John Beecher Sr.
Mary Ann Albrecht
Joseph Elliot
(-Abt 1794)
Samuel William Beecher Sr.
Eleanor Elliot
Samuel William Beecher Jr.


Family Links

1. Mary Ann Stauffer

2. Margaret Gleason

Samuel William Beecher Jr. 2 3 4 5 6 7

  • Born: 1821, Beartown, Lancaster, PA, United States 3 6 7 8
  • Marriage (1): Mary Ann Stauffer on 20 Dec 1842 in Reading, Berks, PA 1 2
  • Marriage (2): Margaret Gleason on 27 Apr 1877 in Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA 3
  • Died: 23 Oct 1895, Lancaster, Lancaster, PA at age 74 6 7 8 9
  • Buried: 25 Oct 1895, Lancaster: City Cemetery, Lancaster, PA 7 8

   Another name for Samuel was Samuel Becher.8

   FamilySearch ID: M58W-NY9.

  Burial Notes:

Buried in section 1616. His age at death was 73.

  Noted events in his life were:

1. Newspaper: Der Liberale Beobachter: --druch den Ehrw. Hrn. J. C. Bucher, am 20. Dec., Hr. Samuel W. Beecher mit Miss Mary Ann Stauffer beide von Lanc. C'ty., 27 Dec 1842, Reading, Berks, PA. 1 Translation:
-- by the honorable J. C. Bucher on the 20th December, Mr. Samuel W. Beecher with Miss Mary Ann Stauffer, both of Lancaster County.

2. Newspaper: Lancaster Examiner: Samuel Beecher buys Groff business, 18 Aug 1852, Eden, Lancaster, PA. 10 The property of I. W. Groff, dec'd in Eden, with all the machinery, water-power, foundry, dwelling, &c., was sold on the 10th inst., for $10,000. Samuel W. Beecher, Benj. Harnish, and Wm. C. beecher, were the purchasers; all of whom have served as apprenticeship to different branches of the business, at that place. They will commence business immediately, and are well-prepared to execute contracts for all kinds of machinery.

3. Newspaper: The Lancaster Examiner, 27 Oct 1852, Lancaster, Lancaster, PA. 11 <newspaper article with long list of exhibitors>
Complete List of all articles entered for exhibition at the State Fair, held at Lancaster, October 20, 21, 22.
Agriculatural Implements, No. 3
Beecher, Harnish and Beecher, county, clover huller and cleaner.
Beecher, Harnish and Beecher, county, model of sweep 4 horse power triple geared.
Mechanics Arts and unenumerated Articles, No. 28,
Beecher, Harnish and Beecher, county, cloth shearing machine

<ad on same newspaper page>
EDEN IRON WORKS, Formerly I. W. Groff's, near Lancaster, Pa. THE undersigned having purchased the entire stock and machinery belonging to the estate of I. W. Groff, dec'd., they are fully prepared to execute to order all kinds of COTTON AND WOOLEN MACHINERY, Saw and Mill Gearing and Shafting, Slide and Hand Lathes, Car Wheels, &c. &c. Iron Railing for Cemeteries and all kinds of Castings, furnished at short notice on reasonable terms.
Having had considerable experience in our line of businesss, and being employed for a number of years in establishment of our predecessor, the customers of Mr. Groff can rest assured that their orders will be promptly attended to, and we pledge ourselves to spare no exertions to render satisfaction to all who may favor us with their patronage,
Eden, near Lancaster, August 25, 1852.

4. Samuel W. Beecher, William C. Beecher, Benjamin W. Harmish purchased from the estate of Israel Groff deceased land in East Lampeter Township containing a factory, machine shop, foundry, two-story house, farm stable on 29 Mar 1853 in East Lampeter Twp., Lancaster, PA. 12

5. Newspaper: The Lancaster Examiner, 6 Apr 1853, Lancaster, Lancaster, PA. 13 Dissolution of Partnership. THE partnership heretofore existing under the firm of "BEECHER, HARNISH & BEECHER," was this day dissolved by mutual conpent. SAMUEL W BEECHER, BENJAMIN W. HARNISH, WILLIAM C BEECHER, Eden, April 6, '53. The business will be continued by the subscribers at the old stand, by whom all accounts of the will be settled.

