John Beecher Sr.
Mary Ann Albrecht
Henry Carpenter
William Beecher
Julia Ann Carpenter
Julia Ann Beecher


Family Links

1. William Valentine Beecher

Julia Ann Beecher 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

  • Born: 4 Oct 1835, Gahanna, Franklin, OH 1 4 5 9 14
  • Marriage (1): William Valentine Beecher on 3 Apr 1853 in Columbus, Franklin, OH 1 2
  • Died: 14 Jul 1915, Peru, Miami, IN at age 79 4 5 9
  • Buried: 16 Jul 1915, Mexico: Green Lawn Cemetery, Miami, IN 4 5 9

   Another name for Julia was Julian A. Beecher.3

   FamilySearch ID: 99TX-WG5.

  Noted events in her life were:

1. Fact: Her maiden surname was Beecher, the same as her husband William., 4 Oct 1835, Gahanna, Franklin, OH. 9

2. Census in 1850 in Mifflin Twp., Franklin, OH. 9 15 William Reaker [mispelling of Beecher], farmer, 50, was living with wife Julia, 48.; Henry, farmer, 25; Elmira, 19; Matilda, 17; Julia, 14; and Barbary, 12. Everyone's birthplace is Pennsylvania except Ohio for the two youngest children. William's real estate is worth $500, and he is likely living on land given to him by his neighor and father-in-law, Henry Carpenter, occupation "none", 72, and his wife Harriett, 71, whose real estate is worth $400.

3. Court: Franklin Probate Court: Consent for Marriage or Julian A. Beecher to William V. Beecher on 2 Apr 1853 in , Franklin, OH. 2 To the Probate court of Franklin County, Ohio
I, William Beecher, the father of Julian A. Beecher who is under the age of eighteen years, hereby consent to the marriage of my said daughter with William V. Beecher
(signed) William Beecher, tanner
(signed) Julian Beeccher

Theodore Jones, April 2, 1853
The state of Ohio Franklin County SS.
I, Theodore Jones, make solem oath that I saw William & JUlian Beecher, father + mother of Julian A. Beecher above named sign the above and that they consented to the marriage of their said daughter with William V. Beecher, above named.
(signed) Theodore Jones

Sworn to and subscribed before me in the open court his 2d day of April AD 1853
(signed) Wm F. Wheeler
Dept. Clerk Prob Court



This 2d day of April A.D. 1853 personally came Theodore Jones and made oath that William V. Beecher is twenty-one years of age, and that Julian A. Beecher is a resident of this county; that both said last named persons are unmarried, and that there is no legal impediment to their being joined in marriage.
(signed) Theodore Jones

Subscribed and sworn to before me the day and year above named.
(signed) Wm F. Wheeler
Dp Clk Probate Court of Franklin Co.

4. Census in 1860 in Jefferson Twp., Franklin, OH. 9 16 William Beecher, 28, carpenter, is found in the 1860 Census in Jefferson Township in Franklin County living with his wife, Julian, age 24; Margaret, 6; Mary J., 2; and Elizah, 1 month old on the 25 of July, 1860 when the census was recorded. Everyone was born in Ohio, except William who was born in Pennsylvania. The value of his real estate and possessions is blank, indicating he was probably renting. The post office listed is Blacklick.

Living next door is his father, Benjamin Beecher, 57, blacksmith, with his wife Margaret, 54; John J., 21, carpenter; Margaret S., 19; and Lydia A., 16. Everyone was born in Pennsylvania. He has no value on his real estate or possessions.

5. Census in 1870 in Peru, Miami, IN. 9 17 William V. Beecher, 38, farmer, was living with wife Julia H., 34; Margaret J., 16; Mary J., 12; Elizabeth E., 11; George L., 7; Cyrus M., 5; William, 2; Benjamin, 68; and Margaret, 64. Benjamin, Margaret, and William V. were born in Pennsylvania. George, Cyrus, and young William in Indiana, and the others in Ohio. William's real estate was worth $3800, his personal estate $1240.

