Johann Engel Buecher
Elizabeth Catharina
John Pennebacker
(1733-Bef 1805)
Magdalena Porter
Peter Bicher
Susanna Pennebacker
(From 1775/1784-Bef 1839)
Benjamin Biecher


Family Links

1. Anna Regar

2. Elenora Weidner

Benjamin Biecher 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

  • Born: 28 Jan 1797, Adamstown, Lancaster, PA 6 9 10
  • Marriage (1): Anna Regar on 8 Jun 1823 in , Lancaster, PA 1
  • Marriage (2): Elenora Weidner on 23 Nov 1828 in Adamstown, Lancaster, PA 2
  • Died: 19 Sep 1876, Lebanon, Lebanon, PA at age 79 6 8 9 11
  • Buried: 23 Sep 1876, Lebanon: Mount Lebanon Cemetery, Lebanon, PA 6 11

   Other names for Benjamin were Benjamin Beecher,12 Benjamin Beicher 13 and Benjamin Bicher.14

   FamilySearch ID: MW6G-68B.

  Noted events in his life were:

1. Census in 1810 in Cocalico Twp., Lancaster, PA. 15 Peter is indexed as "Riether" due to poor handwriting and appears near other residents of Adamstown with this family:
Males (born)
10-15 (1795-1800) = 2 (sons Benjamin & John)
26-44 (1766-1784) = 1 (Peter)
Females (born)
16-25 (1785-1794) = 1 (Susanna).

2. Census in 1820 in Cocalico Twp., Lancaster, PA. 16 The 1820 Census shows Peter Bicher or Bicker's (handwriter unclear) with:
Males (born)
Under 10 (1811-1820)
16-25 (1795-1804) = 2 sons Benjamin & John
45 & over (<=1775) = 1 father Peter
Females (born)
16-25 (1795-1804) = 1 daughter (Magdalena)
26-44 (1776-1794) = 1 wife (Susanna)
Peter's neighbors are Steofel Kern, Henry Regart, Peter Groff, John Rohrer, Jacob Hemberger, Mary Getz.

3. Newspaper: Lancaster Intelligencer, 2 Sep 1823, Lancaster, Lancaster, PA. 17 COCALICO TOWNSHIP.
At a meeting of the Democratic Republicans of Cocalico township, in the county of Lancaster, convened agreeable to public notice, at the house of Col. Adam Diller, Innkeeper, in the village of Reamstown, in said township, on Saturday, the 23d day of August, 1823. HENRY HIBSHMAN, Esq. was called to the chair, and Dr. Frederick Ziegler, and Mr. David Bauman, appointed secretaries. The object of the meeting being stated, the following gentlemen were appointed a committee of vigilance of said township:
Samuel Shirk, Jacob Mellinger, John Stober, George Burkholder, jun. Dr. Samuel Wiest, Adam Zell, Major Henry Pickens, John Smith, John Kuhns, Jacob Garner, Benjamin Bicher, John Rochrer, Henry Redcay, Jacob Fry, Henry Fry, sen. Henry Wolfskill, Henry Fankhauser, Philip Killian, Richard Killian, Samuel Sweigart, Jacob Metz, Christian Wolf, Samuel Wolf, John Misher, Abraham Gackley, Joseph Niies, Philip Royer, Peter Bauman, David Bauman, John Faustenauer, Jacob Miller, Henry Hibshman, Esq. Samuel Keller, (Jacob's son,) Samuel Becker, Daniel Bard, John Mohler, (John's son,) Daniel Stahle, Richard R. Heitler, John Wenger, Adam Ream, Henry Leisey, Samuel Royer, John Hagey, Dr. Frederick Ziegler, Peter Ruth, Col. Adam Diller, Jacob Ruth, William Senseman, Esq. Daniel Merkel, John Long.

