William S. Snyder
Harriet Eisenhart
Elias Smith
Passila Riegel
Henry Calvin Snyder
Lizzie Ann Smith
Bertha Priscilla Snyder


Family Links

1. Benjamin Franklin Beacher Jr.

Bertha Priscilla Snyder 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

  • Born: 11 Jun 1885, Frackville, Schuylkill, PA 1 4 6 13
  • Christened: 1885, Frackville, Schuylkill, PA 1
  • Marriage (1): Benjamin Franklin Beacher Jr. on 10 May 1905 in Allentown, Lehigh, PA 1 2
  • Died: 5 Jan 1959, Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA at age 73 1 8 13 17 18
  • Buried: 9 Jan 1959, Allentown: Grandview Cemetery, Lehigh, PA 1 8 13

   FamilySearch ID: 2J9Z-MVX.

  Noted events in her life were:

1. Census in 1900 in Allentown, Lehigh, PA. 6 The 1900 census recorded renting a home at 930 Allen Street: Henry C. Snyder, stationary engineer, 43, born Nov 1857, living with wife Lizzie, 44, Oct 1856; children Maud, 19, Apr 1881; Elias, 17, Jun 1883; and William, 15, Jun 1885; his twin sister Bertha, 15, Jun 1885, and Blanch, 10, May 1890. Maud, Elias, William, and Bertha were all employed as workers at a silk mill.
Everyone and their parents were born in Pennsylvania. The census states Henry and Lizzie were married for 21 years and she had birthed 9 children, 5 alive in 1900.

2. Newspaper: Allentown Leader: "Pennsburg: Miss Bertha Snyder of Shenandoah and her sister, Miss Maude Snyder of Allentown, were the guests of Mr. And Mrs. Charles Dickert.", 27 Aug 1902, Allentown, Lehigh, PA. 19

3. Minister: 10 May 1905, Shenandoah: United Evangelical Church, Schuylkill, PA. Reverend William Schieffly of the Shenandoah United Evangelical Church performed in Allentown, Lehigh County, the wedding of Benjamin and Bertha Beacher.

4. Newspaper: Republican and Herald: Beacher Snyder Wedding At Noon, 10 May 1905, Pottsville, Schuylkill, PA. 20 B. F. Beacher, Jr., and Miss Bertha P. Snyder, were united in wedlock at noon today at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry G. Snyder, 738 Cedar street, Allentown. Rev. W. J. Scheify, pastor of the United Evangelical church, Shenandoah, was the officiating clergyman.
Arthur G. Beacher, of Pittsburg, a brother of the groom, was best man, while Miss Maud Yeakle, of Allentown, was bridesmaid. After the ceremony a wedding dinner was served, followed by a reception. Then the happy couple departed on a wedding tour, which will include Philadelphia, New York and other points. They will reside at Jardin and Coal streets, where a neatly furnished home awaits them. The couple were the recipients of many handsome presents.
The groom is the son of B. F. Beacher, the veteran fireman, and conducts a confectionery store at Coal and Jardin streets, where he has succeeded in building up a large trade. The bride is a niece of O. S. Kehler, the dry goods merchant, and has been employed as a clerk there for a number of years. Both are well known and popular and have the best wishes of a host of friends.

5. Newspaper: The Morning Call: Snyder-Beacher Wedding, 11 May 1905, Allentown, Lehigh, PA. 21 Note: The following article misspelled the groom's name as Buecher (should be Beacher) and is incorrect that he had a brother Adam.

Two Ceremonies Yesterday for Well-Known Young People.
Former Allentown Girl Married to Shenandoah Confectioner in This City
Miss Bertha P. Snyder, daughter of Henry Snyder, of 814 Cedar street, became the bride of Benjamin Buecher, a prominent merchant of Shenandoah, the ceremony being performed in this city. The ceremony was performed at high noon at the home of the bride's parents by the Rev. W. J. Scheiffley, pastor of the U. E. Church of Shenandoah, and was witnessed by the immediate families and a few friends of the couple.
The ring ceremony was used in connection with the ritual of the Evangelical Church, which was conducted in the parlor by the officiating clergyman. The bride was attended by Miss Maude Yeakel as bridesmaid and the groom was attended by his brother, Adam Buecher. Miss Ethel Kehler played the wedding march. Following this an elegant wedding dinner was served to the assembled company and during the afternoon the young folks received.
At 4 o'clock they left on a wedding trip and will on their return take up their residence at Shenandoah. The bride Is the beautiful and accomplished daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Snyder and has for a number of years been living in Shenandoah with relatives, and while there met Mr. Buecher, who is a leading wholesale confectioner.
The couple were the recipients of numerous valuable and handsome gifts and have the best wishes of many friends in their entrance into married life. In addition to the immediate families there were present at the wedding: Rev. A. J. Brunner, former pastor of the bride, of this city, and his family; Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kehler and daughter Ethel, of Shenandoah; Mrs. Wm. Kehler, Newark, and Thos. Hardenstine, of this city.

