John Albert Balliet
Evelyn Bernice Beacher
John Joseph Buckenberger
Hazel Elizabeth Cleaver
John Junior Balliet
Carol Ann Buckenberger
Jessica Ann Balliet


Family Links

1. Shane Christopher Thomas

Jessica Ann Balliet 2

  • Born: 28 May 1979, Bloomsburg, Columbia, PA 3
  • Marriage (1): Shane Christopher Thomas on 30 Aug 2005 in Ocho Rios, Saint Ann, Jamaica 1

   FamilySearch ID: GNQ3-HLH.

  Noted events in her life were:

1. Newspaper: The Morning Press: Mr. AndMrs. John Balliet, 138 Sunken Heights Ave., Bloomsburg, are the parents of a daughter born Monday at the Geisinger Medical Center. Mrs. Balliet is the former Carol Buckenberger of Danville., 31 May 1979, Danville, Montour, PA. 3

2. Residence: 13 Sunken Heights Ave., Bloomsburg, PA on 15 Aug 1992 in Bloomsburg, Columbia, PA. 2

3. Newspaper: Danville News, 8 Sep 2007, Danville, Montour, PA. 4 Bloomsburg Hosptial: Shane and Jessica Balliet Thomas, of Berwick are the parents of a son Evan James, born Sept. 3, 2007. Paternal grandparents are Tim and Debbie Rowe, of Berwick, and John Musser, of Mifflinville. Maternal grandparents are Carol Balliet, of Danville, and the late John Balliet.

4. Residence: on 8 Sep 2007 in Danville, Montour, PA. 4

5. Newspaper: Press Enterprise, 11 Sep 2008, Bloomsburg, Columbia, PA. 5 Jessica A. (Balliet) and Shane C. Thomas, Berwick, are the parents of a son, Branson Shane, born Tuesday, Sept. 9, 2008, at the Bloomsburg Hospital.
Maternal grandparents are Carol Balliet, Danville, and the late John Balliet. Paternal grandparents are Timothy and Debbie Rowe, West Virginia, and John Musser, Mifflinville.

6. Residence: in 2020 in Berwick, Columbia, PA.

Jessica married Shane Christopher Thomas on 30 Aug 2005 in Ocho Rios, Saint Ann, Jamaica.1


1 Press Enterprise, (Bloomsburg, PA), 13 Nov 2005, page 24.

2 Press Enterprise, (Bloomsburg, PA), 17 Aug 1992, Page 2. Obituary of John J. Balliet.

3 The Morning Press (Bloomsburg, PA) (Bloomsburg, Columbia, Pennsylvania), 31 May 1979, page 2.

4 "The Danville News (Danville, PA)," 8 Sep 2007, page A10.

5 Press Enterprise, (Bloomsburg, PA), 11 Sep 2008, page 7.

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