Johann Henrich Buecher
(Bef 1752-Aft 1820)
Johann Jacob Winteroth Sr.
Anna Maria Barbara Mayer
Samuel Beecher
Barbara Winterode
William W. Beecher


Family Links

1. Sarah Maria Guthrie

William W. Beecher 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

  • Born: 10 Aug 1801, Germany Twp., Adams, PA 5 8 9
  • Christened: 1 Nov 1801, Littlestown: Christ Reformed Church, Adams, PA
  • Marriage (1): Sarah Maria Guthrie on 26 Jul 1828 in Hagerstown, Washington, MD 1
  • Died: Oct 1881, Baltimore, Baltimore, MD at age 80 10
  • Buried: 12 Oct 1881, Baltimore: Loudon Park Cemetery, Baltimore, MD 10 11 12

   Other names for William were William Beicher,13 William W. Bucher and Wilhelm Buger.

   FamilySearch ID: K69V-175.

  Burial Notes:

Section W Lot 5.

  Noted events in his life were:

1. Court: in , Franklin, PA. 8 14 They [William and wife Maria nee Guthrie] made a petition to the Orphans Court of Franklin County, Pa., for a final settlement of the Guthrie estate, which then consisted of a farm of about 65 acres, and a lot adjoining the town of Mercersburg.

2. Census in 1810 in Germany Twp., Adams, PA. 15 Living in the household of Samuel Beecher:
Males (born)
Under 10 (1801-1810) = 1 son (William)
10-15 (1795-1800) = 1 son (Jacob)
16-25 (1785-1794) = 1 son (Henry)
26-44 (1766-1784) = 1 father (Samuel)
Females (born)
10-15 (1795-1800) = 2 daughters
26-44 (1766-1784) = 1 wife (Barbara).

3. Census in 1820 in Hagerstown, Washington, MD. 16 In 1820 Samuel Beacher's household had:
Males (born)
10-15 (1805-1810) = 1 son (William)
16-25 (1795-1804) = 2 (son Jacob and father Samuel in wrong age bracket)
Females (born)
10-15 (1805-1810) = 1 daughter
16-25 (1795-1804) = 1 daughter
45 & over (<=1775) = 1 wife (Barbara)
Related families appear on the same census pages: uncle William Beecher, and grandmother Catherine Beacher.

4. Newspaper: The Torch: notice that William Beecher joins business with Marmaduke Boyd and John D. Ridnour, 6 Jul 1826, Hagerstown, Washington, MD. 17 Boyd & Ridenour,
Return thanks to their friends and the public in general, for the enouragement they have met with since they commenced business in Clear Spring -- they also inform them that they have taken William W. Beecher into partnership. The business will thereofre in future be conducted under the firm of Boyd, Ridenour & Co. As they wish to close the busienss of the late firm as soon as possible, they request those indebted to call and settle accounts without delay. They would also inform their customers, &c. that they will in a few days, receive an assortment of
Seasonable GOODS,
from Baltimore -- when they will be enabled to sell cheap for the Cash.
Clear Spring, July 6. 36 - Sw.

5. Newspaper: The Torch: notice that William Beecher dissolves business with Marmaduke Boyd and John Ridnour, 6 Nov 1828, Hagerstown, Washington, MD. 18 Dissolution. The partnership heretofore existing under the firm of Boyd, Ridenour & Co. in this city dissovled by mutual consent. All persons indebted to said firm are request to make payment to Mr. W. W. Beecher; and all having claims against the firm, are requested to present them to him, who is authorized to settle the business of the firm.
Marmaduke W. Boyd,
John D. Ridenour
Wm. W. Beecher
Clear Spring, Nov 3, 1828

John D. Ridenour
Has moved his share of the stock of goods heretofore belonging to Boyd, Ridenour & Co. to the house one door west of Captain D. Brewer's Tavern -- where he is now prepared to accomodate his friends with Goods at reduced prices. He respectfully invites all who want BARGAINS, to call.

