John Beecher Sr.
Mary Ann Albrecht
Catharine Albrecht
Jacob Franklin Beecher Sr.
Catherine Braun
(1802-Abt 1840)
Jacob Franklin Beecher Jr.


Family Links

1. Catherine Elizabeth Bracht

Jacob Franklin Beecher Jr. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

  • Born: 13 Sep 1823, East Earl Twp., Lancaster, PA 8 9 10 11 12
  • Christened: 10 Mar 1829, West Caln Twp.: St. John's Episcopal Church, Chester, PA 8
  • Marriage (1): Catherine Elizabeth Bracht on 23 Mar 1844 1
  • Died: 23 Jan 1906, Manheim, Lancaster, PA at age 82 4 5 11
  • Buried: 26 Jan 1906, Philadelphia: South Laurel Hill Cemetery, Philadelphia, PA 4 11

   Other names for Jacob were Jacob Becher,12 Jacob Bicher and Jacob Bucher.

   FamilySearch ID: LD92-ZS3.

  General Notes:

Please contact if you are related to this ancestor, who belongs in my family tree.

  Noted events in his life were:

1. Baptism: on 10 Mar 1829, in Compass: St. John's Episcopal Church, Chester, PA. 8 8 Text from the church record book:
J. B. Clemson baptized Jacob Franklin son of Jacob & Catharine Beecher at Parents house March 10th. Born September 13th, 1823. Sponsors Parents & Grandmother Beecher.
Rev. J. B. Clemson baptized Pariz Epler son of Jacob & Catharine Beecher March 10th. Born December 6th 1825. Sponsors the same.
Rev. John B. Clemson baptized Kezia Allworth March 10th. Born April 11th, 1828, daughter of Jacob & Catharine Beecher. Sponsors the same.

2. Census in 1830 in Salisbury Twp., Lancaster, PA. 13 In 1830 in Salisbury Township is listed the household of Jacob Beacher with:
Males (born)
Under 5 (1826-1830) = 2 sons (Paris, William)
5-9 (1821-1825) = 2 sons (John, Jacob Jr.)
30-39 (1791-1800) = 1 father (Jacob)
Females (born)
Under 5 (1826-1830) = 1 daughter (Kezia)
20-29 (1801-1810) = 1 wife (Catherine)
50-59 (1771-1780) = 1 mother (Mary Ann Albrecht Beecher).

3. Newspaper: Lancaster Intelligencer: Ranaway Jacob Franklin Beecher, 28 Jul 1840, Lancaster, Lancaster, PA. 14 -----
RANAWAY from the subscriber residing in Bainbridge, Lancaster county, Pa., on the 29th of June, an indentured apprentice to the Store keeping business, named JACOB FRANKLIN BEECHER. Said boy is about sixteen years of age, about five feet three or four inches high. Dark complexion, very dark black hair, very straight built; had on or with him when he left, a Claret brown frock coat, new black brush hat, dark vest with a light figure, light blue summer Cassimer pantaloons; he alsd took with him a quantity of every day clothing, among which are two pair of blue checked pants (cotton,) and a very broad brimed palm leaf hat. Any person taking said boy and delivering him to the subscriber in Bainbridge, or if he should have any trouble with him to deliver him in the Lancaster Jail, and give me notice of his apprehension, where I can get him, shall receive the above reward. I do hereby strictly forbid any person or persons from harbouring, dealing or trusting said boy as I am determined to bring suit against any person or persons so violating the Law.
Bainbridge, July 28.

4. Residence: An ad in Lancaster Examiner for Stanton's External Remedy called Hunt's Liniment lists J. F. Beecher in Bainbridge as one of its county agents on 15 Dec 1847 in Bainbridge, Lancaster, PA. 2

5. Newspaper: Lancaster Intelligencer, 19 Dec 1848, Lancaster, Lancaster, PA. 15 ---
Assignee's Notice.
Notice is hereby given, that J. F. Beecher and Wife, of West Donegal township, Lancaster county, have this day made a deed of voluntary assignment to the undersigned, residing in Elizabethtown. All persons having claims against said Beecher are, therefore, requested to present them, duly authenticated -- and those knowing themselves to be indebted, are requested to make immediate payment, to

6. Newspaper: Lancaster Intelligencer, 1 Oct 1850, Lancaster, Lancaster, PA. 16 ---
Estate of J. F. Beecher and Elizabeth, his wife, of West Donegal Twp.
In the Court of Common Pleas for the co. of Lan'r.
Whereas Jacob Redsecker, Assignee of Jacob F. Beecher and wife, did on the 18th day of September, 1850, file in the Office of Prothonotary of the said Court, his account of the said estate.
Notice is hereby given to all persons interested in the said Estate, that the said Court have appointed the 18th day of November, 1850, for the confirmation thereof, unless exceptions be filed.
Prothonotary's Office, Lan. Oct. 1.

