Benjamin Biecher
Elenora Weidner
John Bechtold
(Abt 1811-)
Fanny Woomer
(Abt 1811-)
George Biecher
Lavina Bechtold
Benjamin P. Biecher


Family Links

1. Lizzie Risser

Benjamin P. Biecher 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

  • Born: 15 Dec 1863, Lebanon, Lebanon, PA 4 15 16
  • Marriage (1): Lizzie Risser on 28 Aug 1898 in Lebanon, Lebanon, PA 1 2
  • Died: 1 Nov 1926, Lebanon, Lebanon, PA at age 62 4 10
  • Buried: Lebanon: Mount Lebanon Cemetery, Lebanon, PA 4

   FamilySearch ID: KZPG-3JZ.

  Noted events in his life were:

1. Census in 1880 in Lebanon, Lebanon, PA. 15 George Biecher, age 43, laborer, is living with wife Lavina, 44; and Benjamin, 16, occupation cigar maker. Everyone and their parents were born in Pennsylvania.

2. Newspaper: Lebanon Daily News: "Benjamin Biecher, son of Mr. George Biecher, of this place, to-night will leave for Dayton, Ohio, where he intends to work at his trade, cigarmaking.", 16 Apr 1883, Lebanon, Lebanon, PA. 18

3. Newspaper: Lebanon Daily News: Cigar Manufactory, 23 Mar 1885, Lebanon, Lebanon, PA. 19 Mr. Benjamin Beicher has started a cigar manufactory in the shop adjoining his father's house, on Walnut street. Ben is an active and wide-awake young man and will push the business for all it is worth. We wish him success in his new enterprise.

4. Newspaper: Lebanon Daily News: Tobacco Store, 15 May 1885, Lebanon, Lebanon, PA. 20 Mr. Benjamin Beicher, who has built a small addition to his parents' residence of Walnut street, above Eighth, yesterday opened therein a cigar store, where he will keep on hand a full line of the best brands of tobacco and the choicest flavored cigars. ben is an energetic young man and is deserving of success.

5. Newspaper: Lebanon Daily News: ad to sell home owned by Benjamin P. Biecher, 18 Oct 1888, Lebanon, Lebanon, PA. 21 Private Sale of Valuable City Property
The double-frame Dwelling House, 813 Walnut street, near Eighth, is offered at Private Sale until October 20th, 1888. The property fronts 30 feet on Walnut street and runs 196 feet deep to Union alley. On the rear of the lot a one and one-half story house, 20x22 feet, is erected. The lot contains all necessary out-buildings, in good repair, and the choicest of fruit trees abound. If the property is not sold until the above date, it will be put up at Public Sale at the Eagle Hotel, on the evening of October 20th. The house is in excellent condition and those who desire a bargain should not fail to call upon the undersigned and see it, as it is centrally located and will make a pleasant house.
B. P. Biecher, 734 Walnut Street.

6. Newspaper: Lebanon Daily News: Biecher Cigar Store, 4 Apr 1889, Lebanon, Lebanon, PA. 22 Biecher Cigar Store.
Mr. Benj. P. Biecher has opened a cigar store at No. 14 North Ninth street. The attractive and parlor-like appearance of the room plainly shows that Biecher has an eye for the beautiful. He is a cigar maker by trade and has a thorough knowledge of the qualities of tobacco, and therefore will not allow any inferior brands to enter his place. His window and show cases present a fine and varied assortment of meerschaum goods, cigar and cigarette tubes and cases, cigar tip cutters, match safes, in fact every conceivable thing that belongs to a first-class cigar emporium. Ben is one of those " hale fellows well met," always makes it agreeable and pleasant for those who may favor him with a call and we know of no reason why he should not succeed in building up a prosperous trade. Wait. We almost forgot. To those who use scrap we would state that the celebrated article packed by "Benjy" has no superior.

7. Newspaper: Lebanon Daily News: Sold 1,500,000 Bricks., 26 Mar 1891, Lebanon, Lebanon, PA. 23 The Lebanon Brick company is making preparation to start up its yards as soon as the weather becomes warmer and more settled. The company has already secured orders for 1,500,000 brick that are to be furnished at certain periods during the summer in this city. In about two weeks from this one of the kilns of the company will be lit, having been filled with brick manufactured last summer.

8. Newspaper: Lebanon Daily News: Lebanon Brick Company, 3 Apr 1891, Lebanon, Lebanon, PA. 24 NOTICE. -- NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that an application will be made to the Governor of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania on TUESDAY, APRIL 14TH, 1891, by Samuel L. Light, P. A. Eckenroth, J. D. Kerr, S. J. B. Spangler and B. P. Biecher, under the provisions of an Act of Assembly entitled "An Act To Provide for the Incorporation and Regulation of Certain Corporations," approved April 29, 1874, its supllement for a chart of an intended Corporation to be called the "Lebanon Brick Company," the character and oject of which is the manufacture and sale of Brick, and for these purposes to have, possess and enjoy all the rights, benefits and privileges conferred by the Acts of Assembly aforesaid and its supplements.
CAPP & SCHOCK, Solicitors.