6. Census in 1830 in Hagerstown, Washington, MD. 19 Name: Wm Bucker [sic as indexed, poor handwriting is Beecher]
Home in 1830 Hagerstown, Washington, Maryland
Free White Persons - Males - Under 5: 1
Free White Persons - Males - 15 thru 19: 2
Free White Persons - Males - 20 thru 29: 2
Free White Persons - Females - 15 thru 19: 1
Free White Persons - Females - 20 thru 29: 2
Free White Persons - Under 20: 4
Free White Persons - 20 thru 49: 4
Total Free White Persons: 8.

7. Newspaper: The Torch: Shariff's Sales of Estate of Boyd, Ridenour and Beecher, 28 Apr 1831, Hagerstown, Washington, MD. 20 Sheriff's Sales
By virtue of sundry writs of fieri facias, issued out of Washington county court, and to me directed, against M. W. Boyd, John D. Ridenour and William Beecher, at the suits of Harmon Boggs, and Hopkins and Moore, I will sell for cash, on Saturday 21st day of May next, at the Sheriff's office, all the right, interest and estate, of said Boyd, Ridenour and Beecher, in and to
1 lot of Ground, with 2 Houses thereon,
occupied by Brewer and Nesbitt, as store houses -- said property situated in the Town of Clear-Spring -- Sale to commence at 11 o'clock on said day.

8. Census in 1840 in Clear Spring, Washington, MD. 9 In 1840 in Clear Spring the household of William W. Bucher was listed with:
Males (born)
15-19 (1821-1825) = 1 son
30-39 (1801-1810) = 1 father William
Females (born)
Under 5 (1836-1840) = 2 daughters
5-9 (1831-1835) = 1 daughter
15-19 (1821-1825) = 1 daughter
30-39 (1801-1810) = 1 wife.

9. Newspaper: Hagerstown Herald Freedom, 1 Sep 1846, Hagerstown, Washington, MD. 21 William Beecher was a justice of the peace, as the following newspaper article states. Ironcially, two years later, the law would seize William's land.

Hagerstown Herald of Freedom newspaper, 1 Sep 1846, Page 3 column B:

Constable's Sale By virtue of a writ of fieri facias, issued by Wm. W. Beecher, one of the Justices of the Peace of the State of Maryland, in and for Washington County, at the suit of Jacob Snyder, administrator of Daniel D. Miller, against the goods and chattles, lands and tenements of George Eyerly, to me directed, I have seized and taken in execution, all the right, title claim, interest and estate, at law and in equity, of the said George Eyerly, in and to One House and Lot in the town of Clearspring, known as No. 67 on the plot of said town, and I hereby give notice, that on Saturday the 19th day of September, at 4 o'clock, in the afternoon in the town of Clearspring, I will offer for sale the said property, so seized and taken in execution, by public auction, to the highest bidder for cash. Jacob B. Masters, Const. Sept. 1.

10. Newspaper: Hagerstown News, 27 Jan 1847, Hagerstown, Washington, MD. From the Hagerstown News page 1 column D:

Justices of the Peace.
John Herr
Wm. W. Beecher.

11. Newspaper: Hagerstown Herald of Freedom, 5 Apr 1848, Hagerstown, Washington, MD. 22 Hagerstown Herald of Freedom newspaper, 5 Apr 1848, Page 3 column A:

Constable's Sale. -- By virtue of a writ of fieri facias issued by Jonathan Hauer, one of the justices of the peace of the State of Maryland, in and for Washington county, at the suit of Lancelot Jacques and John Feidt, Administrators of Lancelot Jacques dec'd, against the goods and chattels, lands and tenements, of Jacob Brewer of P. and William W. Beecher, to me directed, I have seized and taken in execution all the right, title, claim, interest, and estate, at law and in equity of the said W. W. Beecher, in and to 101 acres of Mountain land, adjoining the lands of John Holmes, Jacob Brewer of P., &e., and I hereby give notice that on the 22nd day of April at 3 o'clock P. M., in the town of Clearspring, I will offer for sale the said property so seized and taken in execution by public auction to the highest bidder for cash.
April 5
J. B. Masters, Con.

