Henry Beecher
(From 1785/1794-1822)
Letty Cownover
Jacob Appleton
Anna Marie Robison
David Beecher
Martha Jane Appleton
George Robinson Beecher


Family Links

1. Annie Hughes

George Robinson Beecher 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

  • Born: 24 Jan 1843, Birmingham Twp., Allegheny County, PA 2 3 4 6 9
  • Marriage (1): Annie Hughes in 1864 in Pittsburgh, Allegheny, PA 1
  • Died: 29 Oct 1921, Rochester, Beaver, PA at age 78 1 4 6 9 10
  • Buried: 1 Nov 1921, Pittsburgh: Allegheny Cemetery, Allegheny, PA 4 6 9

   FamilySearch ID: MRH4-2ZD.

  Noted events in his life were:

1. Census in 1850 in Birmingham Twp., Allegheny County, PA. 2 David Beacher, black smith, 35, was living with Martha L., 30; Jacob H., 8; George R., 6; Elizabeth, 4. Also with them was Rebecca Apleton, 16. Everyone was born in Pennsylvania.

2. Occupation: Beecher George R. Nail cutter 206 Penna av in 1862 in Pittsburgh, Allegheny, PA. 11 The 1862 Pittsburgh City Directory listed these Beechers:
Beecher George R. nail cutter 206 Penna av
Beecher John of M'Williams & Beecher, cor Greensburg road and Highland av, East Liberty
Beecher Martha J., widow David, 206 Penna av
Beecher Thomas sailmaker, 58 Lacock, A
Beecher William carp, cor Fayette and Beaver, M
Beecher William, tavern, 11 Diamond.

3. Military from 13 Jan 1864 to 16 Jul 1865 in , , Pennylvania, USA: Civil War: Co. F. 46th Pa. Inf. 1st Sgt. 9

4. Census in 1870 in Pittsburgh, Allegheny, PA. 12 In the 1870 Census in the South Ward of Pittsburgh, Geo. Beecher, nailer, 27, was living with wife Ann, 25; and Stella, 3. Everyone was born in Pennsylvania.

5. Residence: 1879 Pittsburgh Directory: Beecher Geo R, nailer, Forbes, bt Van Braam and Marion in 1879 in Pittsburgh, Allegheny, PA. 13 Beechers in 1879 Pittsburgh (A is abbrev. for Allegheny)
Beecher Geo R, nailer, Forbes, bt Van Braam and Marion
Beecher H J. of H J Beecher & Co, Pleasant Valley
Beecher H J & Co. eating saloon, 27 E Diamond, A
Beecher Harvey, machinist, 89 Charles, A
Beecher Henry J, machinist, 164 Chartiers, A
Beecher Jacob H, nailer, Morgan, n Centre
Beecher Jas R, carpenter, Penn av, opp station, 20th ward
Beecher John, capenter, Sheridan av, e e
Beecher John, helper, bds 216 Beaver av, A.

6. Census in 1880 in Pittsburgh, Allegheny, PA. 14 In the 1880 Census was listed Geo. R. Beecher, works for gas co., 37, living with wife Annie, 35; daughter Stella, 13; son Walter, 9; and daughter Edith 5. Everyone and their parents were born in Pennsylvania.

7. Residence: 1885 Pittsburgh Directory: Beecher Geo R, fireman, Locust, n Gist in 1885 in Pittsburgh, Allegheny, PA. 15 Beechers in 1885 Pittsburgh (A is abbrev. for Allegheny)
Beecher Geo R, fireman, Locust, n Gist
Beecher Henry J, machinist, 77 Beaver av, A
Beecher J H, nailor, Morgan, n Vera
Beecher J R, carpenter, 5827 Ellsworth av
Beecher Margaret, widow John, 5803 Walnut
Beecher William, carpenter, 91 Charles, A.

8. Newspaper: Pittsburgh Press: Suspension of Fireman George Beecher, 16 Jun 1886, Pittsburgh, Allegheny, PA. 16 The indefinite suspension of Fireman George Beecher for having made use of some partisan expressions, such as "rats!" or "scabs!" to the police who were esorting non-union men to take the place of the strikers of the Pennsylvania Tube Works, seems rather inconsistent with Fire Dictator Magree's scheme to make Knights of Labor out of all the firemaen -- just to help the cause of union labor along. But perhaps it is Beecher's sentence that is to be "suspended indefinitely."