9. Newspaper: Lebanon Daily News: The Industrial Building, 18 Apr 1891, Lebanon, Lebanon, PA. 25 The Industrial Building.
The excavations for the Industrial building, corner Seventh and Mifflin streets, will be finished to-day. In making the excavactions a solid boy of limestone was met with, which prolonged the work more than had it only been ground. The work will now be pushed forward with dispatch. Teh brick for the building have been purchased from the Lebanon Brick company and it will require 700,000 for its erection. Teh wood work has been given to the Reinoehl Lumber company, Fox, Embich & Co. and Reinoehl & Nutting. Messrs. Samuel Bell & Son have been awarded the brick work.

10. Newspaper: Lebanon Daily News, 8 May 1891, Lebanon, Lebanon, PA. 26 Has All His News Checks - Mr. J. Harry Smith, the polite and accommodating clerk in Mr. Benjamin Biecher's cigar store, on North Ninth street, has for many years been a subscriber to the NEWS, and from the first day the system of checks for subscription payments was started on the paper in 1885, up to the present time, he has all the weekly checks issued.

11. Newspaper: Lebanon Daily News: sale of Benjamin Biecher's retial cigar store, 8 Jul 1891, Lebanon, Lebanon, PA. 27 Mr. James Clark, of this city, who was conducting a passenger and freight train on the new road between Harrisburg and Shippensburg, has resigned his position. He has purchased the cigar store of Mr. Benjamin Biecher on Market Square, and Mr. Biecher will engage in the wholesale trade in cigars, tobacco, etc.

12. Newspaper: Lebanon Daily News: "C. Grumbine & Son last evening finished placing in position a Torrid Steel plate furnace in the residence of Mr. Benjamin Biecher, on Walnut street. ", 2 Dec 1891, Lebanon, Lebanon, PA. 28

13. Newspaper: Lebanon Daily News Ad for Benjamin's Cigar Store: SMOKE B. P. BIECHER'S ROCKET. It is better than ever. For sale at 732 Walnut street.., 6 Sep 1892, Lebanon, Lebanon, PA. 29

14. George and Benjamin obtained a marriage license on 28 Aug 1898 in Lebanon, Lebanon, PA. 2 groom's name: Benjamin P. Biecher
bride's name: Lizzie Risser
marriage date: 28 Aug 1898
marriage place: Lebanon, Pennsylvania
groom's father's name: George Biecher
groom's mother's name: Lavina Biecher
bride's father's name: Jno. H. Risser
bride's mother's name: Hannah Risser
indexing project (batch) number: M00749-0
system origin: Pennsylvania-ODM
source film number: 21464.

15. Residence: in 1899 in Lebanon, Lebanon, PA. 30 1899 Lebanon City Directory
Biecher, Benjamin P., cigar mfr., 734 Walnut, h. do. Mrs. Lizzie.
Biecher, Geo., carpenter, 734 Walnut. Mrs. Lavina.
Biecher, William, blacksmith, 111 S. 8th Mrs. Louisa, Sadie.
Biecher, Wm. H., bottler, 612 Maple. Mrs. Ellen H., Annie L., Charlotte E.

16. Newspaper: Lebanon Semi-Weekly: "Benjamin P. Biecher, cigar manufacturer, 734 Walnut street, was particularly happy Friday. His wife presented him with a big, fat baby boy, their first child. Mother and child are doing well.", 18 Dec 1899, Lebanon, Lebanon, PA. 31

17. Census in 1900 in Lebanon, Lebanon, PA. 1 Living in the 1900 Census at 734 Walnut Street in Lebanon was
George Biecher, day laborer, 66, born Oct 1833; and his wife Lovina, 66, Oct 1833. They had been married for 45 years and Lovina had given birth to 3 children, with one still alive in 1900. Also in their home was Benjamin Biecher, grocer, 37, born Dec 1863, living with wife Elizabeth, 34, Aug 1866, and their son, George R. Biecher, born Dec 1899, their first child. They had been married 2 years. Everyone and their parents were born in Pennsylvania. George owned the home free of mortgage.

18. Newspaper: Lebanon Daily News: Grocer Team Runs Away, 24 Sep 1902, Lebanon, Lebanon, PA. 32 The horse attached to the delivery wagon of Grocer B. P. Biecher this afternoon was left standing unprotected in front of the store, Tenth and Walnut streets, when he for some inexplicable reason started on a run, going up Walnut street at a rapid gait. He made the turn at Eighth street and then into Union alley, where he was caught. Strange to relate no damage resulted.

