDH9-XZP. Noted events in his life were: 1. Census in 1870 in Peru, Miami, IN. 2 William V. Beecher, 38, farmer, was living with wife Julia H., 34; Margaret J., 16; Mary J., 12; Elizabeth E., 11; George L., 7; Cyrus M., 5; William, 2; Benjamin, 68; and Margaret, 64. Benjamin, Margaret, and William V. were born in Pennsylvania. George, Cyrus, and young William in Indiana, and the others in Ohio. William's real estate was worth $3800, his personal estate $1240. 2. Census in 1880 in Jefferson Twp., Miami, IN. 11 William Beecher, 48, farmer, is found in the 1880 Census in Jefferson in Miami County living with his wife, Julia A, age 44; Mary J., 22; Elizabeth E., 20; George L, 17; Cyrus M., 15; William C.; 13; Grant U.S., 10; Charles W., 7; and Gracie P., 4; plus Margret Beecher, mother, age 75. William and his mother were born in PA; Julia, Mary and Elizabeth in OH; and all other children in IN. 3. Census in 1900 in Kalkaska, Kalkaska, MI. 10 Syrus Beecher, drayman, 35, born Jan 1865, was married for 13 years to Julia V., 34, Feb 1866. She had birthed 4 children, 3 were alive in 1900: Fern, 11, Feb 1889; Howard, 8, Feb 1892; and Clyde, 1, Sep 1898. Everyone was born in Indiana. Syrus' parents were born in Pennsylvania; Julia's father was from Ohio, and mother from Indiana. 4. Census in 1910 in Alamogordo, Otero, NM. 12 The 1910 census recorded at 192 Virginia Avenue: Cyrus M. Beecher, clerk grocery store, 45, living with wife Julia V., 44; daughter A. Fern, 21; and sons T. Howard, 18; and W. Clyde, 11. They were married for 23 years and had birthed 4 children, 3 alive in 1910. Everyone was born in Indiana except W. Clyde in Michigan. Cyrus' father was born in Pennsylvania and his mother in Ohio. Julia's father was born in Ohio and her mother in Indiana. 5. Newspaper: Van Nuys News: "Mr. And Mrs. C. M. Beecher had as guests the past week Mrs. F. P. Reed, of Santa Monica; Mrs. Emma Clark, of Kalkaska, Michigan, and Mrs. Beecher's brother, Rev. F. E. Dell, and wife, of Highland, California.", 28 Apr 1916, Van Nuys, Los Angeles, CA. 13 6. Newspaper: Van Nuys News: "Rev. And Mrs. F. E. Dell of San Bernardino spent Christmas at the home of Mr. And Mrs. C. M. Beecher.", 26 Dec 1919, Van Nuys, Los Angeles, CA. 14 15 7. Census in 1920 in Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA. 16 The 1920 census recorded at 162 Delano Street: Cirus Beecher, clerk grocery store, 50, living with wife Julia V., 53; and son Clyde William, single, no occupation, 21. Cirus was born in Indiana, his father in Pennsylvania and mother in Ohio. Julia and her mother were born in Indiana, her father in Ohio. Clyde was born in Michigan. 8. Newspaper: Van Nuys News: "Mr. And Mrs. C. M. Beecher had as guests last Sunday, Mr. And Mrs. F. R. Reed of Santa Monica and Mr. And Mrs. Chas. Reed and Mr. And Mrs. Wm. Reed of Detroit, Mich.", 23 Jan 1920, Van Nuys, Los Angeles, CA. 14 17 9. Newspaper: Van Nuys News: "For Sale - Jersey cow, 4 years old. Tuberculin tested. Inquire of Beecher at Rock Bottom Grocery.", 19 Mar 1920, Van Nuys, Los Angeles, CA. 14 18 10. Newspaper: Van Nuys News: "A Rebekah lodge, which is the ladies' auxiliary of the Odd Fellows Order, was instituted in Van Nuys of March 18th. The charter list is as follows: ... C. M. And Julia Beecher...", 2 Apr 1920, Van Nuys, Los Angeles, CA. 14 19 11. Newspaper: Van Nuys News: New Manager For The Local Rock Bottom Store, 19 Nov 1920, Van Nuys, Los Angeles, CA. 20 The Rock Bottom store on Sherman Way, which is a branch of a chain of stores owned by the Federal Grocery company of Los Angeles, will be managed in the future by C. M. Beecher of this city, Mr. C. M. Inman, the former manager, having resigned to take charge of a manufacturing business in Florida. 