Frederick Beher
Catherine Wintrode
(Abt 1768-Aft 1830)
Zadok Davis
Elizabeth Bassett
Samuel D. Beher
Eliza Ann Davis
Marcus B. Beher
(Abt 1841-1896)


Family Links

1. Mary Elizabeth Dill

Marcus B. Beher 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

  • Born: Abt 1841, , Rush, IN
  • Marriage (1): Mary Elizabeth Dill on 28 Mar 1861 in , Rush, IN 1
  • Died: 6 Dec 1896, Greenfield, Hancock, IN about age 55 2
  • Buried: 8 Dec 1896, Greenfield, Hancock, IN 2

   FamilySearch ID: LTMT-3FV.

  Noted events in his life were:

1. Census on 15 Sep 1850 in , Rush, IN. The 1850 census on Sep. 15th recorded Samuel Beher, farmer, 54, living with wife Eliza, 44; Edward D. 13; Orin, 11; Marcus, 9; Ann. E., 3, and John, 6 months old. Samuel was born in Virginia, Eliza in Massachusetts, Edward in Ohio, and the others in Indiana. Samuel's estate was valued at $10,000.

2. Census in 1860 in Jackson Township, Rush, IN. 8 The 1860 census recorded Samuel Beker, farmer, 64, living with wife Eliza, 54; Oren, farmer, 21; Marcus, farmer, 17; Ann E., 13; and John F., 11. Samuel was born in Virginia, Eliza in Massachusetts, and the children in Indiana. Samuel's land was valued at $8000 and personal estate $15,000. The post office was Rushville.

3. Occupation: farmer in Jun 1863 in Jackson Township, Rush, IN. 9 Civil War Draft Registration list:
Rushville, Beher, Edward D. age 27 physician married b. Indiana
Rushville, Beher, Oran. age 23 farmer single b. Indiana
Rushville, Beher, marcus B. age 22 farmer married b. Indiana.

4. Census in 1870 in Jackson Township, Rush, IN. 10 The 1870 census recorded Marcus Beher, farmer, living with wife Mary E., 28; Samuel I., 7; Anna E., 6; Marcus W., 5; Dora E., 4; Jefferson D., 2; and Maggie, 6 months born in December. Everyone was born in Indiana. Marcus' real estate was valued at $3,300 and personal estate $800. Also in the home is farm laborer Henry Duboing, 24, born in Missouri. The post office was Rushville.

5. Newspaper: Indiana State Sentinel: The Rushville Crusade, 3 Mar 1874, Indianapolis, Marion, IN. 11 The Rushville Crusade.

On The War Path and Prosecuting The Campaign Vigourously.

RUSHVILLE, Ind., Feb 26 -- The women's whiskey war continues to grow in interest, and it is evident to the most casual observer that it is the business of the hour in Rushville. A committee of ladies waited upon Mr. Marcus Beher, requesting him to withdraw his application, and were met with a polite but firm refusal. Tuesday committees visited many whose names were upon Mr. Beher's petition, beseeching them to withdraw their signatures, some twenty were induced to do so. Other committees were busily engaged in circulating what is termed the voter's pledge -- a pledge which binds the signer never again to sign a petition or permit -- and met with flattering success. The various druggists, four in number were visited by other committees and requested to sign the druggists' pledge, pledging themselves to abstain from the sale of all spirituous liquors. One establishment signed the pledge; the other three politely refused. In the evening the citizens were startled by the simultaneous ringing of the church bells, the court and school house bells, the farm bells of an excited hardware dealer, the blowing of the alarm whistles of the factories, and the quick wild shrieks of an apparantly scared locomotive as it sped at a rattling rate out of town. But not a saloon or drug store closed its doors. No man poured out his whiskies unless the usual nickels were produced. A large number of citizens congregated in the Presbyterian church, the ladies predominating. Sopeeches were made by the preacher and others, enouranging the ladies to go on in the good work, that it was one in which the males had not the courage to engage, one in which they preferred, rooster like, to retire to the protection of some friendly rose bush on the approach of danger. The following propisition of druggists was read and rejected. "We, the undersigned druggists, pledge ourselves not to give or sell intoxicating liquors in violation of the law, to any person signing the following pledge."
Ed. Beher,
Havens & Bro.,
Wm. Tyner.
The pledge is as follows: "We the undersigned citizens of Rushville and vicinity, not considering the law of the state sufficient but requiring additional pledge from the druggists, we hereby pledge ourselves not to ask the druggists to sell or give us intoxicating liquids except the same be prescribed by a practicing physician. Our motive is to aid the druggists in suppressing the evils of intermperance. The ladies were advised to reject the proposition. What next we know not, but lively times are ahead.