19. Newspaper: Lebanon Courier: John Wagner has been elected driver for the Liberty fire company, succeeding Benajmin Beicher who resigned., 3 Dec 1902, Lebanon, Lebanon, PA.

20. Newspaper: Lebnaon Daily News: Child Swallows Pin, 30 Nov 1904, Lebanon, Lebanon, PA. 33 Considerable Excitement at Home of Grocer B. P. Biecher.

There was considerable excitement this morning at the home of B. P. Biecher, the grocer on Walnut street, when the parents learned that one of the children swallowed a pin. Proper remedies were given the child, and no ill results are anticipated.

21. Newspaper: Lebanon Daily News: "Grocer Benj. B. Biecher, of Tenth and Walnut streets, has recovered from an attack of pneumonia and is again giving the business his personal attention.", 30 Dec 1904, Lebanon, Lebanon, PA. 34

22. Newspaper: The Daily News, 9 Apr 1906, Lebanon, Lebanon, PA. 35 FACE PAINFULLY BURNED
When He Opened Stove. Door,
Puff of Gas Took Fire
and He Was Scorched.
Benjamin Biecher, proprietor of a grocery store at Tenth and Walnut streets, was painfully burned about the face, this morning, by a puff of coal gas from the stove at his store.
The gas accumulated in the stove, and when he opened the door there was a puff, the gas took fire and the storekeeper was scorched. The injuries, while painful, are not necessarily dangerous.

23. Newspaper: Lebanon Courier: Land sold to Benjamin Biecher, 19 Jun 1908, Lebanon, Lebanon, PA. 36 At the sale of the William T. Atkins estate on Saturday afternoon at the American House, Attorney Charles V. Henry and Auctioneer Charles F. Urban sold the property at the Northeastern corner of Eight and Walnut streets, now occupied by Light Bros., grocers, to Benjamin Biecher, for $3,475.

24. Census in 1910 in Lebanon, Lebanon, PA. 37 Living at 734 Walnut Street in Lebanon, George Biecher, age 75, was with Levina, 77. They had been married 53 years and given birth to two children, one still living in 1910. Living with them was son Benjamin P., 46, and his wife of 11 years, Lizzie, 42. She had two children, both living in 1910: George R., 10; and Helen M., 8. Everyone was born in Pennsylvania, as were their parents. The elder George was a cigar merchant; Benjamin and the younger George were grocery merchants.

25. Newspaper: Lebanon Daily News: "B. P. Biecher, the genial proprietor of the grocery store at Tenth and Walnut streets, on Saturday celebrated the anniversary of his birth, and he was the recipient of numerous beautiful postal cards from friends.", 19 Dec 1910, Lebanon, Lebanon, PA. 38

26. Newspaper: Lebanon Daily News: "B. P. Biecher's Generous Act", 22 Dec 1910, Lebanon, Lebanon, PA. 39 B. P. Biecher's Generous Act
Had Pupils of the Franklin Building Photographed
Presented Each With Chocolate Cigar and Teachers With Hershey Chocolate Almond Bar

All the children and teachers at the Franklin school building, Tenth and Walnut streets, where photographed in a group this afternoon before the session of school. By request of the teachers the young folks gathered early and L. G. Harpel grouped them on the Tenth street side of the building for the picture.

The photo was taken by arrangement of Benjamin Biecher, proprietor of a grocery and candy store, just across the street from the building. Many of the children frequent the store, and "Benjie" has come to know them by name. He is quite as fond of his little customers as they are of the genial proprietor, and he wanted a picture of them as a remembrance of the happy association. So he secured the services of the photographer, and can hold all his young friends in fond memory.

After the picture was made all of the little folks were presented with a chocolate cigar as a Christmas gift and the teachers received a bar of Hershey's almond chocolate.

27. Residence: Lebanon City Directory: Biecher Benjamin P, grocer 1000 Walnut, res 734 Walnut. Mrs. Elizabeth, George R, Helen M. In 1911 in Lebanon, Lebanon, PA. 40 The 1911 Lebanon Directoy listed these Biechers:

Biecher Anna L., res 732 N 7th.
Biecher Benjamin P, grocer 1000 Walnut, res 734 Walnut. Mrs. Elizabeth, George R, Helen M.
Biecher Charles E, res 732 N 7th.
Biecher Charlotte E., res 732 N 7th.
Biecher George, cigars, 732 Walnut, h 734 same.
Biecher Wm H, cigarmkr, bds 127 N 8th. Charlotte.

28. Newspaper: Lebanon Evening Report: Fire In A Grocery, 20 Jan 1912, Lebanon, Lebanon, PA. 41 Small Blaze at B. P. Biecher's Place Quickly Extinguished.

A small fire broke out in a chimney opening in the store room of B. P. Biecher, the Tenth and Walnut street grocer, early this morning. No alarm was sent in. Mr. Biecher and several helpers put out the blaze before much damage was done. A new patented device to burn oil in stoves and furnances is said to have caused the blaze. Many of the devices were sold in Lebanon recently.