6. Property on 9 Mar 1855 in East Lampeter Twp., Lancaster, PA. 14 ANDREW SCHWARTZ ET. UX.
Mes. L. Keith Deferty Recorder.
THIS INDENTURE, Made the twenty ninth day of March in the Year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and fifty-five,
BETWEEN Andrew Schwartz, of East Lampeter Township, in the County of Lancaster and State of Pennsylvania, Fuller, and Mary, his wife, of the first part, and John R. Bitner and Baltzer Lipp of the City of Lancaster, and Samuel W. Beecher and William C. Beecher, of said East Lampeter Township, in the County and State aforesaid, of the second part;
WITNESSETH, That the said party of the first part, for and in consideration of the sum of Five thousand four hundred dollars lawful money of the United States in hand paid by the said party of the second part at and before the ensealing and delivery hereof (the receipt and payment whereof they do hereby acknowledge and thereof do acquit and forever discharge the said party of the second part heirs, executors and administrators by these presents), have granted, bargained, sold, aliened, enfeoffed, released and confirmed, and by these presents do and each of them does grant, bargain, sell, alien, enfeoff, release and confirm unto the said party of the second part and to their heirs and assigns,
ALL THAT CERTAIN Pulling Mill or Woollen Factory, with the water wheels shafting and gearing and all and every the water rights thereunto belonging and appertaining, and a two story brick dwelling house, cook house, smoke house and all other the improvements, with the piece or parcel of land whereon the same are erected, situated in East Lampeter Township aforesaid, bounded limited and described as follows, viz:
BEGINNING at the Conestoga Creek at a bridge; thence along the middle of a public road, north fifty six degrees and one quarter East four perches and sight tenths to a post; thence by land intended to be conveyed to Baltzer Lipp, South forty four degrees Bast eight perches and seven tenths to a post; thence by same land North forty four degrees East, five perches and sight tenths to a post, thence by same land South forty two degrees East, nine perches and three tenths to a post; thence South by land of S. W. and W. C. Beecher Sixty-six degrees and one half West one perch and eighty-five hundredth to a post; thence North by same land forty five degrees West, one perch and one tenth to a post, thence by same South forty five degrees West, two perches and sight tenths to a post, thence South by same Sixty six degrees and one half West five perches and two tenths to a post; thence South by same forty three degrees Nest, one perch and six tenths to a post at the Conestoga Creek, thence along the side of the said Conestoga Creek North thirty nine degrees and one quarter West fifteen perches and five tenths to the place of Beginning, containing one hundred and twenty perches of land.
BEING a part and parcel of one or both of them certain two contiguous tracts, pisses or parcels of land which Joseph Zook and Catharine Zook his wife, by Indenture bearing date the ninth day of April Anno Domini one thousand eight hundred and thirty three, for the Consideration therein mentioned, did grant, convey and confirm unto the said Andrew Schwartz (first party hereto) and to his heirs and assigns forever, as in and by the said in part recited Indenture intended to be recorded, relation thereunto being had more fully and at large appears.
TOGETHER with all and singular the houses, out-houses, edifices and buildings thereon erected and being, and all ways, waters, water-courses, woods, trees, fences, gardens, orchards, rights, liberties, privileges, advantages, hereditaments and appurtenances whatsoever thereunto belonging, or in anywise appertaining, and the reversions and remainders, rents, issues and profits thereof, and also all the estate, right, title, interest, use, trust, property, possession, claim and demand, whatsoever of them the said party of the first part in law or equity, or otherwise howsoever, of, in, to, or out of the same,
TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the said piece or parcel of land, with all the aforesaid buildings and improvements, hereditaments and premises hereby granted and release (or mentioned or intended so to be) with the appurtenances, unto the said party of the second part, their heirs and assigns, to the only proper use, benefit and behoof of the said party of the second part, their heirs and assigns forever, as tenants in common in the proportion of the undivided equal moiety or half part thereof to the said John R. Bitner his heirs and assigns, The undivided equal three eighths parts thereof to the said Baltser Lipp his heirs and assigns, and one undivided equal sixteenth part thereof to each of them the said Samuel W. Beecher and William C. Beecher, their respective heirs and assigns.
AND the said party of the first part for themselves, their heirs, executors and administrators, do covenant, promise, grant and agree to and with the said party of the second part their heirs and assigns, by these presents, that they the said party of the first part and their heirs, the said piece or parcel of land with the buildings & improvements,hereditaments and premises hereby granted and released (or mentioned or intended so to be) with the Appurtenances unto the said party of the second part, their heirs and assigns, against them the said party of the first part, and their heirs, and against all and every other person or persons whomsoever, lawfully claiming or to claim, by from or under them or any of them shall and will warrant and forever defend by these presents.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF the said parties to these presents have hereunto set their hands and seals, the day and year first above written.