6. Census in 1880 in Jefferson Twp., Miami, IN. 9 18 William Beecher, 48, farmer, is found in the 1880 Census in Jefferson in Miami County living with his wife, Julia A, age 44; Mary J., 22; Elizabeth E., 20; George L, 17; Cyrus M., 15; William C.; 13; Grant U.S., 10; Charles W., 7; and Gracie P., 4; plus Margret Beecher, mother, age 75. William and his mother were born in PA; Julia, Mary and Elizabeth in OH; and all other children in IN.

7. She signed a will Will of Julia A. Beecher, Will Book 7, pages 310-312 on 22 Nov 1898 in , Miami, IN. 19 I, Julia A. Beecher, of Miami County, in the state of Indiana, do make and publish this my last will and testament, hereby revoking all former wills by me made.
Item One. I wish all my just debts to be first paid.
Item Two. Subject to the provision here and after made for my husband William V. Beecher, I devise and bequeath to my children and grandchildren to wit; Margaret Jay Koontz, Mary Ault, Elizabeth E. Dague, William C. Beecher, Ulysses C. Beecher, Charles W Beecher and Gracie P. Wolpert, my children, and such of the children of my son George L. Beecher and my son Cyrus M. Beecher, as may be living at by death, all my real and personal property, said real estate being the north half of the northeast quarter and the southeast quarter of the south northeast quarter, all in section Thirty five (35), in Township Twenty eight (28) North, of Range Three (3) east, in Miami County, in the State of Indiana, containing One Hundred and Twenty (120) acres more or less. My said grandchildren are to take per stirpes, with my said seven children, each to have one ninth of said property.
Item three. The device and bequest to my grandchildren, the children of George L. Beecher and Cyrus M. Beecher, is subject to the provision that the said George L. Beecher and Cyrus M. Beecher severally, shall have the exclusive use, enjoyment and control of the property so devised and bequeathed to their several children so long as they may continue to live, and to continue in the personal enjoyment of the same at once.
Item four. I wish my husband, William V. Beecher, to have the exclusive use and enjoyment of all my said real and personal property, with the right to sell, mortgage and lease the same, so long as such use and enjoyment and the exercise of such Powers may be for his immediate and exclusive use, pleasure, benefit and enjoyment. If however, and wherever, said property or any portion of the same, is taken from him or any writ or legal process against him or his property, all of his rights to the property so taken shall immediately terminate and the right Possession of the same shall at once merge with the legal Title Here in before devised and bequeath to my children and grandchildren, subject to the limitation in this item Express, the right of my said husband to the use of all and every portion of said property shall be as complete as if he were absolute owner of the same. He may cell and dispose otherwise of all of the personal property and of the proceeds of the farm and make such use of the same and the proceeds thereof as he made a name for his benefit, and shall not in any case be required to give any bond.

Item five. I nominate and appoint my said husband, sole executor of this will. He shall not be required to give any bond, or file any inventory, or make report of his doings to any court; and I do not wish him to incur any expense in connection with the settlement of my estate except such as is incident to the probate of this will, giving notices of administration and final settlement, and the filing of a brief statement when such settlement is made. Should there be any mortgage or other encumbrance on or against any of my property at my death, I wish my said executor to continue the estate open until such time as such encumbrance can be satisfied out of the proceeds of the farm, unless my said husband, shall have sooner died. To the end that my land shall not be needlessly sacrificed, I expressly authorize and empower my said executor to renew the said incumbrance from time to time indefinitely, if need be; and should the original creditor object to an extension, or should my executor deem such course desirable for any cause, I further expressly authorize and empower my said executor to borrow money elsewhere to satisfy and extend said indebtedness, and as security therefor to execute such mortgage, with such covenants of warranty and otherwise, and with such conditions, and upon such terms, and upon such real estate or personal property, as he may think desirable; which mortgage shall be so made without application to or intervention of any court, and when so executed and delivered, shall vest in the mortgage an absolute an unquestionable lien upon the fee simple of such property as may be described therein, and shall be in every way as absolutely effective as if the same had been made by me personally in my life. Nor shall the consent or approval of any of my other devisees or legatees be requisite to the validity and force of such mortgage.
Item Six. The provision made for my said husband, William V. Beecher, is in lieu of his rights under the law.
In Witness Whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal to this paper comprising five pages above my signature, after the erasure of "south" and insertion of "north" in line 24 page 1; the insertion of "or either of them" in line 23 page 2; & the erasure of "to" in line 10 page 2, this 22 day of November, 1898.
Julia A. Beecher (seal)
Signed by the said Julia A. Beecher in our presence, and by us as witnesses in her presence and in the presence of each other at her request this 22 day of November, 1898.
James L. Neff
Joseph R. Murden