29. Newspaper: Lebanon Daily News: article about Benjamin's cousin, W. F. Apple, visiting from Dayton, OH, 28 Aug 1914, Lebanon, Lebanon, PA. 18 Returned to Home in Buckeye State
Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Apple, of Dayton, Ohio, who spent several days here, the guests of Benjamin Biecher and family of Tenth and Walnut streets, left this morning for thier home on the 10:05 Cornwall and Lebanon train. Mr. Apple is a manufacturer of automobile tops used by the Ford auto company, an dhe is a cousin to Mr. Biecher.

30. Newspaper: Lebanon Daily News: Ad: "B. P. Biecher's Tobacco Factory FOR SALE established since 1886. Apply 10th and Walnut Sts.", 19 Nov 1914, Lebanon, Lebanon, PA. 42

31. Newspaper: Lebanon Daily News: Benjamin P. Biecher Purchases Land, 3 Mar 1915, Lebanon, Lebanon, PA. 43 B. P. Biecher this morning purchased from Dr. S. T. Gilbert, of near Jonestown, a lot on the south side of Walnut street, near Eighth, having a frontage of thirty feet. By this purchase Mr. Biecher secures a frontage of sixty feet on Walnut street, having previously secured title to a fontage of similar width.

32. Newspaper: Lebanon Daily News: Ad: For Sale! Lot situated on Walnut street, near Eighth. To a quick buyer, will sell at the right price. Apply to B. P. Biecher, Tenth and Walnut Sts., 4 Mar 1915, Lebanon, Lebanon, PA. 44

33. Newspaper: Lebanon Daily News: B. P. Biecher Resells Schaeffer Plot; Homes Projected, 20 Mar 1915, Lebanon, Lebanon, PA. 45 Benjamin Biecher, the Tenth and Walnut streets merchant, who about three weeks ago bought the old Schaeffer property at 810 Walnut street, from Dr. Gilbert, has now sold the plot again to Mrs. Louise H. Brotherline, who owns the plot at the corner. It is proposed to plot the ground from the Eighth street side in the rear of the Brotherline home, and a number of pretty homes will be built there. The houses will be terraced and will be built to conform to the building line of the terraced homes further south on Eighth street, in the next block, where Miss Manda Light owns two houses, among others. The improvements in that direction will greatly enhance the beauty of that block and will afford nice homes for citizens. The lot just sold by Mr. Biecher fronts 30 feet on Walnut street and is 198 feet deep.

34. Newspaper: Lebanon Daily News: "Lebanon Folk To Share In The Estate Of John Biecher, Who Died Recently at Sterling, Illinois", 12 Apr 1915, Lebanon, Lebanon, PA. 46 Lebanon Folk To Share In The Estate Of John Biecher
Who Died Recently at Sterling, Illinois
Left $20,000 Estate
Thomas Stains and Benjamin Biecher Some of Heirs
Tomas Stains, formerly a hotel man of the city and now engaged as a clerk at the Hotel Willow, and his cousin, Benjamin Biecher, the Tenth and Walnut street grocer, will leave on Wednesday morning for Sterling, Illinois, to take the necessary steps to claim part of a small fortune which is coming to them and other relatives hereabouts.


The estate was left by the late John Biecher, an Illinois farmer, who left Lebanon county when he was quite a boy and lived on the farm until a few years before his death. He left an estate of something over $20,000, which is now about to be distributed, and an audit hearing will be held on Friday of this week at the county seat, at which time the heirs can be present to make objections if there be any. In this case it is expected there will be no trouble in the ajudication of the estate and Messrs. Stains and Biecher will merely be present to take note of the proceedings, and to represent the several heirs located in this region.


The decedent left his town house to his housekeeper, and left only $300 to a son whose present whereabouts are unknown. The rest of the real and personal property, including the farm, etc., is divided by the will into a number of shares -- about five, one of which goes in its entirety to a brother living in the west, and the others to Biecher and Stains here.


Thomas Stains, Millard Stains, and Mrs. Milton Hershberger, are children of the late Mrs. Sarah Stains, who was a sister to John Biecher, the decedent, and Benjamin Biecher is a son of the late George Biecher, who was a brother of the decedent.

John Biecher left this region many years ago, as he was engaged in farming in Illinois for over forty years, and he was therefore remembered only to the older generation in this locality.

35. Newspaper: Lebanon Daily News, 19 Jun 1915, Lebanon, Lebanon, PA. ---
Bethany Orphans Enjoy A Picnic
One hundred and inety-five children are being cared for at Bethany Orphans' Home, Womelsdorf, according to the weekly letter written by Rev. Dr. W. F. More, the superintendent, telling of the recent picnic held in the orchard. Donations: Mrs. Frank Brunst, Fagleysville, box of clothing; B. P. Beicher, Lebanon, two crates of strawberries.