4. Residence: on 23 Nov 1827 in Adamstown, Lancaster, PA.

5. Benjamin were married on 23 Nov 1828 in Adamstown, Lancaster, PA: "Benjamin Bücher & Ellen Weidner, both of Adamstown." Record is in New Holland Trinity Lutheran but marriage may have been at Muddy Creek Lutheran near Adamstown. 2

6. Census in 1830 in Cocalico Twp., Lancaster, PA. 18 Benjamin Bicher is listed in the 1830 Census with this household:
Males (born)
Under 5 (1826-1830) = 1 son William
30-39 (1791-1800) = 1 father Benjamin
60-69 (1761-1770) = Benjamin's father Peter
Females (born)
5-9 (1821-1825) = 1 daughter Eliza
10-14 (1816-1820) = 1 daughter ?
20-29 (1801-1810) = 1 mother Elenora
Benjamin's mother Susanna isn't listed which indicates she died in the 1820's.

7. Benjamin Bicher bought 39 acres of land from John Echternach on 15 Mar 1834 in East Cocalico Twp., Lancaster, PA.

8. Court: on 4 Sep 1835 in Cocalico Twp., Lancaster, PA. 19 This court record in the Lancaster County Miscellaneous Book mentions Benjamin Bicher was appointed by the court with six other men to review the property of Jacob Vonnieda which was being divided among his heirs:

Jacob Vonnieda, dec'd. Pursuant to an Order of this Court of the seventeenth of August 1835 Directing Peter Heinhold, John Wilson, Benjamin Bicher, Jacob Huber, Jacob Gross, Henry Regar and Jacob Gerner seven men indeferently chosen by the heirs and legal representatives of Jacob Vonnieda late of Cocalico township in Said County dec'd to view and .. the real estate of said dec'd report in the words following vis We the seven men appointed by the annexed order of said court in the case of the real estate of Jacob Vonnieda dec'd respectfully make report that having all been first duly sworn and affirmed we did on the fourth of September 1835 view and examine the Said several tracts and pieces of land in the Said order mentioned late the property of Jacob Vonnieda deceased and did find that the same would conveniently accommodate three and no more of the children of the Said dec'd viz That the plantation adjoining lands of Jacob Hoover, John Swarts, Philip Smith and others and containing 139 acres and 144 perches marked No. 1 a draft of which is hereto annexed would accommodate one other of said children and that the piece of woodland adjoining lands of Peter Miller, Henry Loush, George Long, and others containing Seventy five acres and one quarter on forty perches and marked No. 2 a draft of which is herto annexed would accommodate one other of said children and that the piece of woodland adjoining lands of Henry Kolp, Abraham Lesher and others containing nine acres and Seventy two perches would accommodate another of said children which is marked No. 3 and of which a draft is hereto annexed. And the said Seven persons value and Appraise the said plantation No. 1 at and for the sum of eighteen dollars per acre Amounting in the whole to the Sum of two thousand five hundred and eighteen dollars and twenty cents. And do value and appraise the said tract of woodland No. 2 at and for the Sum of Seventeen dollars per acre, amounting in the whole to the Sum of one thousand two hundred and Seventy nine and twenty five cents. And do value and appraise the said piece of woodland No. 3 at and for the Sum of Seven dollars per acre amounting in the whole to the Sum of Sixty seven dollars and five cents. In testimony whereof they the said Seven persons have hereto set their hands and Seals the 4th day of September 1835. Which Inquisition being read was confirmed by the Court.

Note: in an earlier entry in August, 1835 on page 402 the name was transcribed as Benjamin Bricker, so review of the original handwriting is needed to determine if it is Bicher or Bricker.

9. Census in 1840 in East Cocalico Twp., Lancaster, PA. 20 In 1840 in East Cocalico Township the household of Benjiman Beecher was listed with:
Males (born)
Under 5 (1836-1840) = 1 son
5-9 (1831-1835) = 2 sons
40-49 (1791-1800) = 1 father Benjamin
Females (born)
5-9 (1831-1835) = 1 daughter
15-19 (1821-1825) = 1 daughter
30-39 (1801-1810) = 1 wife.

