John Peter Herr Sr.
Susannah Weiss
Daniel Herr


Family Links

1. Sarah Salome Gilbert

Daniel Herr 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

  • Born: 14 Dec 1795, Hagerstown, Washington, MD 1 4 6 10
  • Christened: 24 Jan 1796, Hagerstown: Reformed Congregation, Washington, MD 4
  • Marriage (1): Sarah Salome Gilbert on 15 Feb 1820 in Harrisburg, Dauphin, PA 1 2
  • Died: 11 Jul 1857, Harrisburg, Dauphin, PA at age 61 1 6 10
  • Buried: Harrisburg: East Harrisburg Cemetery, Dauphin, PA 10

   FamilySearch ID: MTTR-GLQ.

  Noted events in his life were:

1. Military from 1813 to 1814 in , Washington, MD: War of 1812: Private, Capt. Gerard Stonebrecker's Co., Maryland Militia. 3

2. Newspaper: Gettysburg Compiler: Married--On Tuesday the 15th inst. By the Rev. John Herbst, Mr. Daniel Herr, of Hagerstown, Washington county, Md. To Miss Sarah Gilbert, daughter of Mr. Jacob Gilbert, of Franklin township, in this county., 23 Feb 1820, Gettysburg, Adams, PA. 2

3. Newspaper: Gettysburg Compiler: Article about Daniel Herr opening House of Entertainment in Greencastle, Franklin County, PA, 2 May 1821, Gettysburg, Adams, PA. 12 (AD)
House of Entertainment
Respectfully informs his friends and the public generally, that he has opened a House of Entertainment, on the south west corner of the public square in Green-Castle, formerly kept by Mr. G. Mitchell, sign of
where he is prepared in every respect to entertain and accommodate Travellers and others in the best manner.
He assures the public, that nothing in his power shall be wanting to render entire satisfaction to all those who may please to favor him with their custom. His rates of charges will be moderate.

4. Residence: on 2 May 1821 in Greencastle, Franklin, PA. 12

5. Tax List: 1828, Lurgan, Franklin, PA. 13

6. Newspaper: The Torch Light and Public Advertiser, 10 Apr 1828, Hagerstown, Washington, MD. 14 AD: The Through Bred Horse,
Young Rattler,
the property of Dr. William Thornton, of the city of Washington, and now in the care and management of the subscriber, will stand the ensuing season as follows: On Mondays, Tuedays and Wednesdays, until three o'clock, at Mr. Daniel Herr's tavern, Green-castle, Pa. and the three last days of the week at Martin Newcomer's tavern, Hagers-town, at ten dollars the season, which will commence on the 20th of March and end on the first day of July.
-- The subscriber will not be accountable for accidents.

7. Newspaper: Gettysburg Compiler: Orphans' Court Notice, 1 May 1832, Gettysburg, Adams, PA. 15 At an Orphans' Court,
Held at Gettysburg, for the county of Adams, on the 23d day of April, in the year of our Lord one-thousand eight hundred and thirty-two, before John Reed, Esq. and his associates, Judges, &c. Assigned, &c.
The Petition of David Beecher, son-in-law of Jacob Gilbert, deceased, was read to the Court, setting forth that the said Jacob lately died intestate, having in his life time made advancements to several of his heirs -- and praying the Court to grant a Rule on the heirs of said intestate, to appear at the next Orphans' Court, to shew cause why Auditors should not be appointed to ascertain and adjust the advancements made to the respective heirs of said Jacob, &c.
The Court Grant A Rule,
On all the heirs of said intestate, viz: -- Margaret Gilbert, widow; Barnard Gilbert; Susanna, intermarried with Bernhart Gilbert; Molly, intermarried with Jacob Arendt; Catharine, intermarried with Michael Crowl; Elizabeth, intermarried with Michael Saltzgiver, (who died before the said Jacob, leaving issue Henry, Daniel, Margaret, Michael, Eliza, and Sophia Saltgiver, all minors;) Sally, intermarried with Daniel Herr; John Gilbert, Jacob Gilbert, George Gilbert, Samuel Gilbert, Sophia, intermarried with Jacob Herman; Mary, intermarried with David Beecher -- to be and .
appear at the next Orphans' Court, to be held at Gettysburg, for the county of Adams, on Tuesday the 29th day of May next, to shew cause why the prayer of the said petitioner should not be granted.
By the court,
John B. Clark, Clerk.
April 30.