36. Newspaper: Lebanon Daily News: "B. P. Biecher to David L. Risser, property on northeast corner of Walnut street and Liberty alley, this city, Consideration $1,400.", 26 Jun 1915, Lebanon, Lebanon, PA. 47

37. Newspaper: Lebanon Daily News: Electric Drive Peanut Butter and Coffee Mill Grinder, 13 Nov 1915, Lebanon, Lebanon, PA. 48 Ben. Biecher, the grocer, at Tenth and Walnut streets, has installed in his place of business a latest type Hobart electric drive combination coffee mill and peanut butter grinder. It is Mr. Beicher's plan to enter upon the manufacture of the toothsome peanut butter on an extensive scale. the Hobart mill is the first of its kind to be installed in this city.

38. Newspaper: Lebanon Daily News: Ad: "Peanut Butter Made While You Wait With the Indigestible Part Taken Out. B. P. Biecher Grocery Tenth and Walnut Sts.", 19 Nov 1915, Lebanon, Lebanon, PA. 49

39. Newspaper: Lebnaon Evening Report: Ex-Fire Chief And Grocer Play Role of Santa at Almshouse, 27 Dec 1918, Lebanon, Lebanon, PA. 50 Ex-Fire-Chief Edward O. Hartman and Grocer Benjamin Beicher, in accordance with their annual custom, visited the County Almshouse on Christmas Day and distributed cigars among the men residents. This is an event that is looked forward to with much interest by the residents at the home, and the good cheer that is spread by Mr. Hartman and Mr. Beicher is much appreciated.

40. Residence: R. L. Polk & Co.'s Lebanon Directory, 1919-1920: Biecher, Bejamin P., grocer, 1000 Walnut h. 734 Same, Mrs. Lizzie. George R. Helen M. In 1919 in Lebanon, Lebanon, PA. 51 Bicher, Benjamin, driver, h. 430 Church, Mrs. Lizzie
Biecher, Bejamin P., grocer, 1000 Walnut h. 734 same, Mrs. Lizzie. George R. Helen M.

41. Newspaper: Lebanon Evening Report: Grocer and Mrs. Biecher Plan to Leave Soon on Trip of 5000 Miles, 13 Jun 1919, Lebanon, Lebanon, PA. 52 Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Biecher, of 734 Walnut street, are making preparations to leave next week on an extended trip of approximately 5000 miles to relatives and friends in the western and southern states. They will be away for several weeks. The places they plan to visit include: Williamsport, Buffalo, Niagara Falls, Detroit, Chicago, Cedar Rapids and Spencer, Iowa, Kansas City, Kanasas; Ponca City, Oklahoma; Little Rock, and Hot Springs, Arkansas; Dayton and Youngstown, Ohio; Pittsburgh and several other Pennsylvania cities enroute home. Mr. Biecher resided at Spencer, Iowa, about 20 years ago and at present is engaged here as a grocer at Tenth and Walnut streets.

42. Newspaper: Lebanon Daily News: Benj. Biecher and Wife Home From The West, 9 Aug 1919, Lebanon, Lebanon, PA. 53 Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Biecher, of Eighth and Walnut streets, returned home on Friday after an eight weeks travel through West, where they covered over 7500 miles by train.
They left this city of June 14th by way Williamsport, Niagara Falls, Detroit, Michigan, and from there to Cedar Rapids, Iowa. From Cedar Rapids, Mr. Biecher traveled alone to Spencer, Iowa, where he worked when a boy and met his old boarding mistress who is now 86 years old. She remembered him and he states that it was a rare treat to shake hands with her.
From Cedar Rapids they traveled to Kansas City and then to Bonca, Oklahoma, where they came in contact with two tribes of Indians, the Buncos and the Asage. Here they soon learned of the wonderful customs and habits of these people. They also visited the 101 Ranch and many young buffalos. This was at Biles, Oklahoma.
They returned home by the way of Memphis, Tenn., and through Ohio, to Lebanon. The best sound he said he ever heard was when the conductor called through the car "Lebanon."
Mr. and Mrs. Biecher return to this city greatly benefited in health and enjoyed a fine journey.

43. Census in 1920 in Lebanon, Lebanon, PA. 54 The 1920 Census incorrectly indexed Benjamin P. Reicker (handwriting in census is Beicher), merchant grocery store, 56, living with wife Lizzie A., 52; George R., 20; and Helen A., 18. Everyone was born in Pennsylvania. He owned the home at 738 Walnut Street.

44. Newspaper: Lebanon Evening Report: E. & L. Co. Buys Office Building From Ben. Beicher, 28 Dec 1920, Lebanon, Lebanon, PA. 55 Announcement is made of the pruchase by the Ephrata and Lebanon electric railway company of the two story brick biulding on the Northwest corner of Eighth and Walnut streets. Title is to be passed Jan. 1, by Benjamin Beicher, who has been owner of the property for a number of years.
The building has since been occupied by the organization of the E. & L. system as its Lebanon offices.