6. Newspaper: Republican Herald: Mrs. H. C. Snyder, of Allentown, and son, Kenneth, are visiting the former's daughter, Mrs. B. F. Beacher, 30 Mar 1906, Pottsville, Schuylkill, PA. 22

7. Newspaper: Republican Herald: Old Soldier's Birthday Celebration, 20 May 1909, Pottsville, Schuylkill, PA. 23 In honor of the seventy-fifth birthday anniversary of William Snyder, of No. 941 North Fifth street, Allentown, a very pleasant surprise was given him, when his sons, daughters, grandchildren paid him a visit Monday evening fifty strong, and presented him with a beautiful bouquet of seventy-five carnations. Mr. Snyder is a veteran of the Civil War, having enlisted in August, 1861, in Co. I. Forty-eighth Pennsylvania Infantry, which was recruited in Schuylkill County. He saw service in many battles, having many close calls, as for two years he acted as a spy. Mr. Snyder was also present at Lee's surrender. Mrs. O. S. Kehler, formerly of town, was one of the children present and Mrs. B. F. Beacher, of town, was also in attendance, being one of the grandchildren. Mr. Snyder formerly lived in Shenandoah.

8. Newspaper: Republican Herald: Veteran of Civil War Former Resident Dead, 11 Jun 1909, Pottsville, Schuylkill, PA. 24 Sad news was received by Mrs. B. F. Beacher in a telegram this morning announcing the death of her grandfather, William H. Snyder, of Allentown. He had been a resident of Shenandoah for many years, having conducted a shoe store on North Main street.
He was well known and highly esteemed by all acquainted with him.
Mr. Snyder was 75 years old and a veteran of the Civil War. He leaves eight children, forty-eight grandchildren and thirteen great grandchildren.

9. Census in 1910 in Shenandoah, Schuylkill, PA. 25 26 The 1910 census recorded owning the home and candy store at 35 North Main Street: Benjamin F Beacher, confectionery merchant, 33, living with wife Bertha, 25; daughter Ruth, 4; and son Paul, 1. Also in the home was his father Benjamin Beacher, Sr., 65, and Cora Smith, an 18-year-old servant. Everyone and their parents were born in Pennsylvania.

10. Newspaper: Republican and Herald: Mrs. B. F. Beacher, of Shenandoah, was removed to the Presbyterian Hospital, Philadelphia, on Saturday, where she was operated upon for appendicitis., 10 Oct 1910, Pottsville, Schuylkill, PA. 27

11. Newspaper: Republican and Herald: E. G. Snyder, of Allentown, spent a few days with his sister, Mrs. B. F. Beacher, 27 Jan 1911, Pottsville, Schuylkill, PA. 28

12. Newspaper: Republican and Herald: Mrs. B. F. Beacher and daughter, Ruth, left town today to spend time visiting friends at Harrisburg and Allentown, 7 Feb 1911, Pottsville, Schuylkill, PA. 29

13. Newspaper: Republican and Herald : Henry Snyder, of Allentown, is visitng his daughter, Mrs. B. F. Beacher, 4 May 1911, Pottsville, Schuylkill, PA. 30

14. Newspaper: Republican and Herald : Henry Snyder returned to his home at Allentown after a visit to his daughter, Mrs. B. F. Beacher, 11 May 1911, Pottsville, Schuylkill, PA. 31

15. Newspaper: Republican and Herald: Mrs. B. F. Beacher and daughter, Ruth, left for Allentown this morning to visit the former's twin brother, who is seriously ill with typhoid fever., 19 Jun 1911, Pottsville, Schuylkill, PA. 32

16. Baby Died at Birth: 1912, Shenandoah, Schuylkill, PA. 4

17. Newspaper: Republican and Herald: Mrs. B. F. Beacher and daughter, Ruth, returne dhome after spending a week with the former's sister, Mrs. E. N. Hardenstine at Highland Cottage, Waldheim Park, Pa., 22 Aug 1912, Pottsville, Schuylkill, PA. 33

18. Newspaper: Republican and Herald: Mr. And Mrs. E. G. Snyder and son, Frederick, returned to their home in Allentown, after spending a few days as guests of the former's sister, Mrs. B. F. Beacher., 1 Aug 1913, Pottsville, Schuylkill, PA. 34

19. Newspaper: Evening Herald: Miss Blance Snyder and brother, Kenneth, today returned to their home at Allentown after a pleasant visit to their sister, Mrs. B. F. Beacher. They were accompanied by niece, Ruth Beacher, who will spend her vacation at Allentown., 31 Jul 1914, Shenandoah, Schuylkill, PA. 35

20. Newspaper: Evening Herald: Miss Blanche Snyder, of Allentown, is visiting her sister, Mrs. B. F. Beacher, 19 Feb 1919, Shenandoah, Schuylkill, PA. 36

21. Newspaper: Evening Herald: Mrs. Pricilla Witman, of Pottstown, who spent a few days the guest of Mrs. B. F. Beacher, left today for Danville, where she will visit relatives before returning home., 13 Aug 1920, Shenandoah, Schuylkill, PA. 37 Note: Mrs. Witman is nee Priscilla Smith, the half sister of Bertha Beacher's mother, Lillian Smith.