9. Military in 1890 in Pittsburgh, Allegheny, PA: 1890 Veterans Schedule: Beecher, Georg R., sergt. Company F 46th PA Infantry, enlisted 23 Aug 1861, disharged 13 Aug 1865, 3 years 11 months 21 days. 17

10. Newspaper: Pittsburg Dispatch: "Secret Societies: Jr. O. U. A. M.: Chief Marshal Thomas J. Morley for the Washington Birthday Parade announcese the following appointments: Adjutant General, George R. Beecher, of 365;", 8 Feb 1891, Pittsburgh, Allegheny, PA. 18

11. Newspaper: Pittsburg Dispatch: newspaper article about Washington's Parade with drawing of Adjutant General George Beecher., 24 Feb 1891, Pittsburgh, Allegheny, PA. 19

12. Residence: 1893 Pittsburgh Directory: Beecher, George R., laborer, 1906 Ann in 1893 in Pittsburgh, Allegheny, PA. 20

13. Census in 1900 in Pittsburgh, Allegheny, PA. 3 In the 1900 Census renting a home at 30 Berlin Street in Pittsburgh was George R. Beecher, driver of a laundry wagon, 57, born Jan 1843, married for 33 years to Annie, 55, Dec 1844. Annie has given birth to 6 children and 2 were still alive in 1900. With them is daughter Martha E., 31, Sept 1868, single. Everyone and their parents were born in Pennsylvania.

14. Newspaper: Scranton Republican: George Beecher's Civil War Renunion, 14 Jul 1908, Scranton, Lackawanna, PA. 21 Celebrate Anniversary
Survivors of Battle of Cedar Mountain, Co. I of This City

The F Company of the Forty-sixth regiment, First division of the Pennsylvania Volunteer infantry, Twelfth Army corps, will celebrate the 46th anniversary of the battle of Cedar Mountain, Va., at the home of Comrade N. A. Frederick, East Liverpool, Ohio, on Saturday, August 8, instead of on August 9, which falls this year on Sunday.
Mr. George R. Beecher, secretary of the movement, writing from Pittsburgh, mentions that Co. I was mustered at Scranton and served with distinction until the close of the war under Col. Patrick Griffiths. Mr. Beecher asks that the name of Col. Griffiths be published for the information of a few survivors of his regiment and he would dearly love to have some knowledge of the whereabouts at present of the veteran Griffiths. The reunion should give an opportunity to the survivors to recall their many daring deeds in that memorable war.

15. Newspaper: Indiana Democrat: Survivors of F Company to Gather on Anniversary of Battle, 5 Aug 1908, Indiana, Indiana, PA. 22 MEET AT EAST LIVERPOOL
Survivors of F Company to Gather on Anniversary of Battle

Secreatary George R. Beecher has issued invitations for the survivors of F Company, Forty-sixth Pennsylvania Infantry, to gather at the home of Comrade N. A. Frederick, East Liverpool, O., on Saturday, August 8. The occassion is the forty-sixth anniversary of the battle of Cedar Mountain.
The company was recruited by Captain Ben W. Morgan, who died within the last year. During the four yeasrs of service of the company there was a total enlistment of 197. Of these 17 were killed in action, 52 wounded, 45 made prisoners of war, four died in prison and seven died in the hospital in camp.

16. Newspaper: Pittsburgh Daily Post: Reunion of Veterans To-Day., 10 Aug 1909, Pittsburgh, Allegheny, PA. 23 Surviving members of Company F, Forty-sixth Pennsylvania volunteers, who served through the Civil war, will gather to-day at the home of Matthew Nelson, Hookstown, Beaver county, for their annual reunion. There are only 18 members living, seven of whom are residents of this city. Company F was recruited in Old City hall, this city, in May, 1861, by Captain Benjamin Morgan. The company saw service at Antietam, Gettysburg, Cedar Mountain, Winchester and through the Shenandoah valley. A history of the company has been compiled by George R. Beecher.