45. Newspaper: Lebanon Daily News: A. S. Killian Has Acquired Grocery of B. P. Biecher, 20 Oct 1921, Lebanon, Lebanon, PA. 56 A. S. Killian, who has covered a milk route in Lebanon for a number of years and is widely known, today purchased the grocery business of Ben. P. Beicher, at Tenth and Walnut streets. Mr. Killian not only purchases the business, with good will and fixtures outright, but the store property as well, the building being a substantial brick structure two and a half stories high. The negotiations were completed this morning and the new proprietor took charge immediately.

Mr. Biecher conducted the place all but twenty-two years. He started thereon October 23, and had he finished the week he would have rounded out that period of time exactly. Mr. Biecher has been a sufferer from neuritis for some time, and he will retire from active business pursuits for the present at least to give attention to his own physical condition. He may enter some other enterprise later when his health is improved. The new proprietor is well known and he has the best wishes of many friends.

46. Newspaper: Lebanon Daily News: B. P. Biecher Buys Exchange Hotel Property, 12 May 1922, Lebanon, Lebanon, PA. 57 B. P. Biecher Buys Exchange Hotel Property

Will Remove From Old Homestead on Walnut Street

Was Born In Home

Intends To Open Ice Cream Park at New Place

Benjamin P. Biecher, until a short time ago engaged in the grocery busienss at Tenth and Walnut Sts., and who was born and raised int he Biecher homestead, at 734 Walnut street, where he has lived furing the entire 59 years of his life, is about to make good an oftrepeated threat.

"If I ever move out of the old home it will be because I'll move out of the city" he iterated and reiterated many times, and now it is about to come to pass.

Will Occupy Place.

This morning Ben bought the Exchange Hotel property, at Eighth and Maple streets, and will occupy the place himself. The place is located just across the city line in Independent Borough, but it is technically out of the city even if it is in the community, so Ben does not go back on his word with respect to he realty to the old homestead.

Ice Cream Park.

Mr. Biecher stated this morning that he will go into the ice cream business, and will convert the beautiful and spacious side yard adjoining the property into an ice cream park. The place will be fixed with various improvements and attractive decorations.

Consideration Private.

The property was sold by Mrs. Margaret Stroh, widow of Clinton Stroh, for many years proprietor of the Mansion Hotel, and who wsa the last holder of a license at the Exchange Hotel, where he died a short time after purchasing the place. The consideration named in the deed of dat was marked as private.

Mr Biecher is an experienced businessman and has every prospect of making a success of his new venture.


47. Newspaper: Evening Report: ad for opening of B. P. Biecher's Ice Cream Parlor, 19 Jul 1922, Lebanon, Lebanon, PA. 58 Opening of the
Ice Cream Parlor
at the
Hillside Inn
Formerly The Exchange Hotel
Eighth and Maple Streets on
Thursday, July 20
A Seasonable Souvenir To All
Birch Beer and Cream Soda on Tap
Everybody Welcome
B. P. Biecher, Proprietor.

48. Newspaper: Lebanon Evening Report: Ben Beicher To Open Hillside Inn Store At Eighth and Maple, 19 Jul 1922, Lebanon, Lebanon, PA. 59 The opening of the Hillside Inn, at Eighth and Maple streets, will take place tomorrow under the proprietorship of Benjamin Beicher, who recently acquired what was formerly the Exchange Hotel. Mr. Biecher, in business as a grocery man at Tenth and Walnut streets, for the past twenty-five years until his health failed, has completely recovered . He has renovated the place and will have one of the most modern refreshment stands in the city, his large acquaintanceship tending to make his new venture a success.

49. Newspaper: Lebanon Daily News: Ad: "For Sale Business and Property Eighth & Maple. No reasonable offer will be refused. Reason for selling - sickness. B. P. Biecher Eighth & Maple", 20 Sep 1926, Lebanon, Lebanon, PA. 60