22. Newspaper: Morning Call: Bertha Beacher Again Selected W.C.T.U. President, 7 Sep 1920, Allentown, Lehigh, PA. 38 W.C.T.U Holds Annual Election
Mrs. Bertha Beacher Again Selected Head of Central Body
Mrs. Bertha Beacher, who was acting president for a year and a half and was elevated to the presidency last spring following the death of President Mrs. Lizzie Lerch, was unanimously chosen president of the Central Women's Christian Temperance union at that group's annual meeting and first business session of the autumn yesterday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Minerva Egge, 214 North Fifteenth street. The hostess was re-elected secretary of the union for her sixth term and Mrs. Laura Fabian was re-elected treasurer for her third term. Miss Isabel Butz was named the new vice president and Mrs. Warren Schuler the new corresponding secretary. Departmental appointments for the year were made as follows: Mrs. Elda J. DeBelle, legislation and prison work, Mrs. DeBelle having been active in the latter for more than a quarter of a century; Mrs. Hannah Romig. reappointed Sabbath observance after thirty years in the office: Mrs. B. A. Beauchner, the new director of evangelism, Mrs. Esge, publicity and director of the Temperance Light Bearers, Mrs. Charles Leh, flower missions, and Miss Isabel Butz, director of the Loyal Temperance Legion. Mrs. Beacher and Miss Butz were chosen to represent the Central Union at the state W. C. T. V. convention, which will be held next month at York. Delegates chosen for the county convention, which will be held next Tuesday in Grace E. C. church, include: Mrs. Charles Leh, Mrs. Warren Schuler, Mrs. Ed Clymer, Mrs. Beauchner and Mrs. Herman Long. Mrs. M. M. Horlacher, who is president of the county union and will preside at next week's conclave, Is a member of the Central union. Mrs. Egge served delicious refreshments at the conclusion of yesterday's meeting and announcement was made that next meeting will be held on Tuesday afternoon, October 4, at two o'clock at the home of Mrs. Harry Kleckner, 613 South Sixth street.

23. Newspaper: Evening Herald: H. C. Snyder, of Allentown, is visiting at the home of his daughter, Mrs. B. F. Beacher., 27 Nov 1920, Shenandoah, Schuylkill, PA. 39

24. Newspaper: Evening Herald: Notice. The regualr meeting of the Women's Christian Temperance Union, will be held at the home of Mrs. Beacher, North Main street, Thursday afternoon, at two o'clock. All members please note., 15 Jun 1921, Shenandoah, Schuylkill, PA. 40

25. Newspaper: Evening Herald, 2 Nov 1921, Shenandoah, Schuylkill, PA. 41 Mrs. B. F. Beacher today received word of the death of her aunt, Mrs. Thomas Witman, of Pottstown. The deceased was before her marrieage Miss Priscilla Smith, a former resident of town and a member of the Methodist church. The funeral will take place Thursday with services in the Fearless Methodist church and interment in at Pottstown.

26. Census in 1930 in Allentown, Lehigh, PA. 26 42 The 1930 Census in Allentown recorded owning a $15,000 home at 224 South 16th St.: Benjamin F. Beacher, mechanical engineer, 53, living with his wife, Bertha P., 45; daughter Ruth E., 24, occupation piano teacher; and sons B. Donald, 16; John H., 13; Bruce F., 10;, and Robert L., 5. Their home had a radio. Everyone and their parents were born in Pennsylvania.

27. Newspaper: Allentown Morning Call: Central Body to Send Letter to Incoming Official, 2 Dec 1931, Allentown, Lehigh, PA. 43 Today members of the Central Woman's Christian Temperance Union, meeting yesterday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Bertha Beacher, 224 South Sixteenth street, unanimously commended Mayor-elect Fred E. Lewis for his decision to close speak-easies in the city of Allentown, and authorized Mrs. Elda J. DeBelle to express their opinion of "what they term this worthy, splendid move" in a letter to Mr. Lewis, which will be mailed today. The hostess, who is also vice president, was in charge of yesterday's meeting in the absence of the president, Mrs. Lizzie Church. Mrs. Church, who had been on a road to recovery, is a patient in the Haff Hospital at Northampton. A fine program was enjoyed by the members yesterday afternoon, following their business session, when Mrs. Joseph L. MacNeal, of this city, read a number of her own poems. Her talk and poems yesterday were thoroughly enjoyed. The meeting opened with scripture reading by Mrs. Laura Fabian and prayer, offered by Mrs. DeBele and Mrs. Charles Leh.

