Jacob Franklin Beecher Sr.
Catherine Braun
(1802-Abt 1840)
Abraham N. Bracht
Catherine Elizabeth Wolf
Jacob Franklin Beecher Jr.
Catherine Elizabeth Bracht
Dr. Abraham Clifford Wolf Beecher


Family Links

1. Mary Louisa West

Dr. Abraham Clifford Wolf Beecher 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

  • Born: 26 Mar 1845, Bainbridge, Lancaster, PA 4 5 7 9 10
  • Marriage (1): Mary Louisa West on 1 Apr 1880 in Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA 1 2
  • Died: 7 Nov 1893, Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA at age 48 4 7 8 9
  • Buried: 11 Nov 1893, Philadelphia: South Laurel Hill Cemetery, Philadelphia, PA 8 11

   FamilySearch ID: L6P8-XXY.

  Death Notes:

He died before 1900 because in that year's census his mother is listed with none of her three children alive that year.

  Noted events in his life were:

1. Moved: 1852, Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA. 6

2. Census in 1860 in Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA. 10 The 1860 census recorded Jacob Becher [sic], clerk, 36, living with wife Catharine Becher, 34; Abram Becher, 15; and Horace Beecher, 10. Everyone was born in Pennsylvania. They were living in the 20th Ward (North of Master Street) in Philadelphia.

3. Newspaper: Philadelphia Public Ledger: "Abram Beecher from Hancock school passed his exam with a score of 85.5 enabling admission into Philadelphia Central High School.", 7 Jul 1860, Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA. 12

4. He was educated at Jefferson Medical College of Thomas Jefferson University in 1867 in Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA. 4

5. Residence: The 1867 Philiadelphia City Directory listed: Beecher, Abraham W., student, h 1539 N 12th in 1867 in Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA. 13

6. Census in 1870 in Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA. 14 Jacob Beecher, 47, occupation salesman, is living with his wife, Catherine, 45; son A. C. W., 26, physician; and a domestic. Everyone was born in Pennsylvania. His real estate is valued at $11,500 and possessions at $1,000.

7. Residence: The 1873 Philadelphia City Directory lists: Beecher, A. C. W., physician, h 1912 N 12th. In 1873 in Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA. 15

8. Census in 1880 in Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA. 5 The 1880 census recorded at 1222 Walnut Street: Abraham Beecher, physician, 36, living with wife Mary L., 34. They have no children living with them. Everyone and their parents were born in Pennsylvania, except for Mary's father who was born in New Jersey.

9. Newspaper: The Times: "The Rev. Henry Ward Beecher lectures at the Academy of Music to-night in the Star Course. The subject of the lecture is the very important and interesting one of "The Education of Teachers.", 1 Apr 1880, Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA. 16

10. Book: College and Clinical Record, Volume 1, 15 May 1880. 2
Beecher - West. -- On April 1, 1880, at the residence of the bride's mother, 1013 Vine Street, by the Rev. Henry Ward Beecher, of Brooklyn, N. Y., Dr. A. C. W. Beecher and Miss Mary L., daughter of the late Dr. Budd West, and niece of John Stroup, Esq., all of Philadelphia.

11. Residence: Beecher Abraham C. W., physician, 523 S 9th in 1887 in Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA. All Beechers in 1887 Philadelphia:
Beecher Abraham C. W., physician, 523 S 9th
Benjamin C., salesman, h 815 Gray's Ferry rd
Charles K., salesman, h 2112 N 11th
Emma, wid Samuel A., h 1930 N 23d
Henry W., clerk, h 428 S 20th
James, blacksmith, h 4913 Fkd av J. W., salesman, h 831 Market 164
Lorenzo H., screwman, h 2322 Catharine
Samuel F., salesman, h 931 Ontario
Sarah, wid Richard, h 2114 William
Susan A.,wid Jacob, h 815 Gray's Ferry rd
Theodore H., asst supt, h 827 N 15th
William H., sec, 315 Race, h 3118 N Broad.

12. Residence: 1889 Philadelphia Directory: Beecher, Abraham C. W., physician, 523 S. 9th in 1889 in Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA. 17

13. Residence: The 1891 Philadelphia City Directory lists: Beecher, Abraham C. W., physician, 1816 Diamond Rd. In 1891 in Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA. 18

14. He has conflicting burial information of Per his will, A. C. W. Beecher was interred at South Laurel Hill Cemetery in Philadelphia with his father Jacob Franklin Beecher but also another monument was erected in Bainbridge Cemetery, his birthplace., 1893 and Bainbridge: Bainbridge Cemetery, Lancaster, PA. 9 i


15. Death Certificate: 7 Nov 1893, Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA. 19 Name: Abraham C. W. Beecher [indexed at FamilySearch as Beech]
Color: White
Sex: Male
Age: 48
Date of Death: 11-7 1893
Cause of death: apoplexy
Occupation: physician
Place of Birth: USA
Ward: 29
Street and Number: 2040 N 19th St.
Date of Burial: Nov 11 1893
Place of Burial: Laurel Hill.

