Benjamin Franklin Beacher Sr.
Sarah Jane Jacobs
Henry Calvin Snyder
Lizzie Ann Smith
Benjamin Franklin Beacher Jr.
Bertha Priscilla Snyder
John Henry Beacher


Family Links

1. Isabel Martha Bury

John Henry Beacher 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

  • Born: 13 Oct 1916, Shenandoah, Schuylkill, PA 3 4 9 10 11
  • Marriage (1): Isabel Martha Bury on 29 Nov 1942 in Allentown, Lehigh, PA 1
  • Died: 11 Feb 1985, Niceville: Twin Cities Hospital, Okaloosa, FL at age 68 10 11
  • Buried: Feb 1985, Allentown: Grandview Cemetery, Lehigh, PA 3

   FamilySearch ID: KDM6-QXY.

  Burial Notes:

His tombstone is in Lot 38 Sec K

  Noted events in his life were:

1. Newspaper: Evening Herald: H. C. Snyder, of Allentown, is visiting at the home of his daughter, Mrs. B. F. Beacher., 27 Nov 1920, Shenandoah, Schuylkill, PA. 12

2. Residence: in 1924 in Allentown, Lehigh, PA.

3. His Social Security Number was 179-18-6980.

4. Moved: 31 Oct 1924, Allentown, Lehigh, PA. 13

5. Census in 1930 in Allentown, Lehigh, PA. 14 15 The 1930 Census in Allentown recorded owning a $15,000 home at 224 South 16th St.: Benjamin F. Beacher, mechanical engineer, 53, living with his wife, Bertha P., 45; daughter Ruth E., 24, occupation piano teacher; and sons B. Donald, 16; John H., 13; Bruce F., 10;, and Robert L., 5. Their home had a radio. Everyone and their parents were born in Pennsylvania.

6. Newspaper: Allentown Morning Call, 25 Oct 1930, Allentown, Lehigh, PA. 16 L. E. Hertz, local jeweler, presented scout campers John Beacher, Troop 10, and Edward Horn, Troop 9, with two dandy wristwatches. These Scouts earned their gifts by living up to Scout principles so that they were recognized as the Scout who did the most for the Trexler Scout Camps.

7. Newspaper: Allentown Morning Call: Scout Program Broadcast by Troop 10, 21 Feb 1931, Allentown, Lehigh, PA. 17 Radio listeners who tuned Into Station WCBA Thursday night heard an interesting Boy Scout program presented by the members of Troop 10, which meets regularly at the Asbury M. E. church. The program opened with the assembly bugle call by Troop Bugler John Beacher, after which Donald Beacher, senior patrol leader, led In the pledge of allegiance. Frederick Everett and John Beacher then recited the Scout laws and William Ruch favored with a violin solo. A quartet composed of Committeemen John Eddy, Lester Bally, Claude Horlacher and Edgar, then sang several numbers and they were accompanied at the piano by Ralph Ruch. Donald Beacher then offered a trombone solo and Robert Keck played a piano solo. A talk entitled, "Taking the Boys Measure In a Popular Way," was then given by Edgar Weaver, a member of the troop commute. In his address Mr. Weaver explained the work being done for the youth of Allentown by the Boy Scout organization. The sounding of taps by Bugler Beacher brought the program to a close. The scoutmaster of Troop 10 Is Fred Erwin. Assistant scoutmasters of the troop are Adraln Hoffman, Wilbur Hemstreet and George Hemstreet.

8. Newspaper: Allentown Morning Call: Annual Recital Tonight - At Grace E. C. Church, 26 May 1931, Allentown, Lehigh, PA. 18 The Woman's Faithful Bible class of Grace E. C. church will present the expression pupils of Mrs. Miriam Heimbach Kehler in their fifth annual recital tonight at 8 o'clock. The program, an Interesting and varied one, will be given in the social rooms of the church at Fifteenth and Turner streets. Assisting artists will be Dorothy Bastian, violinist, a junior at Cedar Crest College; J. Marcus Keenly, tenor soloist of Salem Reformed chancel choir; Donald and John Beacher, of Grace E. C. church, trumpeters. The program includes the following numbers: Violin solo. Miss Bastian; "The Raggedy Man," James Whitcomb Reily, Lucille Buck; "Teaching Them How to Drive," Dorothy Hollenbach; "A Song of Thanksgiving," A. Allister, Mr. Keenly; "A Man at the Baseball Game," Walter Ben Hare, Betty Levenson. Three poems of Edgar Guest, "Dr. Johnson's Picture Cow," "When Father Played Baseball" and "Mrs. Malone and the Censor," Barbara Ellen Bastian; trumpet duet, Beacher brothers; "Helping Father in a Business Deal," Betty Snyder; "The Human Tonic," Walter Ben Hare, Mildred Deibert, Jean Stephens will give four numbers, "Circumstances Alter Cases," D. L. Dunbar; "De' Weddin' Breakfast," Marian Johnson; "Da Leetla Boy," T. A. Daly, and "The Americans Come," Fay Foster; violin solo, Miss Bastian; "The Story of Patsy," Mildred Deibert; "The Hills of Home," Fox, Mr. Keenly. "Buddy Speaks a Piece," Walter Ben Hare, Betty Levenson; trumpet duet, Beacher brothers; one act play interpreted Dr. Jean Stephens and Betty Snyder. The society invites everyone to enjoy the program with them. A silver offering will be taken.