28. Newspaper: Allentown Morning Call: Beacher Family Entertains, on 30 Jan 1932, in Allentown, Lehigh, PA. 44 44 The Men's Bible class of Grace E. C. church, Fifteenth and Turner streets. Rev. H. E. M. Snyder, pastor, sponsored an unusual supper party and program in the social rooms of the church last evening. It was called a "Family Night" and was attended by almost 100 persons, members of the class with their wives. So successful was the affair that it will be a regular event at intervals throughout the year. John I. Baker, president of the class, was a capable toastmaster during the dinner program, which featured two addresses by William Thomas and Rev. D. G. Reinhold. Mrs. H. C. Pottelger entertained with vocal solos. Following the dinner, there was an entertainment program staged by the Beacher family, which includes: Mr. and Mrs. B. Beacher, Mrs. Ruth Beacher Horn and Donald, John, Bruce and Bobby Beacher. The group formed an orchestra and offered instrumental numbers; there were also a number of songs, piano duets and solos, etc. The program concluded with a demonstration of various types of Indian war dances, performed by the Beacher boys in costume.

29. Newspaper: Morning Call, 9 Dec 1937, Allentown, Lehigh, PA. 45 WCTU Hears Peace Project
Business Meeting and Program at Home of Mrs. B. F. Beacher
More than 20 members attended December meeting and program of the W. C. T. U. Tuesday afternoon at the home of the president, Mrs. Benjamin F. Beacher, 224 S. 16th St. At a brief business session in charge of Mrs. Beacher, three new members were welcomed into the organization. Mrs. W. A. Masteller, wife of the pastor of Grace E. C. church, opened the meeting with devotions, after which she offered prayer. The musical program included selections on a baritone horn by Robert Beacher and piano solos by four-year-old Ann Louise Horn, who also entertained with a vocal solo.
A project for the advancement of peace was presented by Mrs. Benjamin A. Beauchner, after which there was an impressive address on "Educating for Peace," by Mrs. William K. Lockhart.
Announcement of an S. T. I. contest was made by Mrs. Ray L. Maurer. Following the meeting there was a social hour and refreshments were served by than hostess.
At the January meeting of the Central union, there will be a program commemorating the nationwide observance of World Day of Prayer.

30. Census in 1940 in Allentown, Lehigh, PA. 46 The 1940 Census recorded at 224 16th Street in Allentown Benjamin F. Beacher, 62, living with wife Bertha P., 54; and sons John H., 23; Bruce F., 20; and Robert L., 15. Benjamin owned the home valued at $10,000. Benjamin had completed 4 years of high school, his wife and Robert 2 years. John and Bruce had completed 4 years of college. Benjamin was employed as a utility man in an office. Bruce was a soil technician with the Department of the Interior.

31. Newspaper: Morning Call: Mrs. Benjamin F. Beacher, President, Hostess at Her Home, 5 Feb 1941, Allentown, Lehigh, PA. 47 Mrs. Benjamin F. Beacher, president, was hostess to members of the Central W.C.T.U. at their February meeting yesterday afternoon at her home, 224 S. 16th St. Devotions, which opened the session, were in charge of Mrs. Beacher. A talk on "Tithing" was presented by Mrs. Benjamin F. Beacher and Mrs. William T. Grasley discussed "The Family Altar." Mrs. Howard Gehrls, Sabbath observance director, spoke on the Sabbath observance. Quotations from Frances Willard were presented by members of the group. Musical entertainment was a piano solo by Ann Horn, and a piano duet by Ann and her mother, Mrs. Alden Horn. A reading on "The Right to Grow Up Decent" was given by Lorraine Kuhns. Announcement was made of the next meeting on Tuesday afternoon, March 4, at 2 o'clock in Grace E. U. church, 15th and Turner Sts.

32. Residence: 224 S. 16th St., Allentown, PA on 9 Jun 1943 in Allentown, Lehigh, PA. 10

33. Census in 1950 in Allentown, Lehigh, PA. 48 The 1950 census recorded at 1935 Greenleaf Street: Bertha P. Beacher, 64, widow. She was born in Pennsylvania.

34. Residence: 1935 Greenleaf St., Allentown, Pa. On 22 Apr 1950 in Allentown, Lehigh, PA. 5

35. Residence: 1948 Allentown City Directory: Beacher Benj F (Bertha P) r 1024 Chew in 1948 in Allentown, Lehigh, PA. 49

36. Residence: 1935 Greenleaf St., Allentown, PA on 6 May 1950 in Allentown, Lehigh, PA. 10

37. Newspaper: Morning Call: At Birthday Party, 16 Jun 1950, Allentown, Lehigh, PA. 50 Mrs. Ruth Beacher Horn entertained at a turkey dinner Saturday night at her home, 1024 Chew St., in honor of her mother, Mrs. Bertha P. Beacher, 1935 Greenleaf St., and her uncle, W. H. Snyder, 1233 Walnut St., who observed their 65th birthday anniversaries last Sunday. They are the twin children of the late Mr. and Mrs. Henry C. Snyder of Frackville.