7. Moved: 1852, Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA. 17

8. Census in 1860 in Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA. 12 The 1860 census recorded Jacob Becher [sic], clerk, 36, living with wife Catharine Becher, 34; Abram Becher, 15; and Horace Beecher, 10. Everyone was born in Pennsylvania. They were living in the 20th Ward (North of Master Street) in Philadelphia.

9. Military Draft: Civil War: 1539 N. 12th Street, Beecher, Jacob F., 39, white, marchant, born Penna., May 1863, Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA. 18

10. Military from 4 May 1864 to 3 Aug 1865 in , , Pennylvania, USA: Civil War, Company I, 187th Regiment, Pennsylvania Infantry. Private, age 40, enlisted 31 Mar 1864 in Pottsville, mustered in 4 May 1864 Harrisburg, mustered out with company 3 Aug 1865. 19 20

11. Residence: The 1867 Philadelphia Directory listed: Beecher Jacob F., drygoods, 629 Market, h 1539 N 12th in 1867 in Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA. 21

12. Residence: 1539 N. 12th St., Philadelphia, Pa. On 30 Apr 1867 in Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA. 22

13. Residence: 1539 N. 12th St., Philadelphia, Pa. On 29 Feb 1868 in Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA. 23

14. Newspaper: The Lancaster Bar: Orphan's Court: "J. F. Beecher and Hannah Hall, executors of Abraham Bracht.", 26 Jun 1869, Lancaster, Lancaster, PA. 24 "J. F. Beecher and Hannah Hall, executors of Abraham Bracht."

15. Census in 1870 in Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA. 9 Jacob Beecher, 47, occupation salesman, is living with his wife, Catherine, 45; son A. C. W., 26, physician; and a domestic. Everyone was born in Pennsylvania. His real estate is valued at $11,500 and possessions at $1,000.

16. Residence: The 1873 Philadelphia City Directory lists: Beecher, Jacob F., salesman, h 1912 N 12th. In 1873 in Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA. 25

17. Census in 1880 in Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA. 26 The 1880 census recorded at 1912 N. 12th Street: Jacob F. Beecher, salesman, 57, living with wife Catherine, 55; and servant Mary Page, 20. Everyone and their parents were born in Pennsylvania.

18. Residence: Beecher, Jacob F., salesman, h 831 Market. In 1883 in Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA. 27