12. Newspaper: Van Nuys News: "Rev. And Mrs. Frank Dell of Grass Valley, Cal., visited Wednesday with Rev. Dell's sister, Mrs. C. M. Beecher.", 30 Dec 1920, Van Nuys, Los Angeles, CA. 21 13. Newspaper: Van Nuys News: "Mr. C. M. Beecher has started enlarging and improving the Rock Bottom store, which will now take in part of the adjoining store room previously occuped by the Van Nuys Feed and Fuel company.", 31 Mar 1921, Van Nuys, Los Angeles, CA. 22 23 14. Newspaper: Van Nuys News: "Mr. And Mrs. C. M. Beecher and son, Clyde, and Misses Schaffner and Jenie Campbell enjoyed an outing on Big Rock Creek near Palmdale the first of the week.", 8 Sep 1921, Van Nuys, Los Angeles, CA. 24 15. Newspaper: Van Nuys News: "Mr. And Mrs.J. H. Carr of El Paso, Tex., arrived in Van Nuys Sunday for a visit with Mrs. Carr's parents, Mr. And Mrs. C. M. Beecher.", 15 Aug 1922, Van Nuys, Los Angeles, CA. 25 16. Newspaper: Van Nuys News: "Word has been received in Van Nuys of the death, Sunday morning, of Mrs. Naomi Dell, mother of Mrs. C. M. Beecher of Mission Acres. Mrs. Dell was a resident of Spring Lake, Mich.", 27 Jul 1923, Van Nuys, Los Angeles, CA. 26 17. Newspaper: Van Nuys News: J. H. Carr Family Visits C. M. Beecher, 28 Aug 1925, Van Nuys, Los Angeles, CA. 27 28 Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Beecher and Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Carr spent the week at Santa Barbara and at Catalina. Mrs. Carr is a daughter of Mrs. Beecher and lives at El Paso, Texas. She and Mr. Carr have been visitors at the Beecher home in Mission Acres for the last three weeks. They came here to attend the wedding of Mrs. Carr's brother, Clyde Beecher to Miss Jennie Campbell, not long ago. Mr. and Mrs. Carr will return to El Paso early tomorrow morning. 18. Newspaper: Van Nuys News: "Mrs. Howard Beecher and daughter of Indianapolis arrived in Van Nuys Saturday for an extended visit with Mr. And Mrs. C. M. Beecher.", 29 Jun 1926, Van Nuys, Los Angeles, CA. 28 29 19. Newspaper: Van Nuys News: "Mr. And Mrs. Clyde Beecher have returned from a two weeks' vacation, spent up in the big trees country.", 20 Aug 1926, Van Nuys, Los Angeles, CA. 28 30 20. Newspaper: Van Nuys News: "Mr. And Mrs. Howard Beecher and daughter, Murial of Indianapolis, and Mrs. J. H. Carr of Helena, Mont., are visiting Mr. And Mrs. C. M. Beecher of Mission Acres. Mr. And Mrs. Beecher are the parents of Howard Beecher and Mrs. J. H. Carr.", 27 Aug 1926, Van Nuys, Los Angeles, CA. 28 31 21. Newspaper: Van Nuys News: William C. Beecher Moving to California, 14 Jan 1927, Van Nuys, Los Angeles, CA. 32 William C. Beecher, visiting here from Mexico, Ind., expects to make his permanent home in San Fernando Valley. Mr. Beecher is spending the winter at the home of his brother, C. M. Beecher of Mission Acres. Visitors last week at the Beecher home were Calvin Fisher, Mr. and Mrs. J. Maus and Mr. and Mrs. Andrews of Indiana. 22. Newspaper: Van Nuys News: "C. M. Beecher of Sepulveda boulevard has been very ill since last Tuesday with an attack of heart trouble.", 30 Aug 1927, Van Nuys, Los Angeles, CA. 33 23. Newspaper: Van Nuys News: "C. M. Beecher Must Retire", 20 Sep 1927, Van Nuys, Los Angeles, CA. 34 C. M. Beecher of Sepulveda boulevard, who collapsed some weeks ago with heart disease, is still confined to his bed. Mr. Beecher was a very successful poultry man. His doctors have forbidden him to do any heavy work in the future, so his plans failed. Recently he sold the south half of his place, with a 160-foot frontage on Sepulveda boulevard. He is also selling off all his chickens and expects to retire from all strenuous labor. 