Sealed and delivered in the presence of
The words "Beecher" in the 4th line and "Six" in the 14th line from the top were interlined before signing,
Fra. H. Carpenter W. Carpenter
Andrew Schwartz (SEAL)
Mary Swartz (SEAL)
RECEIVED on the day of the date of the above Indenture, of and from the above named parties of the second part the sum of Five thousand four hundred dollars lawful money of the United States in full for the consideration money above mentioned.
Witness present at signing Fra. H. Carpenter
W. Carpenter
Andrew Schwartz
LANCASTER CITY SS: Be it remembered, that on the twenty ninth day of March in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and fifty five, before me the subscriber, one of the Alderman in and for the said City, personally came the above named Andrew Schwartz and Mary his wife, and acknowledged the above Indenture to be their act and deed, and desired that the same might be recorded as such, according to law, she the said Mary being of full age, and by marriage separately and apart from her said husband examined and the contents of the said Indenture being by me fully made known to her; on her said private examination she declared that she voluntarily and of her own free will and accord, without any coercion or compulsion on the part of her husband, did sign, seal and as her act and deed deliver the same. In Testimony
whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and seal the day and year above written.
W. Carpenter, Alderman (COMMON SEAL)
Recorded June 14, 1935,

7. Newspaper: Lancaster Examiner: ad to sell estate at Eden Machine Shops of Beecher & Bro., 8 Dec 1858, Lancaster, Lancaster, PA. 15 -----
ON TUESDAY, the 21st day of December inst., will be sold by public vendue on the premises of the Eden Machine Shops, about 3 miles from the city of Lancaster, near the New Holland Turnpike, the following personal goods and chattels fo the firm of Beecher & Bro., viz:
Beds and Bedsteads, Clock and Case, Cow, Fat Hog, Stove and Pipe, 3 Bushel Bags, Carriage and Rockaway, Sleigh and Sleigh Bells, Carriage Harness, Clover Huller, Corn Sheller, 1-Horse Wagon, 4 set Double Harness.
ALSO, about 2000 feet of 1 1/2 inch Iron Water Pipes, a lot of Lead Pipe, and a great variety of casting, &c.
Saddles and Bridles, Barrels, Tubs, Stands, &c., Set of Harness, Sled; also, 2 Shares in the Lancaster County Normal School, 2 Bonds in the Lancaster Cotton Mills No. 1, and 2 in No. 3, par value $100;
Sale to commence at 1 o'clock in the afternoon of said day, when attendance will be given by

8. Book: An Authentic History of Lancaster County,, 1860. 16

Of the early history of Paper-making in Lancaster county, we have very little definite information. Fifty years ago, the late Mr. John Triewitz, of this city, had a paper mill at Ephrata. At that time he was manufacturing "pasteboard"' by the old and tedious hand-process. He also manufactured print paper, and in later years supplied Mr. Baer with paper for the Volktfreund. Of course, the paper was all made by the old fashioned hand-process. The mill was subsequently converted into a saw-mill. About thirty years ago B. B. Eshleman was engaged in the manufacture of handmade paper, at what was for many years known as Eshleman's Mill, on the West Branch of the Octoraro, in Bart township. We are unable to fix the exact date of the enterprise. The manufacture, however, was earned on only in a small way, and was not a financial success.

In December 1854, Juo. R. Bitner, C. A. Bitner, Baltzer Lipp, Wm. C. Beecher, and Samuel Beecher purchased the old "Fulling Mill," on the Conestoga, at Eden, from D. Q. Swartz, and commenced remodeling it for a paper mill. They procured a new cylinder paper machine from Nelson Gavitt. of Philadelphia, and had their rag engines constructed at the mill. In the fall of 1855, they commenced operations, Mr. Lipp being Superintendent. The mill was calculated for a production of 1500 Ibs per day, but it was soon found that the power was inadequate for such a result. On the 31st of March 1856, one half of the interest of the Messrs. Bitners was sold to Dr. J. II. Kurtz, and shortly after the concern passed into the hands of Kurtz & Lipp, the Bitners and Beechers withdrawing. In 1859 the enterprise failed, and in I860, the mill was purchased by Emanuel Shober, who ran it very successfully for six or seven years, his being the first pecuniary success in paper-making in this county. He supplied the deficiency in water-power with a steam engine and thus doubled the production. During most of this time George Ehrhart was foreman of the mill, and John A. Shober business manager.

