Joseph Elliot
(-Abt 1794)
Eleanor Elliot


Family Links

1. George Gibson
2. Samuel William Beecher Sr.

Eleanor Elliot 1 2 3 4 5

  • Born: 28 May 1788, , , Pennylvania, USA 1 2 3 4 6
  • Marriage (1): George Gibson
  • Marriage (2): Samuel William Beecher Sr.
  • Died: 29 Jan 1874, Eden, Lancaster, PA at age 85 1 2 4 7
  • Buried: 31 Jan 1874, Lancaster: City Cemetery, Lancaster, PA 1 2 4 7

   Other names for Eleanor were Ellen 6 and Ellenor.7

   FamilySearch ID: LD9K-NFC.

  Burial Notes:

Section 1549.

  Noted events in her life were:

1. Census in 1830 in Earl Twp., Lancaster, PA. 8 The household of Samuel Beeker [indexed as Beeker but could be Becker?] was listed with:

Males (born)
Under 5 (1826-1830) = 1 son (William C.)
5-9 (1821-1825) = 1 son (Samuel Jr.)
15-19 (1811-1815) = 1 son
40-49 (1781-1790) = 1 father (Samuel Sr.)
Females (born)
Under 5 (1826-1830) = 1 daughter (Harriet)
5-9 (1821-1825) = 1 daughter
10-14 (1816-1820) = 2 daughters (Belinda, Mary)
40-49 (1781-1790) = 1 wife (Eleanor).

2. Estate: Deed Book W-6 page 196, 28 Dec 1840, Lancaster, Lancaster, PA. 9 Joseph Elliott deceased to Lindley Coates
To all people to whom these presents shall come whereas Usher Wason, Ann Wason and Samuel Beecher and Eleanor his wife of the county of Lancaster and John Mews and Hannah his wife of the county of Chester, all of the state of Pennsylvania, Send Greeting.
Whereas by the last will and testament of a certain Joseph Elliott late of the township of Sadsbury in the county of Lancaster and state aforesaid bearing date the 4th day of fifth month A.D. 1794 and Codicil thereunto annexed bearing date the 12th day of the 12th month of the same year there was amongst other things contained in said will given and Bequeathed unto a certain Ruth the wife of Robert Wason the sum of 100 pounds, the interest only arising from the same to be paid her yearly during her natural life and then the said principle sum after her decease to be equally divided amongst all living children. And whereas a certain Ludley Coates of the said Township of Sadsbury in the County of Lancaster and state aforesaid by a sufficient conveyance and issuance in the law duly had and executed bearing date the fourth day of May 8 A.D. 1818 became fully vested in fee simple of and in a certain tract of land containing one hundred and forty five Acres and seventy-eight perches and the allowances of nine acres in the whole for roads, bounded by lands of John Murray, Samuel Sellers, John Gest, Isabel Walker and others, which said tract was part of the land the said Joseph Elliot decd. Seized and possessed of and which said Tract was made subject to the payment of one hundred and thirty three dollars and thirty three cents, equal to the sum of Fifty pounds being the one half of the sum on one hundred pounds which was bequeathed by the aforesaid last will and testament of the said Joseph Elliot Decd. and Codicil thereto annexed, to his daughter Ruth as above more particularly recited the yearly interest thereof amounting to eight dollars to be paid to the said Ruth Wason yearly and every year during the term of her natural life, and then the said principal sum of One hundred and thirty three Dollars and thirty three cents after her decease to be equally divided by the said Lindley Coates his heirs and assigns between holding the premises and distributed amongst her living children agreeable to the true intent and meaning of the last Will and Testament and Codicil thereto annexed of Joseph Elliot Deceased, as aforesaid. And Whereas the said Ruth Wason has since deceased leaving children to wit, Usher Wason, Ann Wason, Hannah Mews, late Wason who intermarried with John Mews and Eleanor Beecher, late Wason who Intermarried with Samuel Beecher (together with other children) to whom the same by the true intent and meaning of the said Will and Codicil thereto of Joseph Elliot Decd.,and the conditions of the reservation and exception in the conveyance to the said Lindley Coats aforesaid is now due. Now Know Ye that the said Usher Wason, Ann Wason, John Mews and Hannah his wife, Samuel Beecher and Eleanor his wife for and in consideration of the sum of Sixty Six Dollars Sixty six cents equally divided amongst them share and share alike, to them in hand paid by the said Ludley Coates at and before the ensealing and delivery hereof, the receipt whereof they do hereby acknowledge and thereof acquit and forever discharge the said Lindley Coates his heirs executors and administrators by these presents have and each of them hath remitted released and forever quit claim unto the said Lindley Coates and to his heirs and assigns All the estate and estates shares grants and dividends right title interest property claim and demand whatsoever of them the said Usher Wason, Ann Wason, John Mews and Hannah his wife and Samuel Beecher and Eleanor his wife in law or equity or otherwise howsoever of in to and out of the said messuage or plantation and tract of land situate and bounded as aforesaid, and in the actual possession and seized of the said Ludley Coates and entertaining as aforesaid One hundred and forty five Acres and Seventy Eight perches and the allowances of nine actres in the whole for Roads. So that neither the said User Wason, Ann Wason John Mews and Hannah his wife, Samuel Beecher and Eleanor his wife nor their heirs nor any other person or persons whomsoever lawfully claiming or to claim by from or under them or any of them shall or may at any time or times hereafter have claim challenge or demand any estate right title or interest of in to or out of the said plantation and tract of land hereditaments and premises hereby remitted and released or mentioned or intended so to be with the appurtenances or any part or parcel thereof but thereof and therefrom shall and will be utterly excluded and forever debarred by these presents. In Witness whereof the said Usher Wason, Ann Wason, John Mews and Hannah his wife and Samuel Beecher and Eleanor his wife have to these presents hereunto set their hands and seals this twenty eighth day of December in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty 1840.
Usher Wason
Ann Wason
Samuel Beecher
John Mews
Eleanor Beecher
Hannah Mews