9. He was educated at William Allen High School in 1934 in Allentown, Lehigh, PA.

10. Newspaper: Morning Call: V C. E. Society Discusses Program of Denomination, 28 Jan 1935, Allentown, Lehigh, PA. 19 V C. E. SOCIETY DISCUSSES PROGRAM OF DENOMINATION
Betty Bear was the leader of a meeting of the Intermediate C. E. society, Grace E. C. church, last night. The topic for discussion was "What Is the program of the denomination?" Frank Yost read the benediction, and prayers were offered by Emerson Albright, Bruce Beacher, Frank Yost, Catherine Lobst, Robert Brinker, James Potter and Betty Bear. Scriptures were read by John Henry Beacher, Claire Schuler, Ethel Fahringer, Dorothy Ward and Virginia MacLain. After the discussion the society was led in a brief song service by the president, Robert Brlnker, with Betty Brinker at the piano.

11. Newspaper: Allentown Morning Call: A. H. S. Grads Attain High College Averages, 26 Feb 1936, Allentown, Lehigh, PA. 20 A. H. S. Grads Attain High College Averages
Announcement has been made that Bruce F. Beacher, who was graduated from the Allentown High school with the class of 1936 and who is now a student In the Penn State Forest school at Mount Alto, has attained the highest average of his class, 51 honor points. Bruce Is but 16 years old. which makes his record all the more remarkable. John Beacher, a brother and one year Bruce's senior, is pursuing a zoology course at Penn State college, where he is a member of the freshman class. He recently received 43 honor points and is s graduate of the Allentown High school, class of '34. John was assistant scoutmaster of Troop 10, this city, Boy Scouts of America, and Bruce a member of the same troop.

12. Newspaper: Morning Call, 29 Dec 1936, Allentown, Lehigh, PA. 21 Scouts Revive Honorary Order Among Campers
Order of the Arrow Has Members from 25 Council Troops
After a two-year period of inactivity, the Order of the Arrow was reorganized by scouts and scouters of the Lehigh County Council at an enthusiastic meeting Monday night in the executive headquarters of the council, 1017 Hamilton St.
Already 25 of the 71 troops in the council are represented on the membership roll and prospects are bright for revivification of an honor body that has branches throughout the world.
The county organization, known as Pohopoco lodge, selected these officers last night: John Beacher, Troop 10, Asbury M. E. church, lodge chief; Herman FogeL Troop 16, Salem Reformed church, scribe; and Karl Gilbert, field commissioner, treasurer.

13. Newspaper: Morning Call: National Scout Honor Fraternity Started at Camp Blue Mountain, 27 Aug 1938, Allentown, Lehigh, PA. 22 Camp Blue Mountain, official scout camp of the Schuylkill council, again scored in regular form with the installation of a new program for senior scouts who attended camp this summer. This program is a national honor fraternity of outstanding campers known as the Order of the Arrow. In order to become a member of this fraternity a scout must have the friendship of the camp as a whole and to be in good standing with his troop. At the invitation of Don Rankin, scout executive of the Schuylkill council, a group of senior scouts of Allentown, members of the Lehigh Council lodge of the order of the arrow, held a most impressive initiation ceremony. The investing team consisted of Henry M. Faucett, scout executive of the Lehigh council; Mitchell P. Stohl Jr., Wilmer H. Cressman, John H. Beacher, William Bartholomew, and Frederick B. Schneck, Allentown, and Robert Goodman and Frederick J. Spoo of the Schuylkill council. Camp Blue Mountain will close to-day after a successful seven-week camping season during which time more than 800 boys were enrolled.

14. Newspaper: Allentown Morning Call, 14 Jun 1938, Allentown, Lehigh, PA. 23 Good times are just around the corner for Camp Trexler, the Lehigh county Boy Scout councils summer fun spot. Reservations to date for the camp, which opens its 1938 season July 9, are ahead of last year's and indications are that the camp will be well-filled during every period. In preparation for the numerous khaki-clad youths who will soon be cavorting at the camp site, a number of improvements in buildings and grounds have been made and the camp staff of 30 experienced leaders have been named by Scout Executive H. M. Faucett. With a month remaining before the camp's six one-week periods, 556 boy-weeks have been reserved for approximately 500 scouts. Capacity is about 960 boy-weeks since the camp can accommodate 160 boys per week. Improvements were made at the site this spring. They include: twenty new tent floors, so that all tents now have wood floors; a large new latrine and washhouse; 450 feet of drainage pipe for the disposal of kitchen waste: reinforcement of seven cabins at Hawkeye, repairs to swimming pier and boat landing, two new wooden boats and general repairs. The camp staff will be composed of veteran campers, many of them troop leaders and college students, who have been chosen with considerable care on a competitive basis. Mr. Faucett will be the executive officer at the camp and Field Commissioner Karl Gilbert the camp director. Provisional camp leader is Frederick Schneck, assistant commissioner of the Central City district, who will be in charge of scouts not accompanied by their scoutmasters. Camp naturalist and head of the Scout craft instructors will be John Beacher, senior biology student at Pennsylvania State college and a leader at the camp in past years. He is also assistant scoutmaster of Troop No. 40.