17. Newspaper: Post-Gazette: full page Civil War article and 1862 photo of prviates George R. Beecher, 26 Sep 1909, Pittsburgh, Allegheny, PA. 24 Segment of article mentioning Beecher:
46th Pennsylvania Volunteers... Living in Pittsburgh today me be mentioned George R. Beecher...
George R. Beecher will greet you pleasantly any aternoon after 3 o'clock in the corridor of the court house annex, where his most onerous duties are the soace those living couples who arrive ater the marriage license office is closed, and wander into the registration rooms. "Col." Beecher is a son of Mrs. Martha J. Beecher, a noted revivaist in Pittsburgh in antebellum days, and some years later. The Beecher home was in old Asbury chapel in Townsend street, later the Church o God and long since turned into a synagogue. It was once a landmark in Methodism in Pittsburgh. The colonel is also a veteran fireman, having served on engine company No. 4 on Fifth avenue (the old Relief company). The colonel is also a veteran fireman, having served on engine company No. 4 on Fifth avenue (the old Relief company).
..."Comrade" Beecher was commissioned first lieutenant of his company. He is a member o the Union Veteran Legion No. 1.
...Wm. Daly, 46 P. V. rear 43 Penna. av.
John Gavin, solider, Try and Shingiss.
These two were among 17 enlisted men of Company F, who re-enlisted for the war, having been moved by the persuasive argument o Comrade Beecher, who oft repeated: "Boys, we have gone into this business and let's see it through." Alas! These two and Corp. Jame F. Frazier did not see the end. All were killed at Peach Tree Creek, Ga., July 20, 1864. But their names are in bronze on Pennsylvania's monument at Gettysburg, and though but a trace of their humanity lies hidden in some national cemetery, their names live in that enduring bronze on one o the greatest fields of the glory of the American soldier.
...The accompanying photograph of two privates of the Forty-sixth, Thomas Morgan and George R. Beecher, of Company F., was taken in 1862 at Hancock, Md. "Col." Beecher is the smaller man. They had on their dress uniforms.

18. Census in 1920 in Pittsburgh, Allegheny, PA. 25 In 1920 the household headed by Walter Beecher, 48, included wife Caroline, 42; Walter Beecher, 22; John Beecher, 20; George Beecher, 15; and mother Georgie Beecher, 75; and father George R. Beecher, 77. Everyone and their parents were born in Pennsylvania.

19. Cause of Death: George died at Passavant Home for Epileptics (http://www.passavant.org/) from a cerebral hemorrhage, due to epilepsy, 29 Oct 1921, Rochester, Beaver, PA. 6

20. Obituary: on 30 Oct 1921 in Pittsburgh, Allegheny, PA. Beecher, George Robinson. Age 78, a former member of Pittsburg's fire dept., a civil war veteran. His mother was a preacher & revivalist of the Church of God. A member of the Company F. Forty-sixth volunteers. Was with Sheridan's [should be Sherman's] March through Georgia. Captured at the battle of Cedar Mountain, Virginia, Aug 9 1862. POW in Libby prison on Belle Isle at Richmond, Virginia. Married to Miss Annie Hughes of Pittsburg in 1886. Besides his widow, a son Walter R. Beecher & a daughter Mrs. Wallace Tucker, 3 grandsons, all in Pittsburg.

21. Newspaper: Pittsburgh Daily Post: Death Notice for George Robinson Beecher, 31 Oct 1921, Pittsburgh, Allegheny, PA. 26 Beecher, George Robinson - On Saturday, Oct. 29, 1921, George Robinson Beecher, beloved husband of Mrs. Annie Beecher, in his 79th year. Funeral services at his son's home, Walter B. Beecher, 1330 Sheridan Ave., East End, Pittsburgh, Tuesday, November 1, 2 p. m. Interment private.