19. Newspaper: Daily New Era: Golden Wedding Anniversary of J. F. Beecher, 29 Mar 1894, Lancaster, Lancaster, PA. 28 -----
An Estimable Couple of Manheim Celebrate A Notable Event.
Mr. J. F. Beecher and his most estimable wife, Mrs. Catharine Elizabeth Bracht Beecher, celebrated their golden wedding anniversary at the Summy House, Manheim, on Wednesday evening. The occassion was a brilliant one, and in their happy celebration the aged couple, both enjoying unusual health for people of their years, were joined by a large number of friends, who, after a short and fitting address by the Rev. Enck, of the United Brethren Church, extended to the bride and groom of fifty years their hearty congratulations.
Mr. Beecher and his bridge, a daughter of the late Abraham Bracht, were married at the home of the latter at Bainbridge, this county, on the 28th of March, 1844. At that time Mr. Beecher was in the employ of W. W. May, a merchant whose services he had entered when only thirteen years of age. Subsequent to their marriage they moved to Columbia, where Mr. Beecher was for some years employed by the late Peter Haldeman. In 1852 they moved to Philadelphia and he entered the employ of Sieger, Lamb & Co., a dry goods firm operating extensively on Third street. In 1865 Mr. Beecher started to work for the wholesale dry goods firm of Hood, Bonbright & Co., with whom he remained in several capacities for twenty-three years. By dint of hard work he arose in the house, and during the last three years of his stay there was a member of that then well-known firm. About six years ago, after the loss of two sons, Mr. Beecher retired from active business life, and since then has made his home at Landisville and Manheim, thus, after a successful business career, returning to the county of his nativity.
Mr. and Mrs. Beecher have traveled in nearly all the States and territories, the last extensive trip having been made in 1890 in company with their only remaining child, Dr. Abraham C. W. Beecher, then a prominent practicing physician of Philadelphia. On this trip they traveled through the South, Mexico, and returned home by the way of California, Oregon, Washington state, and the Yellowstone Park.
In the fall of last year their last son was stricken with apoplexy while engaged in work in Corinthian Chapter, Royal Arch Masons, in Masonic Temple, Philadelphia, and died the following day.
After the reception the party retired to the dining room of the hotel, where a most inviting table had been prepared, beautifully decorated with plants and cut flowers, furnished by Schroyer, while the cake, confections, &c. were furnished by Joseph R. Royer, of this city. After the party had been arranged about the table Mr. Beecher read a poem of sixteen verses, which he himself had written for the occassion, after which short and appropriate addresses were made by a number of guests. the affair was throughout a most enjoyable one, and the happiness of the hosts made double happy the guests.
Among those present were: Dr. W. H. Webb and wife, Frank H. Hersh and wife, Philadelphia; Mr. John S. Weand and wife, Pottstown; Mr. D. W. Schum, wife and daughter, York; Mrs. S. B. Minnich and wife, Landisville; Mr. Charles G. Strickler, Lancaster; Rev. Enck, Mr. George H. Banner and wife, Mr. Aaron Danner and wife, Mr. E. F. Hostetter, wife and daughter, Mr. Abraham Summy and wife, Mr. B. F. Hershey and wife, Mr. Howard Gingrich and wife, the Misses Meixels, Professor John H. Schenk, John Becker, Mr. Harry Stauffer, Mr. William Schefler, Mr. Fernheisen, of Manheim.
Mr. Beecher has passed his seventieth year and Mrs. Beecher is now past sixty-eight years.

20. Newspaper: Lancaster Examiner: Their Golden Wedding, 31 Mar 1894, Lancaster, Lancaster, PA. 29 \emdash\emdash -
\emdash\emdash -
Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Beecher Celebrate the Event at Manheim.
\emdash\emdash -
\emdash\emdash -
The Summy House the Scene of Joyous and Memorable Festivities Attending the Celebration of the Anniversary \emdash The Entire Hotel Given to the Occasion.
\emdash\emdash -