Be it remembered, that on the second day of August 1915 James L. Neff one of the subscribing witnesses to the within and foregoing last will and testament of Julia A. Beecher, late of said County, deceased, personally appeared before Aaron S. Burger Clerk of the Circuit Court of Miami County, in the state of Indiana, and being duly sworn by this clerk of said court upon his oath, declared and testified as follows, that is to say: That on the 22nd day of November 1898, he saw the said Julia A. Beecher sign her name to said instrument in writing as and for her last will and testament, and that this deponent, at the same time, heard the said Julia A. Beecher declare the said instrument in writing to be her last will and testament, and that the said instrument and writing was, at the same time, at the request of the said Julia A. Beecher and with her consent attested and subscribed by the said James L. Nerf and Joseph R. Martin in the presence of said testatrix and in the presence of each other, as subscribing witnesses thereto, and that the said Julia A. Beecher was, at the time of the signing and subscribing of said instrument in writing, as aforesaid, of full age (that is more than twenty one years of age), and of sound and disposing mind and memory, and not under any coercion or restraint, as the said deponent verily believes; that the said Julia A. Beecher died at said county testate on the 14 day of July 1915, and further deponent saith not.
James L. Neff (signature)
Sworn to and subscribed by the said James L. Neff before me, Aaron s. Berger, Clerk of said Court, at Peru the 2 day of August 1915.
Aaron S. Berger Clerk.

8. Census in 1900 in Jefferson Twp., Miami, IN. 9 14 William Beecher, farmer, 68, born Dec 1831, was with wife Julien A., 64, Oct 1835. They had been married 47 years. She had birthed 9 children, 8 alive in 1900. Living with them: son Grant, school teacher, 29, Jun 1870. Grant was born in Indiana, his mother in Ohio , and his father and all grandparents in Pennsylvania.

Living next door is a son William Beecher, farm hand, 32, born Mar 1868. He was married for 9 years to wife Merry, 32, Apr 1868. She had one child born: Dwight, son, 7, Sep 1892. All were born in Indiana, including Merry's parents. William's father was born Pennsylvania and mother in Ohio.

9. Census in 1910 in Jefferson Twp., Miami, IN. 9 20 The 1910 census recorded Wm. C. Bucher [two handwritten e's transcribed in census as a u], farmer, 42, living with wife Mary A., 42; son Dwight E., farm laborer, 17; and son Kenneth. W., 7. Also in the home is William's mother Julia A., 74, born in Ohio. All and their parents were born in Indiana, except William's father in Pennsylvania and mother in Ohio, and Julia's parents in Pennsylvania.

10. Cause of Death: Julia died at Miami County Hospital from general paralysis of the insane & senility, contributory organic heart disease, 14 Jul 1915, Peru, Miami, IN. 9

Julia married William Valentine Beecher, son of Benjamin Beecher and Margaret Finney, on 3 Apr 1853 in Columbus, Franklin, OH.1 2 (William Valentine Beecher was born on 4 Dec 1831 in West Caln Twp., Chester, PA,1 14 21 22 23 24 died on 23 Sep 1900 in Jefferson Twp., Miami, IN 22 23 24 25 and was buried on 25 Sep 1900 in Mexico: Green Lawn Cemetery, Miami, IN 22 23 24.)