8. Residence: in Apr 1833 in Reading, Berks, PA. 16

9. Census in 1840 in Reading, Berks, PA. 17 Name: Daniel Herr
Home in 1840 (City, County, State): Reading North Ward, Berks, Pennsylvania
Free White Persons - Males - Under 5: 1
Free White Persons - Males - 5 thru 9: 1
Free White Persons - Males - 10 thru 14: 1
Free White Persons - Males - 40 thru 49: 1
Free White Persons - Males - 50 thru 59: 2
Free White Persons - Females - Under 5: 1
Free White Persons - Females - 5 thru 9: 3
Free White Persons - Females - 10 thru 14: 1
Free White Persons - Females - 15 thru 19: 17
Free White Persons - Females - 20 thru 29: 5
Free White Persons - Under 20: 25
Free White Persons - 20 thru 49: 6
Total Free White Persons: 33.

10. Occupation: Hotel Keeper of Herr's Hotel, Chestnut St., Philadelphia, PA in 1844 in Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA. 18

11. Newspaper: Star and Banner: Ad for Herr's Hotel in Harrisburg, PA, 14 Nov 1845, Gettysburg, Adams, PA. 18 HERR'S HOTEL,
Harrisburg, PA.
I beg to inform the Public that I have left Philadelphia, and am now located in Harrisburg, the seat of the Executive and State Government of Pennsylvania, where I now occupy the WELL KNOWN HOTEL, recently k,ept by Mr. MATTHEW WILSON.
This spacious building having been purposely planned and erected for a Hotel of the first class, is not surpassed, if equalled, by any establishment in Pennsylvania, and having undergone a thorough renovation, the Parlors, Rooms and Chambers are now fitted up in a style that combines elegance with comfort and convenience.
My Table is pledged to be supplied with the best fare the Markets can product; the charges at the same time being as moderate as any of the best regulated establishments elsewhere. In short, no exertions shall be spared on my part, or on the part of every member of the household, to make it what it should be, in the Capital of one of the most populous, wealthy and interesting States of the Union.
With these promises, accomodations and facilities, and the fact that the Hotel is most eligbly situated, with confidence I most respectfully solicit the patronage of the public.
Late of Herr's Hotel, Chestnut st., Phila.
Harrisburg, Pa. Nov. 7 1845.

12. Newspaper: Herald of Freedom: Legal Notice of Herr Estate Dispute, 17 Oct 1849, Hagerstown, Washington, MD. 19 Legal Notice published on 17 Oct 1849 in the newspaper Herald of Freedom, Hagerstown, MD:

No. 1080

George M. Irwin, Mary Irwin, his wife
Samuel Herr and wife,
William Herr and wife,
Daniel Herr and wife,
Conrad Herr and wife,
Elizabeth Beecher,
John Herr and wife.

In Washington County Court, sitting as a Court of Equity.

The object of the suit is to procure a decree for a sale of certain real estate, lots and houses, of which John P. Herr died siezed and possessed.

The Bill states that said John P. Herr in the year 1844, departed this life in Franklin County, in the State of Pennsylvania, intestate, seized and possessed of certain lots and houses, (described in the bill and accompanying exhibit,) situate in Hagerstown, in Washington County, in the State of Maryland, leaving the said Complainants and Defendants as his heirs at law; that the said Samuel Herr and Susan Herr, his wife; William Herr, whose wife's Christian name is unknown, reside in the State of Ohio, or elsewhere beyond the jurisdiction of the Court; Daniel Herr, whose wife's Christian name is unknown, Conrad Herr and Catharine Herr, his wife; Elizabeth Beecher, widow, formerly Elizabeth Herr, resides in the State of Pennsylvania; Peter Herr, who departed this life, intestate, and unmarried, in Pennsylvania, in the year 1848; and John Herr and Sarah Herr his wife, reside in Williamsport, in Washington County, in the State of Maryland. That the Complainants and Defendants are seized as tenants in common in fee of said real estate, and this it would be for the interest and advantage of the Complainants and Defendants that said real estate should be sold and the proceeds divided accordign to the respoective interest of the said parties. The bill further charges that John Herr has been the recipient of the rents of said real estate since the decease of said John P. Herr, and calls upon him for an account thereof to be taken under the direction of Washington County Court, as a Court of Equity.