9. Census in 1860 in Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA. 17 The 1860 census recorded Saml. W. Beecher, machinist, 36, living with wife Margaret, 20; and son Wm., 5 months old when the census was recorded on 28 Jul 1860. Everyone was born in Pennsylvania.

10. Newspaper: Lancaster Intelligencer, 1 May 1860, Lancaster, Lancaster, PA. 18 ASSIGNED ESTATE OF BEECHER & BRO. -- The undersigned Auditor, appointed by the Court of Common Pleas of Lancaster County, to distribute the balance of said Assigned Estate in the hands of Henry H. Kurtz, Esq , and Jacob Esbensnade, Assignees of Samuel W. and Wm. C. Beecher, late partners as Beecher & Bro., to and among those legally entitled thereto, hereby gives notice to all persons interested, that he will attend, for the purpose of his appointment, on TUESDAY, the 29th day of MAY, instant, at 2 o'clock in the afternoon, at the Library Room in the Court House, Lancaster, when and where all persons interested may attend. W. CARPENTER, Auditor.

11. Residence: 1862 Philadelphia Directory: Beecher, Samuel., machinist, 3 Butler pl. In 1862 in Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA. 19

12. Residence: 1863 Philadelphia Directory: Beecher, Samuel., machinist, Judson ab Hare in 1863 in Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA. 20

13. Residence: 1866 Philadelphia Directory: Beecher, Samuel, machinist, 746 Judson in 1866 in Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA. 21

14. Samuel W. Beecher purchased from Henry Hilton and wife land in Manheim Township. On 3 Apr 1869 in Manheim Twp., Lancaster, PA. 22

15. Census in 1870 in Wisconisco Twp., Dauphin, PA. 23 Samuel Beecher, 47, machinist (woodwork), was living with Margaret, 35; son William, 11; and Malinda, 5. All were born in Pennsylvania.

16. Residence: 1874 Philadelphia Directory: Beecher, Samuel W., machinist, h 260 N 15th in 1874 in Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA. 24

17. Residence: 1875 Philadelphia Directory: Beecher, Samuel W., machinist, h 260 N 15th in 1875 in Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA. 25

18. Residence: 1877 Philadelphia Directory: Beecher, Samuel W., machinist, h 205 N Juniper in 1877 in Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA. 26

19. Census in 1880 in Lancaster, Lancaster, PA. 27 Samuel Beecher, machinist, 50, is living with wife Margaret. He and his parents were from Pennsylvania. Margaret was born in New York, her father in Ohio, and her mother in Connecticut.

20. Residence: 1884 Harrisburg City Directory: Samuel W. Beecher, machinest, 1263 Bailey in 1884 in Harrisburg, Dauphin, PA. 28

21. Residence: 1886 Reading Directory: Beecher, Samuel W., machinist, h 343 N 9th in 1886 in Reading, Berks, PA. 29

22. Residence: in 1895 in Eden Twp., Lancaster, PA. This was according to his brother Wiliam's obituary.

23. Obituary: Lancaster Intelligencer on 26 Oct 1895 in Lancaster, Lancaster, PA. 30 Samuel Beecher Burled.
Samuel Beecher died at county hospital on Wednesday, at which institution he was an inmate for the past year. He was 72 years old and a native of Beartown, this county. He was a machinist by trade and was for a time in the foundry business at Eden with his brother, William C. Beecher.
He left Lancaster county years ago and worked in the cities in this and adjoining states until a year ago when his health failed and he became an inmate of the hospital. His funeral took place Friday afternoon and interment was made in the Lancaster cemetery.

24. Obituary: Semi-Weekly New Era: BEECHER, October 23d, 1895, in this city, Samuel W. Beecher, in his seventy-fourth year. On 26 Oct 1895 in Lancaster, Lancaster, PA.

25. Obituary: The Inquirer: BEECHER, Oct. 23, In this city, Samuel W. Beecher, aged 74 years. On 26 Oct 1895 in Lancaster, Lancaster, PA. 6