10. Benjamin Bicher sold the 39 acres he had bought in 1834. On 21 Mar 1843 in East Cocalico Twp., Lancaster, PA. 21 Benjamin Bicher and Ellen his wife of East Cocalico Township, Lancaster County, on 21 Mar 1843 sold to David Brubaker for $1450 a Plantation and tract of land in East Cocalico Township, Bordering lands of Edward Lutz, Benjamin Loush, Philip Lutz, John Echternach, containing 39 acres of land, it being the same tract that John Echternach and Elizabeth his wife sold to Benjamin Bicher on 15 Mar 1834.

11. Census in 1850 in S. Lebanon Twp., Lebanon, PA. 10 The 1850 Census lists the household of Benjamin Bicher, age 54, living with his wife, Eleanor, age 47, and children Sarah, age 19 and George, age 16. All were born in Pennsylvania.

12. Fact: Benjamin Bicher, William Bicher, and George Beicher were listed as volunteer firemen. They are sons of Benjamin Sr., 1850, Lebanon, Lebanon, PA. 22 From "Papers and addresses of the Lebanon County Historical Society, Vol. III No. 13":
The Lebanon County Fire Company had a small handwagon in its possession, which did excellent service at fires for quite a number of years. It was housed in a small frame building which was standing on the northwest corner on Eighth street and Spring alley, on the ground on which the Court House stands. The name, "Lebanon County Fire Company," was painted on the house in large letters. In the year 1854 the members who constituted the company at that time signed their names as members of the Union Fire Company. Afterwards the Lebanon County Hand Engine wastaken to the Lebanon County Poor House for the purpose of using it in case of a fire at that institution.

13. Residence: on 21 Nov 1856 in S. Lebanon Twp., Lebanon, PA. 23 Benjamin was living in South Lebanon in 1856 when the obituary of his wife, Elenora, was published in Der Libanon Demokrat, the German newspaper in Lebanon.

14. Census in 1860 in Lebanon, Lebanon, PA. 12 Benjamin Beecher, 63, day laborer, is living with Eliza, age 34. His real estate is valued at $0 and his possessions at $50.
Living next door is George Beecher, age 25, coach maker, living with Lavinia, 24. His real estate is $100 and his possessions $50.
Everyone is born in Pennsylvania.

15. Newspaper: Lebanon Advertiser, 6 Mar 1861, Lebanon, Lebanon, PA. 24 Public Sale.
Will be sold at the residence of the subscriber in Mary street, one square south of George Faber's store, on SATURDAY, MARCH 16, 1861, at 1 o'clock, P. M., the following Household and Kitchen Furniture, viz: BEDS and BEDSTEADS, 3 Tables, Chairs, Bureau, Kitchen Cupboard, Looking Glasses, Wood chest, stove, drum and pipe, Carpet. 3 bushel bags, large Copper Kettle, Iron Kettles, Tubs, Crockery, and many other articles too numerous to mention. Conditions of sale will be made known by F. Embich, Auct'r. BENJAMIN BICHER
Terms - for purchases over $3 fiv emonth's credit will be given.

16. Newspaper: The Lebanon Adveriser, 17 Aug 1864, Lebanon, Lebanon, PA. REAL ESTATE SALES. - Mr. Benjamin Bicher, Auctioneer sold recently 7 acres of land and improvements, late the estate of Henry Yeingst, in Jackson township, to Ferdinand Kline, for $2275.

17. He was employed in 1868 in Lebanon, Lebanon, PA. 25 Business Directory of Lebanon County (1868-69):
Biecher, Benjamin, auctioneer, 413 Walnut
Biecher, Elias, shoemaker, 20 S. 7th
Biecher, William, tinsmith, 127 S. 9th
Biecher, Miss Eliza, 424 Walnut
Biecher, Emanuel, blacksmith, 127 S. 9th
Biecher, George, machinist, 722 Walnut.