15. Newspaper: Allentown Morning Call: Staff at Camp Trexler Has Rattlesnake Dinner, 28 Aug 1938, Allentown, Lehigh, PA. 24 Staff at Camp Trexler Has Rattlesnake Dinner

Six members of the staff at Camp Trexler, Lehigh County Boy Scout resort in the Poconos, partook of a rattlesnake dinner at the close of the season. The "entree" was the meat of a three-foot female rattlesnake caught and dissected by John Beacher, camp naturalist, whose hobby is catching rattlesnakes to extract their venom. The boys reported that their rattlesnake dinner was as delicious as chicken.

16. He was educated at Graduated from Penn State University in Jun 1939 in State College, Centre, PA.

17. Newspaper: Morning Call: Two Brothers Among 9 Localites Graduated From Penn State College, 13 Jun 1939, Allentown, Lehigh, PA. 25 A group of nine Allentonians, including two brothers, Bruce P. and John H. Beacher of 224 S. 16th St., yesterday received degrees as Pennsylvania State college graduated its largest class in history. John received his degree in zoology and entomology, and it is reported he has been hired by the National Geographic society to join a research expedition to Africa. John is aged 23, while Bruce is only 20, one of the youngest students in the class. He received his degree in agronomy. Both are A.H.S. graduates. Others from Allentown who received their degrees were: Kenneth H. Bunk, 239 E. Elm St., health and physical education; Frank E. Davis, Route 4, dairy husbandry; Robert S. Givler Jr., 1744 Chew St., journalism; Wilmer K. Rockmaker, 122 S. 16th St., commerce and finance; Morton Schneider, 313 N. 6th St.. commerce and finance; William N. Wrem, 1121 Linden St., commerce and finance, and Kermit F. R. Riedy, 866 Sherman St., a graduate student, advanced degree of electrical engineering.

18. Newspaper: Gettysburg Times: "John Beacher, of Allentown, who was graduated this week from Penn State college, has joined the staff of scientists at the Arendtsville State college research laboratory. Mr. Beacher is engaged in entymological research.", 16 Jun 1939, Gettysburg, Adams, PA. 26

19. Census in 1940 in Allentown, Lehigh, PA. 27 The 1940 Census recorded at 224 16th Street in Allentown Benjamin F. Beacher, 62, living with wife Bertha P., 54; and sons John H., 23; Bruce F., 20; and Robert L., 15. Benjamin owned the home valued at $10,000. Benjamin had completed 4 years of high school, his wife and Robert 2 years. John and Bruce had completed 4 years of college. Benjamin was employed as a utility man in an office. Bruce was a soil technician with the Department of the Interior.

20. Newspaper: Gettysburg Times: "John Beecher, West York street, has returned from a week-end visit at his home in Allentown.", 16 Sep 1940, Gettysburg, Adams, PA. 28

21. Occupation: Dr. H. N. Worthley, Research Laboratory, Arendtsville, PA on 16 Oct 1940 in Arendtsville, Adams, PA. 4

22. He was described as 5'7" 140lbs. Brown eyes, brown hair, dark complexion on 16 Oct 1940 in Arendtsville, Adams, PA. 4

23. Residence: Dept. Of Zoology & Entomology, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH on 16 Oct 1940 in Columbus, Franklin, OH. 4

24. Newspaper: Gettysburg Times, 9 Nov 1940, Gettysburg, Adams, PA. 29 "John Beecher, West York street, who is a member of the staff of the Pennsylvania State College research laboratory at Arendtsville, has entered Ohio State university at Columbus where he will study until March when he will resume his work at the laboratory."

25. Occupation: Entomologist at Delaware Agricultural Experiment Station at University of Delaware from 1941 to 1948 in Newark, New Castle, DE. 3

26. Letter: John was an entomologist, earning his bachelors degree from Penn State and masters from Ohio State. Following is his letter to his parents about his job after graduation, 2 Apr 1941, Newark, New Castle, DE.
University of Delaware
Agricultural Experiment Station
Newark, Delaware
Department of Entomology

Wednesday, 8 PM
April 2, 1941

Dear Folks,

You are probably wondering how the bug-hunter is making out, since my post-card was very brief, so I'll slip some scandal in your direction.
As you know, I am comfortably settled at a nice home within twenty yards of the Experiment Station, living with a young couple who operate the town drug-store. They are Methodists (for Bertha's benefit), and are very nice people. I also obtained a garage next-door for $2.50 per month, as I will not need the car in town, excepting for those occasions when I will use it to make trips down state.

The set-up is excellent, and I should make some money on the side. The majority of the orchards are located in central and southern Delaware, which will necessitate weekly trips of from 50 to 100 miles south of Newark. On these occasions, my meals will be paid for by the Experiment Station, and since I am not paying a weekly board bill in town, I will save on that item. There is a 1940 Ford Coupe for the Station staff to use on trips, but if the car is being used when I need it, then I will take my car, and collect 5 cents on every mile I drive it. So you can see that we are treated very well. And how, compared with Arendtsville.

Yesterday Dr. Stearns, the state entomologist, (my boss), took me for a trip thru the entire state, right down to the southernmost point, in order to show me the location of the experimental orchards, and the familiarize me with the state. We went down through Dover, and cut over to the western portion, then returned up through Lewes. It certainly is a nice place over there at Lewes, and I can see why you liked it so well. In the area around Dover (Kent County), the principal apple and peach region is located, and at Camden there is a serious outbreak of pistol case-bearer, which I must work on myself, so that will involve a trip of 55 miles to get down there from Newark. Down in the southern portion, strawberries and grapes are the big fruit crops, and next week I will be spending several days south of Lewes in dusting strawberries for the weevils.