Attending were B. Donald Beacher, manager of Westinghouse Electric Co. of the Williamsport area, Mrs. Beacher and children Beverly Ann, Dennis, Duane, Douglas and Darryl; John H. Beacher, entomologist for Allied Chemical Co. of New York, Mrs. Beacher and children David and Jonathan of Teaneck, N. J.; Bruce F. Beacher, chief of soil resourses in the Department of Interior, Washington, D. C., his wife and son Brent from Silver Spring, Md.; Dr. and Mrs. Robert L. Beacher and daughter Nancy of Fayetteville, Ark. Dr. Beacher is head of the research department in agronomy at University of Arkansas. All four brothers were graduates of Allentown High school and were active in scouting circles in Allentown. Mr. and Mrs. Alden Horn and children Anne and John Alden. Mrs. Horn is the organist at Grace E. C. church.

38. Newspaper: The Morning Call, 16 Jun 1950, Allentown, Lehigh, PA. 50 Twins Are Guests At Birthday Party
Mrs. Ruth Beacher Horn entertained at a turkey dinner Saturday night at her home, 1024 Chew St., in honor of her mother, Mrs. Bertha P. Beacher, 1935 Greenleaf St., and her uncle, W. H. Snyder, 1233 Walnut St., who observed their 65th birthday anniversaries last Sunday. They are the twin children of the late Mr. and Mrs. Henry C. Snyder of Frackville.
Attending were B. Donald Beacher, manager of Westinghouse Electric Co. of the Williamsport area, Mrs. Beacher and children Beverly Ann, Dennis, Duane, Douglas and Darryl; John H. Beacher, entomologist for Allied Chemical Co. of New York, Mrs. Beacher and children David and Jonathan of Teaneck, N. J.; Bruce F. Beacher, chief of soil resources in the Department of Interior, Washington, D. C.. his wife and son Brent from Silver Spring, Md., and. Dr. and Mrs. Robert L. Beacher and daughter Nancy of Fayetteville, Ark. Dr. Beacher is head of the research department in agronomy at University of Arkansas. All four brothers were graduates of Allentown High school and were active in scouting circles in Allentown.
Mr. and Mrs. Alden Horn and children Anne and John Alden. Mrs. Horn is the organist at Grace E. C. church. Mr. Snyder and Lucy Snyder.

39. Residence: 856 West Ave., Springfield, Pa. On 5 Jan 1959 in Springfield, Delaware, PA. 8

40. Cause of Death: Bertha died at Fitzgerald Mercy Hospital due to aortic stenosis due to ASCVD. Fracture of right hip., 5 Jan 1959, Darby., Delaware, PA. 8

41. Newspaper: Allentown Morning Call: Annual Election, Allentown, Lehigh, PA. 51 Annual Election
Mrs. Bertha Beacher Again Selected Head of Central Body
Mrs. Bertha Beacher, who was acting president for a year and a half and was elevated to the presidency last spring, following the death of President Mrs. Lizzie Lerch, was unanimously chosen president of the Central Women's Christian Temperance union at that group's annual meeting and first business session of the autumn yesterday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Minerva Egge, 214 North Fifteenth street. The hostess was re-elected secretary of the union for her sixth term and Mrs. Laura Fabian was re-elected treasurer for her third term. Miss Isabel Butz was named the new vice president and Mrs. Warren Schuler the new corresponding secretary. Departmental appointments for the year were made as follows: Mrs. Elda J. DeBelle, legislation and prison work, Mrs. DeBelle having been active in the latter for more than a quarter of a century; Mrs. Hannah Romig reappointed Sabbath observance after thirty years in the office: Mrs. B. A. Beauchner, the new director of evangelism; Mrs. Esge, publicity and director of the Temperance Light Bearers; Mrs. Charles Leh, flower missions, and Miss Isabel Butz, director of the Loyal Temperance Legion. Mrs. Beacher and Miss Butz were chosen to represent the Central Union at the state W. C. T. V. convention, which will be held next month at York. Delegates chosen for the county convention, which will be held next Tuesday in Grace E. C. Church, include: Mrs. Charles Leh, Mrs. Warlen Schuler, Mrs. Ed Clymer, Mrs. Beauchner and Mrs. Herman Long. Mrs. M. M. Horlacher, who is president of the county union and will preside at next week's conclave, is a member of the Central union. Mrs. Egge served delicious refreshments at the conclusion of yesterday's meeting and announcement was made that next meeting will be held on Tuesday afternoon, October 4, at two o'clock at the home of Mrs. Harry Kleckner, 613 South Sixth street.