50. Obituary: Lebanon Semi-Weekly News: obituary of Benjamin P. Biecher on 4 Nov 1926 in Lebanon, Lebanon, PA. 10 Benjamin P. Biecher, known widely as the originator of Biecher's scrap tobacco, and also as a cigar manufacturer, passed away on Monday night, at his home, at Eighth and Maple streets, aged 62 years.
He was afflicted with kidney trouble eight years, and this developed complications which almost incapacitated him, but he had indominable will power and kept on his feet during his long siege of illness until about a week ago. His decline thereafter was rapid.
Mr. Biecher was a native of the city. He learned his trade as a cigar maker while still a boy at Dan Long's factory near Sixth and Cumberland streets, and later in accordance with the practice of cigarmakers in that day, started out to see the world. He worked in New York and various cities in the west. Shortly after his return he went into business on Ninth street where the E. M. Miller grocery is now located. After several years he sold this establishment to William R. Robb, and went to Walnut street where he started manufacturing cigars on a larger scale. At this same place he started the packing of a smoking tobacco known as Biecher's scrap, using the scrap from his own place and purchasing similiar goods from other factories. The business grew to large proportions.
About twenty years ago he purchased the grocery store at Tenth and Walnut streets and conducted that place until about four years ago when he purchased the old Exchange Hotel property at Eighth and Maple streets, and after remodeling it extensively opened an ice cream and confectionery parlor there.
Mr. Biecher was noted for his sterling honesty and integrity. He had the reputation of never having taken a cent about which there was any doubt to his right in any business or other transcation. He had a charitable disposistion, and many a poor family was the object of his bounty without ever learning from whence the donation came. Those who knew some of his doings in that line say he was charitable to a fault, and that his helpfulness to others was not infrequently done at a personal sacrifice.
He was a consistent member of Tabor Reformed church. He was also identified with the Lebanon Lodge of Odd Fellows, No. 121 and Camp 65, Sons of America.
He leaves his wife, nee Risser and two children -- George Biecher, of New Haven, Conn., and Helen May Biecher, at home.

51. Newspaper: Lebanon Semi-Weekly News: "Letters Granted: Benjamin P. Biecher, deceased, late of Independent Borough, to the widow, Lizzie Biecher. Real estate valued at $8,000, personal property not detailed. Wife beneficiary in trust for children.", 8 Nov 1926, Lebanon, Lebanon, PA. 61

Benjamin married Lizzie Risser, daughter of John H. Risser and Hannah Geesaman, on 28 Aug 1898 in Lebanon, Lebanon, PA.1 2 (Lizzie Risser was born on 24 Aug 1867 in Lebanon, Lebanon, PA,1 11 62 died on 29 Mar 1930 in Lebanon, Lebanon, PA 7 11 62 and was buried on 2 Apr 1930 in Lebanon: Mount Lebanon Cemetery, Lebanon, PA 62.)


1 1900 United States Census, Pennsylvania, Lebanon County, Lebanon Ward 1, Roll 1428 Book 1, Page 170.

2, Pennsylvania, County Marriages, 1775-1991, George Biecher in entry for Benjamin P. Biecher and Lizzie Risser, 1898; citing reference , FHL microfilm 21464.

3 The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Ancestral File (R) (Copyright (c) 1987, June 1998, data as of 5 January 1998).

4 Find A Grave,

5, Pennsylvania, U.S., Death Certificates, 1906-1971 (Original data: Pennsylvania (State). Death certificates. Records of the Pennsylvania Department of Health, Record Group 11. Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania.), Certificate Number: 57915. Lavina Biecher, father John Bechtold, mother Fanny Woomer, informant B. P. Biecher.

6, Pennsylvania, County Marriages, 1775-1991, George Risser Biecher and Minnie Grace Burkholder, 11 Apr 1925; citing Hanover, Franklin, Pennsylvania, United States; FHL microfilm 323913.

7 Lebanon Semi-Weekly News (Lebanon, Lebanon, Pennsylvania.), 31 Mar 1930, page 5. Obituary of Mrs. Lizzie Biecher.

8 Lebanon Courier Newspaper (Lebanon Borough, Lebanon County, Pennsylvania), 19 Jul 1899, page 5. Obituary of John H. Risser.

9 Harrisburg Daily Independent (Harrisburg, Dauphin, Pennsylvania.), 26 Nov 1913, page 4. George Biecher Dead.

10 Lebanon Semi-Weekly News (Lebanon, Lebanon, Pennsylvania.), 4 Nov 1926, page 6. Obituary of Benjamin P. Biecher.

11, Pennsylvania, U.S., Death Certificates, 1906-1971 (Original data: Pennsylvania (State). Death certificates. Records of the Pennsylvania Department of Health, Record Group 11. Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania.), Death Certificate 29656. Lizzie Biecher. Father: John Risser. Mother: Hanna Geesman.

12 Lebanon Courier Newspaper (Lebanon Borough, Lebanon County, Pennsylvania), 10 Jun 1910, page 6.

13, Pennsylvania, U.S., Death Certificates, 1906-1971 (Original data: Pennsylvania (State). Death certificates. Records of the Pennsylvania Department of Health, Record Group 11. Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania.), Certificate 036813-65 George R. Biecher Sr., father Benjamin Biecher, mother Lizzie Bechtel, spouse M. Grace Burholder, informant.

14 Public Opinon (Chambersburg, PA) (Chambersburg, Franklin, Pennsylvania.), 6 Apr 1965, page 4. Obituary of George R. Biecher Sr.

15 1880 United States Census, FHL Film 1255145; National Archives Film T9-1145; Page 269C.