An outbreak of malaria occurred last year, and I will have a hand in mosquito control against malarial mosquitoes later in the summer. However my big job will be the testing of several new chemicals, which have just been developed by DuPont. Today two chemists from duPont's labs at Wilmington came here, and I spent the entire morning with them, as they explained the chemicals to me. I will test these new sprays - made out of coal tar oils - on apple and peach for various insects, to determine whether they will be effective or not, and at the end of the summer, I must submit a report on my work, and it will be published as a bulletin by DuPont. I am sort of scared to undertake it, as I haven't had an experience in this line, but there is no time like the present to learn, and I will pick up a great deal in running tests like this, so I'm buckling down to it in fine shape. I spent the afternoon in planning this work, and tomorrow I will travel down to Dover, and obtain the first batch of apple twigs infested with red mites to run in the laboratory here.

I am certainly pleased with everything down here, and I am more than glad I decided to come here, instead of going to Louisiana. There are six entomologists here, including myself, and two more Ohio State men are coming on April 15th, to take over that work on Japanese beetle, which I had told you about previously. Incidentally they can thank me for their jobs, as Dr. Stearns had asked me if they were dependable which I had been here for my interview, and I gave them a good recommendation, so they got the jobs.

I don't know whether or not I will get home this weekend, as I may be down state on Saturday, but I will certainly be home on Easter. Incidentally I learned that it is 9 miles shorter to come down here via Emmaus, Boyertown and Pottstown, rather than coming through Norristown, so I will travel that route in the future. Furthermore, we only are paid once a month, which is just as well, as I will save more money that way.

Now I must do some work yet, as I am not fully settled here in the lab. Be good, and if I remember it, I'll bring some of the new spray material along for use on the aphids in the sun-parlor. It surely will kill the bugs, but maybe it will also kill the plants! Well, we'll see. Heh. We will also spray it on Bobby, as he has fleas.

That John

[Attached to the letter is a note written by John's mother and sent to his brother with John's original letter]

Dear Bruce,

Will send you John's letter as you can better understand his line of work. He can come home every Saturday, leaving five-thirty Monday morning. He likes it very much, so I am glad both of you love your work. He took Dad & Izzy & I for a ride to the Poconos yesterday (Easter) afternoon. It was a beautiful day.

Don gets home about every two weeks or so. Last Thursday night I was in the kitchen, and I heard someone come in the Sun Parlor. At first thought I guessed it might be Brucie, but then my Don came asking for "eats." Wanted to send you a dollar with the Easter Card I send you; but Dad discouraged me; saying: "he believed you were away from Billings since you had considered making application for the Air Corps." But I felt it would not be in such a hurry as you'd have to take your examination etc. So that's how Dad figured you may be on your way home first. I was glad for your letter, I received today, telling of your expectations for the fishing season. I imagine you will not get your vacation until the Christmas holidays perhaps. So I'm glad you are busy as you no doubt are tired and ready for bed at a reasonable hour.

Bob & Ken Grasley, Schuler and Jack Lapp played up in the tower at the church Easter morn. John was at the Young People's breakfast in the church basement. He said: "it was very nice, about forty were present." I want to go to a W. C. T. U. Regional Conference at Bristol, Pa tomorrow, so I washed and ironed today. Cherie send us a nice Easter greeting card. Thanks to you for your Cheery Telegram. It came at noon time Easter Sunday. May the good Lord sustain and keep you in his care.

Lovingly, Mother

P.S. Honey: John thinks Bob had better go to State College and start right in Agronomy instead of going to Mt. Alto. But I guess it's better to leave it to Bob. He said: "you advised him, how to go about it; so it's up to him to carry it out. He is at an Order of the Arrow banquet tonight. (Monday) We met Schantz down town on Saturday night. He said: "there is quite a change at the fraternity house and it is not unusual for the fellows to sit down to the table and open a can of beer, something not allowed before.

27. Newspaper: Evening Herald, 1 Jul 1941, Shenandoah, Schuylkill, PA. 30 Arthur Beacher, Sr., returned to his home on Shenandoah Heights after spending a few days in Allentown. He was accompanied home by Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Beacher, Miss Isabel Bury, of Allentown, and John Beacher, of Delaware, who spent the week-end at the Beacher home on Shenandoah Heights. John Beacher, of New Cumberland, spent the week-end at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Beacher, Sr., Shenandoah Heights.

28. Newspaper: Morning Call: "Included in the summer graduation class of 682 at Ohio State university was John H. Beacher, 226 S. 16th St. He was graduated with the degree of master of science.", 3 Sep 1941, Allentown, Lehigh, PA. 31

29. He was educated at Master Degree from Ohio State University in 1942 in Columbus, Franklin, OH.

30. Magazine: Mosquito News mentions J. H. Beecher is stationed at Camp Lee, Virginia., 1942, Fort Lee, Prince George, Viginia. 32 Five members of the Department of Entomology of the University of Delaware are now in the Service of Our Country and are engaged in mosquito and other insect-control activities. At present, Lt. Donald MacCreary is in the Naval Operating Base, Norfolk, Virginia; Lt. W.Fassig is at the Billings General Hospital, Fort Benjamin Harrison, Indiana; Lt. R. L. Pierpont is at the Tilton General Hospital, Fort Dix, New Jersey; W. A. Donnell is with the Medical Detachment, 176th Infantry, Anacostia, D. C.; and J. H. Beacher is with the 6th Medical Training Battalion, Camp Lee, Virginia.