24. Newspaper: Van Nuys News: Mrs. C. M. Beecher of Sepulveda advertised a house for rent in Friday's issue of The News and rented it that evening before receiving her copy of the paper. "That's service," was her comment., 4 Oct 1927, Van Nuys, Los Angeles, CA. 35 25. Newspaper: Van Nuys News: Beechers Also To Move Away, 11 Oct 1927, Van Nuys, Los Angeles, CA. 22 C. M. Beecher, Sepulveda poultryman who recently sold his chickens because of a break in health, has leased his property and will soon move to San Diego to make his home with his son, Rev. Clyde Beecher, who is pastor of the Central Methodist church of San Diego. 26. Newspaper: Van Nuys News: Kurkjion Takes Over Beecher Place, 1 Nov 1927, Van Nuys, Los Angeles, CA. 36 Jacob Kurkjion of Van Nuys has leased the C. M. Beecher place on the corner of Sepulveda boulevard and Nordhoff street. He has jus transferred his fine flock of 700 White Leghorn pullets to the place. 27. Newspaper: Van Nuys News: Mr. And Mrs. C. M. Beecher, former Sepulveda residents who have wintered in San Diego, were calling on friends in Sepulveda last week.", 20 Mar 1928, Van Nuys, Los Angeles, CA. 37 28. Newspaper: Van Nuys News: Beechers Home in Van Nuys Again, 25 Jan 1929, Van Nuys, Los Angeles, CA. 38 ARE HOME AGAIN 29. Newspaper: Van Nuys News: Mr. And Mrs. Beecher Return From Visit To Many States, 8 Feb 1929, Van Nuys, Los Angeles, CA. 39 Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Beecher of Sepulveda recently returned from a 15 month trip which took them to San Diego, Indiana, Michigan, Montana, Illinois, Colorado, Seattle, Tacoma, and San Francisco. The return from Seattle was made on the boat "Ruth Alexander." Their trip included many enjoyable reunions with old friends and relatives in all of the places which were visited. Mr. and Mrs. Beecher state that they had a most enjoyable journey, yet after visiting all of these delightful places, the San Fernando Valley is the ideal spot to live. 30. Census in 1930 in Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA. 40 The 1930 census recorded owning a $10,000 home at 9059 Sepulveda Boulevard; Cyrus M. Beecher, poultryman on poultry ranch, 65, living with wife Julia V., 64. They were born in Indiana. His father was born in Pennsylvania and mother in Ohio. Her father was born in Ohio and mother in Indiana. 31. Newspaper: Van Nuys News: C. M. Beechers Have Holiday Guests, 2 Jan 1931, Van Nuys, Los Angeles, CA. 39 The home of Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Beecher on Friar street has been the setting for extensive activities during the holidays this season. At a dinner Sunday were seated Rev. and Mrs. Clyde beecher and Mary Catherine of La Mesa, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Schmitz of Reseda, Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Beecher of Huntington Park and the hosts. 