16. Newspaper: Philadelphia Inquirer: obituary of Doctor Abraham C. W. Beecher, 11 Nov 1893, Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA. 8 DIED. BEECHER -- Suddenly, on November 7, 1893, Doctor Abraham C. W. Beecher, son of Jacob and Catharine Beecher, in the 49th year of his age. The relatives and friends of the family are respectfully invited to attend the funeral, from his late residence, 2040 North Nineteenth street, on Saturday afternoon, November 11, at 2.30 o'clock.

17. Obituary: Obituary of Dr. Abraham Clifford Wolf Beecher on 18 Nov 1893 in Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA. 6 Dr. Abraham Clifford Wolf Beecher, who was stricken with apoplexy in the Masonic Temple, died November 7. Dr. Beecher was born in Bainbridge, Lancaster County, March 26, 1859 [note: this was in error, birth year was 1845.] He was the son of Jacob F. Beecher, for a number of years a wholesale dry good merchant of this city. He removed to Philadelphia with his parents in 1852, and after studying in the public schools entered the Philadelphia College of Pharmacy, but later abandoned the study of pharmacy for that of medicine, graduating from Jefferson College in 1867. For two years thereafter he was resident physician at the Philadelphia Hospital, and later acted as assistant to the late Professors Wallace and Meigs at Jefferson Medical College, where he also became Assistant Demonstrator of Anatomy, holding the latter position for a number of years. About four years ago he resigned, devoting himself entirely to his private practice.

18. Obituary: College and Clinical Record, Vol. 14, Jefferson Medical College in Nov 1898 in Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA. 20 Deaths

Beecher -- Suddenly of apoplexy, at Philadelphia, November 7, 1893, Abraham C. W. Beecher, M.D. (J. M. C 1867). He died at the Medico-Chirurgical Hospital, where he had been take the night previously from the Masonic Temple. He entered the Philadelphia College of Pharmacy, but later abandoned that study for medicine. He was two years resident physician at the Philadelphia Hospital, and later was assistant to the Professors Ellerslie Wallace and J. Aitken Meigs at Jefferson Medical College, at which he was also assistant demonstrator of anatomy for a number of years. About four years ago he resigned, devoting himself entirely to his private practice.

19. Book: Kentucky Pioneer and Court Records: sketch on Jacob Beecher, 1929. 3
Jacob Beecher, 12th child of John Beecher and Mary Ann Albert, married his cousin, Catherine Brown, of Jonestown, Lebanon County, Pa. She was a daughter of Catherine (Katy) Albert and Mr. Brown. (Katy's sister, Mary Ann Albert, married John Beecher.) Margaret Albert, another sister, married Mr. Epler (his family built Epler's Church). Children of Jacob and Catherine Beecher:
1. John Valentine Beecher. Died 1886; aged 65; married two times.
2. Jacob Franklin Beecher married Catherine Elizabeth Bracket, March 28, 1844; had one son, Dr. A. C. W. Beecher, of Philadelphia, Pa.
3. Paris Epler Beecher.
4. Kaziah Beecher married Mr. Thompson.
5. William Lightner Beecher.
6, 7, 8, 9 no record.
[Note: This book notes that some information was provided by Dr. A. C. Beecher of Philadelphia, and he is one of the children named above.].

20. Book: Conoy Township: The History and the Mystery, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, 2013. 21
Dr. Abraham Clifford Wolf (A.C.W.) Beecher (1845, Bainbridge-1893, Philadelphia [bu. Bainbridge]) was the son of Jacob Franklin and Catherine Elizabeth (Bracht) Beecher. (Catharine was the daughter of Abraham and Catherine E. Bracht, of Bainbridge).
A.C.W. was known to have an Allopath practice and spent his career as a well-known Philadelphia physician. He lived in Philadelphia all of his adult life and taught at Jefferson Medical College as well as had a private practice. He never married. Inscribed on the monument, in Bainbridge Cemetery, with him are his two younger brothers who died before him: Horace F. Beecher (1849-1867) and Howard C. Beecher (1866-1868). His parents likely placed the monument, and it would seem he returned home to final rest, with his brothers.

Abraham married Mary Louisa West, daughter of Dr. Budd West and Emma C. Stroup, on 1 Apr 1880 in Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA.1 2 (Mary Louisa West was born on 18 Sep 1847 in Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA,5 22 died on 28 Jan 1890 in Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA 11 22 23 24 and was buried on 1 Feb 1890 in Philadelphia: South Laurel Hill Cemetery, Philadelphia, PA 11 22 23.)