42. Obituary: Evening Herald: obituary of Bertha P. Beacher on 6 Jan 1959 in Shenandoah, Schuylkill, PA. 52 -----
Mrs. Bertha P. Beacher; Native of Frackville
Mrs. Bertha P. Beacher, of Springfield, Delaware County, died Monday in Fitzgerald Mercy Hospital, Philadelphia, where she was admitted two weeks ago. She was 74.
Mrs. Beacher had resided in Allentown for many years, moving to Springfield two years ago. Born in Frackville, she was a daughter of the late Henry C. and Lizzie A. Snyder.
She was a member of Grace Evangelical Congregational Church, Allentown, and was active in its missionary and children groups. She was former president of the Lehigh Valley Chapter, Women's Christian Temperance Union.
Surviving are four sons, B. Donald, with whom she resided: John H. Oradell, N. J.; Bruce F. Silver Spring, Md.. and Robert L., Fay-etteville, Ark.; a brother, William A. Snyder. Allentown; a sister, Mrs. Blanche Reeves, Nanticoke; 14 grandchildren and two greatgrandchildren.
She was predeceased by her husband, Benjamin F. Beacher; a daughter, Mrs. Ruth Beacher Horn; a son, Paul; two brothers, Eli. and Kenneth, and a sister, Maude.
Services will be at 10:30 a.m. Friday in the J. S. Burkholder Funeral Home, 1601 Hamilton street, Allentown, with viewing 7-8 p. m. Thursday.

43. Obituary: Morning Call: obituary of Bertha Beacher on 6 Jan 1959 in Allentown, Lehigh, PA. 53 Bertha Beacher, Ex-President Of WCTU, Dies
PHILADELPHIA -- Mrs. Bertha P. Beacher of 856 West Ave., Springfield, Delaware county, died here Monday in Fitzgerald Mercy Hospital where she was admitted two weeks ago. She was 74.
Mrs. Beacher had resided in Allentown for manv vears, moving to Springfield two years ago.
Born in Frackville. she was a daughter of the late Henry C. and Lizzie A. Sndyer. She was a member of Grace Evangelical Congregational Church, Allentown, and was active in its missionary and childrens groups.
She was former president of the Lehigh Valley Chapter, Women's Christian Temperance Union.
Surviving are four sons, B. Donald, with whom she resided; John H.. Oradell, N. J.; Bruce F., Silver Springs, Md., and Robert L. Fayetteville, Ark.; a brother, William A. Snyder, Allentown; a sister, Mrs. Blanche Reeves, Naticoke; 14 grandchildren and two great-grandchildren.
She was predeceased by her husband, Benjamin F. Beacher; a daughter, Mrs. Ruth Beacher Horn; a son, Paul: two brothers, Eli G. and Kenneth, and a sister, Maude.
Services will be at 10:30 a.m. Friday in the J. S. Burkholder Funeral Home. 1601 Hamilton St., Allentown, with viewing 7-8 p.m. Thursday.

44. Obituary: Record American on 7 Jan 1959 in Mahanoy City, Schuylkill, PA. 54 Former Area Resident To Be Buried On Friday
The funeral of Mrs. Bertha P. Beacher, 74, of Springfield, Delaware County, Frackville native who died Monday in Fitzgerald Mercy Hospital, Philadelphia, will be held Friday in Allentown. Mrs. Beacher resided in Allentown for many years, moving to Springfield two years ago.
Born in Frackville, she was a daughter of the late Henry C. and Lizzie A. Snyder. She was a member of Grace Evangelical Congregational Church, Allentown, was active in its missionary and children groups. She was former president of the Lehigh Valley Chapter, Women's Christian Temperance Union.
Surviving are four sons, B. Donald, with whom she resided; John H. Oradell, N. J.; Bruce F., Silver Spring, Md., and Robert L., Fayetteville, Ark.; brother, William A. Snyder, Allentown; a sister, Mrs. Blanche Reeves, Nanticoke; 14 grandchildren and two great grandchildren.
She was predeceased by her husband, Benjamin F. Beacher; daughter, Mrs. Ruth Beacher Horn; a son, Paul; two brothers, Eli and Kenneth, and a sister, Maude.

45. Obituary: Allentown Morning Call: obituary of Bertha P. Beacher on 8 Jan 1959 in Allentown, Lehigh, PA. 55 BEACHER Mrs. Bertha P. (Snyder). 73 years 4 months 24 days, of 85 West Ave., Springfield, Delaware County, Jan. 5. 1959, in Philadelphia; widow of Benjamin F. Beacher. Services 10:30 a m. Friday. J. S. Burkheieer Funeral Home Inc., 1401 Hamilton St., Allentown. Interment Grandview Cemetery, Allentown.