26. Book: A History of 1894 Eden Road and Local Area, 1985. 31
The earliest known owner of the surrounding area on the East Lampeter side of the Conestoga was David Binkley. His properties were centered upon his grist and saw mill at the present day site of the Eden Paper Mill. In 1789 he built a beautiful stone arch bridge on this site. Subsequently the local Post Office was called Binkley's Bridge. The bridge collapsed in 1857. Its old approaches can still be traced.
In 1808 David Binkley sold a 130 acre "plantation" to Abram Zook. This land included the site where two mills were later constructed and much of the surrounding land north toward the New Holland Pike. The deed recognized the existence of water power on the property, and it included water rights ("the right to go through and over the lands of Christian Rohr to repair the dam"). But the deed contained a special clause prohibiting the construction of a grist or saw mill. Binkley undoubtedly inserted this clause to prevent competition with his own grist and saw mill.
By 1815 Abram Zook had built two mills. In 1818 Joseph Zook inherited the property from his father. Sometime before 1834, the Zooks sold the two mills to Andrew Swartz, retaining most of their farm, however. Their dwelling is shown on maps in a location which is very likely the present day Ahl's house. This Zook family is part of the clan after which Zook's Corner is named.
For a time, Andrew Swartz ran the two mills as a "woolen and fulling mill and a card manufactory." The card manufactory was the downstream building and it got its power by means of a mechanical linkage from the upstream building. In 1834 Swartz sold the downstream building to Israel Groff along with rights to continue using the mechanical linkage. Israel Groff turned the card manufactory into a foundry and machine shop. In 1848 Israel Groff built the Eden Covered Bridge and then sold it to the County. He died in 1853.
In 1853 William C. Beecher, Samuel W. Beecher Jr. and Benjamin Harnish bought the foundry from Israel Groff's estate. The property is described as a "factory, machine shop and foundry, dwelling, stable and other improvements," having 1.5 acres. They undoubtedly modernized the foundry's power supply, because they sold their rights to the adjacent mill's mechanical power in 1855. In 1859 Sam Beecher sold his interest to the other two partners. In 1870 William C. Beecher bought Harnish's interest making him the sole proprietor of the Eden Iron Works which had previously been known as Beecher and Harnish Iron Works. The present building (apartments) probably dates around 1865.
Andrew Swartz continued to operate his woolen mill until around 1854 when he sold it to Emanuel Shober who turned it into a paper mill. The Beecher brothers were part of a venture in 1854 which purchased Binkley's Mill and converted it to a paper mill. That paper mill failed in 1860 and was reorganized in 1865. Emanuel Shober was still operating his paper mill at Eden in 1864. By 1868 Benjamin Harnish, Beecher's partner in the foundry, purchased Shober's mill and converted it to a grist mill. In 1881 he sold the grist mill to Jacob K. Umble. A Samuel Harnish, probably Benjamin Harnish's son, was the foreman at Eden Iron Works. He lived on Eden Road.
The two lots or purports which make up 1894 Eden Road originally came from a 99 acre tract which was claimed or "warranted" by James Marshal in 1733. Marshal never paid the Penn government for it and so he sold his claim to Robert Patten in 1761. Patten quickly resold it to Sebastian Graffe in 1762. The farm remained intact, but the identities of its owners are unknown until Michael Shallenberger sold the "99 acre tenement or plantation" to Christian and Elizabeth Rohr in 1801. It was passed to son John Rohr in 1835, and to his son Abram in 1848. Both John Rohr and his son Abram sold off parts of the farm around its edges for individual dwellings. These included all of the properties on the south side of Eden Road between Conestoga Creek and New Holland Pike.
The two tracts which make up present day 1894 Eden Road were sold from the Rohr's farm at different times. John Rohr sold the first purport to Jacob Groff in 1847. Abram Rohr sold the second purport to the Beechers in 1867.
Abram Rohr continued to live on this farm at least until 1899 when he still owned 70 of the original 99 acres. The "old farm road" which still can be traced from the base of the front steps toward Jones' house undoubtedly accessed Rohr's farm before John Rohr sold this land in 1847. It was then replaced with the "bicycle trail" which was used as principal access to the farm after Abram Rohr moved his dwelling to a site very near the corner of the 1894 Eden Road property. (See Maps.)
Jacob Groff was Henrietta Beecher's first husband, also a "machinist." In addition to the tract bought from John Rohr in 1847, Jacob and Henrietta Groff owned and probably lived in the house which was on the site of the present day pumping station. (It was torn down in 1959.) When Jacob Groff died in 1855, Henrietta assumed ownership. Around 1847 Henrietta Groff married William C. Beecher.
William C. Beecher appears for the first time in Manheim Township tax records in 1849 as a "machinist" and "singleman." His father, Samuel W. Beecher, Sr., owned a nine acre farm near the present day intersection of Eden Road and Euclid Drive. William C. Beecher resided there in 1850. He is repeatedly listed as a machinist throughout the 1850's. He probably worked at Israel Groff's foundry before buying it in 1853.