31. Military from 3 Feb 1942 to 13 Dec 1945 in , , , IND: World War II. 33 John was an entomologist with experience battling malaria caused by mosquitoes while working in Delaware prior to the war. The army thereby dispatched John to fight malaria that was killing troops in Asia.

His military service number: 33137382

He entered service 2/3/42 at Ft. Meade, Maryland.
He was deployed to Chabua, Assam, India as a staff sergeant in the 7th Malaria Survey Unit. He was separated from this unit on 4/9/44.
He entered service on 4/10/44 in Assam Province, India.
He was promoted to 1st Lieutenant in charge of the 174th Malaria Control Unit stationed at the air base at Kurmitola, India (now Bangladesh.)
He was separated on 12/13/45 at Drew Field, Florida.

In 1963, the Office of the Surgeon General of the Department of the Army published books about Preventative Medicine in World War II.

Volume VI, Communicable Diseases, Malaria
by Editor in Chief Colonel John Boyd Coates Jr., MC describes in great detail the work of the Malaria Control Units in the Army during World War II.

The book is available online at:

Of particular interest regarding John Beacher is Chapter VII: The China-Burma-India Theater which describes where he served.

32. Newspaper: Allentown Morning Call: Isabel M. Bury Weds Sergeant J. H. Beacher, 29 Nov 1942, Allentown, Lehigh, PA. 34 Isabel M. Bury Weds Sergeant J. H. Beacher

Isabel M. Bury, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bury. 26 N. West St., will become the bride of Sergeant John Henry Beacher, son of Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Beacher, 224 S. 16th St., at 2 o'clock this afternoon. Dr. Frederick Seitz, guest pastor of St. James Evangelical and Reformed church of which the bride is a member, will officiate at the ceremony in the presence of only the immediate families. The couple will be unattended. Miss Bury was graduated from Allentown High school with the Class of 1937 and from the home economics department of Cedar Crest college in 1941. She is home economics instructor at Liberty High school, Bethlehem. Sergeant Beacher was graduated from Allentown High school in 1934 and from Penn State in 1939. He received his master's degree in entomology from Ohio State university in 1941 and was economic entomologist for the State of Delaware prior to his induction in the U. S. Army. At Penn State he was a member of Alpha Zeta honorary agriculture fraternity and is a member of Grace Evangelical Congregational church of Allentown. The bridegroom is home on a 15-day furlough from Camp Cooke, California, where he is in the Medical Battalion. Following a reception at the Bury home for the immediate families, the couple will leave for Split Rock in the Poconos.

33. Newspaper: Morning Call: Marriage Applications: John H. Beacher and Isabel M. Bury, 29 Nov 1942, Allentown, Lehigh, PA. 35 John H. Beacher, 224 S. I6th St., sergeant, U. S. Army, son of Benjamin and Bertha Beacher, and Isabel M. Bury, 26 N. West St., teacher, daughter of Frank H. and Katie I. Bury.

34. Newspaper: Allentown Morning Call, 19 Aug 1945, Page 3. 36 Lieutenant and Mrs. R. L. Beacher of Panama City, Fla., are visiting Lieutenant Beacher's parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Beacher, of 224 S. 16th St. Lieutenant and Mrs. John Beacher will leave today for Tampa, Fla., where Lieutenant John is stationed at the Malaria Control Center.
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Beacher of Salladasburg are also visiting at 224 S. 16th St.

35. Newspaper: Allentown Morning Call: "First Lieutenant John H. Beacher, son of Mr. And Mrs. Benjamin F. Beacher, of 224 S. 16th St., was released from duty with the Army Air Force at Drew Field, Tampa, Fla.", 21 Oct 1945, Allentown, Lehigh, PA. 37

36. Newspaper: Morning Call: John H. Beacher Accepts Delaware University Post, 17 Nov 1945, Allentown, Lehigh, PA. 38 John H. Beacher of 224 S. 16th St., recently discharged from the Army, has accepted a position with the Agricultural Experiment station of the University of Delaware's Department of Entomology, Newark, Del. Prior to his Army service, he had been an economic entomologist for the State of Delaware. Married to the former Isabel Bury of 26 N. West St., he is a graduate of Allentown High school and Pennsylvania State college and holds an MS degree in entomology from Ohio State.

37. Newspaper: Morning Call: David Beacher born, 30 Jan 1946, Allentown, Lehigh, PA. 39 Mr. and Mrs. John Beacher of 54 E. Main St., Newark. Del., became the parents of their first child, a son, born at 11 p. m. Sunday in the Woman's General hospital, Wilmington, Del. Grandparents of the boy, who weighs five pounds, seven ounces, and will be named David, are Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bury of 26 N. West St., and Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Beacher of 224 S. 16th St.