12. Census in 1850 in , Loudoun, VA. 23 Wm Beacher, physician, 49, was living with wife Maria, 42; Margaret, 15; Marian, 12; Uservena 8; and Wm. 5. Both parents were born in Pennsylvania, and the children in Maryland. [The census page does not identify the location within the county.].

13. Newspaper: 10 Mar 1852, Hagerstown, Washington, MD. From the Hagerstown Herald Freedom newspaper, 10 Mar 1852:

By virute of two writs of fieri facias issued out of the Circuit Court of Washington county, at the suit of William Knepper use of Solomon Helser, againt the goods and chattels, lands and tenements of William W. Beecher, and to me directed, I have seized and taken in execution all of the right, title and interest, property, claim and demand, at law and in equity of the said William W. Beecher, of in and to the following described property, viz:


lying and being situate on the North side of East Washington Street, in Hagerstown and adjoining the lots of Mrs. Newman on the east side and Philip Schindel on the west, with a Weatherboarded DWELLING HOUSE, STABLE and other improvements thereon. Also -- ONE LOT in East Church Street in Hagerstown, lying and adjoining the property of John Gumfert on one side, and Mr. Manius on the other, witha LOG HOUSE and other improvements thereon. And I hereby give notice that I will sell all of the right, title and interest, property, claim and demand at law and in equity of the said William W. Beecher, of and in and to the above described Lots of Land, with the improvements thereon, in front of the Courthouse in Hagerstown, on Saturday the 3d day of April next, at 3 o'clock, P. M., to the highest bidder for cash.

March 10, 1852.

14. Residence: in 1853 in , , Pennylvania, USA. 24 25 His son Jacob was born in 1853 in Pennsylvania, according to Jacob's 1880 and 1900 Census.

15. Occupation: druggist who was listed in Woods' Baltimore Directory for 1856-57 in 1856 in Baltimore, Baltimore, MD. 26 The listing read:
Beecher W. W. druggist, cor Bait. & High, dw n Bond near Baltimore.

16. Census in 1860 in Havre de Grace, Harford, MD. 27 Wm W Beecher, apothecary, 58, was living with wife Sarah M., 50; Margaret, 20; Maria, 19; Eusebia, 16; William G., 12; and Jacob G., 8. The parents and Jacob were born in Pennsylvania, the other children in Maryland. William's real estate was worth $100. The post office was Harve de Grace.

17. Occupation: 1864 Baltimore Directory: Beecher W. W. Druggist, 100 Lexington in 1864 in Baltimore, Baltimore, MD. 28

18. Occupation: 1867 Baltimore Directory: Beecher W. W. & Co. (W. W. Beecher, E. Welty) druggists, 109 n Eutaw in 1867 in Baltimore, Baltimore, MD. 29

19. Census in 1870 in Baltimore, Baltimore, MD. 13 William Beicher, druggist, 69, was living with no wife and his children: Marrion, 25; William, clerk, 23; daughter Busebia, 20; Jacob, clerk, 16. Also in the home: Edward Yates, clerk, 35; Otta Hoster, book keeper, 25; and Emma William, servant, black, 11. William was born in Pennsylvania, and his children in Maryland. The post office is Baltimore.

20. Occupation: drug business in 1870 in Baltimore, Baltimore, MD. 8

21. Residence: 204 N. Eutaw, Baltimore, MD in 1874 in Baltimore, Baltimore, MD. 30 1874 Baltimore Directory:
Beecher, J. Gregg, clerk, 204 n Eutaw
Beecher Wm. N. clerk 204 n Eutaw
Beecher Wm. W. druggist, Southern Dispensary, 45 Conway, dw 204 n Eutaw.