46. Obituary: Wilkes-Barre Times Leader: Mrs. B. F. Beacher, Allentown, sister of Mrs. John B. Reeves of Nanticoke, died Monday at Darby Hospital, following an illness. On 8 Jan 1959 in Wilkes-Barre, Luzerne, PA.

Bertha married Benjamin Franklin Beacher Jr., son of Benjamin Franklin Beacher Sr. and Sarah Jane Jacobs, on 10 May 1905 in Allentown, Lehigh, PA.1 2 (Benjamin Franklin Beacher Jr. was born on 7 Feb 1878 in Shenandoah, Schuylkill, PA,1 7 26 56 57 58 59 60 died on 23 Dec 1949 in Allentown, Lehigh, PA 1 7 14 26 58 59 61 and was buried on 27 Dec 1949 in Allentown: Grandview Cemetery, Lehigh, PA 1 7 14 26 59.)


1 Genealogy Research conducted by Bruce Franklin Beacher Ph.D. (1919-2004).

2 Schalk, Adolf W. and Hon. D.C. Henning, editors., History of Schuylkill County, Pennsylvania (State Historical Association, 1907. Found in Pennsylvania State Library, R974.863 Sch. 13 V.2), Volume II, pages 44-46.

3 Wilkes-Barre Times (Wilkes-Barre, PA) (Wilkes-Barre, Luzerne, Pennsylvania.), 8 Jan 1959, page 10.

4 Bertha Priscilla Snyder, Bible of Bertha Priscilla Snyder.

5 Ancestry.com, Pennsylvania, U.S., Veteran Compensation Applications, WWII, 1950, Batch Control Number 15122, Robert Lincoln Beacher.

6 1900 United States Census, https://familysearch.org/pal:/MM9.1.1/M33T-4N6 Henry C Snyder, District 2 Allentown city Ward 8, Lehigh, Pennsylvania, United States; citing sheet 6A, family 121, NARA microfilm publication T623, FHL microfilm 1241429.

7 Ancestry.com, Pennsylvania, U.S., Death Certificates, 1906-1971 (Original data: Pennsylvania (State). Death certificates. Records of the Pennsylvania Department of Health, Record Group 11. Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania.), Death Certificate 106651. Benjamin F. Beacher. Father Benjamin Beacher. Mother Sarah Jacobs. Spouse Bertha F. Snyder.

8 Ancestry.com, Pennsylvania, U.S., Death Certificates, 1906-1971 (Original data: Pennsylvania (State). Death certificates. Records of the Pennsylvania Department of Health, Record Group 11. Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania.), Death Certificate 3905. Bertha P. Beacher. Father Henry C. Snyder. Mother Lizza A. ?. Spouse Benjamin F. Beacher. Informant B. D. Beacher.

9 Ancestry.com, Pennsylvania, U.S., Death Certificates, 1906-1971 (Original data: Pennsylvania (State). Death certificates. Records of the Pennsylvania Department of Health, Record Group 11. Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania.), Death Certificate 63637. Ruth Horn. Father Benjamin F. Beacher. Mother Bertha Snyder. Spouse Alden K. Horn.

10 Ancestry.com, Pennsylvania, U.S., Veteran Compensation Applications, WWII, 1950, Box Title : Bayne, James J - Beane, John C (Box 43). Bruce Franklin Beacher Service No. 37346274 Serial O-2064205.

11 Ancestry.com, Pennsylvania, U.S., Death Certificates, 1906-1971 (Original data: Pennsylvania (State). Death certificates. Records of the Pennsylvania Department of Health, Record Group 11. Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania.), Certificate 113828. Paul Beacher. Father Benjamin Beacher. Mother Bertha Snyder.

12 Morning Call (Allentown, PA), 6 Jun 1940, page 22. Obituary of Henry C. Snyder.

13 Find A Grave, https://www.findagrave.com/cgi-bin/fg.cgi?page=gr&GRid=113810287.

14 Republican and Herald (Pottsville, PA) (www.republicanherald.com), 24 Dec 1949, page 1. Obituary of Benjamin F. Beacher.

15 Republican and Herald (Pottsville, PA) (www.republicanherald.com), 10 Jul 1956, page 8. Obituary of Ruth Beacher Horn.

16 The Evening Herald (Shenandoah, PA), 21 Feb 1908, page 1. Obituary of Mrs. Henry C. Snyder.

17 Pennsylvania Department of Health, Pennsylvania, Death Indices (Pennsylvania Division of Vital Records, New Castle, PA, 16103. Online at http://www.portal.state.pa.us/portal/server.pt/community/public_records/20686 .), Beacher, Bertha P., age 74, died Darby 1/5/1959, file 003905, hospital 23, county of residence 238.

18 Wilkes-Barre Times (Wilkes-Barre, PA) (Wilkes-Barre, Luzerne, Pennsylvania.), 7 Jan 1957, page 6. Obituary of Nelson A. Young.