The Summy House, at Manheim, was the scene of a joyous occasion on Wednesday evening, when Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Beecher celebrated the fiftieth anniversary of their marriage. The entire hotel was given to the occasion, and was thronged with guests, many from a distance. It was a delightful affair throughout, and will be a memorable one to all who had the good fortune to be present.
Early in the evening the party assembled in the parlor, which was beautifully decorated, and were addressed by Rev. Mr. Enck, of the U. B. church, Manheim. A reception followed, and Mr. and Mrs. Beecher received the congratulations of their friends. The guests were then invited to retire to the banquet room where an elegant supper had been prepared. The table had been exquisitely decorated with plants and blooms by Mr. H. A. Schroyer, of this city, and presented a charming appearance. The supper was elaborate, the confections and cakes having been furnished by Mr. Joseph R. Royer, of this city. Remake and toasts were made by nearly all present, and the festivities continued until the small hours of the morning. A delightful feature of the affair was the reading of a poem by Mr. Beecher, who had composed it for the occasion. It comprised sixteen appropriate verses, and showed that Mr. Beecher possessed no mean literary ability.
Mr. and Mrs. Beecher were married at the home of Mrs. Beecher's father, the late Abraham Bracht, at Bainbridge, this county, March 28, 1844. During their long period of married life they have always lived happily together and, having traveled extensively, made many friends. They first resided In Bainbridge, where Mr. Beecher was a salesman in W. W. May's general store, having entered the employ of Mr. May when only thirteen years of age. Shortly afterwards they removed to Columbia, and Mr. Beecher became engaged as a salesman by the late Peter Haldeman, in the latter's general store. In 1852 they again moved, going to Philadelphia. Mr. Beecher at once entered the employ of Seiger, Lamb Co., who keep a large dry goods establishment on Third street. He had been connected with this store for eleven years, when he accepted a position with Hood, Bombright & Co., who at that time were one of the most prominent dry goods firms in America. He remained with this house for twenty-three years. He was at first employed as a clerk, but was faithful to his duties and was rapidly promoted until about 1885, when he proved himself of such invaluable assistance to his employers that he was made a member of the firm. After remaining in that position for three years, during which time the management of the large business done by the firm was conducted almost entirely by himself, he retired from active business life. During the past six years he has resided in York, Landisville and Manheim.
Mr. and Mrs. Beecher had three sons born to them, all of whom are now dead. Their eldest son, the late Dr. A. C. W. Beecher, of Philadelphia, who was prominent in Masonic work, was stricken with apoplexy last fall while working in Corinthian Chapter, Royal Arch Masons, of Philadelphia, and died the following day.
As already stated, Mr. and Mrs. Beecher have traveled extensively. Twelve years ago they made a trip across the continent, lasting two months, and in 1890 made a trip through the southern States, Mexico, California, Oregon and Washington. They have covered every State and Territory of the Union in the travels.
Mr. Beecher is seventy years of age and his wife is sixty-eight years old. They have always enjoyed excellent health and look as though they might, as their friends wish, live to celebrate many more similar occasions.
Among the guests were: Dr. W. H. Webb and wife, and Mr. F. H. Hersh and wife, of Philadelphia; Mr. J. S. Wand, of Pottstown; Mr. S. B. Minnich and wife, of Landisville; Mr. D. W. Schrum, wife and daughter, of York; Mr. Abram Kline, Mr. Charles Kline and wife, Mr. G. H. Danner and wife, Aaron Danner and wife, E. F. Hostetter, wife and daughter, B. P. Hershey and wife, Howard Gingrich and wife, Abram Summy and wife, Mrs. Meixels, Prof. J. H. Shenk, Messrs. Ferneisen, Harry Stauffer, William Schefler, and John Beck, of Manheim, and Mr. Chas. G. Strickler, of this city.