18. Census in 1870 in Lebanon, Lebanon, PA. 13 Benjamin Beicher, age 62, watchman, is living in 1870 in Lebanon in the household of Adam Stains, 40, who is married to Sarah A., age 39, who is Benjamin's daughter.

19. Newspaper: Lebanon Semi-Weekly News: "Benjamin Beecher, watchman in the Old Lebanon bank, was struck by a team on Saturday and knocked down. He was not seriously injured.", 25 Oct 1875, Lebanon, Lebanon, PA. 26

20. Newspaper: Lebanon Daily News: "Benjamin Beicher, who resided with his son, George, on East Walnut street was seriously ill and little hopes were entertained for his recovery.", 30 Aug 1876, Lebanon, Lebanon, PA. 27

21. Obituary: Lebanon Daily News: obituary of Benjamin Biecher on 20 Sep 1876 in Lebanon, Lebanon, PA. 28 -----
BIECHER. On the 19th inst., Benjamin Beicher, aged 80 years.
Funeral will take place from the residence of his son, Mr. George Biecher, 722 East Walnut street, on Saturday afternoon at 1 o'clock. Friends and relatives are respectfully invited to attend the funeral without futher notice. Interment on the First Reformed cemetery.

22. Obituary: Lebanon Semi-Weekly News: article about Benjamin Biecher's death on 24 Sep 1876 in Lebanon, Lebanon, PA. 8 Wednesday, Sept. 20. Tuesday night Benjamin Biecher, a former watchman in the Lebanon national bank, after a lingering illness, died at his son's residence, on East Walnut street, of congestion of the lungs. He was aged 80 years, and the item farther says: "Mr. Biecher was extremely well known in Lebanon and Lancaster counties as a drover and auctioneer and was of a lively disposistion."

23. Obituary: Lebanon Semi-Weekly News: article about Benjamin Biecher's funeral on 28 Sep 1876 in Lebanon, Lebanon, PA. 29 Saturday, September 23. The funeral of Benjamin Biecher, residing on East Walnut street, took place on the afternoon of this day. Offering to the weather being so unpleasant at the time of the funeral was not as well attended as it would otherwise have been.

24. Newspaper: Lebanon Daily News: "Thursday, May 3. The body of Benjamin Biecher, which was buried in the First Reformed cemetery, was taken up and removed to Mt. Lebanon cemetery.", 6 May 1877, Lebanon, Lebanon, PA. 30

Benjamin married Anna Regar, daughter of Jacob Ruger and Magdalena, on 8 Jun 1823 in , Lancaster, PA.1 (Anna Regar was born on 22 Jan 1803 in Reamstown, Lancaster, PA,7 31 died on 22 Feb 1826 in , Lancaster, PA 7 31 and was buried in East Cocalico Twp.: Muddy Creek Church Cemetery, Lancaster, PA 7 31.)

Benjamin next married Elenora Weidner on 23 Nov 1828 in Adamstown, Lancaster, PA.2 (Elenora Weidner was born on 13 Apr 1804 in , Berks, PA,32 died on 9 Nov 1856 in , Lebanon, PA 23 32 and was buried in Lebanon: Mount Lebanon Cemetery, Lebanon, PA 32.)


1 Rev. Daniel Hertz (Microfilm 1433081), Page 1.

2 Trinity Lutheran Church, New Holland, Lebanon County, Pennsylvania (Note: Some very early records that appear in this church register were from Muddy Creek Lutheran Church in Brecknock Township, before the congregation moved to New Holland.), Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church, New Holland, Lancaster County, PA, Parish Records, Volume II, 1814-1922 at Lancaster County Historical Society.

3 The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Ancestral File (R) (Copyright (c) 1987, June 1998, data as of 5 January 1998).