22. Census in 1880 in Baltimore, Baltimore, MD. 31 William W. Beecher, druggist, 79, widowed, was living with his son, Jacob L. Beecher, 27, clerk in store; Marion Beecher, daughter, 35; Margaret Sutor, daughter, 42; Bessie M. Sutor, granddaughter, 8; Annie B. Sutor, granddaughter, 5; and servant Louisa Brownley, 45. William and Jacob were born in Pennsylvania, as were their parents. Everyone else was born in Maryland.

23. Occupation: Druggist, Southern Dispensary, 204 N. Eutaw, Baltimore in 1880 in Baltimore, Baltimore, MD. 32

24. Residence: 141 Argyle av in 1881 in Baltimore, Baltimore, MD. 33 1881 Baltimore Directory:
Beecher, J. Gregg clerk 141 Argyle av
Beecher Wm. N. clerk 123 n Calhoun
Beecher Wm. W. 141 Argyle av.

25. He has conflicting death information of The burial notes at Loudon Park Cemetery indicate 12 Oct 1881 is the date of William's burial, so he died before that., Oct 1881 and Baltimore, Baltimore, MD. 11

William married Sarah Maria Guthrie, daughter of William Brown Guthrie and Isabella Sterrett, on 26 Jul 1828 in Hagerstown, Washington, MD.1 (Sarah Maria Guthrie was born on 13 Sep 1808 in Mercersburg, Franklin, PA,8 27 died before 1870 in Baltimore, Baltimore, MD 13 25 34 and was buried in Baltimore: Loudon Park Cemetery, Baltimore, MD 35.)

  Noted events in their marriage were:

1. They have conflicting marriage information of 31 Jul 1828 and , Washington, MD. 8 It is possible their marriage license was issued on 26 Jul and they were actually married on 31 Jul.


1 Dodd, Jordan, Liahona Research, comp., Maryland Marriages, 1667-1899. (Provo, UT:, 2000-. Original data.).

2 The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, International Genealogical Index (R) (Copyright (c) 1980, 2002, data as of November 17, 2005), Batch #: C506711, Sheet #: 00, Source Call #: Q974.842 LI V2Y, Printout Call #: 1002430, Dates: 1745 - 1871.

3 Christ Reformed Church, Littlestown, Adams, Pennsylvania.

4 Letter from Craig Bennett (On file at the Adams County Historical Society, Gettysburg, Adams County, PA.
Mar 11 1972 letter from Craig M. Bennett, 31 Meeting St, Charleston Sc 29401, to Vice Admiral William Gordon Beecher of Alexandria, VA, describing the antique hand-painted fracturs cica 1800 proving birth of Samuel to father Henry Büger in possession of Craig, a descendent., March 11, 1972.

5 1830 United States Census, Maryland, Washington County, Hagerstown, Series: M19 Roll: 58 Page: 197.

6 The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, International Genealogical Index (R) (Copyright (c) 1980, 2002, data as of December 16, 2005
Items 1-2 Records of St. John's Evangelical Lutheran Church, Hagerstown, Maryland Miller, Louise L.
Item 3 Records of Zion Reformed Church of Hagerstown, Maryland Miller, Louise L.), Batch #: C320976, Source Call #: 0859283 IT 1-2, Printout Call #: NONE, Dates: 1767 - 1885.

7 Maryland, Births and Christenings, 1650-1995 (, Samuel Guthry Beecher, 07 Jun 1830; citing reference p. 264, FHL microfilm 859283.

8 Guthrie, Laurence Rawlin, American Guthrie and allied families : lineal representations of the colonial Guthries of Pennsylvania, Connecticut, Maryland, Delaware, Virginia, North and South Carolina, some post-revolutionary emigrants and of some allied families (Chambersburg, Pa.: Kerr Print. Co., c1933, 791 pgs.), Page 189.