21. Census in 1900 in York, York, PA. 10 Jacob F. Beecher, age 76, born Sep. 1823, is living with his wife, Catherine E., age 74, born Oct. 1825. They were married for 56 years and had three children, none of them living in 1900. They and their parents were born in Pennsylvania. They are living at 436 Lincoln Street in the city of York, Pa.

22. Newspaper: Leavenworth Weekly Times, 6 Jun 1901, Leavenworth, Leavenworth, KS. 30 Jacob Beecher, I, 187th Pennsylvania, of H barracks, is the old veteran who rings the chimes hanging in the belfry of the home chapel. There are only twelve bells and consquently he can only play tunes in the key of A and D. Thing ringing of chimes is not as easy as it may appear; there is hard attached to it. Mr. Beecher is a great lover of music, and it appears to be a pleasure to him to handle the ropes.

23. Newspaper: Lancaster New Era: Mr. And Mrs. J. F. Beecher 61st Anniversary, 29 Mar 1905, Lancaster, Lancaster, PA. 31 WEDDED SIXTY-ONE YEARS. Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Beecher, of Manheim, Celebrate an Unusual Anniversary.
Manheim, March 29. -- Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Beecher, who have made the Rummy House their home for the past twelve- years, celebrated their sixty-first wedding anniversary on Tuesday evening. Mr. Beecher was born in 1823, in the Pequea Valley, and Mrs. Beecher was born in 1825, in Bainbridge. Mr. Beecher's parents died when he was quite young, and at the age of twelve and one-half years he was indentured to Mr. May, of Bainbridge, after a year's trial, for seven years, to act as a clerk in a general store. After serving his apprenticeship with Mr. May he shortly afterward was married and then, engaged with Mr. Peter Haldeman, of Columbia, who conducted a general store in that place. Later he went to Philadelphia. He finally became a member of the firm of Hood, Bonbrlght & Co., Philadelphia. The Beecher family while living at Philadelphia were blessed with three sons, Horace, Franklin and Howard. Clarence died when young, and Dr. S. E. W. Beecher, who was a graduate of Jefferson Medical College, died about seven years ago while practicing medicine in Philadelphia. Mr. Beecher retired from active business in 1889 and since then he and Mrs. Beecher have spent a great deal of time in travel, passing through every State and Territory in the Union except Arkansas. At the conclusion of the evening a banquet was served by Caterer Long. Rev. M. H. Nichols made an address. The guests present from Manheim were: Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Hostetler, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Metzler, Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Danner, Mr. and Mrs. Wein Ensmlnger, Mr. and Mrs. N. W. Gingrich, Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Hershey, Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Stauffer, Mr. and Mrs. George H. Danner, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Farmer, Dr. and Mrs. J. Francis Dunlap, Mrs. Harriet Dunlap, Miss Elizabeth Dunlap, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Kline, Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Stauffer, Misses Mary Meixel, Lizzie Meixel, Sue Stroh, Mrs. Emma Zook, Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Hamaker, Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Shenck, Dr. J. D. Kendig, Misses Barbara and Kale Haslett, Mr. H. C. Gingrich, Mr. Chas. Dunlap, Miss Tillie Stehman and mother, Mr. Abram Hostetter. The out of town guests were: Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Hall and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Herst, Philadelphia; Mr. and Mrs. John Baker, Carlisle; Mrs. Amos Rutter, Miss Lillie Rutter, New Holland; Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Kersey, Elizabethtown; Mr. and Mrs. George R. Rogers. Baltimore, Md.; Mr. Thos. B. Himes, Mt. Joy; Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Kilborn, Brooklyn; Misses Lottie and Sue Paxson, Atglen; Mr. and Mrs. Henry Rich, Marietta.

24. Newspaper: Harrisburg Daily Independent: J. F. Beecher 61st Wedding Anniversary, 30 Mar 1905, Harrisburg, Dauphin, PA. 32 A notable event was celebrated at Manheim yesterday, being the sixty-first wedding anniversary of J. F. Beecher, a former member of the firm of Hood, Bonbright & Co., Philadelphia merchants, and his wife. Mr. Beecher is now 82 years old, his wife being two years his junior.

25. Death Certificate: Certificate # 3494 for J. F. Beecher, 23 Jan 1906, Manheim Twp., Lancaster, PA. 11 Name: J. F. Beecher
Birth: Sep 13 1823
Age 82 years 4 months 10 days
Birthplace: Penna.
Father: Jacob Beecher, Penna.
Mother: Catherine Epler, Penna.
Occupation: Merchant
Date of death: 23 Jan 1906 11:30 a.m.
Cause of death: pleuro-pneumonia, la grippe. 3 1/2 days.
Signed: J. Francis Dunlop M.D., Manheim, Pa.
Burial: South Laurel Hill Cemetery
Informant: Mrs. J. F. Beecher, Manheim, Pa.

26. Obituary: Lancaster New Era: obituary of Jacob F. Beecher on 24 Jan 1906 in Lancaster, Lancaster, PA. 33 Death of Jacob F. Beecher, Formerly a Widely-Known Merchant.

Manheim, Jan. 24. -- Jacob F. Beecher, who, with his wife, had been living at the Summy House, Manheim, for the past fifteen years, died on Tuesday morning about eleven o'clock, from the effects of pneumonia, contracted a few days ago. Mr. Beecher was born near New Holland, in the Pequea Valley, September 13, 1823. He was married to Catherine Elizabeth Bracht, of Bainbridge, in 1844. After his marriage, Mr. Beecher engaged in the mercantile business, first in Bainbridge, later in Philadelphia, where he became a member of the firm of Hood, Bonbright & Co., dealers in dry goods. With this firm he was associated for twenty-three years, and was well and favorably known among the merchants of York, Lancaster and Dauphin counties. Mr. and Mrs. Beecher traveled across the continent several times, and visited all the important places of interest in the United States. The couple had three sons, all of whom died some years ago. Dr. A. C. W. Beecher, Philadelphia, being the last. The deceased is survived by his wife and two brothers. A short funeral service will be held at the Summy House on Thursday at 12:30 o'clock, after which the remains will be taken by train to Laurel Hill cemetery, Philadelphia. Rev. A. O. Bartholomew, pastor of St. Paul's Reformed Church, Manheim, will officiate.