4 Hinke, William J. (translation), Muddy Creek Reformed Congregation, East Cocalico Twp Lancaster Co. PA (Copied September 1916. Microfilm 0020346 Family History Center Library. Vol. 1 (1743-1770). Vol. 2 (1766-1810).), Item 9 Vol II. Page 83.

5 Muddy Creek Lutheran Church, Page 112.

6 Find A Grave,

7 Muddy Creek Church Cemetery (Denver, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania .).

8 Lebanon Semi-Weekly News (Lebanon, Lebanon, Pennsylvania.), 24 Sep 1876. Death of Benjamin Biecher.

9 Lancaster County Historical Society, Library, Collection MG-682 Series 1 Box 2 Folders 88-89 Biecher. Research letters done in 1989 by historical society Biecher descendant Robert L. Hackney, Napervill, IL.

10 1850 United States Census, Pennsylvania, Lebanon County, South Lebanon Township, Series: M432 Roll: 791 Page: 97.

11 Lebanon Daily News (Lebanon, PA), 28 Sep 1876. Funeral of Benjamin Biecher.

12 1860 United States Census, Pennsylvania, Lebanon County, Lebanon Boro, Series: M653 Roll: 1128 Page: 338.

13 1870 United States Census, Pennsylvania, Lebanon County, Lebanon Borough District 247, Roll 1361 Book 1, Page 273a.

14, Pennsylvania, U.S., Wills and Probate Records, 1683-1993, PA > Lancster. Will Book W. Page 483. Online image 250. Will of Peter Bicher.

15 1810 United States Census, Indexed as Peter Riether due to poor handwriting. East Cocalico Township, Lancaster County, PA.

16 1820 United States Census, Pennsylvania, Lancaster County, Cocalico Township, Page 26.

17 Lancaster Intelligencer Journal Newspaper (Lancaster, Lancaster County, PA), 2 Sep 1823, page 2.

18 1830 United States Census, Pennsylvania, Lancaster County, Cocalico Township, Series: M19 Roll: 153 Page: 193.

19 Lancaster County Courthouse, Miscellaneous Book, 1833-1836. Page 429, September 1835.

20 1840 United States Census, Pennsylvania, Lancaster County, East Cocalico Township, Series: M704 Roll: 467 Page: 393.

21 Lancaster County Recorder of Deeds (Lancaster, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania., Book X-6, page 206. Benjamin Bicher Grantor.

22 "Papers and addresses of the Lebanon County Historical Society," Penn State Library Digital Collection, Vol. III No. 13, page 426.

23 Translated and transcribed by Robert A. Heilman, Deaths reported by Der Libanon Demokrat : a German language newspaper published at Lebanon, Pennsylvania, 1832-1864 (Bowie, Md. : Heritage Books, c1990), Page 68.

24 Lebanon Advertiser (Lebanon, PA), 6 Mar 1861, page 1.

25 Grittinger, Seltzer & Light, Philadelphia, PA., "Business Directory of Lebanon County (1868-69)," page 130.

26 Lebanon Semi-Weekly News (Lebanon, Lebanon, Pennsylvania.), Reprinted from "20 Years Ago" Monday on 28 Oct 1895, page 1.

27 Lebanon Daily News (Lebanon, PA), 30 Aug 1876.

28 Lebanon Daily News (Lebanon, PA), 20 Sep 1876, page 3. Obituary of Benjamin Biecher.

29 Lebanon Semi-Weekly News (Lebanon, Lebanon, Pennsylvania.), 28 Sep 1876. Funeral of Benjamin Biecher.

30 Lebanon Daily News (Lebanon, PA), 6 May 1877.

31 Muddy Creek Church Cemetery Inscriptions Copied During The Year 1910 by James J. Coldren and Charles M. Coldren (Family History Library Microfilm 20371. Item 14.), Old Graveyard #2.

32 Find A Grave,

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