It is thereupon adjudged and ordered that the Complainants, by causing a copy of this order to be inserted in some newspaper published at Hagerstown, once a week for one month before the 17th day of November next, give notice to the said absent Defendants of the object and substance of this bill; and warn them to appear in this Court in person or by solicitor, on or before the 18th day of February 1850, to answer the premises, and shew cause if any they have why a decree ought not to pass as prayed -- otherwise said bill will be taken pro confesso against said Defendants.

True copy -- Test:
Issac Nesbitt, Cl'k.
October 17, 1849.

13. Census in 1850 in Harrisburg, Dauphin, PA. 20 The 1850 census recorded in the East Ward in Harrisburg: Daniel Herr, hotel keeper, 55, living with wife Sarah, 49; Andrew J., 19; Anna, 17; Sarah B., 15; Daniel B., 12; Mary, 9; Irene, 7; and Laura Coleman, 5. Everyone was born in Pennsylvania except Daniel Sr. in Maryland. His real estate was valued at $2000.

14. Newspaper: Gettysburg Compiler: Married: On the 23d ult., by Rev. J. F. Mesick, Jacob G. Wiestling, M.D., to Miss Annie Herr, daughter of Col. D. Herr, all of Harrisburg., 3 Jan 1853, Gettysburg, Adams, PA. 21

15. Obituary: Adams Sentinel: Col. Daniel Herr, proprietor fo "Herr's hotel," at Harrisburg, died at that place, of paralysis, on the 11th inst., aged about 62 years. Mr. Herr was formerly a resident of Gettysburg. On 20 Jul 1857 in Gettysburg, Adams, PA. 22

16. Newspaper: Adams Sentinel: mention of land of heirs of Daniel Herr, deceased, 26 Oct 1857, Gettysburg, Adams, PA. 23 Sheriff's Sales.
In pursuance of sundry writs of Venditioni Exponas & Alias Fieri Facias, issued out of the Court of Common Please of Adams county, Pennsylvania, and to me directed, will be exposed to Public Sale, at the Court House in the Borough of Gettysburg, on Saturday the 14th day of November, A. D. 1857, at 1 o'clock, P. M., the following described Real Estate, viz;
A Lot of Ground,
situate on the corner of West and High streets, adjoining the lot of the heirs of Daniel Herr, deceased, on which is erected a one-story FRAME HOUSE, Blacksmith's shop, stable, a well of water near the door. Taken in execution as the property of Mathew Beck.
Henry Thomas, Sheriff.

17. Book: History of the Counties of Dauphin and Lebnaon, 1883. 1
Daniel Herr was born on the 14th of December, 1795, at Hagerstown, Md. His ancestors were among the first settlers in Lancaster County. Pa., from whence the family name has become wide-spread. Daniel learned the trade of a house-carpenter, an occupation he pursued several years. During the late war with Great Britain he was lieutenant-colonel of a volunteer regiment in active service. In later life he followed hotel-keeping. He kept the Tremont House at Philadelphia, the Mansion House at Reading, and that famous hostelry, Herr's Hotel, now the Lochiel, at Harrisburg. He was a prominent member of the Masonic fraternity, and during the Anti-Masonic crusade never swerved from his allegiance to the fraternity, being Master of his lodge from 1835 to 1838, inclusive. He was a man pure in purpose, amiable, kind, and generous-hearted, yet firm and decided as to opinions and duty. He died at Harrisburg, sincerely regretted, on the 11th of July, 1857, in his sixty-second year. Col. Herr married, Feb. 15, 1820, in Gettysburg, Pa., Sarah Gilbert, daughter of Boise Gilbert and Susanna Fox, born Feb. 14, 1801, and died April 13, 1880, at Harrisburg. Their children were George Isaiah, d.s.p.; John Davenport, married Jane Nancy Sutton; Margaret Ann, married, first, Peter Nagle Coleman, second, George Leonard; Amelia Matilda, married John Peter Hassler; Andrew Jackson; Jacob Gilbert, married Mary Taylor; Susanna, married Dr. Jacob G. Wiestling; Sarah Isabella, married George Z. Kunkel; Daniel B.; William Henry Harrison, d.s.p.; Mary Elizabeth, married Charles Lipps; Louisa Irene, married Charles A. Bannvart.