6. Newspaper: Indianapolis Journal: Marcus Beher Interits $15,000 from sister's estate, 28 Nov 1895, Indianapolis, Marion, IN. 12 Marcus Beher, father of Samuel Beher, of Elwood, and Edward Beher, of Frankton, has fallen heir to one-third of an estate, worth $45,000, by the death of a sister at Greenfield. Mr. Beher's two brothers also come in for like amounts, $15,000 each.

7. Obituary: Rushville Republican: obituary of Marcus Beher on 8 Dec 1896 in Rushville, Rush, IN. 13 Marcus Beher, brother of Dr. E. D. Beher, died at Greenfield yesterday morning, of kidney trouble. He was formerly a resident of this city. The remains will be brought here today and will be buried this afternoon at East Hill cemetery. He leaves a family of nine children.

8. Obituary: Elwood Free Press: Old Citizen Dead - Marcus Beher and Old and Respected Citizen Passes Away on 11 Dec 1896 in Elmwood, Boone, IN. 2 Marcus Beher who formerly resided in this city and who is well known here died at his home in Greenfield Sunday. Almost every person in Elwood knew Mr. Beher personally. He was one of the biggest men in the county weighing over 350 pounds. Only a short time ago he fell heir to a large fortune by the death of a near relative. His share of the estate amounted to something near $17,000 and placed him in most comfortable circumstances, enabling him to enjoy his old age. But grim death has claimed him, and his every joyful nature has succumbed to the inevitable. Heart disease was the direct cause of his death.

He will long be remembered for his many good traits of character. He always had a kind word for everybody and everyone claimed him as a friend.

The deceased has three sons who still survive, Saml. living at Tipton, Ed at Indianapolis, and another at Greenfield, Ind. The remains were interred at Greenfield Tuesday. His many friends in this city will receive the news of his death with sadness.

9. Newspaper: Hancock Democrat: Administrator's Notice, 14 Jan 1897, Greenfield, Hancock, IN. 14 Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has been, by the Clerk of the Hancock Circuit Court, appointed Administrator of the Estate of Marcus Beher, late of Hancock county, Indiana, deceased. Said estate is supposed to be solvent.
Benjamin F. Wilson, Administrator
E. W. Felt, Attorney for Estate.

10. Newspaper: Rushfield Republican, 22 Jan 1897, Rushville, Rush, IN. 15 Greenfield Republican: W. A. Hughes, as administrator, sold the Marcus Beher property on East Main street today. William H. Pauley bought the house and lot for $580. C. W. Morrison got the back lot for $100.

Marcus married Mary Elizabeth Dill, daughter of Isaac H. Dill and Polly Anne Gilson, on 28 Mar 1861 in , Rush, IN.1 (Mary Elizabeth Dill was born about 1841 in , , IN and died on 15 Mar 1877 in , Shelby, IN.)


1, Indiana Marriages, 1780-1992, Marcus Beher and Mary E. Dill, 28 Mar 1861.

2 The Elwood Free Press (Elwood, IN), 11 Dec 1896, page 1. Obituary of Marcus Beher.

3, U.S., Social Security Applications and Claims Index, 1936-2007 (Original data: Social Security Applications and Claims, 1936-2007.), SSN 703128145, Samuel Isaac Beher b. 24 Oct 1862 father Marcus Beher mother Mary E Dill.

4 Texas State Registrar Office, "Texas Deaths, 1890-1976," database, (, Mary Elizabeth Dill in entry for Jeff D Beher, 10 Dec 1928; citing certificate number 55489.

5 Rushville Republican (Rushville, IN), 13 Dec 1933, page 1. Obituary of Mrs. Ann Eliza Beher Jones.

6, Ohio, County Marriages, 1789-2016, Samuel T Beher and Minnie Bollinger, 29 Nov 1900; citing Ross, Ohio, United States, reference P350; county courthouses, Ohio; FHL microfilm 281,644.

7, "Indiana, U.S., Death Certificates, 1899-2017," Dora E. Beher, father Marcus Beher, mother Mary E. Dill, spouse Elizabeth Beher.

8 1860 United States Census, Samuel Beker, 1860, Jackson Township, Rush, Indiana, page 121, household ID 870.

9 U.S., Civil War Draft Registrations Records, 1863-1865 (, Indiana > 4th > Vol 1 of 3 > Printed Page 15. Online Image 32.

10 1870 United States Census, Marcus Beher, Jacksotn Township, Rush, Indiana, United States; citing p. 3, family 20.

11 Indiana State Sentinel (Indianapolis, IN), 3 Mar 1874, page 7.

12 The Indianapolis Journal (Indianapolis, IN), 28 Nov 1895, page 5.

13 Rushville Republican (Rushville, IN), 8 Dec 1896, page 4.

14 The Hancock Democrat (Greenfield, IN), 14 Jan 1897, page 8.

15 Rushville Republican (Rushville, IN), 22 Jan 1897, page 3.

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