His brother, Samuel W. Beecher, Jr., was listed in the tax records as a machinist until 1851 when he is listed as "innkeeper." In the 1850 tax records for Manheim Township, in the taverns section, is a note the S. W. Beecher "intended an application in January 1850." This confirms that Samuel W. Beecher, Jr. built the Eden Hotel. Tax records indicate that he sold the hotel in 1854. He had a wife, Mary.
In 1857 W. C. Beecher is listed for the first time as a property owner in Manheim Township. Almost surely the same dwelling in which Jacob and Henrietta Groff lived, Beecher acquired the property (on the pumping station site) through his marriage. William and Henrietta Beecher either lived here or across the road on "purport one." They sold the property on the pumping station site to George Leaman in 1864.
In 1867 William and Henrietta Beecher purchased the 2nd purpart of "1 acre, 30 perches" from Abram Rohr, which, together with the 1st purpart of "1 acre, 20 perches" already owned by Henrietta Beecher, made the present day configuration of 1894 Eden Road. 1867 tax records confirm this, indicating that W. C. Beecher "bought 2 ½ acres" and listing his occupation as "gentleman." (Although Beecher would already have owned purpart 1 by common law through his marriage, he probably never recorded this information until her purchased purpart 2 and combined the two purports into one property.)
Purpart 2 was probably the land to the rear of the present day house, used mostly for open space. Purpart 1 contained buildings in 1853 which seem dissimilar to the present layout. (See map.) Whether the Beechers built anew on this property or altered existing buildings is unknown. If the 1853 map is correct, they built a new "mansion house" there sometime between 1853 and 1867, probably some years after their marriage in 1857. There is no doubt, however, that Beecher supplied the ornamental iron work for the house and erected the barn in 1873.
In 1868 Beecher repurchased the little house (on the pumping station site) and the white double house (where Jesse lives.) He bought both of these Emanuel Shober, owner of Shober's Paper Mill. Shober had purchased the white double house from Jacob Groff prior to his death in 1855. He had purchased the other house (on the pumping station site) from George Leaman.
In 1870 Beecher purchased a 6 acre property for $1170. It was located upstream on the Conestoga around its junction with Landis Run. So, by 1870, Beecher owned 4 contiguous properties in Manheim Township.
Several facts suggest that Jacob Groff was related to Israel Groff: 1) their anmes are the same; 2) Jacob Groff was a machinist, probably working at Israel Groff's foundry; 3) Jacob and Henrietta Groff lived across the road from Israel Groff (see map 1853); 4) deed research indicates that Jacob Groff owned the property listed as "Israel Groff Estate" on 1853 map\emdash this was the tract (purpart 1) John Rohr sold to Jacob Groff in 1847.
If they are related, Israel Groff was father-in-law or brother-in-law to Henrietta Beecher, and she was related through both her husbands to the "ironmaster." She was certainly the most enduring individual to live at 1894 Eden Road. She lived in the house on the pumping station site by 1853, or before. She lived in the "mansion house" until her death in 1903. She outlived William C. Beecher who died in 1897, and she passed the property on to her daughter Laura Ranck, who lived there until 1914. In 1899 she sold the house on the pumping station site to Abram Kreider.
Abram Kreider bought 1894 Eden Road from Laura Ranck in 1914. He owned it until 1938 when he lost it along with 8 other properties to the Conestoga National Bank in a mortgage foreclosure. While he owned the property, Kreider made several additions to the buildings. He added the service stairs on the north of the house, he enlarged the dining room on the west, and he installed the old central furnace. On the barn, he added a garage to its south side.
John and Edna McNinch bought the property in order to improve it and resell it. Their improvements were mainly in the nature of painting and cleaning up. According to Harris Arnold, Sr., improvement was much needed because Abram Kreider, in his later years, had taken very poor care of the property, even letting farm animals wander through the house. When the bank came to foreclose, Kreider removed everything of value from the house, including the iron fence that was on top of the front wall. Harris Arnold might well have known. He was the attorney for Conestoga National Bank who handled the foreclosure.
When Arnold bought the property, he installed all new electrical wiring, plumbing, bathrooms and hot water heat. He added a new chimney to the south end of the house for a new colad furnace, as well as the laundry room (now kitchen dining) and the bathroom above. In what was the original large kitchen, he carved out a smaller modern kitchen, powder room, front closet and library. In the barn, he converted stable into a second garage.
Helen Arnold was a prolific gardener, and the Arnolds did a generous amount of landscaping on the property. They relocated and rebuilt the front walk, planted hemlock trees to the north of the house, and added the large patio and terracing on the southwest corner of the house. In 1957, Arnolds added the screened-in porch and modernized the kitchen.