32. Newspaper: Van Nuys News: "Mr. And Mrs. C. M. Beecher and their daughter, Mrs. J. H. Carr were guests of his brother, William Beecher and family at Santa Monica yesterday.", 20 Apr 1931, Van Nuys, Los Angeles, CA. 41 33. Newspaper: Van Nuys News: "Mr. And Mrs. C. M. Beecher and their daughter, Mrs. J. H. Carr were guests of his brother, William Beecher and family at Santa Monica yesterday.", 20 Apr 1931, Van Nuys, Los Angeles, CA. 41 34. Newspaper: Van Nuys News: Beecher Baby Baptised, 20 Apr 1931, Van Nuys, Los Angeles, CA. 41 Rev. and Mrs. Clyde Beecher and baby who have been visiting in Van Nuys during the two weeks that Rev. Beecher has attended a convention at Long Beach, left yesterday for this home in La Mesa. The Clyde Beechers, the C. M. Beechers and Mr. and Mrs. William Campbell motored to Long Beach Sunday when the baby was baptised. 35. Newspaper: Van Nuys News: Mrs. Elizabeth Beecher of Los Angeles spent Sunday with her cousin, Mrs. C. M. Beecher at 14317 Friar street. Another guest at the Beecher home last week was son-in-law J. H. Carr, Denver, supervisor for Mountain States Telephone company.., 23 Nov 1931, Van Nuys, Los Angeles, CA. 42 36. Residence: on 7 Dec 1931 in Van Nuys, Los Angeles, CA. 43 37. Newspaper: Van Nuys News: "Mr. And Mrs. C. F. Beecher of Columbia, Ohio, were visitors last week at the C. M. Beecher home, 14317 Friar street. They will make their home in Los Angeles.", 14 Mar 1932, Van Nuys, Los Angeles, CA. 44 38. Newspaper: Van Nuys News: "Mr. And Mrs. W. C. Beecher of Santa Monica were guests at the home of Mr. And Mrs. C. M. Beecher here Sunday.", 23 Apr 1934, Van Nuys, Los Angeles, CA. 22 39. Residence: on 11 Jul 1934 in Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA. 3 40. Newspaper: Van Nuys News: Indiana Visitors House Guests at Beecher Home, 31 Oct 1935, Van Nuys, Los Angeles, CA. 45 Mr. and Mrs. Grant Beecher of Kokomo, Ind., visiting in California for the first time in 20 years, are the house guests until Monday of Mr. Beecher's brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Beecher of Van Nuys. 41. Census in 1940 in Van Nuys, Los Angeles, CA. 46 The 1940 census recorded renting at 14319 Friar Street Cyrus M. Beecher, 75, living with wife Julia V., 74. They lived in the same place in 1935. They were born in Indiana. He had completed the 8th grade and she 2 years of high school. 42. Newspaper: Van Nuys News: "Veteran Odd Fellow Presented 60-Year Membership Emblem" Photo of C. M. Beecher, 25 Feb 1946, Van Nuys, Los Angeles, CA. 47 (photo of C. M. Beecher) 43. Obituary: Pharos-Tribune: obituary of C. M. "Mort" Beecher on 13 Oct 1948 in Logansport, Cass, IN. 9 C. M. ("Mort") Beecher, 83, former prominent Miami county resident, is dead at his home in Van Nuys, Calif. Death came suddenly as a result of heart failure. Funeral services and interment were to be held in Van Nuys. 44. Obituary: Van Nuys News: obituary of Cyrus M. Beecher (with photo) on 14 Oct 1948 in Van Nuys, Los Angeles, CA. 7 VAN NUYS PIONEER ANSWERED FINAL SUMMONS SUNDAY Cyrus married Julia Vanellie Dell, daughter of William Henry Harrison Dell and Naomi Murden, on 22 Dec 1887 in Mexico, Juniata, PA.1 (Julia Vanellie Dell was born on 14 Feb 1866 in Mexico, Miami, IN,48 died on 18 May 1941 in Van Nuys, Los Angeles, CA 48 and was buried in Chatsworth: Oakwood Memorial Park, Los Angeles, CA.) |
1 Miami County Indiana Marriages (Online at:, County Courthouse Book C8, Page 107.
2 1870 United States Census, Indiana, Miami County, Peru Township, Series: M593 Roll: 343 Page: 162.
3 Pharos-Tribune (Logansport, IN) (, 13 Jul 1934, page 7. Obituary of William Beecher.
4 The Van Nuys News (Van Nuys, California), 14 Aug 1925, page 7. Wedding of Campbell-Beecher.
5, California Death Index, 1940-1997 (Department of Public Health Services, Sacramento.), Cyrus M Beecher, 09 Oct 1948.
6, California, County Marriages, 1850-1952, William Clyde Beecher and Jennie Quesenbury Campbell, 1925.