38. Book: John H. Beacher is listed as the author of the following patents, books and publications., From 1947 to 1955.
>>Life History and Control of the Oak Lace Bug. Authors: Walter Anothony Connell, John H. Beacher. University of Delaware Agricultural Experiment Station, 1947.
>>Toxaphene: A Chlorinated Hydrocarbon with Insecticidal Properties. Authors: W. Leroy Parker, John H. Beacher. University of Delaware Agricultural Experiment Station, 1947.
>>Studies of Pistol Case-Bearer Parasites. Author: John H. Beacher. Annals of the Entomological Society of America, Volume 40, Number 3, September 1947, pp. 530-544(15)
>>Genetron aerosol propellants. Appl. authors: Joseph J. Tomlinson & John H. Beacher. NM: revisions & additions. İAllied Chemical & Dye Corp., General Chemical Division; 25 Nov 1955; A218978.
>>United States Patent 2,902,376. Polyethylene Wax aerosol Compositons and Process for Preparing Them.
John H; Beacher, Oradell, N;J., and Harvey A.Troutman, Searsport, Maine, assignors to Allied Chemical Coporation, a coporation of New York. No Drawing. Application Mar 25, 1957. Serial No. 647,987.

39. Occupation: Aerosol Engineer in 1948 in , , NJ. During World War II, John's experience as an entomologist was put to use by the Army, who sent him to Asia to help control malaria outbreaks that were threatening troops. When the Army in 1943 began using aerosol cans to distribute insecticides to troops, John learned the new technology of using aerosol cans to package insect sprays, and following the war, went to work for a division of Allied Chemical as an aerosol engineer in the emerging aerosol industry. On August 16, 1956, he was hired by Avon to create their spray products and worked there as an aerosol engineer until retirement. He was given an award for never missing a sick day at work for 20 years!.

40. Newspaper: Morning Call: The John H. Beachers Have Second Son, 25 Feb 1949, Allentown, Lehigh, PA. 40 The John Henry Beachers Parents of Son
Mr. and Mrs. John Henry Beacher of Teaneck, N. J. became the parents of their second son, Jonathan Scott, on Feb. 14 in the Holy Name hospital, Teaneck. The infant weighed 8 pounds. His 3-year-old brother David is visiting the maternal grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bury, 26 N. West St., and the paternal grandparents Mr. and Mrs. B. J. Beacher, 1935 Green St. The mother is the former Isabel Bury.

41. Residence: 28 Lerome Place, West Engelwood, NJ on 23 Dec 1949 in West Englewood, Bergen, NJ. 8

42. Census in 1950 in Teaneck, Bergen, NJ. 41 The 1950 census recorded at 28 Lerome Place: John H. Beacher, 33, entomologist for wholesale chemical company; Isabel M. Beacher, 30; David R. Beacher, 4; Jonathan S. Beacher, 1. John and Isabel were born in Pennsylvania, David in Delaware, and Jonathan in New Jersey.

43. Newspaper: The Morning Call, 16 Jun 1950, Allentown, Lehigh, PA. 42 Twins Are Guests At Birthday Party
Mrs. Ruth Beacher Horn entertained at a turkey dinner Saturday night at her home, 1024 Chew St., in honor of her mother, Mrs. Bertha P. Beacher, 1935 Greenleaf St., and her uncle, W. H. Snyder, 1233 Walnut St., who observed their 65th birthday anniversaries last Sunday. They are the twin children of the late Mr. and Mrs. Henry C. Snyder of Frackville.
Attending were B. Donald Beacher, manager of Westinghouse Electric Co. of the Williamsport area, Mrs. Beacher and children Beverly Ann, Dennis, Duane, Douglas and Darryl; John H. Beacher, entomologist for Allied Chemical Co. of New York, Mrs. Beacher and children David and Jonathan of Teaneck, N. J.; Bruce F. Beacher, chief of soil resources in the Department of Interior, Washington, D. C.. his wife and son Brent from Silver Spring, Md., and. Dr. and Mrs. Robert L. Beacher and daughter Nancy of Fayetteville, Ark. Dr. Beacher is head of the research department in agronomy at University of Arkansas. All four brothers were graduates of Allentown High school and were active in scouting circles in Allentown.
Mr. and Mrs. Alden Horn and children Anne and John Alden. Mrs. Horn is the organist at Grace E. C. church. Mr. Snyder and Lucy Snyder.

44. Newspaper: Morning Call: The Paul Ettingers Hosts at Open House, 23 Nov 1952, Allentown, Lehigh, PA. 43 ----
The Paul Ettingers Hosts at Open House
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Frederick Ettinger entertained relatives and friends at open house or Nov. 15 at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Alden K. Horn of 134 S. St. Cloud St. Mrs. Ettinger is former Anne Horn.
Mrs. Charles Ettinger and the Misses Nancy Kline and Joan Quain poured at a decorated tea table.
Among the out of town guests were Mr. and Mrs. John H. Beacher of West Englewood, N. J.; Mrs. Frances Kline of Hazleton; William Neff of Slatington, and the Rev. and Mrs. Allan Z. Bodey of Bethlehem.

45. Newspaper: Morning Call: John Beachers Parents of Daughter, 22 Feb 1953, Allentown, Lehigh, PA. 44 Mr. and Mrs. John Beacher of Teaneck, N. J. are the parents of a daughter, Martha Isabel, born at the Holy Name Hospital, Teaneck. The Beachers are also the parents of two sons, David Randall and Jonathan Scott. Mrs. Beacher is the former Isabel Bury, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bury of 26 N. West St. Mrs. Bertha B. Beacher of 1935 Greenleaf St., is the paternal grandmother.