18. Book: Commemorative biographical encyclopedia of Dauphin County, Pennsylvania . Page 217. See, 1896. 24
HERR, COL. DANIEL, was born on the 14th of December, 1795, at Hagerstown, Md. His ancestors were among the first settlers in Lancaster county, Pa., from whence the family name has become wide-spread. Daniel learned the trade of a house carpenter, an occupation he pursued several years. During the last war with Great Britain he was lieutenant colonel of a volunteer regiment in active service. In later life he followed hotelkeeping. He kept the Tremont House at Philadelphia, the Mansion House at Reading, and that famous hostelry, Herr's Hotel, now the Lochiel, at Harrisburg. He was a prominent member of the Masonic fraternity, and during the Anti-Masonic crusade never swerved from his allegiance to the fraternity, being master of his lodge from 1835 to 1838, inclusive. He was a man pure in purpose, amiable, kind, and generous hearted, yet firm and decided as to opinions and duty. He died at Harrisburg, sincerely regretted, on the 11th of July, 1857, in his sixty-second year. Colonel Herr married, February 15, 1820, in Gettysburg, Pa., Sarah Gilbert, daughter of Boise Gilbert and Susanna Fox [sic - mistake - the will of Jacob Gilbert proves he was Sarah's father and husband of Susanna Fox], born February 14, 1801, and died April 13, 1880, at Harrisburg. Their children were George Isaiah, d. s. p.; John Davenport, married Jane Nancy Sutton; Margaret Ann, married, first, Peter Nagle Coleman, second, George Leonard; Amelia Matilda, married John Peter Hassler; Andrew Jackson; Jacob Gilbert, married Mary Taylor; Susanna, married Dr. Jacob G. Wiestling; Sarah Isabella, married George Z. Kunkel, Daniel B.; William Henry Harrison, d. s. p.; Mary Elizabeth, married Charles Lipps; Louisa Irene, married Charles A. Bannvart.

19. Book: HIstory of the Families of McKinney-Brady-Quigley, 1906. 16
Andrew Jackson Herr b Dec 31 1832 at Greencastle Penna d Mar 16 1894 at Harrisburg Penna buried at Harrisburg. He was a son of Daniel Herr and Sarah Gilbert Herr who resided in Greencastle at the time of the birth of their son, Andrew Jackson Herr. When he was three months old they removed to Reading and later to Philadelphia and died in Harrisburg.

Daniel married Sarah Salome Gilbert, daughter of Jacob Gilbert and Anna Margaretha Fox, on 15 Feb 1820 in Harrisburg, Dauphin, PA.1 2 (Sarah Salome Gilbert was born on 14 Feb 1801 in Arendtsville, Adams, PA 1 25, christened in Arendtsville: Arendtsville Union Church (Zion Lutheran and Trinity Reformed), Adams, PA, died on 13 Apr 1880 in Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA 1 25 26 and was buried in Harrisburg: East Harrisburg Cemetery, Dauphin, PA 25.)


1 Egle, William Henry, 1830-1901, History of the Counties of Dauphin and Lebanon in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania : Geographical and Genealogical (Philadelphia : Everts & Peck, 1883
360 p., 63 p. of plates : ill., maps), page 504. Biography of Col. Daniel Herr.

2 Gettysburg Compiler (Gettysburg, Adams, Pennsylvania.), 23 Feb 1820, page 3. Marriage of Daniel Herr and Sarah Gilbert.