16 1920 United States Census, Benjamin P Reicker, , Lebanon, Pennsylvania; citing enumeration district (ED) , sheet 7B, family 168, NARA microfilm publication T625, FHL microfilm 1821587.

17 Lebanon Semi-Weekly News (Lebanon, Lebanon, Pennsylvania.), 3 Dec 1902, page 5.

18 Lebanon Daily News (Lebanon, PA), 16 Apr 1883, page 1.

19 Lebanon Daily News (Lebanon, PA), 23 Mar 1885, page 1.

20 Lebanon Daily News (Lebanon, PA), 15 May 1885, page 1.

21 Lebanon Daily News (Lebanon, PA), 18 Oct 1888, page 4.

22 Lebanon Daily News (Lebanon, PA), 4 Apr 1889, page 1. Biecher Cigar Store.

23 Lebanon Daily News (Lebanon, PA), 26 Mar 1891, page 1.

24 Lebanon Daily News (Lebanon, PA), 3 Apr 1891, page 3.

25 Lebanon Daily News (Lebanon, PA), 18 Apr 1891, page 1.

26 Lebanon Daily News (Lebanon, PA), 8 May 1891, page 1.

27 Lebanon Daily News (Lebanon, PA), 8 Jul 1891, page 1.

28 Lebanon Daily News (Lebanon, PA), 2 Dec 1891, page 1.

29 Lebanon Daily News (Lebanon, PA), 6 Sep 1892, page 1. ad for B. P. Biecher's Rocket.

30, U.S., City Directories, 1822-1995, 1899 Lebanon City Directory, printed page 56, online image 34.

31 Lebanon Daily News (Lebanon, PA), 18 Dec 1899, page 2.

32 Lebanon Daily News (Lebanon, PA), 24 Sep 1902, page 1.

33 Lebanon Daily News (Lebanon, PA), 30 Nov 1904, page 1.

34 Lebanon Daily News (Lebanon, PA), 30 Dec 1904, page 1.

35 "The Daily News (Lebanon, PA)," 9 Apr 1906, page 3.

36 Lebanon Courier Newspaper (Lebanon Borough, Lebanon County, Pennsylvania), 19 Jun 1908, page 2.

37 1910 United States Census, Pennsylvania, Lebanon County, Lebanon Ward 1, Series: T624 Roll: 1362 Page: 100.

38 Lebanon Daily News (Lebanon, PA), 19 Dec 1910, page 1.

39 Lebanon Daily News (Lebanon, PA), 22 Dec 1910, page 1.

40, U.S., City Directories, 1822-1995, Lebanon City Directory, 1911, printed page 84, online image 45 of 458.

41 Lebanon Evening Report (Lebanon, Lebanon, Pennsylvania), 20 Jan 1912, page 1.

42 Lebanon Daily News (Lebanon, PA), 19 Nov 1914, page 1.

43 Lebanon Daily News (Lebanon, PA), 3 Mar 1915, page 1.

44 Lebanon Daily News (Lebanon, PA), 4 Mar 1915, page 1.

45 Lebanon Daily News (Lebanon, PA), 20 Mar 1915, page 1.

46 Lebanon Daily News (Lebanon, PA), 12 Apr 1915, page 1.

47 Lebanon Daily News (Lebanon, PA), 26 Jun 1915, page 1.

48 Lebanon Daily News (Lebanon, PA), 13 Nov 1915, page 2.

49 Lebanon Daily News (Lebanon, PA), 19 Nov 1915, page 1.

50 Lebanon Evening Report (Lebanon, Lebanon, Pennsylvania), 27 Dec 1918, page 6.

51 R. L. Polk & Co. Lebanon Directory 1919-1920 (R. L. Polk & Co., Pittsburgh, PA 1919. 677 p.), Page 72.

52 Lebanon Evening Report (Lebanon, Lebanon, Pennsylvania), 13 Jun 1919, page 1.

53 Lebanon Daily News (Lebanon, PA), 9 Aug 1919, page 7.

54 1920 United States Census, Year: 1920; Census Place: Lebanon Ward 1, Lebanon, Pennsylvania; Roll: T625_1587; Page: 7B; Enumeration District: 168; Image: 221.

55 Lebanon Evening Report (Lebanon, Lebanon, Pennsylvania), 28 Dec 1920, page 8.

56 Lebanon Daily News (Lebanon, PA), 20 Oct 1921, page 3.

57 Lebanon Daily News (Lebanon, PA), 12 May 1922, page 1.

58 Lebanon Evening Report (Lebanon, Lebanon, Pennsylvania), 19 Jul 1922, page 1.

59 Lebanon Evening Report (Lebanon, Lebanon, Pennsylvania), 19 Jul 1922, page 3.

60 Lebanon Daily News (Lebanon, PA), 20 Sep 1926, page 11.

61 Lebanon Semi-Weekly News (Lebanon, Lebanon, Pennsylvania.), 8 Nov 1926, page 2.

62 Find A Grave,

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