46. Newspaper: Morning Call: Bruce F. Beachers Leave for Denver, 5 Feb 1954, Allentown, Lehigh, PA. 45 Bruce F. Beachers Leave for Denver

Mr. and Mrs. Bruce F. Beacher and family left Thursday morning for Denver, Colo., after visiting Beacher's mother, Mrs. Bertha P. Beacher, 1935 Greenleaf St., widow of Benjamin F. Beacher. Beacher has been transferred from the Washington to the Denver office of the U. S. Agronomy office. He has a Ph. D. degree. While the family was in town a reunion was held which was attended by John H. Beacher and his family of Teaneck, N. J. Mrs. John Beacher is the former Miss Isabel Bury of this city. Another brother, B. Donald Beacher, and a sister, Mrs. Ruth Beacher Horn dropped in to bid goodbye to them. Enroute west they will stop at York to visit Mrs. Beacher's father, and at Fayetteville, Ark., to visit another of Bruce's brothers, Robert L., who is head of the research department at the University of Arkansas.

47. Residence: on 5 Jan 1959 in Oradell, Bergen, NJ. 46

48. Obituary: The Record: obituary of John H. Beacher on 13 Feb 1985 in Hackensack, Bergen County, NJ. 2 JOHN H. BEACHER of Niceville, Fla., formerly of Oradell, died Monday. Before retiring in 1980, he was a research and development associate for Avon Products for 24 years. He was a member of both the First Congregational Church of River Edge and the church choir. He was an Army veteran of World War IL Surviving are his wife, Isabel Bury Beacher, two sons, David and Jonathan; a daughter, Martha Fisher, two brothers, and five grandchildren. Arrangements are by the McLaughlin Twin Cities Funeral Home of Niceville, Fla. Donations to the Organ Fund of the First Congregational Church would be appreciated.

49. Residence: on 10 Aug 1972 in Oradell, Bergen, NJ. 7

50. Cause of Death: 11 Feb 1985, Niceville: Twin Cities Hospital, Okaloosa, FL. Cardiac arrest due to pericardial effusion due to metastatic carcinoma, pericardium. Other conditions: adrenocarcinoma, stomach.

Note: John was exposed to several risk factors for stomach cancer. He was a pipe smoker, which increases risk to stomach and lung cancer. Prior to and during the war, his occupation required him to work with DDT to kill mosquitos. The war effort included spraying DDT from bombers in India and Burma. DDT may also be a cause of John's cancer. During his career as an aerosol engineer, John worked daily in a laboratory with chemicals.

51. Obituary: Allentown Morning Call on 27 Feb 1985 in Allentown, Lehigh, PA. John H. Beacher, 68, of 106 McEwen Drive, Niceville, Fla., formerly of Allentown, died Feb. 11 in Twin Cities Hospital, Niceville. He was the husband of Isabel (Bury) Beacher.

He developed spray products for Avon Products, Inc., Suffern, N.Y., before retiring in 1980. He previously worked for Allied Chemicals in New Jersey and conducted pioneer research in pesticides at the University of Delaware for E.I. DuPont DeNemours and Co., Inc.

After World War II, Beacher accepted a position in the Department of Entomology at the University of Delaware and, before the war, was an economic entomologist for the state of Delaware.

During the war, he served with Army malarial control units in Burma for three years.

He received a master's degree in entomology from Ohio State University in 1941, and a bachelor's degree from Pennsylvania State University in 1939. While at Penn State, he was a member of the Alpha Zeta honorary agricultural fraternity.

Born in Shenandoah, Schuylkill County, he was a son of the late Benjamin F. and Bertha (Snyder) Beacher.

Active in Scouting and music groups in the Lehigh Valley, Beacher served as bugler and counselor at Camp Trexler.

Surviving with his widow are two sons, David of Niceville and Jonathan of Atlanta, Ga; a daughter, Mrs. Martha Fisher of Edgewater, Md.; two brothers, Donald of Havertown, Delaware County, and Bruce of Biglerville, Adams County, and five grandchildren.

The McLaughlin Funeral Home, Niceville, was in charge of arrangements.

52. Obituary: Standard-Speaker on 28 Feb 1985 in Hazleton, Luzerne, PA. 47 John H. Beacher, 68, of 106 McEwen Drive, Niceville, Fla., native of Shenandoah, died Feb. 11 in the Twin Cities Hospital, Niceville. He was a son of the late Benjamin F. and Bertha (Snyder) Beacher.
He developed spray products for Avon Products Inc., Suffern, N.Y., before retiring in 1980. He previously worked for Allied Chemicals in New Jersey and conducted pioneer research in pesticides at the University of Delaware for E.I. DuPont de Nemours and Co. Inc.
After World War II, Beacher accepted a position in Department of Entomology at the University of Delaware and, before the war, was an economic entomololgist for the state of Delaware. During the war, he served with Army malarial control units in Berma for three years. He received a master's degree in entomology from Ohio State University in 1941 and a bachelor's degree from the Pennsylvania State University in 1939.
When residing in Allentown, he was active in scouting and music groups. Surviving are his wife, the former Isabel Bury; two sons, David, Niceville, and Jonathan, Atlanta, Ga.; a daughter, Mrs. Martha Fisher, Edgewater, Md; five grandchildren, and two brothers, Donald, Havertown, and Bruce, Biglerville. The McLaughlin Funeral Home, Niceville, was in charge of funeral arrangements.