22. Obituary: Pittsburgh Post-Gazette: obituary and photo of George R. Beecher on 31 Oct 1921 in Pittsburgh, Allegheny, PA. 1 Veteran City Fireman And Soldier Of North Side Dies In Rochester
(photo of George R. Beecher)
George Robinson Beecher, veteran fireman and soldier, died last Saturday morning in Rochester, Pa. Mr. Beecher was born on the North Side, January 24, 1843, the son of David and Martha Appleton Beecher. His mother preceding and during the Civil War period was famous as a revivalist of the Church of God at old Asbury Chapel in Townsend street.
In July, 1861, Mr. Beecher enlisted as a private in a company recruited by Capt. Ben W. Morgan in old City Hall on Market street, which became Company F of the Forty-sixth Pennsylvania Volunteers, in which he served until July, 1865, having been promoted through all the grades to first lieutenant. H eserved in both the Eastern and Western fields and was one of the few survivors of Pittsburgh Civil War veterans who marched with Sherman through Georgia and the Carolinas. Mr. Beecher was captured at the battle of Cedar Mountain, Va., August 9, 1862, and was a prisoner of war in Libby Prison and on Belle Island in the James River at Richmond, Va. Upon his return from the Army he learned the trade of a nailer and ran a string of cut nail machines for a number of years.
In 1874 Mr. Beecher became a member of the Pittsburgh Fire Department, serving with the Relief Engine Company No. 4, Fifth avenue and Miltenberger street, having previously been a volunteer fireman. When the Kensington Land Company was formed to exploit the town of New Kensington he entered their employment and was one of their most efficient lot salesmen.
Mr. Beecher was married in 1864 to Miss Annie Hughes of Pittsburgh. He was a member of the Union Veteran Legion No. 1 of Pittsburgh. He leaves his widow, a son, Walter R. Beecher; a daughter, Mrs. Wallace Tucker, and three grandchildren, Walter M., John J. and George R. Beecher of Pittsburgh.

George married Annie Hughes, daughter of William Hughes and Matilda Etswiler, in 1864 in Pittsburgh, Allegheny, PA.1 (Annie Hughes was born on 27 Dec 1844 in Pittsburgh, Allegheny, PA,3 27 28 died on 6 Apr 1924 in Pittsburgh, Allegheny, PA 27 28 29 and was buried on 8 Apr 1924 in Pittsburgh: Allegheny Cemetery, Allegheny, PA 28 29 30.)


1 Pittsburgh Post-Gazette (Pittsburgh, PA), 31 Oct 1921, page 9. Obituary of George Robinson Beecher.

2 1850 United States Census, Pennsylvania, Allegheny County, Birmingham Township, Series: M432 Roll: 748 Page: 81.

3 1900 United States Census, https://familysearch.org/pal:/MM9.1.1/MS1P-PVV George R. Beecher, ED 227 Precinct 14 Pittsburgh city Ward 19, Allegheny, Pennsylvania, United States; citing sheet 7A, family 129.

4 Find A Grave, http://www.findagrave.com/cgi-bin/fg.cgi?page=gr&GRid=116359686.

5 Ancestry.com, Pennsylvania, U.S., Death Certificates, 1906-1971 (Original data: Pennsylvania (State). Death certificates. Records of the Pennsylvania Department of Health, Record Group 11. Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania.), Death Certificate 102299. Walter B. Beecher. Father George R. Beecher. Mother Annie Hughes.

6 Ancestry.com, Pennsylvania, U.S., Death Certificates, 1906-1971 (Original data: Pennsylvania (State). Death certificates. Records of the Pennsylvania Department of Health, Record Group 11. Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania.), Death Certificate 98166. George R. Beecher. Father David Beecher. Mother Martha Appleton.

7 Ancestry.com, Pennsylvania, U.S., Death Certificates, 1906-1971 (Original data: Pennsylvania (State). Death certificates. Records of the Pennsylvania Department of Health, Record Group 11. Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania.), Death Certificate 2905. Estella Tucker. Father George R. Beecher. Mother Annie Hughes. Spouse Wallace Tucker.

8 FamilySearch.org, Pennsylvania Births and Christenings, 1709-1950, https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:V2V4-HJ3 Walter Beecher, 06 Aug 1871.

9 Ancestry.com, Pennsylvania, Veterans Burial Cards, 1777-2012 (Pennsylvania Veterans Burial Cards, 1777-2012. Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission, Bureau of Archives and History. Harrisburg, Pennsylvania.), Beecher, R. George. 1843-1921.