From James Marshal to Wm. K. Ebel, Jr.
1733: James Marshal 99a "warranted"
1761 |
Robert Patten
1762 |
Sebastian Graffe
1801 | 99a "tenement or plantation" $2241
Christian and Elizabeth Rohr
" " "
John Rohr
| 1847, 1 acre, 20 p. $227
| Jacob Groff and Henrietta
| d. 1855 1855, 1 acre, 20 p.
| Henrietta Groff
| m. 1857? 1857?, 1 acre, 20 p.
| Wm. and Henrietta Beecher
| |
Abram Rohr | 1 acre, 30 p., $370
1867 | |
Wm. and Henrietta Beecher
d. 1897 2 ½ acres
d. 1903 2 ½ acres
Ranck 2 ½ acres, $3399
1914 |
Abram Kreider
| 2 ½ acres, plus 9 other properties for the
satisfaction of a $26,000 mortgage
National Bank
1939 |
John and Edna McNinch 2 ½ acres, $12,250
1939 |
Harris and Helen Arnold
1971 |
Wm. K. Ebel, Jr.

Mill Owners:
David Binkley
1808 | 130 Acre "plantation," incl. water rights
Abram Zook
1818 | "
Joseph Zook
Pre-1834 | 3 a, 2 mills
Andrew Swartz--------------------------------------------
Abt 1854 | Woolen Mill 1834 | Card Manufactory
Emanuel Shober Israel Groff
Abt 1868 | Paper Mill 1853 | Foundry
Benjamin Harnish Beecher, Beecher & Harnish
1881 | Grist Mill 1859 | Foundry
Jacob K. Umble Beecher & Harnish
1870 | Foundry
Wm. C. Beecher

County Atlases: 1864, 1875, 1899
1853 map of Manheim Township (Lancaster Co. Historical Society)
Warrant Map of Manheim Township (Archives, Lancaster County Courthouse)
Manheim Township Tax Records (Lancaster County Historical Society)
Deed research (Lancaster County Courthouse)
Deed References:
1971: Arnold to Ebel I, 34, p. 95
1939: McNinch to Arnold A, 34, p. 145
1938: Kreider to Conestoga N.B. W, 33, p. 136, see purpart #9
1914: Ranck to Kreider W, 21, p. 179
This deed includes references to:
1867: Abm Rohr to Henrietta Beecher\emdash 1 acre, 30 perches
1847: John Rohr to Jacob Groff\emdash 1 acre, 20 perches
1848: John Rohr to Abram R, 7, p. 168
1835: Christian Rohr to John E, 7, p. 200
This deed includes references to:
1834: Swartz to Is. Groff A, 6, p. 359

Samuel married Mary Ann Stauffer, daughter of John Stauffer Sr. and Susanna Christine Martin, on 20 Dec 1842 in Reading, Berks, PA.1 2 (Mary Ann Stauffer was born on 18 Jun 1820 in Eden Twp., Lancaster, PA,5 32 33 died on 5 Dec 1864 in , Lancaster, PA 5 32 33 and was buried in Manheim Twp.: Landis Valley Mennonite Cemtery, Lancaster, PA 32 33.)

Samuel next married Margaret Gleason on 27 Apr 1877 in Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA.3 (Margaret Gleason was born in Feb 1835 in , , , Ireland,34 35 36 died on 30 Jan 1904 in Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA 34 36 and was buried on 3 Feb 1904 in Philadelphia: New Cathedral Cemetery, Philadelphia, PA 34 36.)

  Marriage Notes:

The marriage record states Samuel W. Beecher was born in Lancaster Co. Margaret Buchanan was from Bucks Co. 37


1 Der Liberale Beobachter und Berks, Montgomery und Schuylkill Caunties Allgemeine Anzeiger (Reading, Pennsylvania) · (Reading, Berks, Pennsylvania.), 27 Dec 1842, page 3. Marriage of Samuel W. Beecher and Mary Ann Stauffer.

2 The Lancaster Examiner (Lancaster, PA), 28 Dec 1842, page 3. Marriage of Samuel. W. Beecher and Mary Ann Stauffer.

3 Marriage returns, 1860-1885, filed by person performing the ceremony, Philadelphia (Pennsylvania). (Philadelphia (Pennsylvania). Board of Health. Microfilm of original records at the Philadelphia city archives. Film 1769063 at Family History Center Library.).