John married Isabel Martha Bury, daughter of Frank Henry Bury and Katie Isabelle Knerr, on 29 Nov 1942 in Allentown, Lehigh, PA.1 (Isabel Martha Bury was born on 29 Sep 1919 in Allentown, Lehigh, PA,9 died on 16 May 2014 in Snellville, Gwinnett, GA and was buried in Allentown: Grandview Cemetery, Lehigh, PA.)


1, Pennsylvania, County Marriages, 1775-1991, FamilySearch ( John Henry Beacher and Isabel M. Bury, 1942.

2 The Record (Hackensack, NJ), 13 Feb 1985, page 54. Obituary of John H. Beacher.

3 Genealogy Research conducted by Bruce Franklin Beacher Ph.D. (1919-2004).

4, U.S., World War II Draft Registration Cards, 1942 (National Archives and Records Administration (NARA); Washington, D.C.), John Henry Beacher, b. 13 Oct 1916.

5 Morning Call (Allentown, PA), 28 Sep 1941, page 21. Marriage Bruce Franklin Beecher and Betty Strayer.

6 Morning Call (Allentown, PA), 29 Sep 1942, page 23. Engagement Martha Isabel Bury and John Henry Beecher.

7 Morning Call (Allentown, PA), 11 Aug 1972, page 15. Obituary of Mrs. Katie I. Bury.

8 Republican and Herald (Pottsville, PA) (, 24 Dec 1949, page 1. Obituary of Benjamin F. Beacher.

9 Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Dept. of Health, Pennsylvania Birth Certificate (
Pennsylvania Division of Vital Records
101 South Mercer Street
PO Box 1528
New Castle, PA 16101
(724) 656-3100).

10, Florida Death Index, 1877-1998, John Henry Beacher, 11 Feb 1985 citing certificate number 19066, Florida Department of Health.

11 U.S. Social Security Death Index, SSN 179-18-6980 John Beacher, Feb 1985.

12 The Evening Herald (Shenandoah, PA), 27 Nov 1920, page 3.

13 The Evening Herald (Shenandoah, PA), 31 Oct 1924, page 8.

14 1930 United States Census, Enumeration District 37-38 Visit 430 Sheet 17A.

15 Zitkus, Mae Beacher (15 May 1978 Letter to Bruce Beacher).

16 Morning Call (Allentown, PA), 25 Oct 1930, page 15.

17 Morning Call (Allentown, PA), 21 Feb 1931, page 2.

18 Morning Call (Allentown, PA), 26 May 1931, page 5.

19 Morning Call (Allentown, PA), 28 Jan 1935, page 13.

20 Morning Call (Allentown, PA), 26 Feb 1936, page 5.

21 Morning Call (Allentown, PA), 29 Dec 1936 page 5.

22 Morning Call (Allentown, PA), 27 Aug 1938, page 5.

23 Morning Call (Allentown, PA), 14 Jun 1938, page 17.

24 Morning Call (Allentown, PA), 28 Aug 1938, page 3.

25 Morning Call (Allentown, PA), 13 Jun 1939, page 15.

26 Gettysburg Times (Gettysburg, PA), 16 Jun 1939, page 2.

27 1940 United States Census, Benjamin F Beacher, Ward 13, Allentown, Allentown City, Lehigh, Pennsylvania, United States; citing enumeration district (ED) 39-56, sheet 9B, family 195.

28 Gettysburg Times (Gettysburg, PA), 16 Sep 1940, page 2.

29 Gettysburg Times (Gettysburg, PA), 9 Nov 1940, page 2.

30 The Evening Herald (Shenandoah, PA), 1 Jul 1941, page 4.

31 Morning Call (Allentown, PA), 3 Sep 1941, page 7.

32 Mosquito News (The American Mosquito Control Association. Mount Laurel, New Jersey.), 1942, Issue 2. Page 47.

33 (Army Discharge Certificates).

34 Morning Call (Allentown, PA), 29 Nov 1942, page 17. Marriage of Isabel M. Bury and John Henry Beacher.

35 Morning Call (Allentown, PA), 29 Nov 1942, page 16.

36 Morning Call (Allentown, PA), 19 Aug 1945, page 3.

37 Morning Call (Allentown, PA), 21 Oct 1945, page 10.

38 Morning Call (Allentown, PA), 17 Nov 1945, page 2.

39 Morning Call (Allentown, PA), 30 Jan 1946, page 6.

40 Morning Call (Allentown, PA), 25 Feb 1949, page 24.

41 "1950 United States Census," New Jersey > Bergen > Teaneck > 2-531 > Sheet 33.

42 Morning Call (Allentown, PA), 16 Jun 1950, page 28.

43 Morning Call (Allentown, PA), 23 Nov 1952, page 28. The Paul Ettingers Hosts at Open House.

44 Morning Call (Allentown, PA), 22 Feb 1953, page 47.

45 Morning Call (Allentown, PA), 5 Feb 1954, page 12.

46 The Evening Herald (Shenandoah, PA), 6 Jan 1959, page 8. Obituary of Bertha P. Beacher.

47 Hazleton Standard-Speaker, Hazleton, PA (Hazleton, Luzerne County, Pennsylvania), 28 Feb 1985, page 2. Obituary of John Henry Beacher.

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