3. Census in 1850 in Manheim Twp., Lancaster, PA. 4 10 Samuel Beecher, age 62, laborer, has real estate valued at $1,500 in the 1850 Census for Manheim Township, Lancaster County. Living with him is Ellen, 60; Balinda, 28; Samuel Peifer, 8; and William Peifer, 6. Everyone was born in Pennsylvania.
On the previous page is William C. Beecher. and Henry Albright, 33, and his wife Matilda, assumed to be a relation to Samuel's mother, Mary Albright.

4. Census in 1860 in Manheim Twp., Lancaster, PA. 3 4 Samuel Beecher, age 74, farmer, is living in the 1860 Census in Manheim Township, Lancaster County, with his real estate valued at $2000 and possessions at $500. With him is wife Eleanor, 72. Also in the home is Balinda Catherine Peifer, widow, 36 with her sons, Samuel Peifer, 18 and William Peifer, 16. Everyone was born in Pennsylvania. The post office listed is Oregon.

5. Census in 1870 in Manheim Twp., Lancaster, PA. 4 6 Samuel Beecher, age 84, farmer, is living in the 1870 Census in Manheim Township, Lancaster County with his wife Ellen, 82, and daughter Belinda Peifer, 48. His real estate is valued at $5,000 and his possessions worth $400. Everyone was born in Pennsylvania. The post office was Landis Valley.

6. Obituary: Daily Evening Express: Died. BEECHER, Jan. 29th, 1874, near Eden, Lancaster co., Ellenor Beecher, wife of Samuel Beecher, Sr., dec'd, in her 86th year. Funeral services at the house, on Saturday at 9 o'clock. Interment in Lancaster Cemetery. On 29 Jan 1874 in Lancaster, Lancaster, PA. 4

7. Obituary: Intelligencer Journal on 30 Jan 1874 in Lancaster, Lancaster, PA. 7 BEECHER -January 29, 1874, near Eden, this connty, Ellenor Beecher, wife of Samuel Beecher, Sr., deceased, in her 86th year. The relatives and friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend the funeral, from her late residence near Eden, on Saturday morning at 9 o'clock. Funeral services at the house. Interment at Lancaster Cemetery.

8. Obituary: Lancaster Intelligencer: Deaths. BEECHER - January 29, 1874, near Eden, this county, Ellenor Beecher, wife of Samuel Beecher, Sr., deceased, in her 86th year. On 4 Feb 1874 in Lancaster, Lancaster, PA. 11

Eleanor married George Gibson.

Eleanor next married Samuel William Beecher Sr., son of John Beecher Sr. and Mary Ann Albrecht. (Samuel William Beecher Sr. was born on 17 Dec 1785 in , Lancaster, PA 3 6 12 13 14, christened on 19 May 1786 in , Lancaster, PA,12 13 died on 30 Dec 1870 in Eden, Lancaster, PA 1 14 15 and was buried on 2 Jan 1871 in Lancaster: City Cemetery, Lancaster, PA 1 14 15.)


1 Lancaster City Cemetery, Lancaster, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania (Online at

2 Find A Grave,

3 1860 United States Census, Pennsylvania, Lancaster County, Manheim Township, Series: M653 Roll: 1124 Page: 346.

4 The Daily Evening Express (Lancaster, PA), 29 Jan 1874, page 3. Obituary of Ellenor Beecher.

5, Pennsylvania, U.S., Wills and Probate Records, 1683-1993, Will Book G-H, 1796-1805 page 335.

6 1870 United States Census, Pennsylvania, Lancaster County, Manheim Township, Series: M593 Roll: 1357 Page: 488.

7 Intelligencer Journal (Lancaster, PA), 30 Jan 1874, page 3.

8 1830 United States Census, Pennsylvania, Lancaster County, Earl Township, Series: M19 Roll: 153 Page: 223.

9 Lancaster County Recorder of Deeds (Lancaster, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania., - Deed Book W-6 page 196.

10 1850 United States Census, Pennsylvania, Lancaster County, Manheim Township, Series: M432 Roll: 787 Page: 323.

11 "Lancaster Intelligencer (Lancaster, PA)," 4 Feb 1874, page 3.

12 "Personal Register of Reverend Traugott F. Illing" (

13 Wright, F. Edward., Church records of the 18th century, Lancaster County, Pa. (Westminster, MD Family Line Publications 1994), Vol. 5, page 160.

14 Find A Grave,

15 The Daily Evening Express (Lancaster, PA), 31 Dec 1870, page 3.

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