4 The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, International Genealogical Index (R) (Copyright (c) 1980, 2002, data as of June 21, 2008), Film #: 1769063, Batch #: M748746, Source Call #: 1769063, Printout Call #: NONE, Dates: 1877 - 1878.

5, Lancaster, Pennsylvania, U.S., Mennonite Vital Records, 1750-2014, Samuel U. Beecher m. Mary Ann Stauffer. Father John Staffer, mother Susanna Martin. Landis Valley cem. MRJ 1965 p. 24.

6 The Inquirer (Lancaster, PA), 26 Oct 1895, page 5. Obituary of Samuel W. Beecher.

7 Find A Grave,

8 Lancaster City Cemetery, Lancaster, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania (Online at

9 The Semi-Weekly New Era (Lancaster, PA), 26 Oct 1895, page 8. Obituary of Samuel W. Beecher.

10 The Lancaster Examiner (Lancaster, PA), 18 Aug 1852, page 2.

11 The Lancaster Examiner (Lancaster, PA), 27 Oct 1852, page 1.

12 Lancaster County Courthouse, Lancaster County Deed Book Q-8 Page 518-520.

13 The Lancaster Examiner (Lancaster, PA), 6 Apr 1853, page 3.

14 Lancaster County Courthouse, Lancaster County Deed Book E-32 Page 510.

15 The Lancaster Examiner (Lancaster, PA), 8 Dec 1858, page 3. Ad: Public Sale. Beecher & Bro.

16 Mombert, Jacob Isidor, An Authentic History of Lancaster County, in the State of Pennsylvania (Lancaster, PA. 1860. J. K. Bare & Co. Book available online via Google Book Search.), Page 493.

17 1860 United States Census, Year: 1860; Census Place: Philadelphia Ward 15, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; Roll: M653_1165; Page: 618; Image: 624; Family History Library Film: 805165.

18 Lancaster Intelligencer Journal Newspaper (Lancaster, Lancaster County, PA), 1 May 1860, page 3.

19, U.S., City Directories, 1822-1995, 1862 Philadelphia City Directory, Image 45 of 497.

20, U.S., City Directories, 1822-1995, 1863 Philadelphia City Directory, Image 41 of 508.

21, U.S., City Directories, 1822-1995, 1866 Philadelphia City Directory, Image 54 of 524.

22 Lancaster County Courthouse, Lancaster County Deed Book X-9 Page 142.

23 1870 United States Census, Pennsylvania, Dauphin County, Wisconisco Township, Series: M593 Roll: 1335 Page: 747.

24, U.S., City Directories, 1822-1995, 1874 Philadelphia City Directory, Image 89 of 776.

25, U.S., City Directories, 1822-1995, 1875 Philadelphia City Directory, Image 92 of 909.

26, U.S., City Directories, 1822-1995, 1877 Philadelphia City Directory, Image 89 of 776.

27 1880 United States Census, Pennsylvania, Lancaster County, Lancaster Ward 6, Family History Library Film 1255143, NA Film Number T9-1143, Page Number 151D.

28, U.S., City Directories, 1822-1995, 1884 Harrisburg City Directory, Samuel W Beecher.

29, U.S., City Directories, 1822-1995, 1886 Reading City Directory, Image 52 of 285.

30 "Lancaster Intelligencer (Lancaster, PA)," 26 Oct 1895 page 1 obituary of Samuel Beecher.

31 Ebel, William K. III, A History of 1894 Eden Road and Local Area (November 23, 1985).

32 Harmon, Dr. Shirley A., Cemetery Records of Lancaster County, Pennsylvania (Closson Press, 257 Delilah St Apollo PA, 15613-1933. (724) 337-4482.), Volume 3, page 35.

33 Find A Grave,

34, Pennsylvania, Philadelphia City Death Certificates, 1803-1915 (From originals housed at the Philadelphia City Archives. "Death Records."), Margaret Beecher, 30 Jan 1904; citing cn 3201, Department of Records; FHL microfilm 1003723.

35, Pennsylvania and New Jersey, Church and Town Records, 1669-2013, New Cathedral Cemetery, 2nd and Butler Streets. Online Image 1052. Beecher, Margaret, age 65, buried section K 9 16 on 3 Feb 1903.

36 Philadelphia Inquirer (Philadelphia, PA), 2 Feb 1904, page 7. Obituary of Margaret Beecher.

37 1880 United States Census, Pennsylvania, Philadelphia County, Philadelphia Ward 20, Series: T9 Roll: 1179 Page: 78.

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