1 History of Miami County, Indiana: From the Earliest Time to the Present, with Biographical Sketches, Notes, Etc. (Chicago, Brant & Fuller, 1887. Available online at Google Books.), Page 684. Biography of William V. Beecher.

2, Ohio, County Marriages, 1789-2016, William V. Beecher and Julian A. Beecher, 03 Apr 1853; citing Franklin, Ohio, United States, reference v6 p24; county courthouses, Ohio; FHL microfilm 285,144.

3 The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, International Genealogical Index (R) (Copyright (c) 1980, 2002, data as of January 1, 2006), Batch #: M513353, Sheet #: 00, Source Call #: 0285144 V. 6-7, Printout Call #: NONE, Dates: 1853 - 1862.

4 Billion Graves Index,

5 Find A Grave,

6, Michigan Death Certificates, 1921-1952, Grace Beecher Woolpert, 30 Jan 1928; citing Ferndale, Oakland, Michigan, United States; 02262; FHL microfilm 1973053.

7 Kokomo Tribune (Kokomo, IN), 22 Mar 1956, page 2. Obituary of Ulysses S. Grant Beecher.

8, "Indiana, U.S., Death Certificates, 1899-2017," Certificate 61-033629. Charles Wilson Beecher. Father William Beecher. Mother Julia A. Beecher.

9, "Indiana, U.S., Death Certificates, 1899-2017," Certificate 139. Julia A. Beecher. Father Wm Beecher. Mother Julia A. Carpenter. Spouse Wm V. Beecher.

10, "Indiana, U.S., Death Certificates, 1899-2017," Certificate 36016. Elizabeth Ellen Dague. Father William C. Beecher. Mother Julia Ann Beecher.

11, "Indiana, U.S., Death Certificates, 1899-2017," Certificate 136. George Lincoln Beecher, Father William Beecher. Mother Julia Beecher. Spouse Sarah C. Beecher (informant.).

12, "Indiana, U.S., Death Certificates, 1899-2017," Mary J. Ault. Father William Beecher. Mother Julia A. Beecher.

13, "Indiana, U.S., Wills and Probate Records, 1798-1999," Indiana, U.S., Wills and Probate Records, 1798-1999, Will Book 7 Page 310, online image 191 of 325.

14 1900 United States Census, Indiana, Miami County, Jefferson Township, Series: T623 Roll: 393 Page: 136.

15 1850 United States Census, Ohio, Franklin County, Mifflin Township, Series: M432 Roll: 680 Page: 87.

16 1860 United States Census, Ohio, Franklin County, Jefferson Township, M653 Roll: 963 Page: 258.

17 1870 United States Census, Indiana, Miami County, Peru Township, Series: M593 Roll: 343 Page: 162.

18 1880 United States Census, Film T9-0298, Page 461B.

19, "Indiana, U.S., Wills and Probate Records, 1798-1999," Will of Julia A. Beecher d. 1915, Will Book 7 Page 310, online image 191 of 325.

20 1910 United States Census, Year: 1910; Census Place: Jefferson, Miami, Indiana; Roll: T624_371; Page: 12A; Enumeration District: 0120; FHL microfilm: 1374384.

21 1850 United States Census, Pennsylvania, Chester County, West Brandywine Township, Series: M432 Roll: 766 Page: 299.

22 Billion Graves Index,

23 Find A Grave,

24, "Indiana, U.S., Death Certificates, 1899-2017," William Valentine Beecher. Father Benj. Beecher. Mother Margaret Finney. Informant C. W. Beecher.

25 Miami County INGenWeb Project (, Miami County Deaths.

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