3, War of 1812 Pension Application Files Index, 1812-1815 (Original data: War of 1812 Pension Applications. Washington D.C.: National Archives. NARA Microfilm Publication M313, 102 rolls. Records of the Department of Veterans Affairs, Record Group Number 15.), Daniel Herr, widow Sarah Gilbert Herr. Widow's application 23532. Widow's certificate 23618.

4 Hagerstown Reformed Church, Hagerstown, Washington County, Maryland, FHL US/CAN Film 14145 Item 1 Church records of Zion United Church of Christ, 1766-1807 [Hagerstown, Maryland].

5 Fendick, Virginia Shannon, American Revolutionary Soliders of Franklin County Pennsylvania (Franklin County Chapter, Daughters of the American Revolution, Chambersburg, Penna. 1944.), Page 257, John Herr.

6 Egle, William Henry, Commemorative biographical encyclopedia of Dauphin County, Pennsylvania : containing sketches of prominent and representative citizens, and many of the early Scotch-Irish and German settlers (Chambersburg, Pa.: J.M. Runk, 1896, 1223 pgs.), Page 217.

7 Republican Compiler (Gettysburg, PA), Gettysburg, Adams County, Pennsylvania, 19 Jul 1881, page 2. Orphan's Court Legal notice headlined Jacob Gilbert defining Gilbert/Saltzgiver/Beecher relationships.

8 Gettysburg Times (Gettysburg, PA), 1988 1 Jun, page 2A. My Early Ancestors 98.

9 Berks History Center Library (Reading, PA) (, Collection GA N Box 01A Folder 17 03. 53 pages of notes about Nagle, Norton, Coleman, Otto, Hinckel, Fretz, Beecher families.

10 Find A Grave,

11 Zion German Reformed Church (Greencastle, Franklin, Pennsylvania, United States), Zion German Reformed Church and East Conococheague Church Records, 1818-1864, Family HIstory Library Microfilm 382822.

12 Gettysburg Compiler (Gettysburg, Adams, Pennsylvania.), 2 May 1821, page 4.

13, Pennsylvania, U.S., Septennial Census, 1779-1863 (Septennial Census Returns, 1779–1863. Box 1026, microfilm, 14 rolls. Records of the House of Representatives. Records of the General Assembly, Record Group 7. Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission, Harrisburg, PA.), Franklin, Pennsylvania, 1828, Image 16 of 235.

14 The Torch Light, Hagerstown, Maryland (Hagerstown, Washington County, Maryland. Published 1851 to 1863.), 10 Apr 1828, page 3.

15 Gettysburg Compiler (Gettysburg, Adams, Pennsylvania.), 1 May 1832, page 3.

16 Belle McKinney Hays Swope, HIstory of the Families of McKinney-Brady-Quigley (Newville, PA. 1906.), Page 45.

17 1840 United States Census, Year: 1840; Census Place: Reading North Ward, Berks, Pennsylvania; Roll: 436; Page: 191; Image: 388; Family History Library Film: 0020535.

18 Gettysburg Star & Republican Banner (Gettysburg, Adams County, Pennsylvania), 14 Nov 1845, page 3.

19 Herald of Freedom, Hagerstown, Maryland, 17 Oct 1849. Page 3, Column 3.

20 1850 United States Census, Daniel Herr, Harrisburgh, east ward, Dauphin, Pennsylvania, United States; citing family 116.

21 Gettysburg Compiler (Gettysburg, Adams, Pennsylvania.), 3 Jan 1853, page 3.

22 The Adams Sentinel (Gettysburg, PA), Gettysburg, Adams, Pennsylvania, 20 Jul 1857, page 2. Obituary of Col. Daniel Herr.

23 The Adams Sentinel (Gettysburg, PA), Gettysburg, Adams, Pennsylvania, 26 Oct 1857, page 3.

24 Egle, William Henry, Commemorative biographical encyclopedia of Dauphin County, Pennsylvania : containing sketches of prominent and representative citizens, and many of the early Scotch-Irish and German settlers (Chambersburg, Pa.: J.M. Runk, 1896, 1223 pgs.), Page 217. See

25 Find A Grave,

26 Harrisburg Telegraph (Harrisburg, PA), 13 Apr 1880, page 4. Obituary of Mrs. S. G. Herr.

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