19 The Allentown Leader (Allentown, PA) (Allentown, Lehigh, Pennsylvania), 27 Aug 1902, page 3. Pennsburg.

20 Republican and Herald (Pottsville, PA) (www.republicanherald.com), 10 May 1905, page 1.

21 Morning Call (Allentown, PA), 11 May 1905, page 1. Beacher - Snyder Wedding in Allentown, PA.

22 Republican and Herald (Pottsville, PA) (www.republicanherald.com), 30 Mar 1906, page 2.

23 Republican and Herald (Pottsville, PA) (www.republicanherald.com), 20 May 1909, page 1.

24 Republican and Herald (Pottsville, PA) (www.republicanherald.com), 11 Jun 1909, page 1.

25 1910 United States Census, Year: 1910; Census Place: Shenandoah Ward 2, Schuylkill, Pennsylvania; Roll: T624_1419; Page: 5A; Enumeration District: 0086; FHL microfilm: 1375432.

26 Zitkus, Mae Beacher (15 May 1978 Letter to Bruce Beacher).

27 Republican and Herald (Pottsville, PA) (www.republicanherald.com), 10 Oct 1910, page 1.

28 Republican and Herald (Pottsville, PA) (www.republicanherald.com), 27 Jan 1911, page 1.

29 Republican and Herald (Pottsville, PA) (www.republicanherald.com), 7 Feb 1911, page 1.

30 Republican and Herald (Pottsville, PA) (www.republicanherald.com), 4 May 1911, page 1.

31 Republican and Herald (Pottsville, PA) (www.republicanherald.com), 11 May 1911, page 1.

32 Republican and Herald (Pottsville, PA) (www.republicanherald.com), 19 Jun 1911, page 2.

33 Republican and Herald (Pottsville, PA) (www.republicanherald.com), 22 Aug 1912, page 4.

34 Republican and Herald (Pottsville, PA) (www.republicanherald.com), 1 Aug 1913, page 4.

35 The Evening Herald (Shenandoah, PA), 31 Jul 1914, page 3.

36 The Evening Herald (Shenandoah, PA), 19 Feb 1919, page 3.

37 The Evening Herald (Shenandoah, PA), 13 Aug 1920, page 3.

38 Morning Call (Allentown, PA), 7 Sep 1920, page 11. W.C.T.U. Holds Election.

39 The Evening Herald (Shenandoah, PA), 27 Nov 1920, page 3.

40 The Evening Herald (Shenandoah, PA), 15 Jun 1921, page 1.

41 The Evening Herald (Shenandoah, PA), 2 Nov 1921, page 2.

42 1930 United States Census, Enumeration District 37-38 Visit 430 Sheet 17A.

43 Morning Call (Allentown, PA), 2 Dec 1931, page 5.

44 Morning Call (Allentown, PA), 30 Jan 1932, page 7.

45 Morning Call (Allentown, PA), 9 Dec 1937, page 22.

46 1940 United States Census, https://familysearch.org/pal:/MM9.1.1/KQDF-TMJ Benjamin F Beacher, Ward 13, Allentown, Allentown City, Lehigh, Pennsylvania, United States; citing enumeration district (ED) 39-56, sheet 9B, family 195.

47 Morning Call (Allentown, PA), 5 Feb 1941, page 12. Mrs. Benjamin F. Beacher, President, Hostess at Her Home.

48 "1950 United States Census," Bertha P. Beacher, Allentown, Lehigh, PA.

49 Ancestry.com, U.S., City Directories, 1822-1995, 1948 Allentown City Directory, printed page 57, online image 31.

50 Morning Call (Allentown, PA), 16 Jun 1950, page 28.

51 Morning Call (Allentown, PA), 24 May 1931, page 5. Wedding of Ruth Beacher and Alden Horn.

52 The Evening Herald (Shenandoah, PA), 6 Jan 1959, page 8. Obituary of Bertha P. Beacher.

53 Morning Call (Allentown, PA), 6 Jan 1959, page 7. Obituary of Bertha Beacher.

54 "The Record American (Mahony City, PA)," 7 Jan 1959, page 7.

55 Morning Call (Allentown, PA), 8 Jan 1959, page 18.

56 1880 United States Census, FHL Film 1255192; National Archives Film T9-1192; Page 7C.

57 1900 United States Census, Enumeration District 168 Visit 128 Ward 3.

58 Ancestry.com, U.S., Social Security Applications and Claims Index, 1936-2007 (Original data: Social Security Applications and Claims, 1936-2007.), SSN 177128194 Benjamin F. Beacher.

59 Find A Grave, https://www.findagrave.com/cgi-bin/fg.cgi?page=gr&GRid=113810452.

60 United States World War I Draft Registration Cards, 1917-1918, https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/3:1:33S7-81VQ-S4Q.

61 Morning Call (Allentown, PA), 24 Dec 1949, page 16. Obituary of Benjamin Beacher.

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