10 Pennsylvania Department of Health, Pennsylvania, Death Indices (Pennsylvania Division of Vital Records, New Castle, PA, 16103. Online at http://www.portal.state.pa.us/portal/server.pt/community/public_records/20686 .), 29 Oct 1921, George R. Beecher, died in Beaver County, certificate # 98166. http://www.health.state.pa.us/indices/indices%20-%20death/1921%20Death/D-21%20A-B.pdf.

11 Ancestry.com, U.S., City Directories, 1822-1995, Pittsburgh City Directory, 1862, printed page 19, online image 20 of 220.

12 1870 United States Census, Pennsylvania, Allegheny County, Pittsburgh, South Ward, Series: M593 Roll: 1296 Page: 81.

13 Ancestry.com, U.S., City Directories, 1822-1995, 1879 Pittsburgh City Directory, online image 54.

14 1880 United States Census, https://familysearch.org/pal:/MM9.1.1/MW6J-WFQ Geo. R. Beecher, Pittsburgh, Allegheny, Pennsylvania, United States; citing sheet 224C, family 0, NARA microfilm publication T9-1092.

15 Ancestry.com, U.S., City Directories, 1822-1995, 1885 Pittsburgh City Directory, online image 50.

16 Pittsburgh Press (Pittsburgh, PA), 16 Jun 1886, page 2.

17 1890 Veterans Schedules (Provo, UT, USA: Ancestry.com Operations Inc, 2005. Original data: Special Schedules of the Eleventh Census (1890) Enumerating Union Veterans and Widows of Union Veterans of the Civil War; (National Archives Microfilm Publication M123, 118 rolls); Records of the Department of Veterans Affairs, Record Group 15; National Archives, Washington, D.C.), George R. Beecher.

18 Pittsburg Dispatch (Pittsburgh, PA), 8 Feb 1891, page 13.

19 Pittsburg Dispatch (Pittsburgh, PA), 24 Feb 1891, page 1. Drawing of George Beecher.

20 Ancestry.com, U.S., City Directories, 1822-1995, 1893 J. F. Diffenbacher's Directory: Pittsburgh and Allegheny, PA. page 141, online image 68.

21 The Scranton Republican (Scranton, Lackawana, Pennsylvania), 14 Jul 1908, page 2.

22 The Indiana Democrat (Indiana, Pennsylvania) (Indiana, Indiana, Pennsylvania), 5 Aug 1908, page 6.

23 Pittsburgh Daily Post (Pittsburgh, PA), 10 Aug 1909, page 5.

24 Pittsburgh Post-Gazette (Pittsburgh, PA), 26 Sep 1909, page 10.

25 1920 United States Census, https://familysearch.org/pal:/MM9.1.1/M61D-Y58 Walter Beecher, , Allegheny, Pennsylvania; citing enumeration district (ED) , sheet 14A, family 298, NARA microfilm publication T625, FHL microfilm 1821518.

26 Pittsburgh Daily Post (Pittsburgh, PA), 31 Oct 1921, page 11.

27 Ancestry.com, Pennsylvania, U.S., Death Certificates, 1906-1971 (Original data: Pennsylvania (State). Death certificates. Records of the Pennsylvania Department of Health, Record Group 11. Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania.), Death Certificate 35179. Mrs. Anna Beecher. Father William Hughes. Mother Matilda Etswriler.

28 Find A Grave, http://www.findagrave.com/cgi-bin/fg.cgi?page=gr&GRid=116359658.

29 FamilySearch.org, "Pennsylvania, Pittsburgh, Allegheny Cemetery Records, 1845 - 1960," https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:WHJV-SXT2 Annie H Beecher, 8 Apr 1924; citing Burial, Allegheny, Pennsylvania, United States, Allegheny Cemetery, Pittsburgh.

30 Ancestry.com, Pennsylvania, U.S., Death Certificates, 1906-1971 (Original data: Pennsylvania (State). Death certificates. Records of the Pennsylvania Department of Health, Record Group 11. Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania.), Certificate 35179. Mrs. Anna Beecher. Father William Hughes, mother Matilda Etswriler.

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