27. Obituary: Harrisburg Daily Independent: "Jacob F. Beecher, for twenty-three years a member of the firm of Hood, Bonbright & Co., of Philadelphia, died yesterday at Manheim, aged 83 years. Mr. Beecher had been retired for the past fifteen years." on 25 Jan 1906 in Harrisburg, Dauphin, PA. 34

28. Obituary: Philadelphia Inquirer: obituary of Jacob F. Beecher on 25 Jan 1906 in Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA. 5 BEECHER -- At Manheim, Pa., Jan 23. JACOB F. BEECHER, in the 83d year of his age. Relatives and friends are invited to attend the funeral services, Friday morning, precisely, at 11.30 o'clock, at the residence of his nephew, Mr. Abraham L. Hall, 4729 Cedar ave. Interment private.

29. Book: Kentucky Pioneer and Court Records: bio of Jacob Beecher, 1929. 3
Jacob Beecher, 12th child of John Beecher and Mary Ann Albert, married his cousin, Catherine Brown, of Jonestown, Lebanon County, Pa. She was a daughter of Catherine (Katy) Albert and Mr. Brown. (Katy's sister, Mary Ann Albert, married John Beecher.) Margaret Albert, another sister, married Mr. Epler (his family built Epler's Church). Children of Jacob and Catherine Beecher:
1. John Valentine Beecher. Died 1886; aged 65; married two times.
2. Jacob Franklin Beecher married Catherine Elizabeth Bracket, March 28, 1844; had one son, Dr. A. C. W. Beecher, of Philadelphia, Pa.
3. Paris Epler Beecher.
4. Kaziah Beecher married Mr. Thompson.
5. William Lightner Beecher.
6, 7, 8, 9 no record.
[Note: This book notes that some information was provided by Dr. A. C. Beecher of Philadelphia, and he is one of the children named above.].

Jacob married Catherine Elizabeth Bracht, daughter of Abraham N. Bracht and Catherine Elizabeth Wolf, on 23 Mar 1844.1 (Catherine Elizabeth Bracht was born on 16 Oct 1825 in Bainbridge, Lancaster, PA,10 12 35 36 died on 19 Oct 1912 in Elizabethtown, Lancaster, PA 35 36 37 38 and was buried on 24 Oct 1912 in Philadelphia: South Laurel Hill Cemetery, Philadelphia, PA 35 36 37 38.)


1 Records of Nancy Eitnier, a descendant.

2 The Lancaster Examiner (Lancaster, PA), 15 Dec 1847, page 6.

3 McAdams, Mrs. Harry Kennett: compiler and publisher. Sections of Beecher Genealogy compiled with aid of direct descendent Dr. A.C. Beecher in Philadelphia, Kentucky Pioneer and Court Records: Abstracts of Early Wills, Deeds and Marriages from Court Houses and records of Old Bibles, Churches, Grave Yards, and Cemeteries. Copied by American War Mothers. (Keystone Printery, Lexington, KY. 1929.), Page 313.

4, Pennsylvania, Philadelphia City Death Certificates, 1803-1915 (From originals housed at the Philadelphia City Archives. "Death Records."),

5 Philadelphia Inquirer (Philadelphia, PA), 25 Jan 1906, page 7. Obituary of Jacob F. Beecher.

6 Philadelphia Inquirer (Philadelphia, PA), 5 Apr 1867, page 5. Obituary of Horace F. Beecher.

7 Philadelphia Public Ledger (Philadelphia, PA), 2 Mar 1868, page 2. Obituary of Howard Clarence Beecher.

8 Pennsylvania, Church and Town Records, 1708-1985 ( Original data: Historic Pennsylvania Church and Town Records. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: Historical Society of Pennsylvania.), Historical Society of Pennsylvania; Historic Pennsylvania Church and Town Records; Reel: 565. Saint Johns Episcopal Church, Compass, Chester, PA. Baptism of Jacob Franklin, Pariz Epler and Kezia Allworth Beecher.

9 1870 United States Census, Pennsylvania, Philadelphia County, Philadelphia 28-Ward 91-District, Series: M593 Roll: 1445 Page: 222.

10 1900 United States Census, Pennsylvania, York County, 11-Ward York, Series: T623 Roll: 1503 Page: 221.

11, Pennsylvania, U.S., Death Certificates, 1906-1971 (Original data: Pennsylvania (State). Death certificates. Records of the Pennsylvania Department of Health, Record Group 11. Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania.), Certificate 3494, J. F. Beecher, father Jacob Beecher, mother Catherine Epler.