1 FamilySearch.org, "Pennsylvania Marriages, 1709-1940," (https://familysearch.org/pal:/MM9.1.1/V265-BD7 A. Clifford Wolf Beecher and Mary Louisa West, 01 Apr 1880; citing Philadelpha, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; FHL microfilm 1769066.

2 College and Clinical Record, Jefferson Medical College, Vol. I, No. 5. May 15, 1880. Page 80. Marriages.

3 McAdams, Mrs. Harry Kennett: compiler and publisher. Sections of Beecher Genealogy compiled with aid of direct descendent Dr. A.C. Beecher in Philadelphia, Kentucky Pioneer and Court Records: Abstracts of Early Wills, Deeds and Marriages from Court Houses and records of Old Bibles, Churches, Grave Yards, and Cemeteries. Copied by American War Mothers. (Keystone Printery, Lexington, KY. 1929.), Page 313.

4 Directory of Deceased American Physicians, 1804-1929, JAMA Citation 21:784. Abraham Clifford Wolf Beecher.

5 1880 United States Census, FHL Film 1255171; National Archives Film T9-1171; Page 429B.

6 Transactions of the Section on Laryngology, Otology and Rhinology of the American Medical Association at the Annual Session (1893. Online at http://books.google.com/books?id=6f9ebni0mfcC), Volume 21. Necrology. Nov 18, 1893. Page 784. Obituary of Dr. Abraham Clifford Wolf Beecher.

7 Find A Grave, http://www.findagrave.com/cgi-bin/fg.cgi?page=gr&GRid=149608281.

8 Philadelphia Inquirer (Philadelphia, PA), 11 Nov 1893, page 11. Obituary of Dr. Abraham C. W. Beecher.

9 Find A Grave, http://www.findagrave.com/cgi-bin/fg.cgi?page=gr&GRid=69850243.

10 1860 United States Census, Year: 1860; Census Place: Philadelphia Ward 20, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; Roll: M653_1171; Page: 548; Image: 556; Family History Library Film: 805171.

11 Pennsylvania Church and Town Records, 1708-1985 (http://www.Ancestry.com. Original from Historical Society of Pennsylvania, Historic Pennsylvania Church and Town Records.), Historical Society of Pennsylvania; Historic Pennsylvania Church and Town Records; Reel: 1174. Burial records for Laurel Hill Cemetery in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

12 Philadelphia Public Ledger (Philadelphia, PA), 7 Jul 1860, page 1.

13 Ancestry.com, U.S., City Directories, 1822-1995, 1867 Philadelphia City Directory, pages 188, 193, 194.

14 1870 United States Census, Pennsylvania, Philadelphia County, Philadelphia 28-Ward 91-District, Series: M593 Roll: 1445 Page: 222.

15 Ancestry.com, U.S., City Directories, 1822-1995, Image 107 of 750. Philadelphia, 1873 Pennsylvania City Directory, Page 194.

16 Philadelphia Times (Philadelphia, PA), 1 Apr 1880, page 2.

17 Ancestry.com, U.S., City Directories, 1822-1995, 1889 Philadelphia Directory, printed page 168, online image 86.

18 Ancestry.com, U.S., City Directories, 1822-1995, Image 157 of 2090. Philadelphia City Directory, Page 143.

19 FamilySearch.org, Pennsylvania, Philadelphia City Death Certificates, 1803-1915 (From originals housed at the Philadelphia City Archives. "Death Records."), https://familysearch.org/pal:/MM9.1.1/JKSC-SNY Abraham C. W. Beech, 1893.

20 College and Clinical Record, Jefferson Medical College, Volume 14, Nov. 1898. See http://books.google.com/books?id=JiQXAAAAYAAJ&dq=abraham%20c.%20w.%20beecher&pg=PA290#v=onepage&q=abraham%20c.%20w.%20beecher&f=false.

21 Audrey Gates Snyder, Conoy Township: The History and the Mystery, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania (2013. Publisher, Jane Andrews Sweigart. 500 pages.).

22 Find A Grave, http://www.findagrave.com/cgi-bin/fg.cgi?page=gr&GRid=149608613.

23 FamilySearch.org, Pennsylvania, Philadelphia City Death Certificates, 1803-1915 (From originals housed at the Philadelphia City Archives. "Death Records."), https://familysearch.org/pal:/MM9.1.1/JK9F-3ZC Mary Louisa Beecher, 28 Jan 1890; citing , Department of Records; FHL microfilm 2080369.

24 Philadelphia Times (Philadelphia, PA), 30 Jan 1890, page 5. Death of Mary Louisa Beecher.

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