7 The Van Nuys News (Van Nuys, California), 14 Oct 1948, page 7. Obituary of Cyrus M. Beecher.
8 History of Miami County, Indiana: From the Earliest Time to the Present, with Biographical Sketches, Notes, Etc. (Chicago, Brant & Fuller, 1887. Available online at Google Books.), Page 684. Biography of William V. Beecher.
9 Pharos-Tribune (Logansport, IN) (, 13 Oct 1948, page 13. Obituary of C. M. Mort Beecher.
10 1900 United States Census, Michigan, Kalkaska County, Kalkaska, Series: T623 Roll: 721 Page: 260.
11 1880 United States Census, Film T9-0298, Page 461B.
12 1910 United States Census, A Fern Beecher in household of Cyrus M Beecher, Alamogordo, Otero, New Mexico, United States; citing enumeration district (ED) 135, sheet 11A, family 196.
13 The Van Nuys News (Van Nuys, California), 28 Apr 1916, page 5.
14 The Van Nuys News (Van Nuys, California), 1 Feb 1918, page 5.
15 The Van Nuys News (Van Nuys, California), 26 Dec 1919, page 5.
16 1920 United States Census, Clyde William Beecher in entry for Cirus Beecher, 1920.
17 The Van Nuys News (Van Nuys, California), 23 Jan 1920, page 5.
18 The Van Nuys News (Van Nuys, California), 19 Mar 1920, page 10.
19 The Van Nuys News (Van Nuys, California), 2 Apr 1920, page 1.
20 The Van Nuys News (Van Nuys, California), 19 Nov 1920, page 16.
21 The Van Nuys News (Van Nuys, California), 30 Dec 1920, page 5.
22 The Van Nuys News (Van Nuys, California), 23 Apr 1934, page 12.
23 The Van Nuys News (Van Nuys, California), 31 Mar 1921, page 1.
24 The Van Nuys News (Van Nuys, California), 8 Sep 1921, page 7.
25 The Van Nuys News (Van Nuys, California), 15 Aug 1922, page 5.
26 The Van Nuys News (Van Nuys, California), 27 Jul 1923, page 1. Death of Mrs. Naomi Dell.
27 The Van Nuys News (Van Nuys, California), 28 Aug 1925, page 6.
28 The Van Nuys News (Van Nuys, California), 30 Apr 1920, page 5.
29 The Van Nuys News (Van Nuys, California), 29 Jun 1926, page 5.
30 The Van Nuys News (Van Nuys, California), 20 Aug 1926, page 7.
31 The Van Nuys News (Van Nuys, California), 27 Aug 1926, page 7.
32 The Van Nuys News (Van Nuys, California), 14 Jan 1927, page 7.
33 The Van Nuys News (Van Nuys, California), 30 Aug 1927, page 5.
34 The Van Nuys News (Van Nuys, California), 20 Sep 1927, page 8.
35 The Van Nuys News (Van Nuys, California), 4 Oct 1927, page 9.
36 The Van Nuys News (Van Nuys, California), 1 Nov 1927, page 2.
37 The Van Nuys News (Van Nuys, California), 20 Mar 1928, page 10.
38 The Van Nuys News (Van Nuys, California), 25 Jan 1929, page 15.
39 The Van Nuys News (Van Nuys, California), 8 Feb 1929, page 8.
40 1930 United States Census, Cyrus M Beecher.
41 The Van Nuys News (Van Nuys, California), 20 Apr 1931, page 10.
42 The Van Nuys News (Van Nuys, California), 23 Nov 1931, page 12.
43 Tombaugh, Wendell C., Fulton County Indiana Obits / Biogs, The Rochester Sentinel. (Tombaugh House, 700 Pontiac St, Rochester IN 46975-1538. 1993.), 1931.
44 The Van Nuys News (Van Nuys, California), 14 Mar 1932, page 16.
45 The Van Nuys News (Van Nuys, California), 31 Oct 1935, page 4.
46 1940 United States Census, Cyrus M Beecher, Councilmanic District 1, Los Angeles, Los Angeles Township, Los Angeles, California, United States; citing enumeration district (ED) 60-1305, sheet 20B, family 497.
47 The Van Nuys News (Van Nuys, California), 25 Feb 1946, page 1.
48, California Death Index, 1940-1997 (Department of Public Health Services, Sacramento.), Julia Vanellie Beecher, 18 May 1941.
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