12 1860 United States Census, Year: 1860; Census Place: Philadelphia Ward 20, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; Roll: M653_1171; Page: 548; Image: 556; Family History Library Film: 805171.

13 1830 United States Census, Pennsylvania, Lancaster County, Salisbury Township, Series: M19 Roll: 153 Page: 251.

14 Lancaster Intelligencer Journal Newspaper (Lancaster, Lancaster County, PA), 28 Jul 1840, page 3.

15 Lancaster Intelligencer Journal Newspaper (Lancaster, Lancaster County, PA), 19 Dec 1848, page 3.

16 Lancaster Intelligencer Journal Newspaper (Lancaster, Lancaster County, PA), 1 Oct 1850, page 2.

17 Transactions of the Section on Laryngology, Otology and Rhinology of the American Medical Association at the Annual Session (1893. Online at, Volume 21. Necrology. Nov 18, 1893. Page 784. Obituary of Dr. Abraham Clifford Wolf Beecher.

18 U.S., Civil War Draft Registrations Records, 1863-1865 (, Pa, 4th Congressional District, Vol. 5 of 11, Image 158 of 167. Jacob F. Beecher.

19 Pennsylvania State Archives ( online records.),

20 National Park Service Soldier's Sailors Database,

21 A. McElroy & Co., McElroy's Philadelphia city directory (Philadelphia : A. McElroy & Co.), 1867 edition.

22, Pennsylvania, Philadelphia City Death Certificates, 1803-1915 (From originals housed at the Philadelphia City Archives. "Death Records."), J. F. Beecher in entry for Horace F. Beecher, 03 Apr 1867; citing , Department of Records; FHL microfilm 1993315.

23, Pennsylvania, Philadelphia City Death Certificates, 1803-1915 (From originals housed at the Philadelphia City Archives. "Death Records."), J. F. Beecher in entry for Howard C . Beecher, 29 Feb 1868; citing v 1 p 60, Department of Records; FHL microfilm 1003695.

24 The Lancaster Bar, a Weekly Legal Publication (Lancaster, Lancaster, Pennsylvania.), 26 Jun 1869, page 3.

25, U.S., City Directories, 1822-1995, Image 107 of 750. Philadelphia, 1873 Pennsylvania City Directory, Page 194.

26 1880 United States Census, Jacob F. Beecher, 1880.

27, U.S., City Directories, 1822-1995, 1883 Philadelphia City Directory, page 160.

28 Lancaster New Era (Lancaster, PA), 29 Mar 1894, page 1, Golden Wedding Anniversary of J. F. Beecher.

29 Lancaster Examiner & Herald Newspaper (Lancaster, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania.), 31 Mar 1894, page 8.

30 The Leavenworth Weekly Times (Leavenworth, Leavenworth, Kansas.), 6 Jun 1901, page 5. Soldiers Home.

31 Lancaster New Era (Lancaster, PA), 29 Mar 1906, page 2. 61st Anniversary J. F. Beechers.

32 Harrisburg Daily Independent (Harrisburg, Dauphin, Pennsylvania.), 30 Mar 1905, page 3.

33 Lancaster New Era (Lancaster, PA), 24 Jan 1906, page 2. Obituary of Jacob F. Beecher.

34 Harrisburg Daily Independent (Harrisburg, Dauphin, Pennsylvania.), 25 Jan 1906, page 2.

35, Pennsylvania, U.S., Death Certificates, 1906-1971 (Original data: Pennsylvania (State). Death certificates. Records of the Pennsylvania Department of Health, Record Group 11. Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania.), Certificate 92888, Catherine E. Beecher, father Abraham N Brought, mother Elizabeth Wolf.

36 Find A Grave,

37 Humphrey, John T., Philadelphia Births, Philadelphia County, 1644-1765 (1994. Humphrey Publications, Washington D.C.), FamilySearch ( Catharine E. Beecher, 1912.

38, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, U.S., Death Certificates Index, 1803-1915 (From originals housed at the Philadelphia City Archives. "Death Records."), FHL Film 1421349, Catherine E. Beecher, d. 19 Oct 1912, father Abraham N. Brought, mother Elizabeth Wolf.

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