9 1840 United States Census, Maryland, Washington County, Clear Spring, Series: M704 Roll: 171 Page: 162.

10 Find A Grave,

11 Anna Miller Watring, E. Charles Miller, and R. Scott Johnson, Loudon Park Caretaker Records, A-B, 1853-1986 (Westminster, Maryland: Family Line Publications, 1993. Out of print. See online, Grave of William W. Beecher.

12 Anna Miller Watring, E. Charles Miller, and R. Scott Johnson, Loudon Park Caretaker Records, A-B, 1853-1986 (Westminster, Maryland: Family Line Publications, 1993. Out of print. See online, Grave of Wm. W. Beecher.

13 1870 United States Census, Maryland, Baltimore (city), Baltimore, Roll: M593_576; Page: 106.

14 Franklin County, Pennsylvania Courthouse, Docket Vol. C, Orphans Court, p. 232.

15 1810 United States Census, Pennsylvania, Adams County, Germany Township, Series: M252 Roll: 44 Page: 62.

16 1820 United States Census, Maryland, Washington County, Hagerstown, Series: M33 Roll: 46 Page: 110-111.

17 The Torch Light, Hagerstown, Maryland (Hagerstown, Washington County, Maryland. Published 1851 to 1863.), 6 Jul 1826, page 4. William Beecher joines Boyd, Ridenour & Co.

18 The Torch Light, Hagerstown, Maryland (Hagerstown, Washington County, Maryland. Published 1851 to 1863.), 6 Nov 1828, page 7. Dissolution of Boyd, Ridenour & Co.

19 1830 United States Census, Wm Bucker, Hagerstown, Washington, Maryland, United States; citing 197.

20 The Torch Light, Hagerstown, Maryland (Hagerstown, Washington County, Maryland. Published 1851 to 1863.), 28 Apr 1831, page 4. Sheriff's sale of Estate of Boyd, Ridenour, Beecher.

21 Herald of Freedom, Hagerstown, Maryland, 1 Sep 1846, page 3, column B. Article "Constable's Sale" mentioning William Beecher is a Justice of the Peace.

22 Herald of Freedom, Hagerstown, Maryland, 5 Apr 1848, Page 3 column A. Constable Sale notice re William W. Beecher. Copy on file at Washington County Library. See

23 1850 United States Census, Virginia, Loudoun County, Unknown, Series: M432 Roll: 957 Page: 291.

24 1900 United States Census, Maryland, Baltimore County, Baltimore Ward 14, Series: T623 Roll: 614 Page: 208.

25 1800 United States Census, Maryland, Baltimore County, Baltimore 20th Ward Precinct 5, Family History Library Film 1254505, NA Film Number T9-0505, Page 466D.

26 Online Archives of Maryland (, Woods' Baltimore Directory for 1856-57, Volume 544, Page 24.

27 1860 United States Census, Maryland, Harford County, Havre de Grace, Series: M653 Roll: 476 Page: 81.

28 "Woods' Baltimore City Directory," - 1864, page 38 Beecher W W.

29 "Woods' Baltimore City Directory," 1867, Beecher W W.

30 "Woods' Baltimore City Directory," - 1874, page 61 Beecher.

31 1880 United States Census, Year: 1880; Census Place: Baltimore, Baltimore (Independent City), Maryland; Roll: 505; Family History Film: 1254505; Page: 466D; Enumeration District: 214; Image: 0514.

32, U.S., City Directories, 1822-1995, 1880 Baltimore City Directory, image 1136 of 1180.

33 "Woods' Baltimore City Directory," - 1881, page 94 Beecher.

34 Anna Miller Watring, E. Charles Miller, and R. Scott Johnson, Loudon Park Caretaker Records, A-B, 1853-1986 (Westminster, Maryland: Family Line Publications, 1993. Out of print. See online, Grave of Maria Beecher.

35 Find A Grave,

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